homebrewski · 5 years
Random mansion generator
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The Procgen Mansion Generator produces large three-dee dwellings to toy with your imagination, offering various architectural styles and other options. Each mansion even comes with floorplans:
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homebrewski · 5 years
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This Fighter subclass is a commission for etrius-evermore! I actually really enjoyed making this. Something I don’t think I would have created on my own without his idea. If you would like a commission, message me!
If you like my work, a donation is always appreciated. 
My Ko-Fi
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homebrewski · 5 years
Source:  Emmetation
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homebrewski · 6 years
A new dungeons and dragons supplement book has come out and you guys have GOTTA know that both clowns and Guy Fieri are playable
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homebrewski · 6 years
One of my friends made info on having the duolingo owl as your warlock patron
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It’s pretty great
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homebrewski · 6 years
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“if I’ve ever received an artist’s free labor on a silver platter then I think that should be the default and anyone who wants compensation is gouging me”
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homebrewski · 6 years
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fantasy prosthesis
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homebrewski · 6 years
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The College of Literature from Brandon’s Big Book of Bards, which you can buy here!
This and the College of the Conductor are included in the preview on the DMsGuild Site. More great colleges, as well as new spells, rules, and magic items are also in the book! Check it out today!
(Also, if you do purchase it, don’t forget to rate and review!)
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homebrewski · 6 years
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I designed a subclass for D&D 5e! The SAWBONES.
It’s a rogue archetype based on healing your allies and harvesting parts from monsters. It was a fun experience to work on. 
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homebrewski · 6 years
(Useless/Surprising) Magical Items
So I was having a lovely conversation with @princeofsparrows about magic and magical items and he sent me several links to very useful lists and tables. Those can be used by any DM to improve the game and set some more fun/challenge into the game without adding enemies or limiting themselves to always better armors and weapons.
My players usually discuss for an hour about the best way to open every door with a single rune on it (even if the rune actually just means “toilets”). So if I give them an omniously glowing fork and they will turn around it for half of the evening…
We decided to share with you some links with awesome ideas for loot (or your NPC merchants). The links below include (but are not limited to):
Belt of Pants: This belt creates illusory pants on the wearer. The wearer can suppress the illusion at will.
Digging Spoon: This tiny spoon can dig through any substance with a forceful push.
Hungry coin:  Cursed.  Will attempt to eat other coins that it comes into contact with.  Eats 100 coins an hour.
Crossbow of Whispers (Weapon, light crossbow): You can use an action to whisper a message and fire a bolt from this weapon at a target within range. If you hit, the target (and only the target) hears the message.
Scroll of Cure Blindness: Cures blindness when read.
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So… The List™ :
Dakhem Uaid’s Big Book of Useless Magic Items - 200 items, some very useful some dangerous…
Alacrity’s Robe of Useful Items - 1 single item but it’s a robe of holding (kinda)
Goblin Punch: d100 Minor Magical Items - as stated in the title.
100 Interesting Magic Items: The first half - 50 items
donjon, 5e Random Generator - Weird Magic Item generator
(1) Reddit -  3.5 Or anything. DMs of Reddit! What is one of the weirdest homebrewed items you’ve given your players, that they appreciated?
(2) Reddit -  Hilariously Useless Magical Items - Post your ideas!
RPG.NET -  101 Silly/Useless Magic Items - You need to read through 7 pages of the thread but there are some very nice ideas!
1001 most useless (dungeons and dragons) magical items - There are actually 21 of them on this list but they are really useless. It could be nice to drop something like that on the players so they can have some fun…
Now I will let @princeofsparrows to continue. He still has some things to add :)
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homebrewski · 6 years
The Deck of Certain Things, or: The Joke Item That Almost Destroyed my Campaign
[by u/astonishingantman / reddit]
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“I created this thing over two years ago as a joke item. One of my players became convinced that I was trying to trick them, and that it was a real Deck of Many Things. His paranoia spread, and the party nearly killed each other over it. After some impromptu group therapy, they decided to leave the Deck be and never speak of it again.
So now you get to use it. Have fun!”
Deck of Certain Things
Wondrous Item, Legendary
A set of 10 cards that come in a small box. “Deck of Certain Things” has been crudely carved into the box’s lid in Common.
Before you draw a card, you must declare how many cards you intend to draw and then draw them randomly (you can use a d10 to simulate the deck). Any cards drawn in excess of this number have no effect. Otherwise, as soon as you draw a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. Each card must be drawn no more than 1 hour after the previous draw. If you fail to draw the chosen number, the remaining cards fly from the deck and take effect all at once. Once a card is drawn it cannot reappear.
Once all 10 cards have been drawn, a pair of Gloves of Thievery appear in the deck box, along with a note thanking the Deck’s owner for the fun.
The cards are decorated with shoddy-looking artwork, seemingly scribbled with crayon. They are:
Acorn: 3d8 terrified squirrels are transported to your location from elsewhere on the material plane.
Fireworks: Your weapon explodes into a shower of brightly-colored glitter. It reforms in 1 hour.
Prospector: A wooden chest containing 10,000 pieces of counterfeit gold drops at your feet. The coins show a winking jester on both sides.
Liar: For the next 1d12 hours, telling a lie causes your trousers to ignite, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage.
Honey Jar: Summons a friendly sentient bear named Sigmund, who acts as an apothecary, selling the party potions from his backpack. He vanishes after 1d20 minutes.
Wallflower: You instantly succeed on all Insight checks for 24 hours, but fail all Intimidation checks.
Invitation: An imp appears in a burst of smoke, kicks you in the shins, then vanishes.
Nightmare: All items worn on your person, with the exception of undergarments, turn invisible for 1d4 hours.
Quill: A flameskull appears in front of you, delivers a heartfelt soliloquy, then explodes in a pillar of green flame. All creatures within 5 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d10 fire damage.
Infant: For the next hour your voice is replaced with the shrill cries of a baby. You are unable to communicate through speech or cast spells with a verbal component.
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homebrewski · 6 years
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Butterfly Dragon. More Fey stuff. Other ages will be done eventually along with lair information 👍
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homebrewski · 6 years
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Player’s Companion - Homarids (Download)
As the Dominaria art book is released this week, I thought I’d make some more Dominaria content to coincide with it, and as they’re one of the lesser-known fan favourites, I felt Homarids would be a fun thing to design.
For designing the player race, aside from the mechanics that I felt were automatically necessary to include (amphibious, darkvision and cold resistance, for deep-water dwellers, and natural armour for their shells), I had a lot of fun designing the claws trait, as the combination of the bonus to unarmed strikes and the clumsiness with handheld objects does a lot to mechanically hammer home that a homarid PC has big claws instead of hands, and can’t use their claws in the exactly same way other characters can use their hands. The NPC homarids took inspiration from existing D&D crustacean creatures like the giant crab, and the aldani lobsterfolk from Tomb of Annihilation.
For more of my Dominaria content, click here! If you want to support my work, you can make a donation to my ko-fi here, or support me on Patreon here for early access to upcoming content and patron-only design process posts!
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homebrewski · 6 years
not to be that bitch but orcs???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? hot
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homebrewski · 6 years
Trinkets, Valuable, 6: More useful than simple baubles touched mystery, these items have either a clear purpose, a reliable ability or are made from a fairly costly material. The items could fetch fair prices to collectors of the strange, jewelers, antique or art dealers or simply to barter with if the owner is short on actual currency.
A cute purple hair ribbon. When worn, the bearer is relieved of any mundane headaches or migraines they have and cannot develop them whilst wearing the ribbon.
A silk scarf that has been magically enchanted to look like flowing water. The fabric’s water has a current and onlookers will notice ripples and bubbles in the scarf’s constantly flowing pattern.
A golden hair pin set with a jasper spider. When worn, the bearer is aware of the exact location of any spider within three feet of them.
A steel fork that instantly cooks to perfection small pieces of raw meat (One inch cubed or smaller) that are skewered by its tines.
A peacock writing quill that never runs out of ink, but randomly changes the color of its ink every hour.
A wooden box, half a cubic foot in size that causes bread placed in it for more than one minute to become lightly toasted and buttered on one side.
A bracelet made from a lattice of woven silver that automatically adjusts itself to the wrist size of its bearer.
A large flawless white pearl that fills whoever holds it with a desire to help others regardless of the risk to their own life. Knowledgeable PC’s will recognize this as a Saintsblood Pearl. It is said that when the pure of heart are martyred for their faith, the blood that spills from them is white as the purest snow. As the droplets come in contact with the cold-hearted world, they harden into Saintsblood Pearls, through which the martyr may still grant blessings to the faithful.
A plain, unadorned, black obelisk three feet in height. If placed in dirt, stone or sand, directly under the open sky, a miniature storm cloud will form three feet above the obelisk and will loose a torrent of rain and a near-constant barrage of lightning on the stone. The rain evaporates immediately and cannot be drank or collected and the lighting is equivalent to harmless static shocks.
Adversarial Melody: A black and red music box that upon casual use, appears to be broken. When cranked, the ballerina in the box twirls around but only one creature in all of existence can hear it. Whoever considers themselves the bearer’s worst enemy can hear a faint, disembodied nursery rhyme. The bearer is not necessarily aware of this phenomenon.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
Keep reading
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homebrewski · 6 years
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i put a pride flag magnet on the apartment fridge and i come home to find that my dad wrote this but y’all... we didn’t have fridge letter magnets... my dad went out and bought them specifically for this...
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homebrewski · 6 years
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Who doesn’t need a strange base for their adventuring group?
Tumblr likes to resize images and make them blurry, but that should go away if you open the image in another tab or click on it. My apologies for that.
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