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jessiangravelblr · 19 days
Lil Wayne - Lollipop (Official Music Video) ft. Static
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top100k · 10 months
Видеорегистраторы спб ▶▶▶ https://kahgo.ru/epKEfU4
В подавляющем большинстве случаев, хорошие видеорегистраторы с широким функционалом стоят довольно дорого, в связи с этим их могут позволить себе далеко не все автолюбители.
Однако подобная неприятность не касается изделия Junsun. Данный видеорегистратор несет в себе профессиональное технологичное обеспечение, масштабный комплект функций и вразумительную цену.
Достойный уровень видеосъемки SUPER HD и интегрированная GPS-база полицейских радаров делают элегантный Junsun беспроигрышным помощником в путешествиях на авто.
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Junsun снабжен могучим микропроцессором Ambarella и матрицей OmniVision. Эта техническая база дает возможность видеорегистратору снимать видеоролики с разрешением SuperHD 2304x1296 при 30 кадрах за секунду и извлекать максимально добротную картинку и в дневное, и ночью. Sho me fhd 525 обзор.
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Именно благодаря широкому углу обзора в 170° Junsun охватывает все 5 полос путевого полотна, наряду с этим не искажая картинку. Зеркало с регистратором и камерой заднего вида. Видеорегистратор запечатлит реально все, что происходит на трассе. Лучшие видеорегистраторы 2023 года рейтинг.
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Видеорегистраторы спб #Видеорегистраторы #спб
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linda-weiss · 11 months
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Some research and fabulous install shots by Marc Doradzillo :) Lustigkeit, Prozessstufe III verweilt noch in Freiburg. Aber bald sind die SCOBY wieder bei mir im Atelier und die Prototypen-Bespielung der Gefäße kann weitergehen. Dann wird die Anglerfisch-Anwandlung weiter ausdefiniert.
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
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Asking the important questions, I see
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Season 2, Round L6, Poll #5
Character 37:
eats people
his source media has a curious grammatical error that results in multiple potential interpretations
he can fly
ugly representation
Character 78: he was abandoned by his mother when he was like 3 and ended up raised as a child soldier in what was essentially a cult. then he got kidnapped by his stepmother and ended up at ANOTHER CULT, eventually making his way back to the original cult. except then Bad Things Happened so he had to leave, and though he does make friends and get character development everything goes to hell when his best friend dies. he grieves for a few days then gets a message that says his friend is in fact still alive and was resurrected, so he spends the next few months searching for him. he doesn't find anything and goes to boarding school to try and live a normal life, his girlfriend breaks up with him, and then he gets dragged back into his old Fantasy Book Teenage Protagonist Life and gets killed in the most dramatic insane way possible, via getting stabbed by an evil immortal thousands-of-years-old capitalist.
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L6/40 light tank, it was the main tank employed by the Italian forces fighting on the Eastern Front alongside the L6/40-based Semovente 47/32 self-propelled gun.
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lonestarflight · 11 months
Martin Marietta Titan III-L series
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"The Titan III-L series was a Martin Marietta concept (late 1960’s into early 1970’s) for a heavy lift derivative of the Titan III-C launch vehicle. The core would be increased in diameter from 10 feet to 15, and the number of liquid propellant rocket engines increased from two to four. Additionally, the vehicle could be given two, four or six solid rocket motors (Titan III-L2, Titan III-L4, Titan III-L6). The Titan III-L6 concept was considered as a first stage booster for the Space Shuttle.
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The Titan III-L2 had enough lift capacity to launch an Apollo-derived capsule and service module, providing an alternative to the Saturn IB for space station logistics and crew transfer."
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kultofathena · 4 months
The Celestial Katana melds the forms of the roiling and rhythmic waves of the deep sea with the timeless movements of the Celestial bodies; thus merging sea, stars and the tide pools of the galaxy into entwined imagery and layered theme. Rendered in the earthy iron fittings of this Katana, these powerful symbols represent the ebb and flow of time and place and thus the Samurai finds and maintains his balance within the greater cyclic rhythm of harmonious creation between both the heavens and the deeps of the sea.
In stock and available to order now
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todays-xkcd · 2 years
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It's difficult to orbit L6 stably due to gravitational perturbation from Akron and Toledo.
L6 Lagrange Point [Explained]
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nebsisdead · 9 months
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solsync · 2 years
pinned  post bc ppl need these nowadays i think [clueless]
✌️ lyric / elle im 24 this is my carrd . he/they/she + neos
icon & mobile/dashboard header are official :]
blanket consume everything critically disclaimer im a tumblr [slur] and creators hate me lets all frolic DAYS LIKE THESE MAKE A MAN A FOOL !!
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cnevpost · 13 days
Li Auto sees 100,000th Li L6 roll off line
The Li L6 is Li Auto’s lowest-priced model, with monthly deliveries exceeding 20,000 units in each of the last three months. (A Li L6 on display at a CATL showroom in Chengdu, Sichuan province in August 2024. Image credit: CnEVPost) Li Auto (NASDAQ: LI) saw the 100,000th production car of the Li L6 roll off the line today, about five months after the model’s official launch. The new energy…
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linda-weiss · 1 year
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Link zum Interview mit der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg und Installationsansichten aus "Misfortune must be fought back" zusammen mit Marian Mayland und Jonas Bolle im L6, Freiburg, Okt./ Nov. 2023 In die Ausstellung geraten:
Lustigkeiten, Prozessstufe III, 2023
Mixed Media (SCOBY* umgeben von Zucker, Grüntee, Glas, Sticker, Textil, Keramik, Kupfer, verzinktes Eisen, Filz, Plastik, Carerra-Bahn).
*SCOBY steht für symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast/ symbiotische Kultur bestehend aus Bakterien und Hefepilzen zur Herstellung von Kombucha, engl. für Teepilz.
Mit herzlichem Dank an das Freiburger Archiv Soziale Bewegungen e.V. für das gemeinsame Denken und zur Verfügung stellen der Abbildungen auf den Glasgefäßen.
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ajleeblog · 30 days
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(via Jetour Shanhai L6: A Deep Dive into the New Energy Compact SUV Shaking Up the Market)
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