kingofthebarrel · 1 year
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Kaz lifts his cane, uses the beak of the crow to move a wisp of hair out of the Darkling’s face. It’s fucking risky.
Based on chapter 25 scene of a good myth is hard to kill by @bardofavon
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kingofthebarrel · 2 years
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Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo | Chapter 27, pgs 374-376
So here is Kaz fighting like a whole gang by himself like an idiot. Or at least part of it- I did not have the stamina to draw him fighting the first six dudes and I really needed to draw the iconic bloody smile at the end (and bloodthirsty Inej). It probably shouldn’t have taken like three months but picked a bad time to start it, with family and holidays and getting laid off and job hunting so it was hard to find the time and motivation. Also I picked like the most painful scene in the book to try and draw honestly. I’m never going to try and draw a fight scene ever again. Or stairs. Or anything. Also for the millionth time i goddamn hate how tumblr shrinks images.
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kingofthebarrel · 3 years
kaz brekker could’ve defeated thanos in infinity war but the avengers could have never pulled off the ice court heist and that’s just facts
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kingofthebarrel · 3 years
I mean since there’s a demand for it apparently, maybe I will…
drop the brender playlist don't be shy
ALWKEJDHDBSB that was actually my photo album for kaz BUT my sibling @kingofthebarrel has a most excellent kaz playlist if they feel up to sharing
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kingofthebarrel · 3 years
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this one was unexpected! but my streak of edgy murder boys continues for six fanarts 
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kingofthebarrel · 3 years
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#and they were swearing, missing, and screaming
Shadow and Bone | Bloopers
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kingofthebarrel · 3 years
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Shadow and Bone Bloopers: The Crows Edition.
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kingofthebarrel · 4 years
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…and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world.
The famous Crows Don’t Have Any Manners scene, a commission for @brambleberrycottage! Had to freshen it up a bit cuz my Kaz default changed a Lot in a year
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kingofthebarrel · 4 years
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This was for russian book ask, but you also can ask your questions for Kaz here :) And again thank you dear @crowsvalentine for this amazing fandom <3
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kingofthebarrel · 4 years
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* . ✧ fandom fam edits ♦︎ kaz brekker for @ketterdam 
It was the promise that let him sleep at night, that drove him every day, that kept Jordie’s ghost at bay. Because a quick death was too good for Pekka Rollins.
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kingofthebarrel · 5 years
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A commission for abbyjordanx on Instagram of a modern day Inej and Kaz! :D
Kaz is relatively unchanged because well he’s Kaz.
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kingofthebarrel · 5 years
Okay but if the introduction of Kaz Brekker in the tv show isn’t the sound of a crows head cane tapping against the ground with a slow camera pan up from said cane to his amazing jawline and cold eyes then what is the point?
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kingofthebarrel · 5 years
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↠ he grinned at her, his smile sudden and jarring as a thunderclap, his eyes the near-black of bitter coffee.
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kingofthebarrel · 5 years
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it’s just a girl who sails the high seas hunting slavers and her kinda-awful gangster boyfriend
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kingofthebarrel · 5 years
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favorite quotes (1/3) | @sixofcrowsnet heist: get to know the members: dev 
maybe one day kaz could forgive jordie for not being the perfect brother he held in his heart. maybe he could even absolve himself for being the kind of gullible, trusting boy who believed someone might simply want to be kind. but for rollins there would be no reprieve.
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kingofthebarrel · 5 years
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Fear is a phoenix. You can watch it burn a thousand times and it will return.
 Here she is! Nina Zenik - Heartrenderer, Raiser of the Dead, and complete Bad Ass, that I have totally and utterly fallen in love with. Again, I will say this a million times - how have I waited this long to read this absolutely STELLAR series?! By the gods, I kick myself every single day for it now. 
This was painted last weekend and completed in only one day. I cannot BELIEVE I actually finished it, as well as two other whole paintings (including Jesper x Wylan, which will be posted next friday! and a Lamen commission this sunday :D)
I am away right now, but I still have my instagram active! So hop on there to see some wips both on my page and my instastory! I update every day with something new I am working on, so if you’re interested, please go and check it out!
My last Six of Crows Painting: Inej • Kaz
If you like my art and would like to see more, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi! These paintings may not look like much, but they can get pretty expensive to put together because of my rendering program. So anything would be greatly appreciated!
Speedpaint of this painting!!!! 
Prints on my Inprnt!
Also on my Redbubble for mugs and other goodies!
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kingofthebarrel · 5 years
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She was going to leave a trail of blood over the skyline.
Here she finally is! It took me forever to actually read Six of Crows. I looked back on my instagram and found the day i started it in 2016, and it took until last week for me to actually commit. I’m so happy I did, but so sad I waited! This is my first Six of Crows piece with many to come. I already have a Kaz painting planned out that I will hopefully finish this week and post updates the week after. Stay tuned for Kaz, Matthias, Nina, Jesper, and Wylan! And send me anymore suggestions!
If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-Fi! It may not look like it, but these paintings can actually be pretty expensive due to my 3d program I use for my base renders. Every little thing helps and I really love painting these pieces. So if you can contribute, I would really appreciate it!
Commissions are technically closed atm, but my waitlist is open! Snag a spot if you’d like a piece like this!
Prints are posted on my Inprnt and my Redbubble!
Speedpaint of this painting!!!
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