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my friend I love you
oh, darling can't you see?
No matter where life takes you
You can lean on me
when the ground beneath you falls
I'll hold fast by your side
When the tempest rages on
I'll keep you above the tides
And though I know some days I'll fail
Jesus never will
I shall simply do my best
To be a light upon a hill
For He helps us to endure
When all help is lost
I won't let you fall away
No matter what the cost
I will ere support you
Through life's lows and highs
Because I know darling one
You are priceless in His eyes
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pro life women sound off
(they say that pro life is a misogynistic position to hold and I want to prove that it's not just Men Trying To Control Women yk)
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Jeanne Villepreux-Power went from being a dressmaker’s assistant to inventing the world's first aquarium and becoming one of the most groundbreaking marine biologists of her day -- yet few people know her name today.
Born in France in 1794, she first gained prominence after she made the wedding gown for Princess Caroline. This also led her to meeting English merchant James Power, who she married in 1818 in Sicily. They lived on the island for over twenty years and it was there that Villepreux-Power undertook a rigorous self-taught study of its flora and fauna with a particular interest in the marine ecology.
In 1832, she began to study the paper nautilus or Argonauta argo, pictured here. The prominent opinion at the time was that the nautilus took its shell from another organism. In order to test whether this was true, Villepreux-Power invented the first glass aquarium, which allowed her to study nautilus in a controlled environment. As a result, she discovered that the nautilus created its own shell. As she continued her research, Villepreux-Power also designed two aquarium variants, a glass apparatus within a cage, used for shallow-water studies, and another cage-like aquarium which scientists could raise and lower to different depths as needed.
In 1839, Villepreux-Power published “Physical Observations and Experiments on Several Marine and Terrestrial Animals”, her major work discussing the nautilus and other sea creatures she had studied. Increasingly renowned for her pioneering research, Villepreux-Power became the first female member of the Catania Accademia, as well as a member of over a dozen other scientific academies. In recent years, this trailblazing scientist and inventor was further recognized -- a major crater on Venus discovered by the Magellan probe was named in her honor in 1997.
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So sick of having a darkened intellect, weakened will, and disordered passions.
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I’m legit surprised that I haven’t seen more ray cats in fiction.
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If you don’t know, one of the first ideas for how to keep people away from nuclear waste 10000 years from now was to create a breed of cat that would change color if it got near radiation and create lore and songs to go with them that would be remembered long after people forgot what nuclear waste was the same way people still have thousand of years old religions that tell us to do stuff but we forgot why. They made a song for them and everything.
One, why haven’t they showed up in more futuristic fiction? Two, why have I never seen a ray cat furry? Three, why did they pick an animal that is THE MOST likely to wander off instead of one we have more control over like horses or dogs?
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Ways to Celebrate G.K. Chesterton’s Birthday
Write a poem about cheese
Chase after one’s hat
Admire a sunset
Draw with chalk on brown paper.
Draw on the ceiling using a broomstick that you’ve blackened in the fireplace.
Write an epic poem about the things you carry in your pockets
Propose to a woman with red hair
Admire an idealistic Irishman
Consider a paradox
Defend orthodoxy
Ship Mary, Queen of Scots with Don Juan of Austria
Enjoy good food and strong drink
Convert to Catholicism
Defend the honor of Notting Hill
Break into your own house
Criticize H.G. Wells
Fight against modernism
Start a prolific career of literary genius
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No, no they are sort of the same...Those bags are found everywhere. It's a cultural modern tradition ya know? I knew a girl who made a dress out of one.
Part of me feels concerned about marketing and brands having to much power but the utility of the bags is glorious and they might trancend their purpose in spirit aswell as function
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people have these “my dog is a democrat” stickers and I like to imagine them with increasingly unlikely animals professing more niche political opinions:
my parrot is a democratic socialist
my arctic fox is an anarchopastoralist
my catfish believes in the divine right of kings
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god my favorite part of knitting/crocheting/etc is watching string become fabric. crumpling it in my hands. this fabric would've never existed had I not willed it into being. it isn't fabric, it's time made physical. made material. isn't that the high of crafting? you mold time between your hands and put it into other people's hands. my least favorite part is when my cat tries to cram the whole yarn ball into his mouth
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Random guy on a dating app: You’re taller than me so… :/
My sister: Years from now, when your son comes to you crying because he can’t make the varsity basketball team, you’ll have to explain to him that you passed up the chance to marry a woman taller than 95% of American women.
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Wise women of tumblr, I need advice about dating.
There is this guy at church that I met at ya-church meetings and mass. We've joked and talked and stuff, but I don't know him that well. He asked me out today. And I want to go, but I wonder if it's wise.
Problem numero 1. I don't even know if he's actually christian! For he has gone to the meetings for people who don't know much about christian faith at our church(where there seems to be a mix of people raised christian but not very seriously, those who have fallen away, and those new to faith). But I fear he would be inclined to not answer without skewing the truth(not saying he would lie, not without lying also to himself), since it would be in his favour to be. Needless to say I would never date a non christian.
Problem numero 2. He's going to move to another country next year(for a year) for his studies. It seems very irresponsible to start anything. For both of us.
But...I like him. That is to say, I think I could really like him if I would allow myself to. If he met my moral standards. He seems to be very very kind and smart and we click on a surface level atleast. Also he's charming and funny and all that.
I think I must go on a date with him to know where he stands, yet it is a lot of potential heartache. I worry for I have never gone on a date and "date" sounds so serious in my mind. Obviously I don't want to hurt him either. Or mess up anything between him and God! Or our church! I worry for everything and everything.
Any advice? (Highly appreciated)
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All I need is for someone to gently cup my face and tell me I'm not as doomed as I feel.
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the adventures of tintin (1991) ↳  tintin + working
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people be like "oh so killing disabled people because there should be less disabled people in the world is EUGENICS now? smh what has the world come to"
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Redeemer King
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