kirisakidaichihigh · 8 years
Jealous Furubaby and Hara? ;D
Oh, how jealous they got at the sight of her always admiringthese insufferable smart-asses, Hanamiya and Seto. Of course, unbeknownst to each other.
Class. Break time. Immediately after she mentioned asking one ofthe aforementioned hell-sent geniuses for tutoring sessions (wait,what-the-hell-where-did-that-came-from?!) Hara found himself walking towards herdesk.
“Seto? He’ll be fast asleep before you even finish reading thequestion. And, between you and me,” he gestured with his long fingers “do youreally want the Hanamiya as a tutor?” Harachallenged meaningfully. “How about mygood self?” he grinned in pride. “Studying together would be lots of fun.Today. After school. Yeah?” he popped a bubble and emphasized “We can share~” 
Before she got the chance to properly react to the sheerabruptness of the suggestion, a pile of textbooks somehow settled itself on herdesk. Her careful eyes rose towards the new arrival. “My note-taking isclearer than his,” Furuhashi claimed in monotone, staring down at her,without a single blink. “Bubble popping takes your concentration away from theproblem at hand. That’s the last thing you want.”
…Cracking knuckles…
Watching from the sidelines, Yamazaki was sure this was the verymoment they both realized… she was a price to be earned. And the challengebetween Mr. Dead-fish eyes and Mr. Fridge-for-eyes was just getting started…Oh, boy.
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
Ohhh, what are some of Hanamiya's guilty pleasures?
can these count?
He loves to read and everyone knows it but no one suspects that Hanamiya can and will read fan-fictions. 
Bubble baths. Lots of bubbles. 
Doodling during class. 
Watching Disney movies with his mom. 
Online survival games. Disguising as a girl and playing a female character. Not because it’s beneficial but because it’s actually fun. 
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
Your headcanons for the Kiribabies?
He spends a ridiculous amount of time in bookstores and libraries. He likes the smell and the atmosphere. 
He plays all sorts of strategic games.
Especially, he plays Scrabble and quiz games with his mom. 
He either listens to hardcore music or really calm classics. There’s no in between.
He can’t take cold weather (but he doesn’t get sick easily.)
He writes songs and poetry, and never-ever shows it to anyone.
Basketball is the only place where he feels confident; outside the court, he’s pretty insecure.
He needs a lot of time to get used to people and get comfortable around them. 
He reads “girly” magazines to understand girls more.
He makes impulsive purchases.
He eavesdrops on people around him.
For each match he bakes and cooks for the team.  
He used the language of flowers to create a conlang with his sister so they can talk about everyone around them without anyone knowing.
Collectable toys from vending machines are his favourite to collect.
He began writing a diary since he learnt about the concept of ageing and dementia because he became afraid he’d forget everything.  
He’s not friends with his older brother due to age difference. In fact, his parents prefer him over Kentarou. 
Fluffy pyjamas and slippers. No one knows about this. 
He sometimes has lucid dreams and it’s literally the best thing.
He may have a great memory but he gets lost in shopping malls and even supermarkets all the time (people around distract him.)
Has a large wardrobe but ends up wearing whatever is closer to him. 
He loves owl and cat cafes the most.
His mom is a chef, which is why he loves food and is really picky.
He’s a lot smarter than people assume.
His older sister taught him how to waltz, how to braid, and how to do nails.
May forget your name right away but he’s that guy who remembers every embarrassing memory of people around him. His own, too.
If they go abroad during summer they always have group Skype calls or chats no matter how big the time difference is. 
Monopoly, Cards Against Humanity, and UNO are one of their favourite ways to pass time. 
Hanamiya naps with Seto during lunches in the clubroom, where they have a few futons for this occasion. Sometimes, others join in.
During training camps, at night, they discuss how they’ll approach the zombie apocalypsis and other similar unrealistic situations. 
They all love summer because they have so much free time, which they can spend hanging out at each other’s houses.
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
Hana-chan Headcanons
Since Wave is a bit busy right now, she decided to post some random Hanamiya headcanons for you, thirsty for bad boys, followers~ 
He’s into historical fiction genre, especially if it involves WWII. His close second favourite (it’s not easy to choose) is fantasy. 
While he reads a book he always imagines himself as a protagonist. However, he gives them his personality when he’s not reading and just fantasises himself in the story and the world of the book. 
He gets genuinely angry when the main characters don’t have things going their way. 
He hates book-to-movie adaptations because the book is always better and everything’s not the way he imagined it in his head and “you can’t just go and take away *insert a minor detail!* It’s damn important.”
His handwriting is messy and horrid, mortifying people. This is because his thoughts are faster than his hand, so he rushes to write them down. 
Due to that, most of the time on the exams he spends writing neatly than answering the questions. 
He prefers typing to writing.
As a kid he learnt to recognise and read characters long before an average kid could and before he could write them himself, which made him love reading and hate writing by hand.
He curls into a ball when he sleeps, covering himself in a blanket and becoming a cocoon with only his nose showing so he could breathe fresh air.
He shuts the blinds in his room so he wakes up in complete darkness.
His mom gifted him a chemistry set for kids when he was 10 and he still keeps it in his room. 
He does most, if not all of his homework at school during the breaks so he can spend more time with his mom at home.
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
What song the boys would chose to play it on Just Dance? (Any version of the game it's alright) xD
YouTube links included~
HANAMIYA: Uptown Funk and Born This Way
HARA: Gangnam Style and Moves like Jagger
FURUHASHI: The Gummy Bear and Animals
SETO: Want to Want Me and Lights
YAMAZAKI: Hey Mama and What Does the Fox Say
KIRISAKI TEAM: Macarena and Circus and Maneater 
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
What kind of presents would they give to their girlfriends on Valentine's Day or maybe their anniversary or birthday? And what kind of presents would the boys like to receive? Thank you
Well, in Japan, it’s usually girls who give chocolates to boys on Valentine’s Day and then boys return the gesture on White Day! The more you know~ 
Also, belated Valentine’s Day from the Kirisaki Team and Admins!
HANAMIYA: Despite him not showing it, he knows exactly what you want to get and depending on the importance of the occasion and how long you know each other he’d be willing to spend quite a sum on the present. It can range from favourite chocolates to jewellery (though, you’d have to marry him by this time!) He’s not so picky as what to get, since he has everything, really. A rare or signed edition of his favourite book is welcome. Also, he loves homemade bitter chocolate and he wants it for all occasions. As well as a cherry on top. 
HARA: He tracks all your interests at all times. When there’s anything coming up he’ll look for tickets (be it your favourite band or anime convention) or merchandise you might possibly want. Alas, he’s very nervous about his choices so he tries to subtly ask you questions to double check. In the end, he either gets nothing or reveals everything. Himself, he’d love anything music-related. His secret wish is you writing a song for him and singing along with playing on an acoustic guitar under the blazing stars.  
FURUHASHI: You might think he has forgotten everything till the big day. He likes to surprise you from the beginning of your day (whenever you wake up) and bring you a nice breakfast in bed along with something you’ve totally never thought you needed in your life. It can be as simple as an external phone battery. He’s content with anything that either has a meaning or is useful. He’d love to get something handmade, especially on an anniversary he’d love a scrapbook with his favourite memories of his life and your life with him.
SETO: He always does his planning in advance. You said you wanted something half a year ago but still didn’t get it? Well, guess what! He’ll also cooperate with your parents to make sure his present is exactly what you want. He’d take you to a restaurant and make you feel like the most loved person in the world. Himself, he’d love to go somewhere quiet where you can listen to the sounds of nature and marvel at its beauty. He’d want to get something antique or old, not necessarily expensive, like a polaroid camera.
YAMAZAKI: He tries to surprise you every single time anything comes up. His presents can be both dangerous and fun. He prefers to give experiences rather than things, though, he makes sure to take a photo or video of you having fun! Things you’ll get are Escape Room challenge, bungee jumping, and Coffee Barista master-class, and so on. He’d love to get anything from you, but he’d really appreciate some quality time together, cuddling and kisses, and a home cooked meal only for you two. P.S. A Happy Birthday song is a must!
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
Hara finding out that his childhood friend has cancer! (Poor Kazuya.. T^T)
TW: Cancer
Hara doesn’t know what to make out of it all. He sits in his room, throwing a worn-out basketball against the wall, catching and throwing it again. His thoughts are in a mess so he throws the ball harder until his arms ached with pain and he couldn’t move them anymore. 
It’s been two months since Hara’s seen his best friend. It’s been two months since he’s been avoided without any explanation why he was treated the way he was. And it’s been one month since he couldn’t catch his best friend in the University, even being told by professors, “Sorry, try another time.” 
What have I done? Did I do anything wrong? The thoughts pressed against his skull as he tried to recall everything that they were.
Age five when they met, throwing dirt at each other. 
Age seven when they pranked the class together. 
Age eleven when they ate ice-cream under the sun.
Age thirteen when they went to different schools for the first time and it was too much to bear, they used to climb over into each other’s rooms every night.
Age fifteen when they decided to enter the same high school and had wicked plans for conquering the basketball club.
Age seventeen when they experienced their first real loss and a sleepover where they watched How To Get Away With Murder. 
Age nineteen when they had their first blackout drunk experience despite being underage. 
Age twenty-one when Makoto abruptly stopped talking to him.
Hara can’t take it anymore. He tried to understand, he really did, but he, at least, had to know why. He can’t wait, too. If Makoto wasn’t going to do anything, he’d have to beat the reason out of him. 
He jumps up and changes from his pyjama into first clothes he finds - a purple t-shirt and yellow jeans, and races down the stairs. 
Damn, he thinks and runs back to his room. In the drawer under his table lays a 100% cacao chocolate bar. He curses himself for caring too much about such trivia detail but takes it nevertheless. Yelling to his mom to close the door, he, like a bullet, shoots out of the house. 
Hara runs and runs, pushing past his limit, legs hurting not used to the mad man speed. The pain silences his thoughts, the ones that don’t let him sleep properly at night. The wind blows against his face, exposing it, as his long fringe is thrown back. When he finally reaches Makoto’s house, he stops and realises he barely breathed. Hara leans against the fence, staring at the nameplate on the house. Hanamiya, it says. 
One word, so many memories. 
Taking a deep breath, he resolves in his heart that no matter what, he’ll do whatever it takes to save their friendship. It’s dear to him. It’s something he doesn’t want to lose even if the world fails. Hara walks up to the door and pushes the bell button. At first, there’s no response. When he’s about to ring the second time, he hears someone shuffling inside. 
There’s a nervous tingling in his chest, making his breath uneven and cheeks flush bright red as his heartbeat increases. He ducks under the peephole and his fringe falls back onto his eyes, covering him safely. 
“Kazuya?” Hanamiya-san’s voice makes him straighten his back. He’s shocked for a second but recovers fast. 
“Hi. I want to see Makoto,” his voice cracks on the last word. “Is he home?”
“Kazuya,” she says, exhaling. 
It’s only now that he sees dark bags under her eyes. Hara knows if there’s a strong woman out there, then Hanamiya-san is stronger than them all. But now, she looked weak, as if she tried to be strong but the world’s going against her and she’s losing the battle, desperately trying to hold onto herself. It makes his heart hurt for a second then he feels worry arising within his body. There’s only one person who could make her feel like that.
He’s not sure how long they’re standing like this but none of them made another attempt to speak. He swallows a lump in his throat.
“What, what happened?” he asks and the look she gives him makes him think I don’t want to know. Except, he has to know. He forces himself to stand his ground. 
“Kazuya,” she repeats, eyes brimming already, “please, just go.”
“No.” He’s surprised with his own impoliteness. “I wa- I need to know. He’s my best friend, I know him all my life, I have to-”
“You can’t handle it!” she yells out. 
Hara shuts up, startled. Hanamiya-san takes a few deep breaths and steadies herself. 
“I’m sorry, it’s been a rough time,” she says. “But I’m serious, Kazuya, you should go. It’s not about him, but you. He doesn’t want you to know, he doesn’t want you to go through what I have to. He says he just wants to be left alone that he hates everyone, even me, but I’m his mother and I know he just really doesn’t want to hurt us.”
Her words make his head spin around. This can’t be good. But does she understand that now he has to learn what is this horrible thing? He’s scared, he’s not ready, and it can break him but he has to. He cares. 
“You know,” Hara says, “it hurts more not to know. I’m his best friend, whatever he says.”
“If I tell you, will you leave?”
“I can’t promise that.”
She doesn’t say anything right away. For once, she doesn’t know what to do. There’s her son’s wish and then there’s the pain of solitude he tries to carry. There are things you can’t handle alone. She wants to tell and for once, she doesn’t want to think twenty steps ahead to win the game. 
One word, powerful enough to make his heart sink deep in the ocean of pain and carry him to the shore of the worst of worries he could’ve had. Of all possibilities he has not once thought of anything like this. The gears click and the final puzzle reveals the entire picture. It’s an ugly one. He should run away, do as she asked him to, but no he won’t. That’s not what friends do. What would Makoto do on his place? He can’t tell, not now.
On wobbly legs, Hara walks past her, past the living room, past the stairs until he’s in front of the door he knows well. His mind is split into two halves: the one that’s bleeding and the one that’s numb, in denial. 
He has to see and then decide. Maybe, that’s the wrong way to take this. He can’t tell, not now. 
Hara opens the door and stares at Makoto, who turns and stares back at him, surprised. There’s no fancy equipment around, the room is just the way he remembers it, neat and tidy, books scattered around the bed. Makoto is pale but the normal kind of pale, not sick. He looks tired, yes, but that’s normal. The book in his hands is normal. The pyjama Hara gifted him with ‘I AM SILENTLY CORRECTING YOUR GRAMMAR’ written on it is normal. It’s too different from what he expected to see, he just keeps staring at Makoto more and more. 
“What are you doing here?” Makoto asks, shutting the book close with a thud.  
“Um,” Hara says, lost. “I brought chocolate.”
He searches his bag and pulls out a bar of Makoto’s favourite chocolate as a proof.
“Leave,” Makoto barks at him. 
Hara ignores it and moves closer until he’s seated on the edge of the bed. Maybe, any other time and day, he’d do what he’s told but as of right now there’s haziness in his mind and soul. He stretches out his arm to Makoto and surprisingly the other one gives in. 
Makoto takes the bar and opens it, biting quite a chunk of it, and looks out the window. He knows it’s impossible to make Kazuya leave. He knew it before and now he got proved right again. He wanted to be wrong. He wanted to be right.  
“It’s unfair,” Hara says staring at the floor. 
“That’s the way life is,” Makoto says. He spent his many hours crying over it when the realisation hit him after a month since he got first diagnosed. Eventually, he came to terms with it and closed off. 
He takes another bite. “It’s bitter, like this chocolate.”
“Is that why you always eat it?” Hara looks at him curiously. 
Makoto rolls his eyes. “Idiot, I eat it because I like it, not for some kind of metaphor.”
And for the first time in months, he smiles. It’s like everything’s back and normal. But Makoto always remembers that nothing’s going to be normal ever again. While he appreciates a few peaceful seconds Hara gave him, he can’t take it any longer. They bring a heavy feeling in his chest, the thoughts You’re going to die soon, and they’re so much stronger than any other day. 
“Leave,” Makoto says with his fingernails digging into his hips. He feels his eyes watering and fuck no he’s not going to cry today. He can do that much.  
“I thought about it,” Hara starts, gripping his knees harder, “I did. But it feels wrong. It’s not what I want to do.”
“You have no idea-”
“I never do, do I?” He smiles without humour. “And maybe I’ll regret it. But I also know this: if I don’t stay, I’ll regret it even more.”
“Kazuya, just leave…” Makoto’s not trying to hold his tears anymore as a wave of negative thoughts thrusts over him, leaving no room to breathe, his lungs full of contaminated water. He curls into a ball, refusing to be seen like this and trying to save the little bits of pride he still has. 
“I won’t,” Hara says, crying too, and moves towards to him to wrap his hands around Makoto’s smaller figure. “I will stay with you till the bitter end.”
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
Reader-chan is an official member of the KiriDai basketball team. She plays disguised as a boy and helps the team win using the same dirty tactics! What more can you make of this? Also, what made Hanamiya even decide to let her join?? (Please, please don't hold back on this!!)
wave came up with some weird stuff
If you can outsmart the smartest person then you can outsmart everyone.
She walked through the corridor of fleeing people, wearing her brother’s uniform and a wig, the carefully applied make-up made her look like him, too. There was a nervous lump in her throat. She was up against the smartest person in the entire school and if she failed now:
first: she wouldn’t achieve her goal. 
second: the plan itself would backfire. 
Which lead to the first problem: she wouldn’t achieve her goal. 
And mind you, she didn’t want that.
Walking with a head held high, trying to add some height, though she was short for a boy, she arrived to her destination. The “Bad Boy’s” classroom. Okay, the basketball captain-coach’s classroom, Hanamiya Makoto. That way it was easier to think about the whole ordeal. She peeked carefully around the door and she saw him packing his things and talking to a tall guy with a mole on his forehead. Must be Seto, the vice-captain. 
She took a deep breath and checked everything again. Make-up, check. Uniform amazing and also boy’s. The breast bind made her look completely flat, although she hated to admit she didn’t have much to hide. Application forms filled out and ready. Including three spare ones. All had her real information: reason, class, name.
I don’t know why you gave me a unisex name, but thank you. Saved my ass so many times, she thought with a smirk. All preparations were done. There was no going back. Her eagerness to see how things were going to play out replaced the nervous lump as she tried to force a smile away. It’d be fun, no matter the result. But it’d be so much more fun if things went her way. 
Hanamiya left the classroom and she blocked his way with a serious look on her face. She couldn’t look intimidating, she knew that well with her small and thin built, but she could use her face. Oh, the joys of deceiving. 
Let’s see if you’re as smart as you claim to be.
Hanamiya made a step forward, expecting the guy budge. He didn’t. So Hanamiya, tired enough for today, turned left to face the growing emptiness of the corridor; he had enough room for that. But he was grabbed by his arm sleeve and pulled back to face this guy. Some short and thin guy, first year presumably, with a pale face. Not out of fear, it was just the skin colour, Hanamiya noted. 
Now, you pissed me off, he thought, eyes darkening as they became colder. 
“I want to join,” the guy said as Hanamiya opened his mouth.
“Join what?” Hanamiya stared him down. He didn’t budge again. 
Prepared or has guts. 
“Basketball club. You’re the coach, right?”
Hanamiya yanked his arm back, shaking off the boy’s hold. It was weak and it felt like he let him go. This just pissed off Hanamiya even more. 
Normally, he wouldn’t make anything remarkable outside the gym, as the whole school (well, the vast majority, at least) believed he was a role model. Normally. But there was no one around, except Seto who’d side with him, and that meant one thing: he could do whatever the fuck he wanted without risking anything. Perfect. He could play a bit, that’d be a nice touch to a shitty school day. 
“And why should I let you in?” Hanamiya stepped closer and leaned to his eye level, “Basketball is for tall people.”
“I know,” the boy said patiently. “Tall and muscular, spare me the details, please.”
Hanamiya stood tall and loosened boy’s necktie with one swift motion, then grabbed a fistful of it and pulled it up. The boy stumbled forward a few steps, now too close to Hanamiya, and stood oh his tiptoes, having a hard time breathing. The fabric’s grip around the neck made him crane his neck back, it was sore already. He saw the ceiling first, then lowered the gaze to Hanamiya’s amused eyes.
“Think you can handle it? Quite a brave… puppy you are.”
“A collar, very funny.” The boy coughed and shook his head a little with pursed from pain lips. “I know what I’m doing.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Hanamiya’s smirk stretched wider as he continued, “what path you’ve taken.”
The boy clicked his tongue. “I’m well aware, mind you.”
“Really?” Hanamiya scowled within centimetres of his face.
Instead of an answer, Hanamiya felt a grip on his collar then on his mouth. A rush of shock and disgust went through his veins, his eyes widened, and releasing the necktie, he pushed the body from himself. It slammed into the wall with brute force.
Holy shit that was insane, she thought, assessing the damage. Things have gone way different than she’d anticipated but now it was clear: she just outsmarted the smartest person in school. Hooray! On the negative side, her back ached from the impact and Hanamiya was furious. It seemed that he was now furious. Sad conclusion, she probably wouldn’t live till tomorrow. 
However, she accounted for this, too. Documents for transfer were long ready, shouldn’t take much time to disappear. But it was too early to think about that. 
Okay, now, need to calm him down or he’d go all bad boy on me. Shit, that sounded way differently than it should’ve. 
She shook her head to get the stupid thought out of her mind. Hanamiya made one step forward to her, a dark aura spreading around him and sending shivers down her spine. 
“I’m a girl,” she blurted out. Then she coughed a few times and with something that actually resembled a feminine voice repeated. “I’m a girl.”
Hanamiya narrowed his eyes, not convinced. She decided that she might as well go all in, since she just busted her cover. 
Well, that shit I didn’t plan, but hey, I think I know what to do. 
She took off her wig and revealed the same hair, this time, her own and way longer. 
“See, I’m a girl,” she said pointing to her head. “But you’re a male basketball club, so, well, I kind of had no choice.”
I’ll bullshit my way through! 
She couldn’t read his expression but at least for now, he wasn’t going to murder her. Wisest decision now was to stay on the floor, with back leaning against the wall, which still hurt by the way. She watched him carefully but tried to make it as less noticeable as she could. 
He watched her back. Considered what happened. Probably wanted to get back on her for what she’s done, which is fair. She could deal with that. He didn’t say anything. She took as that she was granted permission to continue. 
Now, onto the hardest part. Shit, making this guy agree to my idea is like near damn impossible, but also possible, but also he wouldn’t fucking like that I said it and I don’t know how to make him suggest it. That’s the only faulty part of my plan that’s left.
With back against the wall, she slid up. 
Careful, you have one shot at this, you damn genius. 
“I want to play on the team with guys,” she started, “but genetics sort of fucked me in this matter. So I, technically, by rules, cannot do that. But, if I pretend to be a guy, I can. As long as no one finds out, and by no one, I solely mean the referees and opponents.”
Hanamiya crossed his arms on his chest and pinned her down with his gaze, but otherwise made no attempt at stopping her. 
“Which brings me here, to you. Because you break rules anyway, why not break this one too?” she said and hastily added, “I know the way Kirisaki plays. I’m all up for that. I want to say, if I’m breaking one rule, might as well break freaking all of them along with it. Seemed to me you, guys, have a lot of fun with that. So yeah.”
Hanamiya hadn’t felt it for a long time. Conflicted. He wore an unreadable expression, the one that Furuhashi has, but kept his eyes looking at hers. She had guts, he had to admit it. She looked back, refusing to break.
A part of him was enraged. She planned this entire show and she’d win if he let her on the team. The other part of him, already imagined how good it’d feel to see the opponents crushed by a girl. 
Hanamiya knew he needed a compromise. The one that’d leave him satisfied on both ends of himself. 
For now, he had to learn more.
“Do you even know the rules?” he asked.
“Sure. I play since, um, second year of elementary school,” she said combing her hair with fingers. “And I’m a fast learner.”
“What’s so wrong with girl’s team?”
“Sorry, but have you played against a girl’s team?” she snorted. “Bo-ring. Maybe that’s just me, but it is me, and it was plain, painfully boring. To make it more fun, I did lots of things, until I purposely fouled the opponents. There was just nothing better to do. So yeah, guy’s teams are better. IMHO.” 
“Why did you come now?” He raised his eyebrow.
She frowned, confused. “What do you mean now?”
“It’s past Inter-High.”
“Oh, that, I was busy. My little brother,” she tugged uniform she wore, “kind of needed my help. Long story and it’s boring.” She rolled her eyes. 
Hanamiya didn’t say anything for a whole minute, thinking over everything that had happened. He had a full picture now. All that was left is to make the right decision that would leave him satisfied. And of course, he had one. 
“I’ll let you try,” he said with a devious smirk. “First, you’ll play one-on-one with me. Tomorrow lunch, basketball gym.”
With those words, he turned left and made a few steps into the empty corridor.  
“Oh, and I won’t go easy on you. Better prepare yourself for some,” he looked behind his shoulder to glance at her, “bone-breaking pain.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she said with determination in her voice as her lips spread in a happy smile. 
She turned to her left, opposite direction of Hanamiya, and skipped to the near end of a corridor before completely disappearing around the corner.
Seto stood where he stood from the beginning, not crossing the fine line between the corridor and the classroom, and blinked a few times. 
What the fuck just happened?
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
Tumblr's and instagram's of the Kiribabies? ;D
HANAMIYA: He likes his tumblr dashboard neat and tidy so he follows a few quality blogs about ‘epic fails’ (read: someone gets injured and he laughs his ass off) as well as some architecture/landscape photography because it calms his mind. He actually takes his tumblr seriously and writes book reviews along with discussing them with intelligent people. Occasionally, when he feels like it, he would come send you an ask with the plot twist, if he learns you’re reading this book. Hanamiya uses his Instagram with a fake name on it to check on rival teams, so he posts nothing at all. But he actively leaves rude comments and gets blocked a lot. Also, Imayoshi is been eyeing him very strangely last time they saw each other. 
HARA: His tumblr is filled with music blogs along with his favourite bands, he knows every single meme out there and been since tumblr originated. He likes to chat with everyone but gets very protective over his favourite musicians. So if you don’t like his taste you can expect a long explanation why it’s great and why you’re wrong and you’re missing out so much. Though later he might send an apology, remembering that everyone’s tastes are different. If he remembers it. His Instagram is full of selfies and pictures of his teammates and school. Literally everyone is there. He doesn’t have anything to hide. Except his eyes, but that’s another story. He comments on other people’s stuff, too. Also, gets sad when Hanamiya forces him to delete his pictures. 
FURUHASHI: He’s actually a lot more invested in tumblr than he’d like to admit. He follows his little sister and every single of her friends. And they post a lot. So he’s aware of everything that troubles girls and all the memes. (He pretends not to understand when Hara mentions them.) For his own pleasure, he follows blogs about anatomy and botany and cooking. Also, posts his own recipes and photos of bread. He rarely talks to anyone, but exceptions do happen. His Instagram has zero photos of him, but quite a lot of his home-made food and random people he sees on the streets that pique his interest, and most frequently his own flowers and the ones he sees in gardens or parks. He’s actually good at macro-photography. 
SETO: His tumblr dashboard is full of learning resources, quotes, book recommendations, and music notes. He follows quite a bunch and who post regularly so he always has something new to learn. He himself doesn’t create content since it takes too much time but reblogs everything and tags appropriately for future use. Surprisingly, he finds a few people like him and they suggest things to each other. His Instagram is full of landscapes and probably is the only one not attacked by Hanamiya. Seto takes photos of places where he walks and adds a location as well, so he doesn’t have to bother answering anyone. One time he posted himself playing ukulele (his face not visible) but deleted it after a short while. 
YAMAZAKI: The King of Shitposting. He entered so many fandoms he has notifications every second. But he enjoys it and manages to be up-to-date with everyone. He actually produces some quality posts, too, that seem to get a lot of notes, but his most famous one was where, he, after losing a bet to Hara, wrote: my captain’s ass is superb. People keep asking for pics to this day. He uses his Instagram to follow cool basketball players and his friends, both online and offline. Himself posts selfies with the team, friends, family, and just whatever catches his eye. Though if he takes a photo of something cool he’ll also be in it. Selfie stick is his new best friend. He comments a lot, mostly telling someone that he likes a photo and ask how everything’s going.
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kirisakidaichihigh · 9 years
Reconquista ~ The Kirisaki Army marches once more
No, no, no, friends. This is no lie. You’re not imagining this either. We’re alive! We’re here!
We have returned!!!!
Or rather, we are being reborn from the ashes and we’re now forming a dangerous mist (kiri). We are, after all, Kirisaki Daiichi High.
I, Dream, have the honor of presenting you our new savior, the person willing to tackle everything and anything and fight under the banner of Hanamiya -Trash King- Makoto!
I’m sure many of you know of her. How could you not, when she’s the Master of  KiriDai analyses, the ultimate Kirisaki fan? Please, give a round of applause for
I know what you have been all thinking! How dare we crawl back like this after such a long time. The weight of guilt falls entirely on me. And I have but one answer for you; University. I can’t even begin to describe the details; perhaps I’ll be able to in time. I will try my best to get back on track here, but no promises, since I’m currently taking one exam after the other. That is why, Wave is here for you all! Give her a moment to take a deep breath and navigate around first. We have tons of unanswered requests from you guys, but we’ll slowly get to them. Nothing more to say.
Let’s enjoy the ride!!
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kirisakidaichihigh · 10 years
How about boys falling in love at first sight, how do you think they would react? (many thanks for creating this blog and writing so amazingly
HANAMIYA: He accidentally pulled on her long hair once as he passed by. When she turned, hoping to hear a proper apology, Hanamiya had this who-the-hell-are-you kind of look plastered on his face. He did not realize he fell in love at first sight though, denying the very concept of such a stupid, as he believed, notion. The next time he saw her down the hallway, he noted her walking by like a refreshing spring breeze. Having the urge to claim her attention for himself, he pulled on her hair (half roughly) like he did the first time they met, and thus forced her to face him. A wild smirk spread his lips and, for a moment, she seemed frightened…. that he did it on purpose this time and that he… decided on her to be his next victim. Ever since then, he had been bullying her relentlessly in his own twisted way.
HARA: That day, he had run out of gum, which was an unheard of problem by itself for Hara Kazuya. He merrily picked out a few new flavors that seemed yummy at his favorite local store. And then, at the checkout, the items were dropped from his hands dramatically the moment the cutest cashier in the world greeted him happily. She…She wasn’t there when he entered the store, was she?! Seeing that she was friendly enough, Hara wasted no time to flirt and ask her out straight away. It was clear that she felt uncomfortable because of his advances and soon she shyly admitted she had a fiancé. Hara’s mouth dropped in utter shock and chagrin. His mind worked swiftly as he carefully planned on stealing her away all to himself. The battle’s just started…
FURUHASHI: He was helping out cleaning the garden for the community. As he continued to work diligently and efficiently in order to enjoy his well-deserved break, a sad mumbling reached his ears. Following the eerie voice, he came across a girl who could quite possibly be around his age. And yet, she looked as beautiful as an ancient nymph playing with the trees. She had gotten her long, wavy hair tangled to the tree barks. How she got into this kind of mess was not a matter busying his mind, but the beautiful look in her eyes, which grasped his attention utterly and irrevocably. She noticed Furuhashi intently staring at her and meekly asked for a bit of help. He said nothing, but did as requested. When he finally helped her up and his firm pull brought them close to each other, very close, he pretended to have a hard time unraveling her strands of hair, obviously stalling to bask under her shiny presence for a little more.
SETO: It happened too suddenly. He was on his way back home, casually walking and paying no heed to the boisterous crowd that surrounded him. Deciding to take the quieter road, he made his way through the old playground. He was usually vigilant enough, though, and that’s why his tripping over someone’s legs and falling down was a startling event. Seto didn’t usually bump into people by accident. He soon realized he woke up a girl lying down on the footpath leading towards the swings. His head involuntarily tipped to the side, but he made no move to stand up. Was she homeless? Her clothes looked worn out enough. And why would she ever sleep here of all places? Although, enjoying the sun on such a merry place as a playground, albeit now unused, was, was bound to be somewhat refreshing. Those questions kept swirling in his head while his eyes rested upon her. There was this tiny blush on his face the moment she asked, “Opps… did you just trip because of me?” Just seeing her sitting there made him very sleepy and his eyes droopy… he wanted to lie down next to her and nap endlessly.
YAMAZAKI: He was running an errand for his older sister, who was in need of feminine products. It was pretty late, but of course, he was forced to go out, albeit cursing heavily his cruel fate. In front of the local store, there was a drunken girl with completely –sexy, he admitted- messy hair, being dragged along by an older man, even older than his own father. Yamazaki, our hero, our knight in shining armor, was able to easily repel the scoundrel, making use of the honed reflexes and strength he gained as a basketball player in Kirisaki Daiichi. The girl fell into his arms so slowly it almost felt like the scene was taken out of a cheesy romantic movie. What happened next was a blur, but somehow he took her back home since there was no way to contact her family members. The next morning, when his older sister helped washed this strange up, Yamazaki couldn’t keep his eyes of off her…. Was that what they call love at first sight?          
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kirisakidaichihigh · 10 years
Our trash-kings literally begging their s.o. to fogive them? (Whatever it may be, I just wanna have them being sorry for once in their lives, hahaha.)
HANAMIYA: “Look, I already apologized!” he added in hardly-contained irritation. Alas, she kept stubbornly walking ahead- until he yanked on her arm, forcing her to face him. Defiantly, her eyes kept shooting elsewhere. And it irked him beyond human belief. Hanamiya abruptly pulled her into a passionate kiss until her resistance crumbled, showing her how gravely he wanted her to forgive him. After all, he was a man of action when it came to displaying his passion.
HARA: After school and with headphones on, she blasted her music as much as possible. Hara, tugging her arm childishly, whined, “__-chan, hey! I’m sorry, okay?” A whole week has passed. A whole week she ignored him! When she, once more, slapped his hand away without even giving him a proper glance, Hara pouted stubbornly. After he dexterously snatched her headphones with unforgivable ease, she was only left glaring right at him. Hara smiled, happy and satisfied that their eyes finally met.. but maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, after all…
FURUHASHI: Every time their eyes met, she would walk away without a word. And, every time, he was keeping dead silent and watched her go. This has happened for a while now; more times than he cared -or wanted- to count. When Furuhashi finally got a firm hold of her hand, neither of them uttered a word. He insistently refused to let go as she strolled through the city. And the entire time, she would notice the slightly pained expression on his face.
SETO: He had found her sitting in her classroom.”Hey, look, I’ll stop napping for the rest of the evening.” But she didn’t show any signs of caring. She had remained on her seat, her arms folded above her chest. Seto did not falter; he kept standing, quite menacingly, too, at the classroom door. Frowning at her apparent disdain, he took a deep breath. “A whole week?” he growled behind his gritted teeth. She made a point of looking the other way and remained, yet again, quiet. “A month…? Damn, a whole year! Are you happy now?”
YAMAZAKI: “Do you want me to get on my knees and beg?!” he shouted in despair. Of course, it wasn’t making his girlfriend feeling any better. Despite his dedicated pleading, his incessant yelling, he could see her making a slight movement to leave without offering a single word. Yamazaki quickly rushed on his knees and bowed down with his forehead on the ground. Perhaps, aside from his panicked hollering, the old Japanese way of humbling yourself could work-“Please forgive me, __-chan!” It did not work; she walked away. Again.
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kirisakidaichihigh · 10 years
Note from Admin Kohaku
Hello, everyone! This is Admin Kohaku!
I know I never properly introduced myself before, but I have written some scenarios, in which I sent to Admin Dream to let her edit them. I'm glad people liked what I wrote~ Phew~
Admin Dream is currently studying for an exam season will last about three weeks. Doesn't that sound so terrifying?! So, until she's free, I will try to get myself back to work and do some of the requested scenarios. (I apologize for not doing so for the past many days, I was too into something else for a long time and other things just happened in my tight, yet lazy, schedule.)
As for the requests/asks that seem to deal with Senpais and Kouhais... I'll leave those to Admin Dream and pick the ones that I think I should be writing.
Have a wonderful day! Or a wonderful night! And dream of your favorite Kuroko no Basuke character! xD
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kirisakidaichihigh · 10 years
What if the kiridai boy's girlfriends wore thick glasses, one day she decided to give contacts a try and wore it on a date. The contacts dropped out when they are in public and she can't see clearly... (I hope you get my idea. Love your blog, I check it everyday:)
HANAMIYA: He was watching in amusement her nervous walking and awkward gestures; she had turned up late for their designated date, too. When she was finally close enough, he took her by the waist and pulled her closer to his body. Hanamiya’s touch felt very familiar and somehow reassuring. Instinctively she pouted up towards where his face might have been. Suddenly a pair of thick glasses was put on her face and she couldn’t help but smile brightly. But that smile of hers promptly fell down the moment he said, “See? I told you not to get contacts.”
HARA: “Oh, don’t worry about it,” Hara consoled her, seeing that she was in obvious distress. The moment she turned to look at him, wanting to argue that her lost contacts were something to worry about, he took her into his arms in the middle of the walking crowd of the mall, chewing his gum as always. “I’ll carry you around like this if you want,” he smirked at her embarrassed expression.
FURUHASHI: She didn’t even tell him she lost her contacts. She stubbornly tried to pretend she could see clearly while she was walking beside him. Who was she fooling? Only after a few minutes and a lot of dangerous stumbles, he seized her hand and simply led the way. “Where do you want to go and eat?” he asked her calmly, adjusting to her slow pace. And he held her hand all day.
SETO: When she told him she lost a contact midway of their date, he sounded…. glad….? “Great. That means we can both just nap together for the rest of the day.” His girlfriend gave him a soft punch in the stomach, but he grabbed her wrist in time, purely on reflex. “Why not? Doesn’t that sound good to you? I was going to invite you to my bed, too.” He arched his eyebrow suggestively.
YAMAZAKI: “You lost a contact?!” Yamazaki freaked out more than she did. “Where did you drop it? Oh wait! Damn! There’s no way we can find it!” He turned to face the crowd and started to –comically and dramatically- yell at them and demand they stop walking. Blushing, she pulled on his arm. “No, no! It’s fine, Hiroshi!” He sharply turned to her and offered in a panic, “Let’s go and get you a new pair of glasses right now, __-chan!” Unable to utter a word in return, she let him grab her hand and drag her off.
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kirisakidaichihigh · 10 years
Kuro Fes Profiles: Yamazaki Hiroshi, Seto Kentarou, Matsumoto Itsuki
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kirisakidaichihigh · 10 years
(Hi, senpaii~ *lots of hearts*) what does reader-chan have to do to make the Kiri Boys fall for her?
Senpai?? Oh, goodness… *blushes and accepts your hearts*
HANAMIYA: He appreciates girls possessing a dormant power because it makes him lose his mind when she doesn’t admit defeat by bursting to tears like all the others. You staring straight into his eyes and not faltering against his provocative and abusive advances is a great turn-on. A ‘stupid girl’ doesn’t mean a girl with no power of character. He doesn’t like particularly obnoxious and opposing girls, though.
HARA: Offer him his favorite mint flavored gum mouth-to-mouth. You should laugh at his awful jokes and even offer some back; perky and catchy comments are appreciated as long as you don’t deride anything and everything in the vicinity in a crude manner like a savage. Girls should be girls, after all.
FURUHASHI: You need to appreciate the same books and music he does, as a start, to have a common ground to walk on. You have to be able to hold a meaningful conversation with the king of black eyes; not just nod in affirmation under his pressing gaze. Enchant Furu with your intellect! It’s a plus if you also have masochistic tendencies that he coincidentally happened to find out about.
SETO: Body contact. The fact that he loves sleep above anything else puts a considerable distance between him and real people. Gently brushing his hair away or accidentally touching his hand/arm is a great way to get his attention. He doesn’t condone stifling clinginess, however. He needs his beauty sleeps during the day, after all.
YAMAZAKI: Cute girls that smile warmly at his stupid antics are his bane. He blushes and falls into the trap of love immediately. The fact that girls don’t usually approach him because of his loud personality is a contributing factor to that. He is a sucker for girls that give him gentle attention.
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kirisakidaichihigh · 10 years
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HANAMIYA: She excitedly shows off her new earrings during their date, but he isn't paying any attention. Seeing that she was wearing a pout for nearly an hour now, he finally scowls at her and suddenly brushes her bangs behind her ear with his long fingers. He takes a closer took, bending down toward her. "Why buy earrings when you're covering them with your hair like this?" She feels his breath sensually caressing her neck and immediately blushes at the sudden closeness. He doesn't fail to notice and smirks teasingly. "Ohhh. You wanted me to do this?" he says and curiously tugs at the new ornaments.
HARA: They were studying at the library next to each other. "__-chan, your breath stinks~" His girlfriend looks up at the sudden comment and defensively closes her mouth. "You want my bubblegum?" he playfully suggests, grinning. She knows what he is up to, but she just looks down at her homework, scribbling down notes. Hara leans closer in, making her uncomfortable by exploiting the fact that she was normally very serious about learning. Normally. Unable to bear his goofing-off attitude anymore, however, she eventually leans away to glare at him. Unexpectedly, the bubblegum he blew softly touches her lips. This side of peculiar gentleness he showed that day pleasantly surprised her.
FURUHASHI: On a school trip. And lost in the woods. That was so completely out of his initial calculations, that it even grazed the borders of being utterly ridiculous. To add to their trouble, it even started to rain. He takes the first layer of clothes off to shield her from the merciless drops as they stand under a maple tree. There's no other place to hide, they notice regrettably. The wind is cold, but she tries her best to endure it. "Are you feeling alright?" she hears him questioning. The moment she looks up, he silently embraces her to keep her warm. Her body begins to shiver as she holds onto his chest to keep the heat between them.
SETO: As usual, he is on the rooftop napping, while she is devotedly reading a textbook next to him. When he finally opens his eyes to check on her, knowing very well that she has been studying very hard recently, he finds her head innocently bobbing up and down; evidently from the lack of sleep. Lazily, he pulls on her, waking her up in the process. She next finds herself on his chest with his arm securely around her. "Take a proper nap for once," Seto quietly tells her. She dares not move and simply enjoys the comfort, finally letting herself relax in his arms. They both fall fast asleep.
YAMAZAKI: He stubbornly insists to walk her home. And, of course, she lets him. Right next to the shoe lockers, he waits for her to switch her shoes first. When she opens her locker, though, an envelope falls out. Curious, Yamazaki picks it up for her and sees a heart shape drawn on the enclosed letter. "What's this, __-chan?!" he demands, quick to jump to conclusions. She tilts her head curiously and then amusedly laughs after realizing what just went through his head. "...Does this damn school not know you're my girl?" he growls and angrily tears up the love letter, crumbling it afterwards. She chuckles some more when he violently throws it to a trash can nearby. Slightly annoyed with her gigging, he pulls her hand and holds it tightly. She watches him intently as he blushes, "Remember that you're mine, alright?"
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