kitotherianposting · 4 hours
unhinged 30 day otherkin challenge!
3. describe a pie made from three ingredients your kintype would eat, crust included, go
(picking spacekin because i think it's funny)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh stars rocks and cold cold water
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kitotherianposting · 10 hours
Gosh I’m just feeling kin feels super strong today. I feel like actual stardust. I’ve been listening to boats and birds and just wearing all my space stuff and taking Polaroids. And also I found out that putting on really sparkly lip gloss is great for this, even if it feels weird it’s like kissing space. And it’s actually giving me some body positivity cause it makes me think of all the dots and scars on my arm as stars and galaxies.
Long story short, I’m a cute little celestial being and I feel so good right now
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kitotherianposting · 12 hours
Love the alterhuman community on here because someone will go "Can I..." and the answer will be a resounding "yess" "ya I think there's a word for that" "yep and it's called (X)" like it's so positive and helpful
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kitotherianposting · 12 hours
a few things i think people should know.
not directed at anyone in particular, but ive received multiple messages (some deleted, some not) from people and i think ill make a post about some stuff i wanna clear up as a therian.
i am aware that im bodily human, im aware that this will not change.
i am aware that acting wild (or as someone said, "gross" and "ill mannered") does not make me an animal
no, i am not a little kid discovering new terms on the internet and using them for clout. i am an 18 year old man who had been questioning therianthropy for a very long time
no, i am not offended by people saying silly hateful things, ive seen about every basic piece of therian hate (directed at me and also other people) and none of it bothers me
no, i am not in any way attracted to animals and i do not partake in any kind of animal abuse. its weird that people assume that right after saying "youre human!!" like am i a beast or not make up your mind lmao?
no, i dont mind if you ask "silly" questions, in a community as misunderstood as therians/alterhumans i am always happy to help people understand
yes, i believe in past lives. though i do not believe theyre fully to blame for my therianthropy and i dont think every kintype of mine has a detailed backstory. i was likely many animals before i was human and i dont kin anything but bears
i had like one person ask if this was a religious thing, its not, idk how common of a misconception that is but i wanted to put it out there. im not outwardly religious, im agnostic but unbothered by any other beliefs
yes, im aware that animals live outside in the cold with diseases and predators, i am grateful for the things i am given that wild animals are not.
no, you cant hunt me (and also, what the hell? again, if youre arguing that im human then why would you hunt me?)
"how do you know your beliefs are real?" i dont. im simply a person on this earth, same as you, i dont know what lies after death, i dont know what lies before birth, but i prefer my "weird" beliefs over never believing in anything.
after i made that post about young therians (thank you all for the love by the way!) i had a few comments along the lines of "messy eating is human/making faces and acting like an animal doesnt make you an animal" i know, i know that im not a bear, i know that what i do is not limited to therians. I know kids play as animals all the time! but at the end of the day i'm happy. are you? does leaving spiteful messages make you happy?
do you send a comment on tumblr and stare at your reflection in the screen and feel fulfilled? im asking genuinely, because if it doesnt make you happy, then why do it? it doesnt affect me, worst case scenario im annoyed and then dont interact. Do you think that ill hear you say "youre not a bear" and then go "oh my bad" and delete my account? as if i havent been told those exact words my whole life (even before i knew what the internet was!)
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kitotherianposting · 13 hours
Blueberries, they haven't grown in yet so I'll send a pic once they're bigger (still much smaller than store bought though)
I've eaten them straight from the bushes with no bad effects but I probably shouldn't push my luck
Its summer so reminder for all therians outa here: don't eat any berries/fruits/etc from ground or low ground growth unwashed, don't pick up bones/fur scraps/unknown or carrion birds feathers (not fully sure about bones but no to feathers and fur). If you still pick up bones, be sure to do it in gloves/through a plastic bug then wash and disinfect it asap!
Also be sure to eat any meat and fish fully cooked.
Safety first.
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kitotherianposting · 14 hours
okay I'm seeing people in the tags upset with the lack of non-canine therians.
if you are a therian who is NOT a canine, please interact with this post and get your visibility out there!
maybe this will lessen the aggravation of others!
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kitotherianposting · 20 hours
save a elfkin from hating his body
hello i miss my prosthetics, i had these really nice ones for $5, on amazon, like legit i looked at them n was like "5$??? must be kin helping kin..." like i'm a trans guy too and i would choose species comfort over gender comfort and ya boi got a binder but he lookin too human... :(( can someone plss help me get those back???? i'm broke i just got off the streets into a drug rehabilitation type place and i can't even figure out how to get a penny to my name...
does anyone want to help??? you'd save me a tad of insanity because i am v v depressed lately for multiple reasons but species dysphoria is def one. even if not a huge reason... well i mean it is but i have worries pertaining to my survival and return to NY from AZ so??? idk. lol. idk cuz who wants to hate their self???
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kitotherianposting · 21 hours
do i have one ?
New ask game:
Reblog if you want your followers to tell you what your trademark ™️ is. Like, what’s that thing that really identifies you.
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kitotherianposting · 21 hours
... can i eat berries from the bushes in my backyard?
Its summer so reminder for all therians outa here: don't eat any berries/fruits/etc from ground or low ground growth unwashed, don't pick up bones/fur scraps/unknown or carrion birds feathers (not fully sure about bones but no to feathers and fur). If you still pick up bones, be sure to do it in gloves/through a plastic bug then wash and disinfect it asap!
Also be sure to eat any meat and fish fully cooked.
Safety first.
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kitotherianposting · 21 hours
a reminder
(Mostly for me)
just bc a lot of Therian content on like yt is a bunch of pale skinny people doing quadrobics really well doesn’t mean you have to be those to be a therian
and you can just Not watch them/block/anything to not see them that you want
I’ve really struggled w seeing only the thin people in crop tops w no stomachs when I don’t Look like that with crop tops and even tho I love my Therian identity and my stomach (separately) it gets really hard to remind myself over and over again that I’m still a valid Therian w a lil stomach that wiggles when I wag my tail
(This is no hate to the og creators btw!! Any thin quads people out there you’re doing so good!!! /gen)
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kitotherianposting · 21 hours
the feline urge to rub your face on things
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unhinged 30 day otherkin challenge!
2. warm or cold ocean water?
(catkin/oceanhearted/the aquatic parts of being an omnikin/polymorph being used)
I like warm water irl but it being the ocean sounds like. Weird idk. Cold water wins forever
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added cyber/cyberz and byte/bytes to my pronoun list to be affirming to myself hehe
Is there a word for identifying with/as an image or aesthetic? Bc the pfp for my main has been used for so long I kinda identify as it now O.o
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I think I might coin aesthetickin and imagekin if they don't already exist tbh
Is there a word for identifying with/as an image or aesthetic? Bc the pfp for my main has been used for so long I kinda identify as it now O.o
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Tumblr media
Like I identify as this image
And in this aesthetic in general (image spam)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Is there a word for identifying with/as an image or aesthetic? Bc the pfp for my main has been used for so long I kinda identify as it now O.o
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Followed you so we can be moots :)
I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head
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Yeah it's just short for previous :) also welcome to tumblr!!
I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head I need to paint a box and make it into a space themed cat tv head
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