kinamvld · 4 years
and in a moment, she’s reminded once again why kinam becomes a resolve, no. a one-punch hit of logic that yanks her back into the realm of reality that she’s become astray to. “it’s never too late?” she quirks a brow gently, one that doesn’t heave condescension but breeds a layer of skepticism within her answer. years ago at the flitting age of fifteen, she’d been gone girl. a wild one that accepted each and every wave of a violent breeze, uprooting her into another world to assimilate to. yet, life intercepted its grimy hands, marking her. etching her. molding her into a form of obedience — something, even she herself couldn’t come to terms with.
“does this mean now that you’ve told me that — you’ll believe your own advice and strut the stage again?” yeseul’s well aware, acquainted with the stage presence that captivates, no. domineers the stage occupied by the male. yet, she’s also familiarized herself to know that lost dreams are now fragmented and scattered — requiring the agony of assembling it back together piece by piece. and maybe, that’s what adds a film of comfort knowing the two are aligned in a mutual cognizance. 
so, she sighs helplessly underneath the soft utterance of her words, a hand that perches itself on her lap with eyes too tired to fight the strain of bright fluorescence lights. “perhaps in another world, i’d be divorced from this wretched ipad of mine, exchanging it for the ease of a keyboard. and you’d be back on stage, enchanting the lines of cameras aimed your way.”
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Many years ago he’d made peace with the Morning, acknowledging that every bright morn’ brought a new day, a new reason to drag himself from the comfort of his bed, of his home, of his singular form as a human and creature and dancer. Dragged from his room, dragged from the stage, dragging from his passion — but passion is a frequently fleeting measure, something more-so ever-changed and ever-present despite rarely ever holding the same form for but a few moments before shifting again, sifting again.
Passion was soft, passion was fickle, but it was also strong and dexterous, determined to push forward even the least flexible in body and mind. Passion came and went, but when it came it was with a force, and when it went it created a scar, like the one across his eyebrow from an accident he barely remembers but his mother retells with a soft yet worrisome smile.
“It’s never too late,” the trainer echoed once more, eyes squinting in slight he adjusted his view and looked to the young woman. He sat up from his place on the couch, palm gently slipping from his face before nestling against his lap. Dark eyes — tired eyes — watched her then, a sadness hanging on the tip of each eyelash, yet batted away at the next blink.
“I’d like to,” he answered, voice a soft hum, words wisps against the thin skin of his lips, “but I’m old now, too old for me to be new again.”
He stretched his arms over his head, elbows gently cracking as if to prove his point. The sound pull a small smile across his face.
“Maybe as a soloist, or a producer or choreographer, but the group days are over. ... And that’s okay, don’t you think? Sometimes the parallel is closer than we think.”
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kinamvld · 4 years
If there was one clothing brand you could work with, who would it be and why?
I’d love to be able to work with Dune London. They have great Chelsea boots, which honestly help tie my outfits together sometimes.
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kinamvld · 4 years
If you could splurge on one new piece of clothing, what would it be and why?
I try to keep a small closet, but I could really use a new jacket with cooler weather coming up. All Saint’s Survey Leather Jacket would be my pick.
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kinamvld · 4 years
What is one thing you never leave the house without?
My wallet. A super obvious answer, but I’m always worried I’m going to forget it one day and then I won’t be able to get home. It’s a weird fear, I know.
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kinamvld · 4 years
How well do you deal with crowds and attention on you?
During my idol days I was still getting used to having a lot of attention on me, but I’ve always been okay with large crowds. These days as a trainer I don’t really have to worry about either because most of the time they’re not focused on me anymore, at least not from the public aside from (T)AIM’s fandom.
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kinamvld · 4 years
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kinamvld · 4 years
200806 | soooo_you ig update with kibum ☆彡
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kinamvld · 4 years
closed starter for @kinamvld, early august / kinam’s place
there’s a few things yeseul shouldn’t be doing — smoking, drinking. neglecting herself. yet, she’s always been one to fall into the tantalizing trap of the never ending rabbit hole of self-destruction — and maybe, that’s how she stepped foot into an old friend’s apartment, barefaced and shadows underneath her eyes still attesting to the killer hangover that pulls her into the daze of events that unfolded in the past few days. luckily, there’s no alcohol involved tonight — it’s a therapy session. an unraveling of the thoughts that cloud her mind, and yeseul sits into the role of the speaker.
“i played the piano a few days ago. the first time since snc’s debut, i believe.” she remembers when she’d fallen in love with music behind the scenes, fell in love with each simple lilt of melody and harmony that moved with a few clicks of the mouse and a translation over the ivory keys. but all of that had fallen through, shattered by the desperation of money and survival in a world where the bitterness of the golden spoon had been brutally yanked from her mouth. 
she purses her lips together, only to recoil back to the feeling of front teeth pressed hard against her bottom lip. “at this point, i’m coming to accept that dreams for someone my age is long gone and withered — it’s too late to continuing dreaming and cling onto something of the past. i might just start to accept that i need to be fully complacent as a manager.”
It wasn’t terribly off to say that he, too, had fallen victim to the woes and worries that clouded her mind. For many years he’d been lost, wandering across planes and rifts of existence that felt neither proper not his own. Sweden had been the starting place where the anguish seemed to brew, loved by his parents but abandoned by his sibling at an early age. Some said it was because they were only half-siblings that the separation shouldn’t hurt as much, but being a stranger in a strange land and utterly on his own had proved to be far more difficult than perhaps most could imagine.
Yet those years we behind him, not long gone nor forgotten, but simply pressed and closed into a box far within the catacombs of his mind, hidden behind dark eyes that now shifted to the young woman that now spoke. It was pleasant, you see, that there was someone closer to his own age that he was able to converse with on the topics of sorrow, encapsulated in a tender anguish that few seemed privy to access. He looked over to her from his slightly slouched position on the couch, face giving away little as he continued to listen.
“It’s never too late,” Kinam answered after a momentary silence, gaze drifting towards the windows. He rested his cheek in a palm, propped up on the arm of the couch. A soft laugh left him, a strained smile furled across his face as he returned his attention to the young woman. “And yet here I am, not exactly still pursuing my own dream, I guess you could say.”
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kinamvld · 4 years
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Please remember to send asks to others who reblog this post. This is important and encourages everyone to partake and also send asks. 
This is Part One of a multi-part series. Please carefully consider your muse’s answers as they will have an impact on your muse in the following posts in this series. The more specific your answers, the better.
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kinamvld · 4 years
When: 20.07.08 | 05:28 PM Where: Atlas Records Building, Gangnam Who: @kinamvld
Going to Jeju had been fun, and Hamin was in the best mood. He had returned to work with the biggest smile on his face, feeling like everything was slowly falling into place and there was nothing that could go wrong. He knew that such thoughts were a bad thing, because if something did go wrong, he would feel terrible, but right now he wanted to enjoy the wonderful feeling. Although they were still working on their comeback as a group, Hamin used all his free time to work on his solo album as well. There still was no release date, but he didn’t want to rush anything.
So when he walked into the practice room, he grinned at the only person in it. “Hyung!” He greeted cheerfully, offering one of the coffee cups he had in hands. “How have you been? Did you enjoy Jeju?” He had seen him around, but everyone had been doing their own thing and Hamin hadn’t wanted to annoy anyone. Besides, he had been spending time with his favorite people there, and it had been wonderful. “I was wondering if you have a moment, there’s something I would like to talk to you.” It was something he had been considering for the longest time, because it was important and he wanted only the best, and Kinam was just that. And now that the song was done, it was the perfect moment to get other stuff ready.
The trip to Jeju had been relaxing, but that didn’t mean he’d been lazying by the pool or on the beach on the daily. Every morning he woke up and did a brisk job before sunrise, and during the day was predominately work, ensuring everyone was stay safe and doing well, and the days closed with cool evening jogs, a cool-down for the day, if you will. Despite how many had commented on how it was quite fine for him to simply relax and have a day to himself, after so many years of maintaining the same routine, it felt comforting to continue parts of it even while on vacation.
Back at Atlas Records, however, meant the typical schedule was back and once again full steam ahead. Even though there were Summit Media artists and trainees now wandering the halls for at least a month and a half, that didn’t mean he’d catch a break when it came to finding available practice rooms for lessons or private sessions. Sure, Atlas staff and artists had the power to kick out Summit artists, but it didn’t sit right with him, especially if there were other available rooms.
He’d spent sometime this warming down after a lesson that ended at the top of the hour, thankfully his last of the day. As he continued to stretch, the trainer’s eyed followed the person that entered the room, remembering that the mirror made the figure feel further away than they actually were.
“Hamin,” he greeted briefly, continuing his calf stretches. “I did. It was good to get out of the city for a bit.”
When he was prepared to ask the other man how he’d enjoyed the trip, the idol posed a question that held far more weight than the previous one. The trainer watched the leader via the mirror, nodding as he switched legs.
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kinamvld · 4 years
Miranda was caught in surprise, eyebrows raising as she saw a familiar face showing it’s grace and saving her from the embarassment . She felt her cheeks heat up, not sure if it was because of the weather or because of how dumb she felt. Still, she was thankful, the corner of her lips curling upside as she muttered a soft thank you. As Miranda watched the male pay, however, she couldn’t be quiet about it.“-I’ll pay you back when I find my wallet.” and even if she didn’t get to find it, she’d make sure to still make her way to give back his money. That’s a thing she learnt with her parents, to never have a debt with someone - or else it’ll haunt you later. “I mean it!" ;
She didn’t want to look worse than she was already, taking all the groceries in her thin arms, what seemed to be a bad decision, but the determined look on her face wouldn’t let anyone help her.” Since you paid for this, and I don’t have the money to pay you back right now, tell me what do you want to eat. I’ll try to make something delicious for you.“ Miranda glanced him, a wide smile spread on her face. There are only few things she’s sure in her life, and one of them is her cooking hability. She isn’t a chef and relied on the power of youtube recipes more than she should, but what mattered is not how it looks but how it tastes. ” Oh by the way, I know we are hanging around but we haven’t properly talked with each other.“ She did try to talk with every staff team member there but makeup, salty water and sand didn’t work together very well, forcing her to stay away more than she wanted."I’m Miranda. Well, Cho Miranda but no one calls me that. Just Miranda is fine. Mira is good too.” She was babbling. That’s something she usually did when trying to erase the awkward silence.
With the woman’s transaction complete, the trainer went through the process of completing his own, purchasing the few items while keeping his attention split between the cashier and the young woman to his right. Offering slight smiles and gentle nods, the man listened to the woman explain the situation before introducing herself.
“Rhee Kinam,” he answered, providing a bow to the other staff member as the cashier handed him his receipt. Taking the piece of paper, the trainer gathered his purchases into the reusable bag previously in his coat pocket. Slinging the bag’s straps over his shoulder, Kinam slowly steered their conversation from the checkout line and towards the exit.
“Do you know how to make raggmunk?” he asked, smile widen briefly as he assumed he’d hear that she’d never heard of such a thing, but people frequently surprised him. “If not that then honestly just so freshly cut fruit would be nice... Or if you’re feeling generous, bulgogi.”
A soft laugh leaves his lips then, shaking his head as they strolled back towards the tents.
“I’m kidding — Please, I’m happy I was able to help.”
A pause and few more steps later.
“What company are you with? I’m with Atlas Records and I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you before so it must be... Summit Media or KMG Entertainment?”
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kinamvld · 4 years
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kinamvld · 4 years
when: 2020.07.31 @ 12:45 pm where: atlas records’ company building with: @jingoovld
Bright rose the Sun on such a day as this, Her rays gentle yet sweet as they swept over the courtyard, the small patch of greenery that often aided in getting him through the day, even with the help of a chilled drink and baseball cap that covered recently buzzed locks. Rising from his spot on a bench, the trainer meandered back inside, pushing the door open with his forearm as another staff member moved past. The perspiration from his drink slid along his finger and wrist, sneakily making its way down his arm as the reusable cup was brought back to his lips.
Over the edge of the cup, the trainer spotted a familiar face entering the building, which caused a smile to birth as he swallowed the cool liquid.
“Long time no see,” Kinam greeted, a smirk playing on his lips as he approached the soloist, offering a slight bow as had been grilled into him over the years.
It was no secret that Summit Media artists were currently a bit... out of sorts. With their dorms flooded, only so many had escaped the tiresome fate of staying at the dorms of Atlas Records or KMG Entertainment, and for one of the many reasons, Kinam was quite fine with the fact that his own idol days were behind him.
“Stopping buy for lunch? Or are you here to tell us the rest of Summit flooded now?”
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kinamvld · 4 years
Tastes like strawberry in a summer evening
     The sun that was orange only an hour ago, shining warmly upon the night-chilled soil has become a yellow inferno. Miranda was thankful that instead of being closeted between the many buildings in Seoul she is in this beautiful island, with the water shining like a turquoise molten mirror. She have seen beautiful places throught her short living but frankly none compared to Jeju Island. It was the mix of a paradisic scenario with the right weather to match. She was feeling as if she’s illustrating the best post-card for the season and she wanted the mood of the entire day to be just like it: postcard perfect.
     The mood was fitting for a chill night, with some drinks and a nice grilled meat. A nice korean BBQ was her choice, with various fruits and soju. Mirand already put all in her ecobags and was analyzing how the hell she’s going to carry a watermelon and she was so deep on it that didn’t see the cashier looking at her expectantly for the payment.
     "Oh, right! The payment, lemme grab my wallet" she tapped the back pockets of her denim shorts with a smile that started to fade when she didn’t felt her wallet. ‘This can’t be happening, right?’ she thought, putting her hands back and forward, tyring to see if she didn’t put in another pocket. 'Crap.’  It could’ve fallen in the beach or she forgot in the camping site but at that moment her worry is how much things she passed without having the money for it, making a fool out of herself. She didn’t want to ask for the cashier to wait until she went back to the campsite to grab her credit card, as it’d be too troublesome for the people waiting in the line.
     "I lost my wallet" she said, with an awkward smile.“I’m just going to cancel it and grab my cradit card.”
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Despite their time on the island being a so-called vacation for all involved, it was impossible for the trainer to actually take a day off. It was arguable that exercising on a regular basis was a part of his contract with Atlas Records, and quite frankly it made sense considering he was a dance trainer, which required plenty of physical movement and fitness daily. Now that wasn’t to say that working out being a part of his work requirements was the only thing that kept him in the gym or running, no. For much of his youth he sought something to release the mixture of emotions and pent of up energy that plagued him, and running had certainly become a way to do just that.
Arriving at the shop after completing his jog, the trainer had decided it would be keen to purchase some fruit to give his body some energy after depleting so much of it. With his purchases in hand, the man stood in line, patiently waiting behind a young woman as her goods were rung up. Initially his attention began to drifting, eyes catching the vegetable stand, wondering if he should get a few of those as well, only to have his gaze drawn back to the customer in front of him.
As she expressed her dismay and embarrassment, Kinam couldn’t help but offering a soft smile, brow furrowing in understanding. He shifted the fruit cradled in the crook of his arm.
“That’s okay,” he began, nodding, only to place his own purchases on the register belt just a few seconds later.
“Here,” the trainer added, pulling out his own wallet and stepping a couple paces forward to face the cashier. “I can pay for her things with my card, if that’s all right.”
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kinamvld · 4 years
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Happy 28th birthday King Kibumeme!
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kinamvld · 4 years
Jooae shifted so her long legs were stretched out in front of her and she gently tapped the toes of her sneakers together, smiling when the fox looked directly at her for a second before laying down. “I’d be honored if she is,” she said, leaning back on her palms.
“When my family and I lived in London, we rented an apartment above a spiritualist shop. The owner was a witch and she always smelled like smoke and incense. She helped me study Korean mythology because my parents were very determined to assimilate at the time. She had a cat who she said was her familiar. When I was little I was convinced she was a person that Katherine had turned into a cat.” She laughed a little. “I would love to be able to believe in magic again like I did back then.”
She finally tilted her head back to peer up at Kinam, quirking an eyebrow at him. “Running during vacation? I thought trips were an excuse not to work out.”
This was, of course, a rather strange hour for the young idol to be wandering around just outside the campgrounds, just as strange as it was for him to be returning from a jog. Raising his arms over his head, the trainer stretched briefly, eyes flickering to the small animal in question as it seemed to take inventory on how many humans were prowling at this time of night. He must admit that this had become the most pristine hour to exercise: not too hot, not too cold, and he was finally able to hear the rhythmic nature of his breathing instead of cars on the adjacent road or waves of bugs in the thicket.
With that being said, it did make for a difficult time in getting up in the morning.
“Sounds adventurous,” Kinam commented, his main focus on leveling his breathing to a normal rate once again. He couldn’t remember if he’d visited such shops back in Sweden, but he knew it was far more likely to find such a place in a city like London than Linköping. As her story concluded, the former idol offered a soft laugh, nodding.
“Believe it or not, this is plenty relaxing. During the day I have to be at the activity locations, so I only really get the evenings and early morning ‘off,’ if we really want to call it that.”
A pause, and he glanced between the soft glow of the campsite lights and a rather tired looking Aria.
“I suppose this is the part where I ask what you’re doing out this late?”
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kinamvld · 4 years
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You made the right decision. 
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