kipsbay · 7 years
angry sexual tension starters
a continuation of this meme: ( x ). as requested by anon. warning: these can be a bit crude.
“If you keep talking, I have no idea what I’ll do to you.”
“Unclench your fist unless it’s going up my ass.”
“Complain that you’re cold again and I’ll make sure you feel heated.”
“It’s two AM! You better be here for a booty call.”
“What is with you?! Stop leaning in so close to me!”
“You better shut up, or I’ll do it for you.”
“I fucking hate you! Stop looking at me all sexy.”
“Let go of my shirt, unless you plan on ripping it off.”
“Kiss my ass.” / “Suck my ass.”
“Fight me! With your mouth! On my mouth!”
“If you turn your back on me again, you better be bending over.”
“Oh, so you wanna wrestle? Take your clothes off then!”
“You say ‘I hate you’, but all I hear is ‘fuck me’.” 
“Stop cleaning already! There are better things for you to do on your knees.”
“You think you’re the boss of me just because you’re hot?!”
“You can take your middle finger and shove it up my ass.”
“If you keep yelling at me, I’m going to have to punish you.”
“Why’d you push me up against the wall?!”
“I can’t STAND when you look at me with those long eyelashes.”
“Stop biting your lip and bite me instead!”
“Quit saying you’re bored, or I’ll find a way to entertain you.”
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kipsbay · 7 years
concept: the year is 2034. i walk into work with coffee in hand. coworker is wearing cool shoelaces and i compliment them absentmindedly. they look me dead in the eye and say, “thanks, i stole them from the president.” scalding coffee leaks out of every one of my orifices and i hide in the bathroom convulsing for the rest of the day
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kipsbay · 7 years
Imagineham’s write-a-thon
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I was doing some thinking and I thought about how much fun doing something like a write-a-thon can be so I figured if no one else wanted to host one I would do it myself! 
The write-a-thon will take place between November 27 and December 3 2017, hopefully this gives everyone enough time to prepare and get started on their plans and fics for the week! I encourage everyone who is interested to get involved and give it a go, remember you are under no obligation to write for every day, just write what you want to write and have fun!
Now without further ado here are the prompts:
Day One: Monday November 27
Write about the breakdown of a relationship, when you start to fall out of love and just don’t think it will last much longer. The times when you start to doubt what you have and your ability to thrive within the relationship
Day Two: Tuesday November 28
Write about a holiday that you celebrate, whether it is a religious holiday or just a holiday celebrated in your country, write about a day that holds significance and is used to celebrate something. 
Day Three: Wednesday November 29
Write about your favourite fairy tale, make your tale as loose or as accurate to the original story as you like, be creative and write something fun.
Day Four: Thursday November 30
Write about your favourite au, whether it’s a coffee shop au, high school or college au, an au with supernatural creatures or anything else, write something in an au that you love! 
Day Five: Friday December 1
Write about a first meeting, whether it’s cute or funny or embarrassing, write about two people and the first meeting that leads to something much more. 
Day Six: Saturday December 2
Write about a sexual encounter, write as much or as little as you want. Go all the way or stop when you need to. This prompt is about you writing what you are comfortable with, and possibly to write something a little different than you usually would. 
Day Seven: Sunday December 3
Write about the first feelings of love in a relationship, when you first start to notice you love the person you’re with and that you want nothing more than to make them happy. 
I encourage everyone who is interested to get involved and make sure to tag your fics for the week with the tag #imaginehamswriteathon so that myself and other readers are able to find all the related fics in one place! If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask!
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kipsbay · 7 years
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kipsbay · 7 years
Is it possible request a Daveed x reader where’s the reader is his roommate and friend and the mother’s reader wants to invite Daveed for Christmas (to finally met the man who lives with her kid) But the reader’s family is from another country and doesn’t speak English, Daveed is getting anxious and a bit during the stay (If you have trouble with the language you’ve chosen you can [write the sentence like this ] ) thanks you 💕
Okay so I had a harder time with this one than I thought I would, so I hope you like it. Anything with the [ ] around it is whatever language you want it to be. =) 
“Hey Daveed are you going back home for Christmas this year?” You asked your roommate as you sat on the couch.
“Between Hamilton and my mom going to Hawaii? I highly doubt it,” he laughed.
“Oh that’s right I forgot you said your mom was going on vacation. So you are just going to hang out here?”
“I guess,” he said quietly, “Why?”
“Well I was going to my mom’s and she invited you because she thinks ‘It’s about time to meet that man you live with…. alone’,” you imitated your mother’s accent while making quote marks with your fingers.
Daveed laughed at your antics. As much as you tried to convince your mother and yourself that Daveed was just a really good friend she refused to believe you. Your mother liked to mettle in your love life and you knew her invitation most likely had an ulterior motive, but you also knew Daveed was bummed about spending the holidays on his own.
“Why not,” he shrugged.
“Great! I’ll let her know!”
Pulling up in the driveway of your mom’s house you took a deep breath. She had been elated when she heard Daveed was coming with you. Daveed leaned down and looked out the windshield and smiled. The house was covered in lights and she had the whole yard decorated with light up deer and inflatable snowmen.
“Wow your family really goes all out,” he commented.
“They sure do…” you said with an awkward chuckle. Mom hasn’t decorated this much since Nana flew to visit. What the hell is she up too?
Daveed grabbed the bags while you carried the presents up to the door. Before you were able to reach for the doorknob your mother tore the door open and let out an excited shriek and pulled you both inside. She took the presents out of your arms and put them on the small table in the entry way and Daveed sat the rest of the bags by the door.
“[(Y/N) I’m so glad you made it! Introduce me to this handsome man of your’s],” you mother gushed.
With a wide eyed look of surprise you stared at your mom and then looked at Daveed who was standing awkwardly in the hall looking confused.
“Okay…. Mom this is Daveed,” you said hesitantly.
“It’s great to meet you,” he said holding out his hand.
“[I’m so happy you decided to join us this year! Everyone is so excited to finally meet you],” she said bypassing his hand and pulling him into a hug.
“Uhhhh,” Daveed looked at you for assistance and you mouthed ‘happy’ to him, “I’m… I’m happy,” you nodded and gave him a thumbs up, “I’m happy you invited me.”
“[Mom what are you doing?],” you hissed.
“[Nothing.],” she said slyly and lead you both into the living room.
The rest of the evening had gone just as awkwardly as you had expected. Your mother for whatever her reason’s were wouldn’t speak a word of English to Daveed which left you as official translator between the two and by official translator you meant making sure to edit out all of her comments about what a lovely couple you were. You could tell by the time the evening was winding down Daveed’s anxiety was creeping in. He was rubbing his hands together a lot and stumbling through his responses more than usual. 
The small family get together with just your mother and maybe one or two of your siblings had turned into an all out circus of extended family members you hadn’t seen since you were younger. All of them running around being loud and asking a million questions. It seemed your suspicions were correct when you saw how she had decorated outside, she was up to something all right.
When you saw your brother head into the kitchen you excused yourself and followed him. He was pulling out a bottle of beer from the fridge when he saw you and gave you an exhausted look.
“What the hell is going on around here?” You asked as handed you a drink of your own.
“Your guess is as good as mine. I didn’t know all these people were going to be here,” he replied, “But I have a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with her baby girl finally bringing home a man.”
“Daveed and I are not together! I’ve told her that a million times and why the hell is everyone not speaking English?”
“Have you met our mother? Remember when I brought home Jess for that first Thanksgiving? She cooked all of those really scary traditional foods we never eat?”
“Oh god that’s right…” you said with a shutter.
“It’s a test sis. She is doing the same thing except minus all food. She is seeing how he handles it and if he takes it all with a smile he is worthy of you,” your brother said, “Let her have her fun, besides are you sure you two aren’t a thing?”
A blush heated up your cheeks, “No damn it we aren’t a ‘thing’. We are friends and he wouldn’t think of me like that anyway.” And I’m not about to go ruining our friendship.
“I don’t know,” he said peeking out into the living room and seeing Daveed smiling and nodding at your mom, “If he is willing to put up with all this for the whole weekend… you might want to reevaluate that opinion.” He has a point…
“God you are impossible. Look at him, see him bouncing his foot like that… he is on the verge of a panic attack.”
Daveed sighed with relief when you lead him upstairs and into your old bedroom. You threw yourself onto your bed in a frustrated huff. You could practically see the stress wash from the man the minute you two were alone. 
“I’m so sorry,” you muttered into you pillow.
“Why?” Daveed asked as he sat next to you.
“My mom is way over the top and I had no idea she had invited so much of the family,” you admit.
“It’s okay… it would of been nice to know that they didn’t speak English though,” he said leaning his head against the wall.
“It’s not okay! She thinks we are a couple… I tried to tell her that we weren’t but she wouldn’t listen to me. She is trying to see if you deserve me or whatever,” you growled.
“Well it’s hard for me to prove to your family that I deserve to date you if I don’t know what they are saying,” he muttered.
“That’s the point though, she wants to see if you can handle the situation. She can speak English just fine, all of them can. You should be happy this is her way of testing you… when my brother brought his wife home for the first time she went out of her way to cook the scariest things she could find in great grandma’s recipe book.”
“Well Christmas dinner is tomorrow so you never know,” Daveed laughed.
“Yeah that’s true,” you laughed, “Still though it isn’t fair to you.”
“I’ll deal… it will be worth it in the end,” he said looking at his watch as it turned to midnight.
“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean,” you asked shooting him a questioning glare.
“It means it will make things easier when I do this,” he commented before pulling you into a gentle kiss, “Merry Christmas.”
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kipsbay · 7 years
angst prompts for all your heartbreak needs
1) “When it happens to you enough you just learn to pick up on it.” 2) “It’s okay. I’m used to it.” 3) “I didn’t like you anyway.” 4) “Get out and don’t come back.” 5) “You’re everything to me, yet I’m nothing to you.” 6) “Please can we just talk this out?” 7) “There is nothing more we can do.” 8) “Stay with me!” 9) “Don’t look at me like that.” 10) “You know damn well why things are the way they are.” 11) “I never meant to fall in love with you.” 12) “Let go.” 13) “I hate you, but I think I hate myself more.” 14) “Look at me! C'mon, don’t do this!” 15) “I regret it all.” 16) “No. Don’t you dare shut me out!” 17) “You mean so much to me. Please let me help.” 18) “We can never start agian.” 19) “You’re gonna make it, just stay awake.” 20) “I promised myself I wouldn’t let anyone break my heart, yet here you are.”
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kipsbay · 7 years
Types Of Kisses Prompts
1. Post Break Up Kiss - The kiss that catches both of you off guard, but says I miss you, I’m sorry and please love me again all at once without any words being spoken.
2. Early Morning Kiss - A kiss that’s a wake up call, its barely even lips touching, more like they're kissing your chin because they’re so tired in the early morning haze. 
3. Hesitant Kiss - The type of kiss where their lips brush against each other’s a few times, breath fanning across each other’s faces as one waits for the other to make a move.  
4. In The Moment Kiss - Maybe it’s in the middle of an argument or you just looked to damn beautiful not to kiss, but their lips were hot against yours and it felt too good to stop. 
5.  Can’t Let Go Yet Kiss - The type of goodbye kiss when you keep leaving quick pecks on each other’s lips, but end up pulling each other back for more, which could go on for hours if one of you don’t finally pull away.
6. Empty Kiss - When one of you don’t kiss back, just the stoic feeling of their lips on yours, it’s empty, like no one even cares anymore.
7. Unbreakable Kiss - The type of kiss that really shouldn’t be happening, it’s a mistake, but you just can’t find yourself able to pull away.
8. Breathtaking Kiss - It’s the kiss that you can’t do anything for a few seconds after, you keep your eyes closed with mouth agape of you try to let your mind process what happened. 
9. Distracting Kiss - When you are competing, maybe playing video games or something so you press kisses anywhere available; arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, temple, just anywhere to distract them.
10. Quick, Goodbye Kiss - It’s the almost late for work kisses when their lips just peck yours, like an unfinished goodbye.
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kipsbay · 7 years
Okay, it won’t be Key, Meet Car...
It’s Thomas smut...
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kipsbay · 7 years
Part three of Key, meet car is coming up!
Either tonight or tomorrow, but I’m shooting for tonight.
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kipsbay · 7 years
One Date
Rafael Casal x Reader
Word Count: 1750 (a shorty but a fluffy)
Summary: “If you say yes, I’ll call you every day until you agree to go on one date. Say no, and I promise not to call you again.”
Warnings: It’s pretty much fluff, a little sad in a few bits but it’s not that bad, there’s only dialogue… so if that bothers you?, language as always, a little implied smut.
Tagging: @bad-hatter
A/N- Okay! Yay! I finally finished something! So this is pretty short, it’s just written in dialogue/phone calls. Kinda my first whack at a fic in this style, so please don’t be too harsh. Italics are Y/N, regular is Rafa. I’m pretty sure that’s about it! I hope you like, let me know what you thought :)
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kipsbay · 7 years
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This has probably been done before but that’s just who I am as a person *shrugs*
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kipsbay · 7 years
why writing takes forever
writer: *stops mid-sentence* damn what's the word I want?
writer: *spends 25 minutes on google trying to figure out the right vocab word*
writer: *gets a paragraph done*
writer: *starts another sentence, stops* what is that really specific fact I need?
writer: *spends an hour trying to figure out this obscure thing that probably doesn't actually matter*
writer: Wait what's that thing called again?
writer: *has no idea how to search for what I need*
writer: *ends up digging through blogs and other archived websites for details*
writer: *needs to reference source material for fact checking*
writer: *has to eat and sleep at some point*
writer: should it be "she regards him with disdain" or "she glares at him with disdain" ??? (hint: it doesnt matter but gunna go back and forth over it for an hour)
writer: *gets distracted by the internet in general*
writer: HOW IS THIS ONLY 800 WORDS???????
writer: fuck proofreading
writer: okay fine i'll proofread.
writer: holy shit this is awful.
writer: *reworks entire sections*
writer: *doesn't think I'm good enough as a writer and stops for a few days*
writer: repeat process as needed.
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kipsbay · 7 years
i cannot BELIEVE the incredible response i received for this!!  that being said i’m sorry this took a while to get out – i’ve been obsessed with YHIAWTC and inspiration has been coming and going for this one.  BUT i finally sat down and cranked this out and i’m pretty pleased with the end result??  it kind of ended up doing its own thing and not giving a FUCK about my original plan but i like it and i hope you do too!
title: layaway hearts, pt. 2 (dinner at sawyer’s)     ( 01 ) fandom: hamilcast pairing: daveed diggs x reader rating: t for swearin & cute gross cheesy flirtin word count: 4767 tagged: @simply-daveed @merrahonthawall @jugjcnes @runnerriley @angelicahamlton @astudentsnightmare @woodlandwanderess @followingnaturespath @dixie-land-delight @aurevoirlune @tallish-hobbit @parksxo @axreblogs @dontsay-notothis @thyme-to-wonder @spookass @jazzyyyjones @daveeddiggsit @carpediempoets @gracefullyhood @fanficsj @there-are-no-raindrops-on-roses @eunuchboy @zestycoffee @kick-ace @villagecrazypeggy @hi-miss-roman @applesislife @hiddeninthesunnn @mysterywriter36 @tealtyrant @linmanuelllllllllllll @terrainhead @gonnamurderyou @shakybakeywakey @toomanyfandoms109 @inthedarkfightingdragons @apandawithcookies @hamilton-canyouimagine @strawharrrrrry @theschuylersistersss @spoopy-piineapple @sobrightswift
You didn’t think there was much room in your life for anyone other than your daughter – until you meet her kindergarten teacher, who’s intent on lending you a helping hand.
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kipsbay · 7 years
A vanilla soy latte is a type of 3-bean soup.
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kipsbay · 7 years
Work Comes Home - Part 9
Summary: You work for the company that publishes Hamilton: The Revolution.
Words: 11K+ (I genuinely wasn’t planning on writing this much, it just happened.)
Author’s Note: I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER. But thank you for being so amazing and patient with me while I wrote this and dealt with all my life things that have been happening recently. 
SPECIAL THANKS to the people who helped me get through this and read through the rough drafts of my ramblings: @secretschuylersister, @ourforgottenboleros, @letsgiggletogether, @adothoe, and @iwrotemywayto-revolution. This wouldn’t be here without you. 
Disclaimer: Artistic liberties taken regarding the publishing world and timeline. I’ve put the warnings below and tagged them as well just in case. As always, let me know if there are any glaring mistakes. I always love feedback!
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Alcohol
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kipsbay · 7 years
*pulls up to the fanfic drive-thru window* uh yeah, i’ll take a fake relationship with a side of mutual pining and thinking the other isn’t interested, thanks
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kipsbay · 7 years
The Bay Boys Series - Pt. 8
Title: Submissive Diggs Pairing: Reader x Daveed (Rafael appearance) [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6.1] [Part 6.2] [Part 7]
Summary: You and Daveed try a bit of role switching.
Word count: 1,488 Rating: R Warnings: SMUT, Y/N topping, submissive Daveed, hair pulling, face sitting, cunnilingus, D/s, lingerie Tags: @thehamiltonpost, @parksxo
Notes: I only meant to do a short drabble since I was bored but it turned into a full scene and so I decided to make it part 8 of the series. This was also requested by an anon, so nonny I hope you see this!! :D
Y/N = your name (Use these extensions to replace Y/N with your name: Chrome: “Search and Replace” FireFox: “Find and Replace”)
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