kindergartenart-blog · 10 years
"Wanna hear a joke? What did the kid play with?! PLAY!!! Get it? Like clay!"
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kindergartenart-blog · 10 years
Tumblr media
A kindergartener made me a present. It's a portrait of me in clay. How nice!
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kindergartenart-blog · 10 years
Not Afraid
Kindergartener: "I'm not scared of reindeer or not even cows."
Me: "Wow, that's awesome. I'm scared of alligators."
Kindergartener: "Not me, I rode one one time."
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kindergartenart-blog · 10 years
Wanna hear a joke? When do snowmen die? SUMMER.
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kindergartenart-blog · 10 years
New Blog!
Hello there! I am currently an art teacher at the elementary school level, and have been sharing numerous hilarious quotes, pictures, and anecdotes from my kindergarten classes via social media with my friends. They suggested I start a blog of all the weird, funky, and downright ridiculous things that have occurred and keep it updated with new happenings, and here it is!
Names have been changed for privacy. This blog intends to celebrate and marvel at the imaginations of young minds, so be kind!
P.S. If you are an art teacher with your own hilarious kindergarten experiences, submit and I will do my best to share them with the world!
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