kin-stuck · 7 years
for the pendulum—will dirk and i find roxy and jane soon?
i got a yes!!
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kin-stuck · 7 years
are any of my canon mates looking for me?
i got a yes!!
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kin-stuck · 7 years
(Sorta of a) canon call please? KURLOZ, LUCIEL SAYS YOU FORGOT HOW TO CONTACT ME!! I'M RIGHT HERE!!!! MESSAGE ME, SUGAR SKULL!!! (i may have already sent this in, sorry, its just we found each other but then Things(tm) transpired and we've lost each other again so I'm sending this to every blog i can think of that's still active)
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kin-stuck · 7 years
Am I kin with Nepeta?
yes!!!-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
Can I get a pendulum to see if I'm Bro Strider?
you are!-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
can i get a pendulum on whether i was a beta kid? if so am i jake?
you are not a beta kid. -mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
am i kin with roxy and/or dave?
you are kin with dave, but not roxy!!-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
was i in a relati0nship with a jane lal0nde?
i got a no-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
Is davepetasprite looking for em?
yes!!! good luck out there!!-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
Pendulum- was it just a dream or a memory I had?
it was a memory!-mod meu
0 notes
kin-stuck · 7 years
i'm my Kan timeline, was i bloodswapped?
yes!-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
Pendulum- did we play Sburb in my canon?
i got a yes!-mod meu
0 notes
kin-stuck · 7 years
hi! are you guys taking mod applications any time soon?
we probably should, since this blog isn't very active any more. i'll think on it!!-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
Am I kin with any of the Ancestors or just the Descendants?
i got a no. -mod meu
0 notes
kin-stuck · 7 years
I feel super cast adrift?? (Bad phrasing but can't come up with better one), and I think a pendulum might help??
ask away!!!-mod meu
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kin-stuck · 7 years
Am I kin with Dave Strider?
tiki says no-mod meu
0 notes
kin-stuck · 7 years
am i kin with any beta kids?
i got a no-mod meu
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