kknudsen · 1 year
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Souls don’t just recognise one another, they vibrate towards each other.
984 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
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260 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
The Throne of Glass House Family Trees
Many people ask, so here ya go! These are the family trees of the major houses in Throne of Glass.
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*Please note the Whitethorns have many many many many cousins that are not mentioned in the book. So...we work with what we have.
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kknudsen · 1 year
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268 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
So these months with Hunt, she cherished them.
Art: tangerine.eileen
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125 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
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Syrinx and Bryce - Crescent City
Artist: @tangerine.eileen
710 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
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66 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
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Azriel - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Artist: @/diana.dreamsart
93 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
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Rhys and Feyre - A Court of Thorns and Roses
Artist: @/theclever.crow
617 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
Cassian: truth or dare?
Azriel: this is not a slumber party
Cassian: i know but it feels like one
Azriel: we're in a fucking dungeon
Gwyn: i choose dare
1K notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
Cassian to Nesta at literally all times:
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398 notes · View notes
kknudsen · 1 year
39 Days till Gwynriel Appreciation Weeks!
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A soft and cozy art by @/lucielart and commissioned by @yazthebookish!
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kknudsen · 1 year
Finally Mine
Azriel & Love interest
Caution: Possible spoilers to all SJM Books.
Made things up, didn't know what to call certain things so just go with it but if you haven't finished Crescent City, I recommend not reading.
WARNINGS: Smut, Swearing, Rough handling, Sexual assault.
Summary: Kyrie is a member of the inner circle and finds herself in a new position following a war. Azriel is a good friend of hers that she has grown to have feelings for. Will a drunken night in Midgard while visiting their new friends reveal everything she has kept bottled within? If it does, how will Azriel react and where will their night lead?
Word Count: 9,012
The music was thumping through the house, through your veins
 into your very soul, as you tipped back your fifth tequila mule and swayed to the music. So you went a little hard tonight, who cares? After all
 you, of all people, deserved it. It had been a brutal few months after being appointed as the Night courts Emissary of Realms. Now that the gates were open for beings to roam from one world to the next, your new position had been a constant. Barley halting from your duties, just enough to eat and sleep enough to carry you through to the next day. You were grateful for the position, you absolutely loved it, but this night
 it was needed! And you had full intentions of dancing the night away without a care in the world. You looked into the empty red plastic cup and growned. Leaning over to Mor and shouting over the loud music, you said “Im going to get a refill, do you want one?” She shook her head and gestured to her still full cup. You nodded and turned on your heels, strolling through the packed first level of Ruhns house. Through the living room and into the dinning room, which had been turned into a make shift pool room. You stumbled slightly as you veered around the clusters of people gathered around the pool table. Your buzz had escalated quickly and you were now well on your way to being wasted. 
You walked up to the bar and asked for another tequila mule, the bar tender nodded and began making your drink as you turned slightly from the counter of the bar to survey the bustling party. It was still hard to wrap your head around the fact that there were 7 worlds, all of which, you hadn’t even known existed 11 months ago. You had all come a long way since then. Since the day Azriel found Bryce on the front lawn at the River house and flown her to the townhouse, alerting Rhys on his way, who then alerted all of the inner circle to get there immediately. You still remembered how purely confused Azriels face looked as you burst through the front door and laid your eyes upon the girl, covered in dried blood, and dressed in clothes maid of a material and style you had never seen before. She had been screaming through her sobs at Azriel in a strange language. A split second later Azriels eyes locked on yours and he was utterly blank. The usually calm and collected spymaster was at a loss of words. He had been stunned by the reality that was unfolding in his mind as he quickly pieced together the little information he had to go off of. That Bryce was not from our world, that she had been in trouble and needed help, desperately, and that we had no idea where she came from, how she got there or how we could get her back. The initial days after she arrived were hard. Communication lacked on both ends due to the language barrier. Apart from Rhys and Amren, no one else could speak the language of the ancient fae. It had been a huge learning curve but through dedicated lessons, Bryce was taught your language and she then, in return, taught all of the inner circle the language of her world. Over the months she had stayed in Prythian, you two had grown close, and by the time the war of the worlds was over, you two had practically sobbed over each other and promised to visit one another often. So here you were, on one of your many trips to Midgard since those final days of war. Through the crowd you spotted Mor, Bryce, Hunt, Juniper and Fury laughing and dancing together. It warmed your heart and caused a smile to creep onto your face. The bar tender handed you your drink and you strolled back over, through the dinning room, into the living room, where you joined your friends. 
You were catching up on the conversation at hand when you saw him casually stroll through the front door, wings tucked in tightly, his shadows dancing around him, still wearing his Illyrian leathers, ALWAYS wearing his Illyrian leathers
 it was an extremely rare occurrence to catch him in anything but that. You kept your eyes fixed on him as he scanned the crowd, you hadn’t been sure if he was coming tonight. He had been on one of his secret missions for the past 5 days, going gods know where and doing gods know what. The only form of communication between the two of you had been in the group chat when Mor had let everyone know you and her were going to Midgard for the weekend and invited anyone else to come if they’d like. Cassian had wanted to come, practically begged Nesta, but you had to agree with her. It was best to stay back and focus on their main goal at hand
 conceiving. Especially since fae only ovulated twice a year. Thanks to the advancements that had come to Prythian from Midgard, Nesta knew she would be ovulating sometime this weekend and didn’t want to risk missing their window. In the end, Cassian agreed that it would be best to stay. Everyone else was preoccupied as well but you hadn’t heard back from Az, which wasn’t uncommon, he was usually pretty quiet when he was on a mission. 
He made eye contact with Ruhn, Fin and Declan, giving them a nod as a greeting and Flynn held up his arms while shouting “AYYYYYYE!!” at the excitement from seeing his friend. Ruhn laughed and gestured for Az to join them. He started across the room toward the three men playing pool, still scanning the crowd, then his eyes met yours and he gave you a curved smirk of a smile while he raised his brows at you as if he could read your idiotic lust filled expression on your face. You couldn’t stop the heat from reaching your cheeks and the butterflies from rolling in the pit of your stomach. It was a relatively new feeling you got around Azriel. Sure, you had always found him to be gorgeous, caring, funny in his own unique way that you actually loved, and he possessed so many other wonderful qualities. But something had shifted in the way you felt about him. You weren’t even sure when exactly it happened or if you should act on it, probably not, you thought. After all, the last you had heard, Az still wasn’t over Elain, and you didn’t want to get caught in that mess. Before Bryce arrived in Prynthian, Elain had accepted the mating bond between her and Lucien, and Az had disappeared for a week. No word of him from anyone, he had even completely shut out Rhys’ daemati communication and Rhys couldn’t claw his way into his mind. So for all you knew, he was still smitten with her. You shook your head slightly, calming yourself and pushing your feelings for the Illyrian male to the very depths of your mind, and gave him a smile in return before breaking eye contact to return to your conversation. 
A few drinks and hours later, you found yourself seated on the couch between Azriel, who had since changed into much more comfortable clothing; some gray joggers and a black t-shirt, and Ruhn. To Ruhns left sat Ithan then Mor, who was lounging in a chair with her feet hanging over the armrest. To Azriels right was Dec & Flynn on a smaller couch. Bryce and Hunt sat directly across from you on a giant beanbag she had pulled out from gods knows where. It was nearly 2am and everyone else had left the party but you weren’t ready for the fun to end just yet, and  suggested a game of never have I ever. Everyone agreed, a few reluctantly, but you were able to convince them, so you found yourself sat between the two men, noticing how much smaller you were compared to their strong and muscular figures. Despite being Fae, you lacked in height and were considered rather short for a female fae, standing at 5’5, the two men next to you easily towered over you and nearly swallowed you up in comparison to your small figure. Though you knew how to handle and defend yourself, your toned and lean figure didn’t give that away. 
“Who wants to go first?” Mor said, sipping from her cup
“It was Kyrie’s idea, she should go first” Ruhn tempted next to you, nudging a shoulder into yours 
“Okay, okay. I’ll go first” you said, nudging him back, a bit harder than needed, causing Ruhn to grown and rub his arm. You looked at him and stuck out your tongue before looking back to the group. 
“Never have I ever streaked and nearly been caught by the 33rd” you spat with an evil smirk on your face as you looked Bryce and Mor down. They both gasped and whipped their heads to you, glaring at the secret you had just revealed. In your drunken state, you didn’t think through the betrayal they would have felt at that and you suddenly felt a slight regret for revealing it to everyone in the room, especially with Bryce’s older brother sitting right next to you. But their glares turned to shock and amusement as they both bust out laughing a split second later and took sips from their drinks. You threw your head back in laughter, throwing an arm around your stomach and accidentally crashing into Azriels side. Your head crashed into his arm and he laughed at your current state, then wrapped an arm around you. 
“Have a bit too much to drink Ky?” He said, squeezing you into his side slightly. Shadows fluttering around you, grazing your cheek, before retreating back to Azriel.
“Who, me? Never!” You said and pushed yourself to sit upright again and gave him a mocking expression that made him chuckle under his breath. 
“Wait, You guys are the ones who did that?! I heard A few of the guys joking about that.” Hunt said in pure disbelief, revealing that he wasn’t aware Bryce had done that. His face plastered in pure amusement. 
“Ugh, Ky I’m gonna kill you! Yes, it was us. On one of our girls nights when we had a few too many drinks. Ky is the only one who got away unnoticed
 she's too fast, little bitch may have shorter strides than us but apparently that doesn’t stop her.” Bryce said through her chuckling as she lightly kicked your shin. 
“Umm we definitely need context to this story” Declan declared 
Mor sat up in her seat and proceeded to tell the story of how you had all been drinking in the hot tub and dared one another to strip down and run to the park down the block and back. Before you knew it, you were all sprinting down the street naked, laughing your asses off. It wasn’t until you launched yourself through the gates and jumped back into the hot-tub, that you realized your friends weren’t there. A few minutes passed before they showed up, faces white, and explained that four 33rd officers had been chasing after them and they had to ditch them by running through Alleyways. Everyone burst out laughing at the story before the game continued on.
“Hard to top that one, but
 Never have I ever sexted” Azriel said, smirking like he KNEW he was going to get just about everyone with this one
“Ahh c’mon dude, that’s not even fair, you guys have had phones for like a week” Flynn said dramatically as he brought his drink to his lips 
You laughed at him, then looked around to see who else drank. Declan, Hunt, Bryce, Ithan, Ruhn and Mor, took a drink from their cups. But you did not. 
“We may have only had phones for a few months, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’ve never done it” Azriel countered 
 you’re missing out man” Ruhn said with a little chuckle 
“I much prefer the real deal” Azriel answered in a cocky tone that made electricity run down your spine. You could have sworn that he glanced toward you before smirking at Ruhn who gaped at him and laughed. 
“Okay, my turn” Declan said 
The game went on and on, and when it got to Bryce and Mors turn, they both made sure to chose things they knew you had done as a form of revenge. 
“Never have I ever had a threesome” Bryce screamed, trying to hold back laughter and failing, as she covered her face with her hands and kicked her legs 
You growned under your breath and looked around the room to see Mor, Flynn Ruhn and Az take sips from their drinks while they quickly scanned the room to see who else had done it. You drank from your cup as well but were relieved you weren’t the only one.
“Never have I ever danced for money” Mor had spat in your direction, as your mouth gaped open before you brought your drink to your lips and took a long sip before protesting that you weren’t TRYING to dance for money and that it just happened accidentally one night at Rita’s. 
Mor laughed, “oh babes, but do you want to tell them WHY it happened?! Or should I?” 
You glared at her, crossing your arms. “I don’t know what you are talking about Mor”
She laughed again “Yeah!
 Okay, I’ll tell them
 so Kyrie here wanted to get a certain someone’s attention all night. She wore this super sexy emerald green dress, she looked amazing! But he wasn’t really picking up on her hints so she figured, what better way to get his attention than to get up on the bar and dance seductively. But it also got practically everyone else’s attention as well and before we knew it, people were throwing money her way and hollering at her to give them more.” 
Your face reddened as you laughed with the others
“So, who’s attention were you trying to grab?” Asked Ithan 
You froze at his question but luckily Mor cut in  “Oh, just someone we were with that night” she waved him off like it was no big deal.
You let out a sigh of relief. Thank gods she didn’t tell them it was Azriel you were trying to grab the attention of.
When it was your turn again you decided to take it easy on your friends in hopes that they’d go easy on you in return but when it was Bryce’s turn again, your heart rate rose as a gut feeling rushed over you that she was going to expose something you didn’t want known. She pursed her lips together and looked up at you. 
“Never have I ever moaned a name of someone in this room while sleeping” 
You could feel your cheeks heating much too quickly as your breathing quickened and you felt the need to sink right into the couch and disappear. Your heart thudded in your chest and you knew the two males sitting next to you could hear the change in your breathing and heart rate. You knew their eyes were fixed on you and a moment later, when everyone else had realized that Bryce’s smirk was intended for you, their eyes landed upon you as well. You glared at Bryce before reluctantly bringing your cup to your mouth, tipping your head back, and draining the contents of your tequila mule. Your friends howled in amusement as questions started pouring out, overwhelming you even more. It seemed as if everyone in the room was throwing out questions and statements as they tried to figure out who’s name you had moaned in your sleep. Your eyes darted back and forth, from person to person, your face reddening more, as they shouted over one another. Everyone had something to say on the matter. Everyone but Azriel. You looked toward him and saw him gazing upon you with a quizzical look as if he knew it was his name you had moaned. As if he knew you had been dreaming about his head between your thighs, tongue gliding upon you, circling your clit, fingers thrusting in and out of you, as you rode the orgasm that was crashing through your body, your fingers laced in his silken black hair as you moaned his name over and over. You couldn’t break from the eye contact, you were transfixed upon his beautiful hazel gaze. He casually placed a hand upon your bare knee, gave it a gentle squeeze, then looked toward the group. 
“Let’s drop it. It’s really none of our business who’s name it was. If she wants to tell us she will” 
Another gentle squeeze to your knee. He glanced at you again and you gave him a thankful, relieved look. He knew. Or, at least had a strong suspicion. Bryce laughed 
“Okay, okay, Az is right. Mor, your turn” she said, waggling her brows at her. You let out a loud puff of breath.
“If you two are going to continue throwing me under the bus like this, I’m going to need another drink” you said as you rose from your seat to go make another drink. The bartender Ruhn had hired for the party had long since left. You gave them a sarcastic smile, letting them know you weren’t truly annoyed, rather having fun with this little back and forth. 
You entered the kitchen, letting the conversation between your friends in the next room over fade, and opened the fridge to pull out the ginger beer and lime juice before strolling to the cabinet and grabbing the tequila. You were pouring the contents into your cup when a low husky voice made you jump. 
“Must have been some dream to make you moan” Az teased mere inches from you, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand. 
You whipped around to face him, tilting your head back to examine his features. How was he this beautiful?! It shouldn’t be legal! 
“Shut it, Shadowsinger” you nearly growled with a smirk as you poked him in the ribs. 
He poked you in return and wrapped you into his arms so your back was pressed against his rock hard abdomen, making sure he held your arms down so you couldn’t fight back. His shadows curling over your shoulders. This wasn’t out of the ordinary for the two of you, he had been the one to train you when you first arrived at the house of wind, and since then, your friendship had gotten a lot more comfortable, often resulting in the two of you wrestling around like this a bit. But this felt different, more
 intimate. Was he interested in you? Or was it the alcohol? No, it couldn’t be that, he hadn’t drank much tonight. Your thoughts were interrupted as he leaned his head down and brushed his lips against your ear. A jolt of electricity roaming over your body at the contact.
He whispered “Such a shame we didn’t get to hear all about it”
You blushed at his words and the more intimate touch, your heart thudded in your chest again, you wanted so badly to turn to face him, wrap your arms around his neck, and kiss him, but you refrained. Instead, you laughed as you maneuvered out of his hold, but lingered in front of him, close enough that you were almost touching.
“Mmmm” you cooed “I’m not sure you could handle it” you mocked, trying to get a reaction out of him.
He chuckled under his breath in that husky tone “Oh, trust me sweetheart, it would be you who couldn’t handle me”
A short, quiet squeal escaped your lips as you gawked, taking a moment to gather yourself, you took a step back, grabbed your drink, and walked past him, nudging your shoulder against his arm as you did.
 I think I’d rather enjoy myself, Azriel.” and walked back out to the living room, leaving him standing in the kitchen, mouth agape and wide eyed.
a few minutes later Azriel walked back into the living room with a new beer, eyeing you as he made his way back to the couch, sitting so close that your thighs were touching one another and his wings and arm draped across the back of the couch, fingertips slightly brushing over your shoulder. You leaned into him slightly.
‱Azriels POV‱
It didn’t take long to realize Mor and Bryce were teaming up against Kyrie to try to expose her interest to someone here and since Hunt, Ruhn and Dec were clearly out of the question due to their committed relationships, that left Flynn, Ithan and himself. It didn’t take much longer for Azriel to pick up on the subtle glances she was giving him all night. With that, and her body language, he was now certain that someone, was him. Which, wasn’t a bad thing. Not at all, In fact, he felt the same about Kyrie. Of course he never allowed himself to act upon the feelings, not when she had been a part of the inner circle for four years and in that time frame, he had fawned over not only Mor, but Elain too. Not lightly either, he had practically fallen for the two of them. It wasn’t until Mor sat him down one night nearly three and a half years ago and told him her preferences, that he had realized he needed to move on. He then practically walked right into his feelings for Elain and Ky was there to witness it all. How could he expect her to be interested in him when originally, he hadn’t even given her a second thought despite how amazing she always was. It wasn’t until last year, shortly before Bryce had entered their lives, that he realized his feelings for her and how idiotic he had been this whole time. It was her. She was so amazing. She was the most beautiful female he had ever laid his eyes upon. That long, wavy brunette hair that always smelt like the sea breeze despite being born in the night court, her perfect olive toned tanned skin. Her piercing blue eyes with flecks of green in them that clearly came from her fathers side, who was a descendant of a war general from the summer court who had fallen in love and mated with an Illyrian female, making Kyrie a fourth summer court decent, a fourth Illyrian decent, and half night court decent. Despite being part Illyrian, she didn’t have wings, neither did her father, she had told him. But her plump, delicious lips and toned, slender body
 well, he had no idea where that came from, nor did he care, he just wanted his mouth upon every damn inch of it. Not to mention her breasts, fuck, those breasts that were the perfect size for him to cup in his hands. Then there was that ass
 Let's just say, he had to actively stop himself from ogling at her daily. But on top of her amazing looks, she understood him. He could be his true self around her with no judgement on her half. She was witty, sarcastic, funny, and sweet. He always wanted to be better around her, like she helped make him who he wanted to be, in the best way. Though he had been sitting on his feelings for her for a year, he had promised himself that he wouldn’t act upon those feelings until she showed a form of interest. He couldn’t do that to himself, not when their friendship meant so much to him and he didn’t want to jeopardize that. But now that he knew that she must be interested, he had a hard time holding himself back. All he wanted to do was throw her over his shoulder, take her up to the room he was staying in tonight, and fuck her senseless. He was just waiting for a final sign
 anything to make sure she wasn’t just fucking around with him. She had drank a lot tonight and he knew she was pretty drunk. He wouldn’t want to do anything if she was making the decision due to being intoxicated. But her choice in outfit tonight wasn’t helping him
 She wore a short, one sleeve, skin tight sparkly black dress with sheer cutouts running across her chest and along her abdomen and she looked gods damn amazing in it.
“Alright, Mor!” Bryce exclaimed 
Mor looked around the circle, lingering on him, then Ky, and then his fingers that he realized were lightly stroking her shoulder. He stopped the movement, Mor smirked.
“Never have I ever tracked down a male and beat him to a pulp for laying his hands on youremissary against her consent” 
His ears rang, did he just hear that right? Mor was calling him out. He still remembered that night vividly, much to vividly. It had been a long week and the inner circle decided to go out to Rita’s on a Friday night for some drinks to help unwind after a stressful week. He had just gotten back from a short mission away and all he wanted to do was relax at home; but when he got back to the townhouse, he saw Kyrie in a skin tight emerald green dress that halted mid thigh and had a plunging open back that revealed nearly all of it. She looked fucking beautiful and sexy and it made him imagine peeling that dress off of her until she was completely nude. 
Come to think of it, it was the same dress Mor  described earlier in the dream, which is probably why she brought this up. She wanted both of us to connect the dots. The Male Kyrie had wanted to catch the attention of was indeed him then, it had to of been because the only other males there that night were Rhys, Lucien and Cassian. 
After seeing her, he knew he had to go to Rita’s. Purely because he needed to spend more time with her, see her longer in that dress; and even though she wasn’t his, he still wanted to make sure other males behaved with her looking like that. Like usual, Azriel kept his buzz at a minimal to keep his head clear incase something were to happen so he would be prepared. But Kyrie got obliterated, taking one shot after another, dancing up on the bar and drawing nearly every eye in the building to her. after hours of dancing, she had excused herself to use the restroom. Too many minutes past and he had a gut feeling something was wrong. Excusing himself from the booth where Lucien, Rhys and Cassian sat, he made his way to the back hall where the restrooms were. No sign of Kyrie. Someone should have gone with her! She was plastered enough to be stumbling through the club, she might be strong and well trained, but with how drunk she had appeared, he was worried for her. He asked a female who had walked out of the restroom if there was anyone else in there, she replied to him with a “no” and his pulse rang through his entire body, instantly going into high alert. There was a back door leading out to an alleyway, he burst through the door, anger rising within him as his mind went horrible, awful places. He scanned the alleyway, it was empty, but as he listened, he heard shuffling and a muffled scream around the corner, down another alley. In an instant he was sprinting in that direction, and as he rounded the corner, he saw her pressed up against a wall by a male with shoulder length red hair. He had a hand pressed over her mouth, the other trailing up her thigh, pushing up her already short dress, revealing the bottom half of her ass. She was pushing against him, trying to break free of his hold but the alcohol had clouded her mind too much to make her movements strong enough or fast enough to take him down. In a split second Azriel was upon the male, tackling him to the ground and slamming a fist into his nose, likely breaking it. A second later, he was at her side, gently placing his hands on each side of her face, telling her she was safe, asking if she was okay, if he had hurt her. She shook her head no at his last question and choked out “Im fine” through the tears that now ran down her face. He turned to the male again, who was still on the ground holding his nose, and told him if he ever touched Ky again, no
 ANY female, against their will again, he would end him. He then scooped her up into his arms and launched himself skyward. After taking Kyrie back to the townhouse where he helped her change and get cleaned up and then held her until her tears stopped and she drifted into sleep, he flew back to Rita’s. Storming through the front doors, scanning the crowd for the ugly piece of shit red head, he spotted him grinding up against another female who was clearly plastered and probably one drink away form passing out. fucking prick! He grabbed the male by the collar of his shirt so fast that he wasn’t sure if anyone noticed, and then they were gone, swirling into blackness and shadows and reappearing in a chamber deep beneath the Hewn city. The Male screamed in terror at the sudden change in his surroundings

He took the rest of the night to slowly beat some sense into the useless piece of shit. The males face was swollen and bloodied by the time he was done with him and he dropped him in that alleyway. He didn’t return home until the sun was rising and the birds were singing.
“fuck it” He spat at Mor, eyes glazed with anger at the memory that cursed through him, shadows raging around him, and downed the rest of his nearly full beer, then dropped his arm from the back of the couch, to drape over Kyrie’s shoulder, and resumed stroking his fingers against her arm. If she was holding back because she wasn’t sure if he was interested, he wanted to make it clear, VERY clear, that she was the only thing he wanted. 
“And I’d do it again” He added, breaking his eye contact with Mor and shifting his gaze to land upon Ky’s stunning eyes looking up at him.
‱Kyrie’s POV‱
You didn’t know he had gone back to Rita’s and tracked down the male that you still had nightmares about once in awhile. You thought he had been fucking with you with his touchiness and your exchange in the kitchen
 but the way More emphasized YOUR emissary, had you thinking otherwise. And then the way he responded, and the way he was looking into your eyes. You felt it in your gut. He reciprocated the feelings you had for him. His beautiful light hazel eyes were staring back at you. 
“I didn’t realize you did that” you said softly, almost a whisper, as the game continued around you with Ithan taking his turn; Az just nodded his head twice, shadows still raging around him.
Thank you, Az” you said as you leaned into his side, gently resting your head against him, and rested your hand upon his leg. His shadows began to calm, retreating back, a few skimming over you before falling back. One lingered, wrapping around your waist and resting on your thigh. 
The game continued a few more turns, all of which you drank to and grew even more intoxicated. You were growing tired but didn’t want to leave his side
 so you fought to stay awake. Shortly after, Bryce, Hunt and More announced that they were heading out. 
“Are you coming Ky?” More asked
“I don’t even think I can walk, Ruhn can I just sleep right here?” you asked, gesturing to the couch.
“Yeah, you’re welcome to stay here if you want” Ruhn replied
You looked to Mor and shrugged “I’ll just stay here, I don’t trust myself to behave on the long walk to Bryce’s” 
She laughed at your response and nodded her head as if to say she agreed with that. They said their goodbyes, winking at you as they left, leaving you with the guys. Ruhn stood up and turned up the music a little louder. 
“Alright, beer pong! Az, you in?”
Az gave him a nod as he stood up, then walked over to him. 
“Alright, who else? Ky? Come on!”
You reluctantly stood up and shook out your shoulders.
“Okay, but only if Ithan is my partner” you said as you looked over to him. You knew your game would be off due to how much you’ve had to drink and you’d need the former sunball player on your team.
“Okay, I’m in” Ithan said, and walked over to join you. 
The game went on surprisingly longer than you thought it would, mostly thanks to Ithan. It was back and forth the entire time but you and Ithan had won. The only reason you were even able to finish the game, was because the guys had helped you by taking most of your shots for you. They figured you really couldn’t handle much more given the fact that you were already well past drunk prior to the game, and the fact that you were a light weight. By the end, even Azriel, who was usually good about riding the cusp of sober and slightly buzzed, was clearly feeling the alcohol. You loved seeing him like this, with his walls down, enjoying life without a portion of himself staying on alert for any threats. Sure, you loved how you could literally always feel safe around him because of those things, but he deserved to truly relax and just be in the moment with his friends. He looked so happy and seeing him like this
 It made you so happy. By the time the game ended, Dec & Flynn had gone to bed and you all migrated back to the living room. You flung yourself onto the couch, sprawling out to take up most of it. Ruhn and Ithan stood in the center of the room while Az sat on the arm rest of the chair next to them. They were in a deep conversation about Sunball, which Az had really taken a liking to; you had too actually. You had even gone to a game, which was a lot of fun. You hadn’t realized you were staring at him until he looked your way, grinning from ear to ear when he saw you.
Gods, that smile. You could get lost in that beautiful smile. 
It was so contagious and you found yourself grinning right back at him stupidly. He chuckled as he turned his body to face you, in the same movement, he rose to his feet and walked toward you. 
“Lets get you to sleep before you start to get hiccups and it all goes down hill from there.” 
How did this perfect male know you so well? Down to the fact that when you were drinking, if you got hiccups, sickness was soon going to follow. You weren’t sure how he knew those details about you, but it warmed your body at how aware of you he always was. He scooped you up into his arms, one arm cradling your legs and the other holding your back. 
“What do you mean? I’m sleeping right here!” you questioned Az while pointing to the couch.
“No you aren’t, I’ll sleep there. You can have the guest room” 
“Az, no. I don’t want to make you sleep on the couch. You have wings for gods sakes! You won’t get any sleep at all!”
“Ky, I’m not going to argue with you about this. You get the bed.” he demanded as he began carrying you out of the room, toward the stairs. You knew it was useless to argue with him on this so you dropped it, let out a huff and rolled your eyes at him. He just shook his head and chuckled at you.
“Goodnight guys!” you shouted toward Ruhn and Ithan, who waved you goodnight.
Az brought you up to the guest room that was supposed to be his for the night and dropped you down onto the bed, your legs dangling off the side, causing you to laugh. Azriel laughing in return
“I love your laugh” He said, standing over you 
You propped yourself up onto your elbows and nudged his calf with your foot. you never took compliments very well and always grew a little awkward when you received one. He knew that about you too, and laughed again.
“You take compliments so well Ky” 
“Shut up” you growned while holding back another giggle and trying, but failing, not to smile. “You do it because you know it makes me feel awkward”
 you got me, I love causing you agony” he cooed, nudging your knee with his.
“Brute!” you teased, while sitting back up. 
He gasped and put a hand to his heart “Me?! How dare you!” he said dramatically, causing you to chuckle and shake your head. You sat in silence for a few seconds, not really knowing what to do or say next. Knowing you didn’t want him to leave. You looked down at your hands fiddling in your lap, not wanting to make eye contact with him. After a long moment he spoke again.
 about that dream”
a jolt of electricity ran through your entire body and you could feel your cheeks begin to heat. You looked up at him in shock. before stammering out
what about it?”
“Care to elaborate? Im rather intrigued to hear what kind of dreams you have about me” his tone was so smooth, relaxed, and a little cocky.
“Who says it was about you?!” you challenged
“Oh come on! Drop the act, you’ve been eyeing me all night and Bryce and Mor were clearly targeting us for a reason during that game. They wanted both of us to know something”
You bit your lip and dropped your gaze from his again, trying to build the confidence you needed for this conversation, then glanced back up at him. 
“you admit it first” you said, through tempting eyes. He licked his lips and gave you a crooked smirk. 
He took a step closer to you, brushing his legs against yours and tucking a stray hair behind your ear before gliding his hand down the side of your face to hold your chin, tilting it up slightly to have a better view of your face
“Ky, I’ve wanted you for over a year now
 I just didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship, so I waited”
You could’t hold yourself back anymore, not with what he had just admitted to you, Almost involuntarily, your arms shot up and wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer to you and you locked your lips to his. In the same moment, Azriel wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a standing position, and then let them roam up and down your back. The kiss was passionate at first, but then grew frantic. He skimmed his tongue along your lips, asking for entrance, and you opened. Your tongues exploring one another’s. You moved your hands through his hair as the kiss grew more intense, and pressed your body to his, causing him to let out a small moan. 
“Fuck, you’re so sexy” he panted as he kissed up and down your neck, hands drifting to your ass and squeezing gently. 
You let out a soft moan and he growled in return, nipping at your neck. “Az” you sighed “I want you” 
“Mmmm” he growled “Ive been dying to hear those words for so long Ky” He said as he lifted you up by the ass, your legs wrapping around his waist, causing your dress to creep up, exposing the bottom half of your ass. His fingers grazed your bare skin and you ground your hips into his, feeling the large bulge concealed under his sweats. He moaned again and you kissed him eagerly, tongue dancing over his. He Laid you back down on the bed gently and slowly kissed down your jaw, to your neck, all the way to the neck line of your dress before moving south, down to your bare thighs, kissing each and slowly moving up toward your core. He pushed the hem of your dress up further, exposing your soaken lace panties. He kissed you once against the fabric, then hooked his fingers through and pulled them down. You lifted your hips to help him ease them off, and he continued gliding them down and off of you, tucking them into the pocket of his sweats before moving back up to where you needed him most. 
He kissed every inch of you as he worked his way up, pushing your legs further apart to gain better access. He growled with delight as he wrapped his arms around your thighs and pulled you closer, licking a long strip up the slit of your pussy, instantly finding your clit, circling it with his tongue and sucking lightly. You laced your fingers through his hair, letting out a soft moan as a shadow slowly crept up your abdomen and he continued working you with his tongue. Dipping it into you, causing you to moan once more, before licking up your slit again, replacing the void you now felt within yourself, with his fingers. His shadow continued to roam over you as if they were exploring every inch of your body. He worked his fingers in and out of you while he sucked and circled your clit, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Your body tensed and back arched while you tugged his hair,  nearing your peak. Getting closer and closer by the second. He let out a husky laugh, sending a vibration into you. 
“You like that baby?”
“Mmmm fuck yeah, 
Az” you moaned eagerly through breaths “you make me feel so good”
His arms tightened around your thighs, digging his fingers into you. 
“Cum for me Ky, I want to taste more of you” he growled out before circling your clit again, faster this time, while fucking you with his fingers. 
As if his words had commanded you, you let out a breath and hit your peak, spilling over, arching your back further and digging your fingers into his hair more, pushing him against you further as you cried out his name in pleasure. He licked every last drop from you as you came down from your wave. Easing his fingers out of you, then sucking them clean, he slowly moved up your body, holding himself up with one hand and grabbing your face with the other. 
“Fuck Ky, I don’t think I could ever get enough of you” 
He said before pressing his lips to yours, instantly parting his lips and finding your tongue upon his. He rolled his hips onto you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, legs around his waist, pulling him even closer to you as you panted through the kisses, needing him more than ever. As if he read your mind, he sat up, pulling you with him, then brought your dress up over your head, exposing your naked body, you had opted to go braless due to the style of your dress, he then took his shirt off and dropped it to the floor and stepped out of his sweats, taking his briefs with them. With lust filled eyes you took all of him in. His wings tucked in tight, his muscular frame, immaculate abs
 the size of his cock made your mouth go dry as you gulped down a breath. It took mere seconds for him to strip the both of you, then he was upon you again, lips crashing to yours, both of you moving your mouths in unison; one hand cupping your breast, circling your nipple and pinching lightly before trailing down your tought stomach, dipping a single finger into the slit of your pussy, finding you completely soaked. He rubbed up and down your slit as your hand found his rock hard cock and began pumping. He breathed out a sigh against your lips at the contact and with the same breath panted out
 I need to be in you”
You nodded your head “please” you said against his lips. Releasing his cock from your grasp and returning your hands to his neck and lacing your fingers through his hair.
He took his cock in his hand and pressed the tip to your slit running it up and down twice, pausing for a moment at your entrance.
“Just tell me to stop if you need to” 
You nodded and kissed him again as he eased into you slowly, stretching you so much it had you riding on the cusp of pleasure and pain. You both let out a gasp in unison. He looked down, watching his cock glide into you slowly. 
“Oh fuck. You’re so tight” he said through gritted teeth, wings flaring out.
Before looking back up at you. You leaned into him, resuming your kiss, running your tongue along his lips and bitting gently. He continued moving in, further and further as he kissed you back, returning a nibble on your bottom lip and sucking. Another gasp of air escaped your mouth as your breath quickened. He halted for a moment, half way in.
“You okay?” He said gently 
“Yeah” you nodded once “keep going” 
He withdrew almost to the tip then pushed in again, this time with more force. Your hands fell to his back and fingers gently scratched against his skin as he continued his pace moving in and out of you until he was fully embedded within you. You moaned in pleasure at the feeling of him filling you up entirely. 
“You feel so good” 
he whispered into your ear, giving the lobe a small nibble before he dropped to your neck, as he began thrusting in and out of you harder, giving you breathy kisses while one of his hands rubbed your breast and pinch your nipple harder. A shadow skimming over your other breast. You moaned again, moving one arm to his wing, running your fingers along it gently. He shuddered at the touch. He felt so good, he made you feel so gods damn good. 
You wanted more. 
Needed more. 
You needed all of him, fully unleashed, fucking you like a damn animal. 
Returning your hand to his back, you scratched harder this time as you threw your head back, exposing more of your neck for him, and yelled out through your panted breaths 
“Fuck me, Azriel. please! I need all of you. Fuck me harder” 
He pulled back from your neck to look you in the eyes, as if he was trying to read you, making sure you could take it. Then a moment later, he took your wrist in his hand and pinned it to the bed above your head, with his other hand, he brought up your other arm then held them both there with one hand as if you were handcuffed. Shadows circling around your arms as they made their way up to your hands as if they too, wanted to pin you down. He began fucking you harder and harder. Deeper and harder. Escalating the force of his thrusts each time.
“Remember, tell me to stop if you need me too” he said while fucking you so hard the headboard started hitting the wall. He ran his thumb along your lip before grabbing your chin and kissing you once more then dropped his hands to your hips, his shadows now pinning your hands down above your head, he dug his fingers into your skin and lifted slightly, allowing him to get a better angle to pound into you deeper. You let out a long moan, letting your eyes roll back and mouth fall open. 
“Ahh fuck” he moaned in return before grabbing your legs and throwing them over one of his shoulders and returned his hands to your hips, continuing to thrust and thrust and thrust. 
“Az!” You cried in pleasure “oh gods” 
“Yeah? You like that you little cunt?” He taunted 
“Yesss” you hissed “you feel so good”
He pulled out of you quickly “Get on your hands and knees. Now” he ordered and you nearly climaxed at the dominance in his voice as he said it and flipped you onto your stomach; lifting your hips to help you onto your knees as you pushed yourself up onto your arms and he plunged back into you with full force. Your arms buckled and your head fell slightly, nearing the bed. A second later his hand was on the back of your neck, pushing you down to the bed with your head to the side and pinning you there, somehow choking you slightly, as he rode into you over and over, hitting that sweet spot 
Causing your walls around his cock to clench, nearing a second peak. 
“Oh fuck yes
 Damn baby
 Your so perfect” 
Over and over, he quickened his pace and you screamed out a moan “Az
 Az I’m gonna cum” 
He let out a growl and quickened his pace, his hand remained pinning you down by the back of your neck but his thumb grazed your cheek in a small gesture of intimacy. His other hand dropping down to find your clit, circling it in quick motions. 
“Let go baby” 
He said while fucking you to the very edge, his cock beginning to twitch slightly. He released his hold on you and brought both hands back to your hips, ramming into you. Faster, faster, faster; until you let go completely. Pleasure rushing through your entire body. You tried to scream out but found yourself completely encompassed in a bliss so sweet and overpowering that it had you speechless, gasping for air. His thrusts grew sloppy as you road your orgasm and he neared his. With a final, forceful thrust, he buckled under the pleasure, dropping his hands to the bed to catch himself as his cock twitched within you spewing his seed. He leaned into you more, kissing your spine through his heavy breaths. 
“Oh gods” he sighed, resting his forehead against your back for a moment before pulling out of you, a mix of your juices spilling down your leg. He quickly grabbed a few tissues off the bedside table and wiped it up for you, then tossed it in the bin. 
You collapsed onto the bed, rolling to your side so you could look up at him. His skin glistened with sweat, hair pushed back out of his face and shadows calmly dancing around him.
“I know” you panted “that was
” you searched your mind for the right word but everything came up short from how it had truly felt so you settled on “amazing” 
He nodded, giving you a smile, as he collapsed onto the bed next to you and pulled you into his chest, hugging you, arms wrapped around your shoulders, that one single shadow wrapping around your leg, and kissed the top of your head.
“It was more than amazing” 
You ran a hand along the top of his wing, admiring it. Then dropped it to his side, wrapping your arm around to his lower back.
“It really was” you said, breathing him in, not wanting to ever let go. He tucked your hair behind your ear, clearing it off of your neck, then began gently rubbing your back with the tips of his fingers. You shivered and he pulled up the blanket to cover your bodies. Long moments passed and your eyes grew heavy. Azriel cleared his throat.
 so what does this mean for us?” He said warily 
You tilted your head back to look up into his beautiful hazel eyes. “What do you want it to mean?” You asked
He took a moment before responding and looked you in the eyes. Playing with your hair as he gathered his thoughts.
“Honestly?” He asked 
“Yes” you replied, swallowing the fear building within you. Wanting so badly for him to say he wanted you to be his. 
He brought his hand to the back of your head, cupping you at the base of your neck, his thumb running back and forth. He inhaled sharply, held it for a moment, then exhaled.
“I want it to mean there is an us
” he trailed, running his other hand up and down your back “I want you to be mine
 and I want to be yours”  he said quietly, almost a whisper, as if he was ready for you to reject him. It dawned on you that that was exactly what he was use to and it shattered you for a moment before you let the words resonate with you and a smile spread across your lips. 
“I’d like that” you said, beaming. 
Then his lips were on yours, you kissed him back, moving in unison with his in a passionate kiss. 
After a long moment he pulled back and looked down into your tired eyes.
“Mine” he said 
You smiled, closed your eyes, and mumbled back “mhmmm”, hugging him tightly. He kissed the top of your head once more and the two of you drifted into sleep.
These are the dresses I was envisioning while describing them
Dress at Rita’s night club - *pretend its emerald* https://us.shein.com/Crisscross-Backless-Ruched-Cami-Bodycon-Dress-p-11631464-cat-1727.html?url_from=adplasw2209269622628006PetiteXXS_GPM&cid=15703533264&setid=&adid=&pf=GOOGLE&gclid=Cj0KCQiAt66eBhCnARIsAKf3ZNEhiOSnMjf8N4gfTQgFEQVe1YujNFn02XUILavy9jp9gqVU18ALOZ4aAp-2EALw_wcB
Dress at Ruhn’s party - https://us.shein.com/One-Shoulder-Mesh-Panel-Bodycon-Dress-p-11387757-cat-1727.html?url_from=adplasw2207286199571601PetiteM_GPM&cid=15703533264&setid=&adid=&pf=GOOGLE&gclid=Cj0KCQiAt66eBhCnARIsAKf3ZNH5SaHSKtvW6z9zJU8Y4Qs_98G9mZO58cDc7quUDiueTuhD3zbWOrcaAvj7EALw_wcB
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kknudsen · 1 year
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đ˜đ˜” 𝘾𝘱𝘮 𝘱 𝘮𝘼𝘱𝘭𝘭, đ˜§đ˜­đ˜ąđ˜” 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘩 đ˜§đ˜ąđ˜Žđ˜©đ˜Șđ˜°đ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜„ 𝘰𝘧 đ˜Žđ˜”đ˜ąđ˜Șđ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜„ 𝘹𝘭𝘱𝘮𝘮, đ˜„đ˜Šđ˜Žđ˜Șđ˜šđ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜„ 𝘮𝘰 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜žđ˜©đ˜Šđ˜Ż đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜­đ˜„ đ˜”đ˜° đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘭đ˜Șđ˜šđ˜©đ˜”, đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜”đ˜łđ˜¶đ˜Š đ˜„đ˜Šđ˜±đ˜”đ˜© 𝘰𝘧 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜€đ˜°đ˜­đ˜°đ˜łđ˜Ž đ˜žđ˜°đ˜¶đ˜­đ˜„ đ˜Łđ˜Šđ˜€đ˜°đ˜źđ˜Š đ˜·đ˜Ș𝘮đ˜Ș𝘣𝘭𝘩.
đ˜Œ đ™©đ™đ™žđ™Łđ™œ đ™€đ™› đ™šđ™šđ™˜đ™§đ™šđ™©, đ™Ąđ™€đ™«đ™šđ™Ąđ™ź 𝙗𝙚𝙖đ™Șđ™©đ™ź.
⁣⁣⁣❧ art by Imperiness
„ commissioned by me
⁣⁣Dedicated to my Elriels— keep positive, always.
⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Please do not repost. Thank you!⁣⁣⁣⁣
Characters Elain Archeron and Azriel belong to Sarah J. Maas⁣⁣
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kknudsen · 1 year
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Helion is having the time of his life đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
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kknudsen · 1 year
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Insta: 🎹 dominiquewesson
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kknudsen · 1 year
ACOTAR Hogwarts Houses
Zero Explanations needed. If there are two houses listed the first is their prominent house.
Feyre- Gryffindor and Slytherin
Rhys- Gryffindor; Slytherin
Cassian- Gryffindor
Nesta- Slytherin
Azriel- Ravenclaw, Gryffindor
Gwyn- Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff
Mor- Gryffindor
Emerie- Gryffindor
Amren- Slytherin
Elain- Hufflepuff
Lucien- Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
Tamlin- Slytherin, Hufflepuff
Tarquin- Hufflepuff, Slytherin
Helion- Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff
Beron- Slytherin
Kallias- Ravenclaw
Viviane- Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw
Thesan- Hufflepuff
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