kimkayjones · 2 months
Do you smell Fruity?
Do you remember the Fruit Strips gum? Mom used to always have a pack and I loved that it had the zebra stripes and the pretty colors and how fruity it smelled. Maybe that’s why the Bible uses fruit as the example of attributes a Christian should have.  Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:”  
Last week I was teaching my Sunday School class about the fruit of the Spirit and every time I said we should have each of the fruits the oldest boy, Jeremiah would say, “Jubilee (his sister) doesn’t do that”. I got on to him because we all need to practice these actions and we all fall short of one or more of them. But isn’t that how we are? It is easier to point out what others are doing wrong rather than look inward and examine our own actions.
I will admit I don’t like most fruits so I rarely eat any, but I should be so filled with the fruit of the spirit that people can visibly see a difference in my actions. Are my interactions with other people filled with love, patience, humbleness? Do I have an attitude of joy or am I always gloomy? Do I have self-control? I think I should put these on my bathroom mirror and read them every morning so that I can strive every day to do better. I would love it if the fruit of spirit would emanate from every pour. Do you smell fruity?
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kimkayjones · 2 months
Taking the Bait
I am the worst at reading a headline and reacting with outrage without reading the whole article or doing any research. These headlines are known as clickbait and boy do I take the bait every time. The Olympic headlines this year have had plenty of sensationalism and as usual I jump on the bandwagon and then later after doing some research or more information is revealed I realized that my initial reaction was wrong or misguided. That has really made me take a second look at how I react to the media and to consider if my actions are appropriate as a Christian.
I don’t know why we are all so shocked when the world acts in a way that we consider immoral. It is our sin nature to do so. Romans 8:7-8 says “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.” On the other hand, when we become Christians, we should act like Christ. I John 2:6 says, He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.”
With that in mind lets look at a few instances of how Jesus treated the sinner. Jesus went to Zacchaeus’ house and ate with him. He sat at the well and visited with a woman living in adultery. Romans 5:8 says, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” I am so thankful that when He looked at me, He didn’t throw a fit and post all over social media about how horrible my sin I was. Believe me, He would have had plenty of stuff to post. Instead, He looked at me with love and chose to die for me so that I could accept Him as my Lord and Savior and be saved.
So how can we as Christians stand up for what is right? To be honest I am still struggling with that answer and praying for wisdom. Matthew 7 says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged”. I believe the Bible gives us some things to consider before we take the bait next time.
1. Do we have a right to point out a sin? Is there a beam in your eye?
2. Am I being hateful or am I acting out of love? Mom always said if you can’t say something nice, you shouldn’t say anything at all.
3. Do I know the truth or am I acting on appearance or face value? Media very seldom gives you the whole story. Just because it’s on Facebook doesn’t mean it’s true.
Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance:”
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kimkayjones · 5 months
My dad always taught that to be a “perfect” Christian meant to be mature, but I always wondered what it took to be a mature or perfect Christian. James chapter 3 says we must be able to bridle the whole body to be a “perfect man”. Here is my anagram for what it takes to be a perfect christian. You must be:
P – Peaceable
E – Equitable
R - Respectful
F – Forthright
E – Easy to be intreated
C – Compassionate
T – Tamer of the tongue
So, what does all that mean and how do I accomplish it?
Peaceable is defined as “inclined to avoid argument or conflict”. The Bible says that blessings and cursing should not come out of the same mouth. Am I willing to put aside my own pride to avoid conflict or arguments? That applies to in my marriage as well as with other people. Ouch! I might be able to say I do that with people outside my home but if I look inside my home and how I interact with my husband I am not so sure I can claim that one. Colossians 3:13 says: “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.”
Equitable is defined as “dealing fairly and equally with all concerned. The Bible says without partiality. The world throws out the term equity quite a bit, but they define it as treating others differently and often unfairly so that everyone can appear to be equal. Do I treat people differently based on their appearance, the way they act or based on what Church they attend? When we have visitors in church, do I greet them all the same? Am I willing to witness to all people, or do I pick and choose who I feel is “worthy”. I Timothy 1:15 says: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came int the world to save sinners; of whom I am the chief.”
Respectful is defined as “show due regard to someone’s feelings, wishes, rights or traditions” The Bible says let him show his works with meekness and wisdom. Do I show respect to others, or do I feel I am more important, that my feelings and wants matter more? Do I believe that just because I do it one way everyone should do the same? Do I look down on others for not “behaving” in a certain way? Philippians 2:3 says: “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Forthright is defined as “without subtlety or evasion”. The Bible says without hypocrisy. Do my actions match my words? Do I judge others without first looking at myself? Are my words and actions truthful or are they tainted with untruth or deception? Do I truly love others or am I faking it? James 1:26 says: “If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.”
Easy to be intreated is defined as easily asked, not stubborn or sour, easy to deal with. Ouch! Am I easy to deal with? Don’t answer that! 😊 Can people come to me with their questions about Jesus or do I make them feel stupid for asking? Am I willing to hear others and understand their thoughts and feelings or am I too stubborn in my own ways. Yesterday’s sermon talked about having our tank full of joy, am I full of joy or am I sour? I Peter 3:4 says: “but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.”
Compassionate is defined as having sympathy or concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others. The Bible says full of mercy and good fruits. My husband says I only have one day of sympathy in me every time he has a surgery and needs taken care of so not sure I have this one mastered. Am I consumed by my own troubles and ailments, or do I care about the suffering of others, and I mean care enough to actually put action to that concern? I can care but not take action, but I believe having compassion requires action. I John 3:17 says: “But whoso hath this word’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
Tamer of the tongue is a hard one. In fact, James 3:8 says the tongue can no man tame, it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Have I tamed my tongue? Do I say negative things about other people? Do I gossip? My mother used to always say, “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. Do I speak kindly to my spouse? Do I make sure the words coming out of my mouth would be please to God? Does my tongue snap back instead of replying softly? Maybe I should try silence more often. I Peter 3:10-11 says: “For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace and ensue it.
I can honestly say that before I started this study I felt like I was a mature Christian but now I see I still have so much work to do. I guess that is the greatest thing about our God is that he gives us grace and forgiveness where we fail. Even Paul said he pressed toward the mark. So don’t give up, keep pushing forward. If God has given us a goal to achieve, He has also made it possible to accomplish it. When we aren’t perfect we can rest in the knowledge that He is. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says: “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”
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kimkayjones · 11 months
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kimkayjones · 11 months
Stinking Thinking
I have heard dad preach many times about how the tongue is such a small thing, but it can do a great amount of damage and I believe that is very true when we are talking about hurting others, but I believe we can allow our mind to do the most damage to ourselves. I must admit I have been struggling with that quite a bit lately.
After having some health issues for the last year and then losing my mom I find myself in a low spot in life. I struggle to talk myself into getting out of bed or leaving the house or even going to do the things I enjoy. I know you are thinking that sounds like depression and I have had that same thought, but I am not sad, I am just tired all the time. I know many pastors will tell you depression isn’t real; it is just a lack of faith. I have always hated when they say that because depression is real and sometimes a person needs help from a doctor or therapist. So, I started with the doctor for bloodwork to see if there was a medical reason and there was an issue that a change of medication helped but the noise in my head was still too loud. So, I decided I needed a different approach, a Godly approach.
II Corinthians 10:5 says, “Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;”. This verse kept coming to my mind, bringing into captivity every thought. I needed to stop the stinking thinking and set my mind on Godly things. So, every night when my mind started in on all the negative things I made myself stop and start praying. First I pray Psalm 4:8, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.” I then start praying for others. If I get through that list and I am still having trouble, I start reciting verses. That has really made the hide God’s word in your heart verse resonate with me. Sometimes I just start going through songs and hymns in my mind until I finally fall asleep. This has helped me so much! I am not saying that I still don’t allow my mind to start wondering downhill, but I have a plan in place of what to do when it does. I covet your prayers while I work through this time, but I know my God can get me through this if I give it to him and leave it there. Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God”.
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kimkayjones · 1 year
The Motherless Club
I lost my mother recently and at the funeral a friend said, “Welcome to the club”.  What club? you might ask; a group of people that have lost their mother and now can share in a grief that you can’t understand until you experience it. So why do we have a “club”? 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” As a member of this club it is our job to comfort others that are suffering. But is it Biblical to feel sad at her passing?
Mom was saved on Easter Sunday in 1948 and I can celebrate in the knowledge that she is in Heaven but that doesn’t stop me from mourning her loss. John 16:20 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.” It is ok to feel sad for a time, but it is just important to rest in the assurance that I will see her again and return to joy. The world is watching to see if we truly have faith or if it is all just words. We must be a light and a comfort to the unsaved person. We need to show them that there is hope after death if they will accept the Lord as their Savior and rest in his promise of Salvation.
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kimkayjones · 2 years
Not My Body, Not My Choice
This post is for Christian Women. I have seen so many posts from Christian women upset that Roe vs Wade was overturned. They have been quick to jump on the band wagon of my body, my choice. With every post my heart breaks.
Last night I was trying to sleep and the Lord just kept putting words in my head. "I knew you in your mothers womb; There is a purpose for every soul; Sometimes the Lord lets us experience storms to show His Grace and Glory; Your only choice is to obey Me; You're my child, your body is not yours; how big is your God?; YOU NEED TO SPEAK!
So here I am speaking about something very hard for me to share. When I was 20 I was running from God. I was very angry with Christian men especially. My choices ended with me being a single pregnant preacher's daughter with a man that didn't want to be involved. I understand the fear, I felt despair, I get it. The day I had finally decided to tell my dad, a coworker came to me and offered to take me to someplace that could "make it all go away". Did I consider it? Of course, for a moment I thought it was my body, my choice. But that is the biggest lie Satan was selling then and even more so now.
When I asked Jesus to be my Savior, I gave my heart, body, and soul to Him. It is NOT my choice to disobey God. He clearly states life starts in the womb and without a doubt He says Thou shalt not kill. My body is not my own, I Corinthians 6:19-20 says "know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
I have heard "we don't condone murder but in cases of rape or major health issues it should be ok". And I say, How Big Is Your God! Now as I say that I will confess that that is my personal mantra right now because my actions tell the world my God is pretty small. I am letting stress and anxiety win in my life. So I know it's easier said than lived. But we can't use our fear as a justification to disobey God. In John 9 Jesus came across a man that had been blind since birth. In verse 3 Jesus said "Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." There are times Jesus lets us go through the storms of life to show His Grace and Glory. Again I say, How Big is your God?
Most importantly I say all of this with much love. Anyone having to face this decision needs understanding, compassion and love no matter what choice they make. Don't let the world divide us. My God's grace is sufficient.
Ps. I should clarify that my blessing turned 32 this year. 🥰
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kimkayjones · 3 years
My mother hated cussing, even “Christian cussing” as she would call it. Christian cussing to her was gosh, shoot or darn or words like that. She told us to say apple or something totally different, but I didn’t understand the point to that. I could say apple with just as much anger and intent. My dad would say CRS, can’t remember stuff he would say. I told him one day when he says that to a person that is not what they know it stands for. One of my pet peeves is OMG. Christians will tell you they are saying Oh my Gosh but that’s not what the world hears. Lately there is a new phrase “Let’s go Brandon”. Now I am not going into the political conversation of this because that is not my point (at least for this topic). And you all know what it stands for and I am not going to repeat it. I have had Christian friends post that it is harmless and that we all need a laugh in these trying times, but I question if it is harmless. Are we just whitewashing over the greater evil in allowing ourselves to use this phrase?
A definition of whitewash is to deliberately attempt to conceal unpleasant facts, to cover up. But God sees the intention of our heart. I Samuel 16:7b . . . “for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart”. Ephesians 4:29 “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearer”. God speaks to those that whitewash saying that they attempt to appear beautiful on the outside but what is inside is still the same. Matthew 23:27. I understand the frustration and I too have laughed at the saying but we must remember that our actions and our words reflect Jesus Christ. I just ask that you think before you speak and ask yourself what does the non-believer hear when I say that? Are my words going to build someone up or tear them down? What does this do to my testimony? If you feel a need to act against the current administration, maybe you should pray for him. Or is your God not big enough to handle it? My God can!
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kimkayjones · 4 years
I bought a new planner to better organize my life with. Not sure that's possible but going to give it a try. Every week it has a Bible verse up in the corner and this first week was Psalms 19:7.
Now the planner isn't King James version (we can save that conversation for another day) but I thought it was an interesting comparison. The planner uses NIV and says "The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.". so I looked it up in the KJV to see what it said and the only difference was the word refreshing, KJV uses the word converting.
I looked up the word converting and it means to cause change. I also looked up the word refreshing and it just means to stimulate the same thing. I thought this was very telling as the law of the Lord should be making a change in our life thus converting it. If we just continue to refresh the same old thing, what do we accomplish? So I ask you this, are you allowing the law of the Lord to convert your soul or are you just refreshing it hoping for a different outcome?
"The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul". Psalms 19:7
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kimkayjones · 4 years
When did churches become non-essential?  During this time of statewide lockdowns due to COVID-19 I have thought about this question quiet a bit.  I just want to put out a few things to consider and then each of you can form your own opinion.
First, under what circumstance is it ok for the government to tell the church when they can meet and how many people can attend?  I never thought I would see a day that the police handed out tickets to church members for attending. I know through my childhood dad always talked about what we would do if we weren’t allowed to have church, but it was never under this circumstance.  Is this setting a precedence that could lead to further control? I believe I know the answer to this question, and it is never. The government should never dictate what the church can do. That being said, the church is the people not the building and we should make decisions to keep our people safe.
Second, how does the pubic see us during this time?  Strong enough to worship God through this struggle or as not caring about anyone else because we are so determined to follow our religion.  Believe it or not I have heard that second opinion more than once. While it is most important what God thinks we also must consider what our testimony is saying.
Third, is it ok to worship in other ways?  Is watching the service virtually the same as attending a church service?  Why is it any different then attending in person? Some may use the verse in Hebrews 10:25: “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together . . .” but I do not believe this verse applies to this situation for a couple of reasons but the most obvious is, we are not forsaking anything.  This is all temporary. (I hope)
In conclusion, I want to say God is in control.  Do not allow the media to create fear. Psalms 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”  Be smart and be safe but also be honest with yourself.  Am I willing to go every place else but when it comes to church, I suddenly obey the rule?  When I am attending church virtually am I really worshipping or am I just checking in so the pastor thinks I am there?  Am I using this time of quarantine to draw closer to God or am I allowing it to draw me away from Him? If God is the Great Physician, then the church should be where we go to be healed.  Sounds pretty essential to me.
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kimkayjones · 5 years
Pastor Ben spoke Sunday on what it means to abide in Jesus.  He said abide means to live or dwell. To have one’s home.
It really got me to thinking about what it means to be home.  Home should be the place you can always come back to no matter how bad you screwed up.  Home means I can let down my guard and be my true self. (good or bad) Home means I can share my fears, my worries, my failings and still be loved.  Home means rest and solace. Home is has my back when the whole world is against me. Home should be the place I want to be above all other places. Home means unconditional love.  Home is not necessarily a place but also the people you love.  
I know growing up I felt all those things even though we moved to several different places and houses.  Even living with 6 people in a small camper, I felt loved. We sometimes might not have loved the 2 that snored quiet as much, but we were still home and still family.  And believe me I tested that unconditional love with my parents on several occasions. I hope my children feel that about our home. I might have gone over the top with the momma bear protecting her children role, but no one messed with my kids.  I hope they know that no matter what happens they are always loved and accepted.
In John 15:7 it says “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”  Psalms 91:1 says “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” In John He says multiple times that if you abide in Him you are a disciple of Him and you will bear fruit.  He also says to abide in His love. So, I ask, is Jesus your home? Do you find solace in His word? Jesus knows your successes and failures and He loves you anyway. No matter how far I stray he is waiting with open arms for me to return.  Is Jesus your home?
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kimkayjones · 5 years
Identity (part 2)
The second thing the movie Overcomer reminded me of was that I am loved. I can be extremely hard on myself. I'm quick to look at all my mistakes and flaws. I don't take the time to see that through those mistakes I've come out stronger. I'm better because of them. They say you should learn from your mistakes so I should be extremely smart. LOL
In the movie Hanna was asked to study Ephesians chapter 1 and 2 and to write down all the things that it said she was. This is the list she came up with. "I am created by God. He designed me, so I’m not a mistake. His Son died for me, just so I could be forgiven. He picked me to be his own, so I’m chosen. He redeemed me, so I am wanted. He showed me grace, just so I could be saved. He has a future for me because He loves me. . . I am a child of God."
I am not a failure I am God's child. He loves me in spite of myself. 1 John 4:4 say "Ye are of God... and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
Thank you Kendrick Brothers for a wonderful movie. Overcomer
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kimkayjones · 5 years
Identity (part 1)
When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a secretary, I would get paper and pencils and a little table and I would line it all up and sit there and be so proud of my desk. As I got older I I told people I just wanted to be a mom and most of the time they would make fun of me. We are all expected to grow up to become "something". So what have I become? If you ask me who I am I might tell you I'm a quilter, or mother, or government employee, and oh yes a preachers daughter.
My husband and I watched the movie "Overcomer" and it was amazing. It had many hard truths in it. The first of which was "who are you". The coach listed all the things he was and when questioned again he finally came up with "I'm a Christian" and the man asked him why was that so far down on his list. The things we love the most are the things that have the highest priority to us.
A few weeks ago on a radio show the question was asked what priority does your spouse have in your life. I was shocked when I actually stopped and thought about that and realize just how far down I had allowed him to be in my life and I had the same thought today thinking how far down my Savior is on that list. Who or what do I love? Where is my heart?
Matthew 6:21 says "for where your treasure is there will your heart be also". I think it's time for me to change my priorities. I'm not exactly sure how to do that but I know where to start looking.
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kimkayjones · 5 years
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kimkayjones · 5 years
Our Church is looking for a new pastor so during this time we have had several different speakers including my dad.  I find it interesting that over the last several weeks each person has had a sermon that in some way talked about where our focus is.  Each of these sermons has nudged me to think about where my focus is.
The change in leadership of the church has not been under the best of circumstances and has left some hurt feelings.  Who am I kidding, it has left a lot of hurt feelings. Was that because my focus was on the Pastor and not on God?
We have also had a very stressful year in our family.  I have shed quiet a few tears and struggled with letting the circumstances take me down.  Is that because my focus is on myself and not on God?
Dad preached on I Peter 2:9, he said we are peculiar people.  I always thought meant weird and I was working on that part pretty hard.  But the word peculiar actually means bought by God. It also says we are called out of darkness into his marvelous light.
I heard a saying that PTSD was like all the light had been taken away and all you can see is the darkness; in life & in people.  I think depression is like that on a smaller scale. I have to admit I am struggling with that but to find light all I need to do is look up.  John 8:12 says “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”  I John 1:5 says “…God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all.” Psalms 27:1 says “The Lord is my light and my salvation;”
Where is your focus?  On the world? On your daily struggles?  On other people? Look toward the Light!  Look up! Focus on God. He can handle all of our problems.
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kimkayjones · 6 years
A Servants Heart
I was speaking to a Pastor this week about how a Pastor can lead his Church but still be able to listen to the people voice thoughts, opinions or concerns.  In my experience the members of the Church are not allowed to question the Pastor and at times the Pastor’s pride hinders the relationships in the Church. This Pastor said something that got me thinking, praying and studying.  He said “if a Pastor comes in with a heart to serve his people there will never be an issue with him also hearing his people. A pastor must have a Servants Heart.”
In Matthew 20:27-28 it says, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”  This verse clearly supported what this pastor was saying to me. I had never thought of a Pastor’s role in this way. But I believe it does not stop there, this applies to all of us.  Galatians 5:13 says “ For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another”.
So, being reminded that I need to strive to have a Servant's Heart what does that really look like?  I am not sure I know that answer entirely yet, but I do know it starts with Love. Loving God first and loving others second.  I think Christians in the Baptist realm have lost their Love. We are so busy looking for faults that that is all we see. Jesus didn’t spend time with the Pharisees He spent time with the crooked tax collector, the lepers, the prostitute at the well.  I am challenging each of you to pray with me every day; “Jesus, give me a Servants Heart, show me how to serve others, open my eyes to see opportunities to serve someone everyday”
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kimkayjones · 6 years
Party snack
My mother tried to teach me important life habits such as “if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything at all”.  Or “sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you”. Or one I heard a lot “if it’s worth doing it is worth doing right”.  Some of her life lessons weren’t so obvious at the time.
Mom made the best party snack but only once or twice a year.  She had 2 rules about the party snack; one, you had to play games to have some and two, she gave us little dixie cups as our portion size.  That drove us all nuts. I just wanted to take the Tupperware bowl and eat out of it. I didn’t understand the reason. She also did this when I wanted to snack on chips.  She would make me get a bowl and put some in the bowl instead of just eating out of the bag. I didn’t understand until later that she was teaching self-control. I couldn’t stop eating the snack when I had the bag but if I just had a small portion I could stop when it was done.  I wish I had learned this lesson better.
Self-control, will power, self-discipline, good habits or whatever you want to call it is an extremely hard lesson to learn.  This is true in our spiritual life too. It might be a Bible reading schedule, a practice not to gossip, or simple habit of kindness.  These things take self-control. Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”  I definitely lack in will power but God is not lacking in anything and He says right there that he can give me the will and also the ability to do what He asks.
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