"I've come to help you."
Send "I've come to help you." to find my muse in a pool of their own blood.
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Memories of loved ones drifted through his thoughts as he felt the warmth of blood staining the snow underneath his numbing body. His wrath lessoning the longer he laid but the bloodsworn knew he'd done right for his Warmother, his bloodsworn, his kjærlighet. NOt knowing if he would be found alive or not, Tryndamere began to mumble his own funeral rites under his breath when he was interrupted by a voice.
Cracking open his eyes he looked for the source of who ever was speaking unsure of what they were actually saying before forcing himself to speak up, "If you've come to finish me off do it quickly least the elements and my own wounds beat you.
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⚠️ What is one thing the muse wishes the mun could have warned him/her about?
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"My family...my clan...my people."
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♦ (I'm curious)
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Tryndamere sat observing the woman for a moment before speaking up. "Mysterious."
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♦ Ah why not.
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"I've only rumors to go from but word does travel. Warrior."
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"For you twin, fierce." Trynadmere smirked as he pointed a finger towards his likeness.
Without a beat he pointed to Garen "Bigot."
"And uh... child. I'm afraid I don't know enough to say anything else."
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// *crawls out from other their rock*  hi
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// *crawls out from other their rock*  hi
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A howling scream could be heard from the distance as a massive man comes running at top speed towards Tryndamere "TTWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN" fir a moment clear blue eyes lock onto the others green ones before he is tackled by his doppelganger "nice to have you back"
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"Nice to see you again as well."
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“My bloodsworn is more than capable of killing you should she desire, but she craves peace and stability for our people.” 
Tryndamere shifted to his full height and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, “Though my War Mother does not my aid, I will not hesitate to strike you down for threatening her.”
“So much snow, not enough fighter.” @the-dark-constellation
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"Yeah, there's going to be snow and ice in the north. Where you expecting anything else?" Tryndamere paused before crossing his arms with a sigh.
"Everyone you come cross is some kind of fighter here in the north. Be lucky you haven't crossed one yet or you'd find out the hard way.
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//sorry know I said I was gonna try to be active but work and remodeling my room has kept me busy.
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Via wordisjustaword Instagram
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Happy Munday >=3c
And a more regular one lol
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Stargate Atlantis - Sunday
John Sheppard and Ronon Dex
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