kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 7: Personal Branding (Business Cards) 
In preparation for Gradshow, I have been throughly working hard to make sure that the branding of myself as a professional practitioner is to a high standard and best reflects me. 
From redesigning my brand logo, to updating my portfolio website, I wanted to think about Gradshow and how my brand can be positioned physically. 
Above / I have created a series of business cards, complete with my revised logo and relevant contact details (Instagram, LinkedIn, Email Address, Phone Number and Online Portfolio web link). 
These have currently been sent to print and should arrive in time to be placed by my exhibition boards for the Gradshow. I also intend on having postcards made, which highlight snaps of my best work, as well as a physical portfolio that the public can flick through. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: Starbucks Past/Existing Campaigns (Poster Advertisements)
Written within the creative brief for this project, my final outcomes will consist of several static print advertisements including an outdoor billboard ad. The print ads will work to be placed within the Starbucks stores across the country, including outside where the general public can see them in passing (such as on bus shelters and pop-up digital screens).
As this is going to be the format of my main deliverables I have been looking at the types of printed campaigns Starbucks has produced before. Above are a selection of print ads i’ve found while researching, some of which grabbed my eye and looked visually appealing. 
The first one for example promoting the new Frappuccino line of beverages utilises an illustrative approach to highlight the imagery of their products. With quirky illustrations and some hand lettering the advertisements are given an almost playful and excitable feel/dynamic. 
Following on from this are a series of advertisements designed for the launch of their festive red cups campaign. The first one cleverly depicts several coffee cups aligned centrally. With the cream of each coffee cup they are made to appear staggered, forming the imagery of a Christmas tree.
The final campaign is constructed to appear like a paper cut out. The coffee cups look like they are placed between several snowy hills. In terms of the lettering it looks as though it has been hand written using ribbon, providing an overall crafted feel to the poster campaign. 
Analysing each of the individual campaigns it could be said that they all follow similar traits and conventions in how they appear. One of the most obvious characteristics is how the writing appears over the top of all imagery. In each of the posters, the Starbucks cup takes centre stage as the main important image. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 4: T-Shirt Illustration #1
As the competition states you can submit multiple entries, I have decided to produce two separate illustrations (which will work as two submissions on their site). 
With the first illustration (as seen above) I have taken inspiration from Gaps initial denim origins and the item which they first became popular for developing ‘Jeans and Jackets’. I further wanted to highlight the areas that Gap has achieved ‘More than Denim’ over their 50 years of trade, from promoting social and cultural change to becoming a leading Fashion retailer. 
Using my iPad Pro and the Procreate app I sketched, vectored and colourised my illustration entirely on screen. This is a process new to me and a way of working i’ve been wanting to explore for some time. 
Generally I sketch out my concepts by hand, scanning them directly into Adobe Illustrator for vectorisation and later adding colour within Adobe Photoshop. By working completely on a tablet I found this did speed up my overall workflow, designing much quicker as less processes were involved. 
The only limitation was that I couldn't achieve the same textures and imperfections that can be found with drawing pen to paper. Your illustrations are more rigid rather than free flowing. 
For this image I feel it worked to its advantage, allowing me to add effects such as graffiti brushes and watercolour filters. The typographic wording placed around the outside of the illustration was also hand drawn straight onto the tablet. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 7: Personal Branding (Brand Logo Refresh)
Alongside working on my other project briefs in the meantime I have been working to revise my previous self branding. My previous logo for example looked very cluttered and the lettering looked unpolished. 
Over the last remaining weeks before my submission deadline I have spent some time to alter this by reworking the logo into a much smoother and cleaner version that can be used on my portfolio website and branded collateral.
As can be seen above on the left hand side is my previous logo, meanwhile on the right is my final revised brand logo/symbol. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Digital Application - Instagram Mockup)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Final Print Poster Advertisement #3)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 1: D&AD Final Submission Presentation 
With my D&AD John Lewis outcomes fully produced, i’ve started to create the presentation slides of my submission. With time constraints, I have opted to submit a static visual presentation of my idea rather than a video piece/sting. I feel this method will allow me to explain my concept in greater detail - I also much prefer designing presentations/layouts of my thought process. 
One of the downsides of the presentation format is that D&AD only allows you to submit a max of 8 JPEG slides. This has meant I have had to be very select on the visuals included and condense all of my writing into short detailed paragraphs/sections. 
For each slide I have decided to include/explain the following: 
Slide 1 is an introductory slide that introduces the brand concept and sets the look/visual appearance of the Trend Spotter branded app. 
‘A digital app experience that keeps the customer at the centre of fashion trends while located firmly within the store’. 
Slide 2 works to discuss the findings from my research and how I arrived at my design concept. Using exact statistics I was able to show how my idea would work as a real life experience and also how it would appeal to a defined target audience (Generation Z). 
‘In this current digital age, shoppers are now searching for ways to connect to a physical experience that can engage and excite them from the long-dated traditions of a retail store.
Access to technology has never been more simpler. It is thought that by next year alone there will be 2.5 billion (just over 36 percent of the world’s population) using a smart phone. We spend countless hours browsing through the internet and checking for updates on our social media accounts. 
This has become the norm for John Lewis’s next generation of shoppers (Generation Z) - as it is something they have always known and have been born into. 
As everything now evolves around the screen they have gotten used to the “instant life”. Busy and constantly on the move they enjoy the pleasures of self gratification. They know what they want and are tomorrow’s trendsetters. 
Social Media has given them a platform to be fashion conscious. They want the latest and best products they can get there hands on, to flaunt to their friends. 
When asked only half of Generation Z have ever visited a John Lewis store, stating that they associate it with “older audiences” and that they don’t see it as a store they would go to for the latest fashion trends’. 
Slide 3 breaks down the actual concept idea. 
‘Trend Spotter is an new and fresh interactive app experience that will enable customers (both existing and new) to keep up to date with current trends (daily and seasonal), at the touch of a button across the store everyday of the week. 
Connected directly with the Social Media platform of Instagram, Trend Spotter is a super easy to sign into and intended for those on the go! (carefree and spirited shoppers who don’t have the time for making accounts and setting up lengthy passwords).
Once signed in using their existing account, the app would then be able to determine from analysing their most recent likes which items would most appeal to them in store - therefore suggesting brands, categories and even possible #OOTD (outfits of the day) that would be most suited to their daily appreciations. 
Analysing the data throughout the day, Trend Spotter is able to tell you precisely which items are popular/reaching the highest number of sales at any given time. 
Exclusive to shopping in-store only, the app allows you to search for specific products easily using your smartphone. With each product individually tagged with a “Trend Spotter Tag” the app can point you in the exact direction of your chosen product using the built in virtual map. 
With just the scan of the tag and click of a button, you can pay for your product instantly (using your in-payment settings) - therefore saving essential time and beating those long queues’. 
Slide 4 presented a selection of my initial sketches and app wireframes, including mind-maps and idea thoughts. As this was one of the first stages of my development I thought this should be placed near the start of the presentation along with the main research slides. 
Slide 5, Slide 6 and Slide 7 moves onto the actual development/final visual outcomes of my interactive Trend Spotter app. Within iPhone mockups I placed each individual app screen to show how they would appear for the user on their phones (and make them more realistic in appearance). For each screen, underneath I discussed the users journey and what they would be able to interact with at each page of the app. In a User Flow/Flowchart format I worked to show how the user would go from initially downloading the app to searching and finally locating a product in-store for instant purchase.
Slide 8 finally demonstrates the Advertising and Digital Screen outcomes/outputs of my interactive app. Through actual in-store mockups I depicted how both printed and digital advertising and screens could be positioned on the shop floors to engage their target audience. 
‘Working alongside the Trend Spotter app there will be range of digital screens located in-store. On each floor level there would be a different screen positioned within easy access of the customer. 
Linked to the app itself, the screens would work to show collectively the trending items/most bought items of users throughout the day in addition to product videos/teaser trailers. 
Updated every few hours the on-screen imagery would change to depict the most current purchases made by John Lewis shoppers. 
This is something that would allow John Lewis to be adaptable and keep their stores up to date on a daily basis. It would enable both their new market of young and existing customers to see whats trending straight away, as soon as they walk into the store. 
Advertisements would further be placed around the store till points and in areas where customers would pass through (such as at the tops of escalators and entrances). These would encourage new customers to download and start using the app’. 
Now all that’s left to do, is submit to the D&AD New Blood website. Yay, finally! Overall i’m really pleased with the work I have produced for this project. Alongside focusing on creating design work for other projects it was quite a surprise how quickly the deadline came around. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 1: Digital Screens 
In addition to the apps Advertising, there would also be a range of digital screens located around the John Lewis store. On each floor a screen would be placed that reflects trends and #OOTD (Outfit of the Day) to the customer on a daily/seasonal basis. On clothing for example (as seen in the visual above), best selling items would be collated into an Outfit of the Day to show the most popular purchases made by app users. This would further help customers to select an outfit that is current and on-trend, something that the Generation Z target audience is always looking to achieve. With Home-wear for example, the most purchased products from the day would be listed.
All of the screens would be updated on a regular basis, refreshed every hour in order to ensure that customers are always seeing the most ‘current’, ‘fresh’ and ‘popular’ products on the market. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 1: Development of Interactive Wayfinding Screens
Selecting several of the best photographs/imagery taken within the store, I have begun to compose the last remaining screens of my digital app i.e. the interactive way-finding element which will help guide customers/users to specific products around the store. Using Adobe Illustrator (similarly to the previous developed screens) i’ve developed a series of visual wireframes utilising the specific chosen images, working to place graphics over them. 
As seen in the screenshots above, I have visually constructed the ‘Find My Product’ page. This will be the first screen the user will see when clicking to search for their product. Connecting to the customers phone’s camera, the app would open a viewing option. While walking around the store and following the on-screen instructions (at the same time as holding their phone) the user can be directed to their item. With a white arrow and green line this can be followed towards the flashing product icon. Underneath the customer can also see specific details such as the current floor level (where they are in-store) and how many minutes (approx) it will take them to reach the item. 
For the screens I have designed the look for two very different products - a fragrance/cosmetic item and a sweater top from Women’s fashion. I thought this would help to show how the app could work for varying products around the John Lewis store. 
When reaching the product the user is asked to scan the Trend Spotter tag that would be applied to all items. By selecting the ‘Buy Now’ button in the far right hand corner of the screen the user can simply purchase their found item instantly, without the need for taking it to the checkout or waiting in lengthly queues to pay. 
For the screens layout, I have made a consistent effort to make sure it is clear and easy to understand. The whole concept itself of using the app should be that the user can quickly find, locate, and purchase their selected items at ease,  while on the move. I’ve considered this majorly with the design of the navigation screens, working to make sure this is delivered effectively. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 2: Gloria Y Music (Animated Logo Gifs)
As suggested by Jonny at the session, he feels that the logo’s could be given a bit more interactivity in order to bring them to life. He really liked the concepts overall that I had designed and felt they worked perfectly for the brief delivering exactly what the client (Gloria Y Music) required. The logo’s just looked too static and believed motion would provide them with the necessary movement they need.
Taking on my tutors advice I have started to experiment with my concepts in Adobe After Effects, by turning them into short animated Gifs. This turned out to be a really fun task, as it gave me the opportunity to continue learning new software and skills within animation, something I want to develop further.
Above are a series of Gifs that i’ve produced. The first one is my most favoured out of the two designed as it seems to have the right flow - quick and doesn’t  interfere with the written word itself.
With these concepts my plan is to send them to Adam Lloyd, the Creative lead in charge of the project’s management and await feedback. At my next work check I also intend on showing Jonny the development gathering his opinions/or any suggestions he might have. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 1: Forecasted Retail Trends & Predictions (#2)
According to Vend further trends are predicted to include the following: 
1) “Chore” shopping will become easier, but the demand for “cherish” retail will be stronger than ever 
Products will be easier to purchase than ever before with “chore” items (those same purchases you make) becoming less of a tedious task. Retailers like Amazon and subscription services for example are already offering auto-renewals, one-tap purchases and same-day delivery. People not only want quickness but still want to be able to walk into the physical store - they like and and demand new experiences that cannot be conveyed online. 
“There is no doubt that Amazon will continue to disrupt distribution, in particular in the chore side of retail that not many of us like. Technology can predict our behaviour and preferences and automation can deliver our bread, toilet paper or a replacement phone charger just in time. Alexa can be your personal assistant simplifying the chore of retail. “Alexa, we need more dishwashing liquid, and something eco-friendly please”. I think this leads to a more delightful experience because it removes the chore.But there is also no doubt that retail is becoming more vibrant and diverse. More independent stores not fewer. More artisan products. More carefully curated sets of products for you to fall in love with and cherish. It has never been easier to run a retail store than before. And technology is driving this.” (Vaughan Rowsell, Founder at Vend). 
2) Retailers that enable shoppers to build and customise products will prosper
A key retail trend in 2018 and in the years ahead, ‘personalisation’ is becoming a more popular experience choice. This does not just mean engraving someones initials onto a product or adding their name to an email, it’s how customers can build and customise their products to suit their own specific needs or requirements. Shoppers essentially strive to be unique and make ‘one-off’ purchases. By allowing them to get creative through personalisation, this will help make the overall shopping experience far more exciting and entertaining for the consumer. 
3) Retailers will increasingly rely on robots 
With technological advancements progressing, so are Robots amongst other forms of digital platforms such as AR and VR. In the near future it is thought that Robots will eventually talk directly to shoppers on the shop floor. We may also see ‘chatbots’, robots that can talk directly to you from your smart phone or tablet device. Companies such as Amazon are already investing in new forms of smart technology such as Robots with 20% of their fulfilment centres currently operating with them. Instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are becoming increasingly popular, used by large numbers of people. We could expect Retailers to expand their experiences into Apps and Social Media platforms i.e. by being able to message a robot asking for their shipment information or recording any problems they may have encountered with their order. 
“Mobile commerce is on the rise and social media is likely to be a bigger part of that in the future. In addition, chatbots are offering another way of buying through social media platforms like Facebook Messenger. All sorts of brands from H&M to Pizza Hut are experimenting with shoppable chatbots.The advantage chatbots have over image-based social media shopping is that most don’t take the customer out of the messenger platform to complete the purchase. They also allow for back-and-forth conversation about a purchase, recommendations and further product information which can help with conversion.” (Cate Trotter, Head of Trends, Insider Trends)
4) Retailers that step up their social media strategies will thrive
Over the past year, social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook have worked to engage people on a more connected level. With the introduction of Instagram Stories, Facebook Live and Messenger Apps, Retailers have been given a new way to connect with their consumers online and engage/interact with them. Posting photos or feed updates will no longer satisfy the regular social media “savvy” users of the modern era (namely Generation Z). Birchbox for example is using Facebook Live to engage with their increasing following and fan base - sharing insightful videos to running competition giveaways. In a 40 minute stream they were able to connect and reach with almost 50,000 viewers. German fashion brand Born Originals also have made an effort to utilise this platform method engaging their followers through Instagram. By posting gorgeous photographs to their feed and making use of the story option the brand has been able to market themselves to a wider range of people around the world. 
“Users are likely to watch Stories, so we make sure they find all important release, restock and sale info there first. We often include links to make it easy for people to shop there directly, and location filters to raise brand awareness in key cities." (Born Originals)
5) More than ever data (will and should) drive retail decisions
In the near future, if not sooner Retailers will be able to access, record, store and monitor consumer data. They will want to collect this to develop a greater understanding of their sales, marketing, customer service and operation departments/areas. The scope of digital technology has opened a door to this more specifically with retailers such as Walmart using facial recognition to identify unhappy or frustrated shoppers as they shop through the store. The data can then be used to notify members of staff to open new checkout lines. Gathering Data will enable retailers to gather a greater understanding of their customer, build a relationship with them, and be able to tailor an experience to themselves. 
“Making data and analytics a competitive advantage for retailers and brands begins with an ecosystem of shared intelligence. Allowing an open system and partnering with enabling technology vendors who genuinely want to help grow the brand is the only winning strategy.
Solution providers like RetailNext provide cutting-edge technology measuring in-store shopping behavior, and when applying shopper data with customer data from a retailer’s loyalty program, the insights are significantly more relevant and actionable than viewing data in isolated silos. Furthermore, with open systems, digital business data can be layered over physical store data, allowing deeper analytics and insights of both shoppers and customers.
Moving into 2018, technological investments will center on shoppers’ mobile devices, today’s ‘first screen,’ and IoT technologies that further develop the smart store and deliver deeper analytics of in-store shopping behaviour." (Shelley E. Kohan, VP of Retail Consulting, RetailNext)
6) Augmented Reality technology will get even more sophisticated
Even though AR (Augmented Reality) technology has been around for a short while now it is expected to become far more sophisticated over the next coming years. It is believed retailers could try to adapt AR to connect consumers with the physical space through their mobile devices. IKEA for example are a brand currently working on exploring this, by utilising it into their stores. Customers can view a product and simply place it into an image of their house/room, therefore giving them an insight into how it could look if purchased. 
7) Brick-and-Mortar stores will continue to flourish 
The online shopping experience is steadily becoming a fading trend. The novelty could be seen to be wearing off a little as people seek bigger and greater experiences. We could be seen to be coming back to the Traditional store format/physical store (something that has been in steady decline due to the option of online shopping/retailing). Companies however, are looking to merge actuality with practicality using digital technology (i.e. App devices that can be used in store). 
8) Healthy and Environment friendly lifestyles will be a focus for many consumers
Consumers are becoming more aware and mindful of their purchases. They choose products that have been sourced responsibly and are positive for their bodies and the environment. 
9) QR codes will make a comeback 
QR codes have been used for a number of years but did steadily seem to fade within the past decade. They have resurfaced in the last year but could be said to be making a comeback. With most people now in the possession of a mobile phone camera QR codes can be automatically opened and read - without any additional software needed. The codes are easily transferable, being able to be placed onto various packaging, advertising and marketing materials making it an easy way for customers to access a website on their digital device. 
“With QR codes coming native to iOS 11, small business retailers have an incredible opportunity with QR codes. They could provide the easiest call-to-action (CTA) at the POS and enable local shops a mobile-first channel of engagement for customers immediately post-sale on receipts. That's why at Star Cloud Services, we created Promo PRNT and will be rolling it out soon.
With Western companies such as Snap Inc, Amazon, Spotify and Shopify actively utilizing them, it's clear QR codes are no longer just the domain of Tencent (WeChat) and Alibaba (Alipay) and they should make their way increasingly in retail contexts, augmenting digital influence in brick and mortar stores.” (David Salisbury, VP of Sales and Marketing at Star Cloud Services)
10) Retailers that create assortments win 
Modern customers are bombarded with countless product choices and will often end up buying from collections that are merly uninspiring. Retailers are now starting to see the skill in tailoring their products specifically to their customers - providing a wide variety of choice with thoughtful products that they would love. 
12) Retailer store formats will be much more diverse 
Retailers will consider where their stores are positioned in terms of attracting both existing and new customers. From the location they are placed to how their physical store is decorated companies will be looking to address every facet of their business with scrutiny and a keen eye. 
“The days of the one-size fits all store model are fading, and the future will require a more flexible approach with a variety of store formats designed to address different locations and markets.” (Neil Saunders, Managing Director and a Retail Analyst at GlobalData Retail)
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kimberleybishop · 7 years
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Live Brief: Gloria Y Music (Option 1)
The first brief option is for the percussionist musician Gloria Yehilevsky (namely Gloria Y Music). 
Brief Breakdown
“The aim of the brief is to represent me as an individual musician” - Gloria
This is going to focus on work and represent me as an individual musician. Although primarily a performer, that will almost definitely change over time. I compose a little as well, so this will be a large platform to share all of my work: performance schedule, compositions, projects, ensembles, thoughts, and offer a contact point for anyone who may want to talk about anything, as well as direct booking. 
**Create a visual identity that will reflect Gloria as a professional artist within the music industry. The brand should be able to work across multiple channels/applications (such as website and social media etc).**
Target Audience: 
Initially, I’ll reach other musicians and likely the first phase of branching out will be to younger musicians (this won’t necessarily be done through my own efforts, it’s just who I expect to get on board/be most likely to click “like”). But I hope to reach a general audience - as long as it’s a curious and generally good person. I hope that they will be interested in my work and in what I do, and hope they will support it. I am particularly interested in reaching an audience other than only musicians, because contemporary music has a knack for staying in the community, however I believe that non-musicians are capable of enjoying it, it’s just a matter of presentation. 
**For a young demographic of musicians with the possibility of reaching a wider general audience**
Tone of Voice: 
I want to be kind, welcoming and energetic, as I am in person, yet I also want to show that I value good, quality hard work - and that what I do comes with it. I love music and I care about it deeply - I play music that reflects what I believe in and tend to work with other musicians who share a similar passion. I’m particularly interested in new - although I play standards in the repertoire and enjoy them very much, I am now working on developing my own repertoire: works which composers write for me, or which I have a completely unique take on. Visual & audio included - both equally important for my instrument. 
**The brand must work to express Gloria’s personality and overall passion for music**
General brand: Website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & Twitter. Website will be the central and most important platform and YouTube will be the most important source of media. I talk/write a lot, so that will inevitably make its way into the website, but I also hope to make a point of performing doing the speaking: primarily live performances, but videos a close second. 
**Key channels must be considered from online web platforms to social media. The website needs to have access to video sharing and blogging**
As long as the media is interesting, i’m open to anything and everything. This will all be digital, but I would like to have designs for use for printing in the future (business cards, resume, to put on/as part of a CD cover, etc). Video and graphic elements would hopefully be integrated into the site, and that would come from my own recordings. 
Performance, educational outreach, writing (blog/article style or similar) and all related. As stated earlier - I’m interested in creating new, in collaborating with different artists, and communicating deeper ideas through music. Any means I find for doing that will become part of my output and my identity through this brand. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 3: Final Artwork #1 (Visual Mockup)
Here is the artwork now visually mocked up onto a record sleeve. This shows realistically how the cover could appear if selected and placed into the actual exhibition. 
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 7: Personal Branding (Portfolio Website Refresh)
In addition to the brand logo itself, I decided to re-work my online portfolio website as I felt this needed an update. Aside from including my new brand logo in the header, I now have all of the projects fully updated (complete with details on my most recent projects/briefs). The profile picture within the ‘About’ page has been altered to my professional Gradshow image to look more corporate. 
Link to my Online Portfolio: https://kimberleybishop.squarespace.com
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Billboard Ad Mockup)
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kimberleybishop · 6 years
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Brief 6: #CUPFORCHANGE (Print Poster Ad Mockup)
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