kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 7: Personal Branding (Business Cards) 
In preparation for Gradshow, I have been throughly working hard to make sure that the branding of myself as a professional practitioner is to a high standard and best reflects me. 
From redesigning my brand logo, to updating my portfolio website, I wanted to think about Gradshow and how my brand can be positioned physically. 
Above / I have created a series of business cards, complete with my revised logo and relevant contact details (Instagram, LinkedIn, Email Address, Phone Number and Online Portfolio web link). 
These have currently been sent to print and should arrive in time to be placed by my exhibition boards for the Gradshow. I also intend on having postcards made, which highlight snaps of my best work, as well as a physical portfolio that the public can flick through. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 7: Personal Branding (Portfolio Website Refresh)
In addition to the brand logo itself, I decided to re-work my online portfolio website as I felt this needed an update. Aside from including my new brand logo in the header, I now have all of the projects fully updated (complete with details on my most recent projects/briefs). The profile picture within the ‘About’ page has been altered to my professional Gradshow image to look more corporate. 
Link to my Online Portfolio: https://kimberleybishop.squarespace.com
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 7: Personal Branding (Brand Logo Refresh)
Alongside working on my other project briefs in the meantime I have been working to revise my previous self branding. My previous logo for example looked very cluttered and the lettering looked unpolished. 
Over the last remaining weeks before my submission deadline I have spent some time to alter this by reworking the logo into a much smoother and cleaner version that can be used on my portfolio website and branded collateral.
As can be seen above on the left hand side is my previous logo, meanwhile on the right is my final revised brand logo/symbol. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Digital Application - Instagram Mockup)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Billboard Ad Mockup)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Print Poster Ad Mockup)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Print Poster Ad Mockup)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Print Poster Ad Mockup)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Billboard Advertisement)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Print Poster Advertisement #3)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Print Poster Advertisement #2)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Print Poster Advertisement #1) 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Illustrated Coffee Cup #3)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Illustrated Coffee Cup #2) 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Illustrated Coffee Cup #1)
Above / Is the first final cup design produced out of the series for my campaign, fully mocked up three-demensionally. The quote I selected for this outcome was “Be Your Beautiful Self”. Using a variety of different lettering styles I wanted to make my artwork appear diverse and more visually intriguing. Around the outside of the quotes I have added small detailed illustrations those depicting small hearts and stars. Working to achieve saliency with the Starbucks brand I’ve made sure to use the same green colour palette as seen within their logo. 
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Brief 6: Lettering Development 
In working to develop my cup designs, I started to hand draw quotes and messages of positivity that I felt could feature. These will be scanned into Adobe Illustrator for vectorisation and later transferred into Photoshop for colourisation. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: Starbucks Past/Existing Campaigns (Poster Advertisements)
Written within the creative brief for this project, my final outcomes will consist of several static print advertisements including an outdoor billboard ad. The print ads will work to be placed within the Starbucks stores across the country, including outside where the general public can see them in passing (such as on bus shelters and pop-up digital screens).
As this is going to be the format of my main deliverables I have been looking at the types of printed campaigns Starbucks has produced before. Above are a selection of print ads i’ve found while researching, some of which grabbed my eye and looked visually appealing. 
The first one for example promoting the new Frappuccino line of beverages utilises an illustrative approach to highlight the imagery of their products. With quirky illustrations and some hand lettering the advertisements are given an almost playful and excitable feel/dynamic. 
Following on from this are a series of advertisements designed for the launch of their festive red cups campaign. The first one cleverly depicts several coffee cups aligned centrally. With the cream of each coffee cup they are made to appear staggered, forming the imagery of a Christmas tree.
The final campaign is constructed to appear like a paper cut out. The coffee cups look like they are placed between several snowy hills. In terms of the lettering it looks as though it has been hand written using ribbon, providing an overall crafted feel to the poster campaign. 
Analysing each of the individual campaigns it could be said that they all follow similar traits and conventions in how they appear. One of the most obvious characteristics is how the writing appears over the top of all imagery. In each of the posters, the Starbucks cup takes centre stage as the main important image. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: Starbucks Past/Existing Campaigns (Social Media)
In understanding what campaigns have already been adapted by Starbucks before, I have begun analysing a few used over the last few years. 
Whilst researching I came across an article link that compiled several of their ‘Most awesome Social Media campaigns’. This turned out to be a very interesting read and it really did help to open up my knowledge of the Starbucks brand - in order to understand who they are and the causes they stand for/represent. 
1) Blonde Roast
Back in 2011, Starbucks launched its new Blonde Roast coffee. In working to promote it to their customers they decided upon doing a giveaway over their social media channels. Using the Facebook app, customers could learn about the new product, claim a free cup of Blonde Roast on their next in-store purchase and send an e-card to their friends (to brighten their day).
2) Pumpkin Latte 
Starbucks has developed a reputation for being one of the most loved coffee brands/brands in general by the public. They have a loyal customer base who are eager for the launch of their latest products and new ranges.
After being pulled from their stores, the Pumpkin Spice Latte made a surprise return. In celebration of this, Starbucks decided to launch a campaign whereby they gave people from the general public the chance to have the flavour available in their town for a week before everyone else. 
In order to win, fans were required to rack up points directly through the Facebook app. The points could be earned by giving city shoutouts, solving daily challenges set or by making a daily creation in the app itself. 
At the end it was revealed that Chicago were the winning state, coming out on top with 10.6m points, while Seattle followed up behind in second with 342,000 points. 
3) Tweet-A-Coffee
During October 2013, Starbucks initiated the campaign ‘Tweet-A-Coffee’. This worked to enable customers to gift their friends money off their next coffee. They could simply send them a $5 gift card by putting their friends Twitter handle along with the account name @tweetacoffee. 
It was unveiled that during the months of the campaign launch more than 27,000 customers had tweeted a coffee, with 34% purchasing multiple gift cards. Estimations also suggest that Starbucks sold around $180,000 dollars worth of coffee during the entirety of the promotion. 
4) #TreatReciept
Raising attention to a new discount available for their customers, Starbucks began tagging their latest Facebook announcements with the hashtag #treatreciept. The deal offered customers a saving discount in the afternoon if they had bought a coffee that morning on the same exact day. 
5) Snow Day in Real Time
This campaign saw Starbucks respond to the early 2013 blizzard (Nemo), which swept it’s way across the east coast of America. Through their social media accounts, they decided to promote a series of advertisements that would appear on their customers timelines. The posts depicted images of people holding warm cups of coffee. As they were promoted, everytime #blizzard or #nemo was searched by the user, Starbucks tweets would appear reminding them to grab that well needed coffee. 
6) Behind the Scenes
Although not a designated campaign (as such!) Starbucks have most recently taken to the platform of Instagram to promote their brand and latest products. Through this they are very pro-active in keeping their loyal customers up to date with everything surrounding/affecting the brand. With Instagram, Starbucks are known to post “behind the scenes” pictures uncaptioned (generally showing their factories or coffee roasting). Photos are also reposted by other fans who promote their coffee onto their feed from multiple locations. This is a simple idea which works to build a lasting relationship with their customers, making it less focused on the brand, but more on the people and product itself. 
7) Charity Campaign (AIDS Awareness)
In 2012, Starbucks partnered with Foursquare to work on a charitable campaign that raised awareness of AIDS. Between 1st - 10th June Starbucks donated $1 to the charity fund every-time someone checked into one of their store locations throughout the US or Canada. 
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