kimchew13 · 6 years
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Reverie by Charles Amable Lenoir // Better Love by Hozier
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kimchew13 · 6 years
A lot of soon to be parents usually doesn’t care about what gender their babies gonna be as long as it’s healthy.So why does it bother them when these kids grow up defining themselves different from their biological sex? 
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kimchew13 · 7 years
time doesn’t exist. but people act like it’s a big deal or something
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kimchew13 · 7 years
Scandalous heist
        “Penge link” “Pabigay ng biyaya” “Pabulong” For the past weeks these are the sickening words I’ve seen all over my timeline.Hearing a lot of buzz from University students having a sex scandal.Pages like RBREEZY, IDEAL GIRL etc.. keeping their audience entertained with the latest sex scandal  today and seeing these pages having a lot of shares,tags and comments . It’s definitely a feast of video scandals, giving a total madness to all of you perverts and gossipers out there. To make it worst?  The kind of people who feel cool that they have the recent copy of those scandals and ready to spread it to their friends and perverts giving links to porn sites as if they are the coolest person in the room if they are updated.
    And Let’s not  start with people blaming them for taping it, That they deserve the humiliation they are facing right now . That they must know the consequences before taping their most intimate moments. I want you all guys to reflect on what you are saying to them . Who are you to blame them? Who are you to speak ill will to a person that they deserve that kind of humiliation just because they made a mistake? Who are you to judge?  
 And if you are one of them . I  hope you will be aware that videos will  leave scars for the rest of their lives. I want you to imagine the unbearable pain, trauma and embarrassment they are going through right now? The thought of their lives will never be the same after this incident.
Remember they are women,  For you have a mother or a sister or a friend.Similitude to all women we love in life .. For you will do everything to protect their image and dignity.
Matthew 7:1-2  “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 
    I’m not defending them nor tolerating them, but come to think of it we are all have mistakes in our lives,we are all have sinned. 
   John 8:7  “The one without sin among you should be the first to throw a stone at her.”
So go ahead make fun of them , I challenge you throw stones at them by sharing their videos. Does that make you righteous? 
       And for those of you sensualizing them “John 2:16 -17 For all that is in the world, The lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof : but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever”  
  So please guys, It’ll be easier for them to move on and get through this issue if people are kind enough to shut down those vids and stop posting it..
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kimchew13 · 7 years
In Genesis, He is the seed of the woman. In Exodus, He is the Passover Lamb. In Leviticus, He is our High Priest. In Numbers, He is pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. In Deuteronomy, He is the prophet like unto Moses. In Joshua, He is the captain of our salvation. In Judges, He is our judge and lawgiver. In Ruth, He is our kinsman redeemer. In I and II Samuel, He is our trusted prophet. In Kings and Chronicles, He is our reigning king. In Erza, He is our faithful scribe. In Nehemiah, He is the rebuilder of the broken down walls of human life. In Ester, He is our Mordecai. In Job, He is our ever-living redeemer: “For I know my redeemer lives.” In Psalms, He is our shepherd. In Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, He is our wisdom. In Song of Solomon, He is the lover and the bridegroom. In Isaiah, He is the prince of peace. In Jeremiah, He is the righteous branch. In Lamentations, He is the weeping prophet. In Ezekiel, He is the wonderful four-faced man. In Daniel, He is the fourth man walking in the midst of the burning fiery furnaces of life. In Hosea, He is the husband forever married to the backslider. In Joel, He is the mighty baptizer in the Holy Ghost. In Amos, He is my burden bearer. In Obadiah, He is mighty to save. In Jonah, He is God’s great foreign missionary. In Micah, He is the messenger of beautiful feet. In Nahum, He is the avenger of God’s elect. In Habakkuk, He is God’s evangelist, crying, “Revive thy work in the midst of the years.” In Zephaniah, He is our Savior. In Haggai, He is the restorer of the lost heritage of Israel. In Zechariah, He is fountain opened up on the house of David for sin and uncleanness. In Malachi, He is the Son of Righteousness arisen with healing in His wings. In Matthew, He is the Messiah. In Mark, He is the wonder worker. In Luke, He is the Son of Man. In John, He is the Son of God. In Acts, He is the mighty baptizer in the Holy Ghost. In Romans, He is my justifier. In Corinthians, He is my sanctifier. In Galatians, He is the redeemer from the curse of the law. In Ephesians, He is the Christ of unsearchable riches. In Philippians, He is the God that supplies all my needs. In Colossians, He is the fullness of the godhead bodily. In I and II Thessalonians, He is my soon-coming King! In I and II Timothy, He is the mediator between God and man. In Tidus, He is my faithful pastor. In Philemon, He is the friend that sticketh closer than a brother. In Hebrews, He is the blood of the everlasting covenant. In James, He is our Great Physician, for “the prayer of faith shall save the sick.” In I and II Peter, He is my good shepherd. In I John, He is love. In II John, He is love.   In III John, He is love. In Jude, He is the Lord coming with 10,000 of His saints. In Revelation, He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
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kimchew13 · 7 years
True happiness and self acceptance will right get pass through you if you continue to depend on societies judgement.
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kimchew13 · 7 years
i can’t believe I’m saying this but I feel like I’m school sick. Yes, I don’t know if it’s a thing. But gosh, I really miss being a student. 
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kimchew13 · 7 years
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear
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kimchew13 · 7 years
Don’t worry about people who shows a lot of skin on social media just to get likes, That’s the only thing they can offer their “Flesh”
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kimchew13 · 7 years
Christmas Thoughts and Prayers.
Tis’ the season to be jolly as they say. Even if some of you do not celebrate  Christmas , Many of us take this opportunity to come home to our families. 
I don’t have much to wish this Christmas , Personally I’am thankful for what I have right now. But with all the laughter and Joyous noel .I can’t help but to think of all the others. With all the tragedies and the chaos happening all I can offer now is a prayer, 
And I Pray :  
1) May god be with the families of the 37 Davaouenos dead on NCC Mall in Davao. May the souls of their love ones find peace. 
2) Protection and safety for the people of Sarangani and  Davao Occidental who are now experiencing a 5.2 magnitude earthquake. 
3) Strength and sense of resiliency for those who suffered from the storm/tropical depression Urduja. May they find strength in this trying times. 
4) Enlightenment for the people of Israel and Palestine.May they settle their differences for the sake for their children’s future.
This season is all for HIM!!!  Offer a prayer and let us be reminded that this season is not just love for our families and also for the vulnerable. 
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kimchew13 · 7 years
 Hear out what Zayn has to say to all of you young girls out there. 
 This lyrics get through me..
“Just stop looking for love, you know you still got time”
You can’t just force time to come its way when you needed to.. Especially the person. 
“This could be something if you let it be something” 
Let that something (love) find its way to you... If its not your time, Its not your time.. 
Don’t waste your time to any less than you expected to be loved . Know your worth ...
At the right time , At the right place. That love will find you no matter .
But for now, Improve yourself, love yourself, focus on your career, Make yourself better. 
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kimchew13 · 7 years
How To Keep A Man
Being pretty doesn’t keep a man.
Being honest doesn’t keep a man. 
Being loyal  doesn’t keep a man.
Treating a man good doesn’t  keep a man.
Caring about a man doesn’t keep a man.
Making an effort doesn’t keep a man.
Spending time with a man doesn’t keep a man.
You could have the best intentions,
You could have the best sincere feeling, you could be a good woman
and you still wouldn’t be able to keep a man because the only way
to keep a man is if that man wants to be kept by you. You can’t force a
man to be with you. You can’t beg a man to stay. You can’t love man into 
loving you. With a man, you could tell if he wants to be kept if the relationship 
gets hard and he does everything to fight for you because a man only fights 
for a girl he wants to belong to so if he isn’t fighting for you when thing gets hard,
then  that means he doesn’t want to be kept anymore. The moral of this? 
Don’t hold on to a man who doesn’t want to be kept by you.  No,you’re not 
giving up on him,It’s him who give up on you and it’s you who shouldn’t waste anymore of time than you already have. Know when it’s time to let go, Know
when it’s time to walk away, and know when it’s time for him to be unkept.
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kimchew13 · 7 years
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kimchew13 · 7 years
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kimchew13 · 7 years
I never take love & life a shot!!
 I have a lot of regrets in my life and this blog is not enough to say it. 
I have a tons of fears, insecurities, doubts about myself and often times I forget about myself... having fun, risking, and living life to the fullest.I miss a lot of good things in my life. 
Identity crisis? Is this what it feels like? I’m a young adult but it feels like I’am left behind. I feel so lonely, I feel like I’m in vast ocean screaming at the top of my lungs but there’s no one left to hear me. 
I have so much love to give but that love is always in store for someone. But that someone is always not there to open it.I have lost a bunch of good friends, I have lost a great deal of gems .I have a lot of ambitions but my fear always gets in the way and making it impossible for me to reach.
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kimchew13 · 7 years
You don't know how much I wanna talk to you but I have low self esteem. So, BYE
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kimchew13 · 7 years
be kind to yourself. remember that your journey is your own. don’t punish yourself for not having accomplished as much as x person at age 16, 17, 25, 40– their journey is not yours. your journey is not theirs. just because they are “doing more” than you are at this moment in time, or at that moment in time, does not mean you have wasted your time. you have had different experiences, circumstances, and opportunities. it is not a matter of fault on your part. you will get there, day by day, no matter how long it takes. 
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