knight-already · 2 months
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knight-already · 2 months
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knight-already · 3 months
sometimes the moral of the story really is just "you cannot go back and what happened to you is going to be with you for the rest of your life. but it's still going to be okay" huh
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knight-already · 3 months
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Neville was bullied by his grandma. Literally, this mad bitch said Neville is not as good as his parents while they were in the psychiatric ward not even remembering their own son.
Macgonagall always seems to be annoyed by Neville. She talks with him like he is worse than any student.
But Snape got all shit. First of all, there is no normal teacher in Hogwarts, they are all problematic. Second, Snape is a potion teacher. Potions are very dangerous and Neville puts everyone in danger. Of course Snape is pissed off.
I don’t say it’s okay to be so stern and mean to literally children. But come on, why Snape got all shit while there are worse teachers. And I am not even talking about fake Moody or Lockhart. Or Quirrell.
Hagrid was a bad teacher. He puts his students in danger. Lupin was a bad teacher, he didn’t drink potion and could kill any student. Trewlany literally says to the children they will die tragically.
Boohoo, Snape is the worst because he called Neville an idiot and was angry with him.
Hermione had a boggart as Macgonagall and I don’t think that’s healthy studying.
But when there is an ugly man, who isn’t nice, that’s the problem. And because of what? Because snaters don’t have brains.
Also I don’t think that means Snape isn’t kind. Man literally does anything to protect children from dying and tortures. I could write a whole new book why Snape is kind character but honestly I don’t have so much time lol
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knight-already · 3 months
Yall can't tell me husker aint they type to romance someone. Like the old time --y romance.
I'm talking love letters. I'm talking poetry, I'm talking FLOWERS and chocolate!
He'll sing for him. At the touch of fingers there will be blushing.
Please, y'all -- Angel will be getting romanced, he'll get that gentlemanly treatment.
Not anything fickle: not Netflix and chill, not a one nightstand, not a situation ship. Because Husker isn't fickle, if he catches feelings it'll be that forever shit.
Husker is a protector bro, not that angal needs it. Which he knows.
Husker will romance him. Like some old school lover boy type a shit.
Like some, sweep him off his feet kinda love.
Slow burn only makes sense.
It's a pride and prejudice kinda love.
It's a Mr Darcy's hand flex kinda love
It's a Anthony bridgerton, speech kinda love.
It's a I'll walk you to your door kinda love.
It's a I'll stay up all night on the phone with you, because you can't sleep kinda love.
It's a I'll drive all night to get to you, kinda love
It's a we're both screwed, but I was a past overlord, so I'M GOING TO SAVE HIM. Kind of love.
It's a let's slow dance in our kitchen or living room kind a love.
It's a, 'Talk', by Hozier kinda love.
Y'all I'm so excited for this relationship.
Anthony deserves it.
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knight-already · 3 months
Can y'all imagine the person you have a crush on, who totally isn't into you.
But like your so attracted to him, even after he just told you something so hurtful -- like the one thing you were told was the best thing about you -- he rejected.
And sings to you in a voice like melted honey just to cheer you up?
Like, he tells you,
"We're both losers, baby
We're losers, it's okay to be a--"
Angel Dust: Coked up, dick-suckin' hoe?
Husk: Baby, that's fine by me.
That, ' Baby, that's fine by me.'
Y'all I woulda fall so in love there was no turning back for me.
And when he says,
I got an appetite for samplin' every drug and sex toy I can find
Husk: Go ahead baby, sing that song, come on!
Bitch, please -- please...
I'm already in love here.
He accepted him. Broooooo
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knight-already · 4 months
Happy Severus day!
Cheers to the best potion master and funniest guy I know!
"what about the people he murdered?"
What murder? He was the best guy around!
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knight-already · 4 months
Y'all tomorrow is Severus birthday!
I'm so excited, to bad he decided that his life as a double agent had too much smoke so he faked his death and went on to live quietly with the love of his life and their children.
It's cool though, Severus if you ever see this --
"Stop being delulu he died --"
Y'all never showed me a funeral for my man, y'all never lined him up with the rest of the fallen. So that means he is still with the walking.
Happy almost your birthday but I might forget to make a post on the actual day -- Day.
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knight-already · 4 months
Random-- Random thought -- Really Random
Imagine like those red string of fate deals -- but is best friends -- it helps you find out who your future best friend/ twin flame, NOT LOVERS, right cause maybe the staff though it would be fun for like valentine day to bring in someone trained in the craft. Just some innocent fun.
And McGonagall does it and it leads to like thirteen year old Severus Snape.
Like can y'all imagine.
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knight-already · 5 months
Snape haters: How do people even like Snape?
Also Snape:
“Yes, it is easy to see that nearly six years of magical education have not been wasted on you, Potter. Ghosts are transparent.”
“Would you like me to do it now?” asked Snape, his voice heavy with irony. “Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?”
“I was just showing Harry my grindylow,” said Lupin pleasantly, pointing at the tank.
“Fascinating,” said Snape, without looking at it.
As Harry raised himself into a sitting position, his head still swimming from its last contact with the ground, he saw Snape running as hard as he could, the enormous beast [Buckbeak] flapping behind him and screeching as Harry had never heard him screech —
. . . Snape had managed to Disapparate just beyond the school’s boundaries.
Snape gave her [Umbridge] an ironic bow and turned to leave.
“The mind is a complex and many-layered thing, Potter — or at least, most minds are.” He smirked.
“Potter, when I want nonsense shouted at me I shall give you a Babbling Beverage. And Crabbe, loosen your hold a little, if Longbottom suffocates it will mean a lot of tedious paperwork, and I am afraid I shall have to mention it on your reference if ever you apply for a job.”
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knight-already · 6 months
Why Chilton ruined Rory.
Believe it of not, Rory's ruin didnt come from the people, or the environment. In fact it wasn't even Chilton itself, Chilton was a great experience for Rory.
Then your probably wondering what are you talking about. If it wasn't Chilton, then what is your point?
It was what became -- because of Chilton. Lorelai desire for Rory to go to Chilton was even stronger than her desire to keep limited contact with her parents. I mean wasn't that the point? We see that.
But what we don't see is what breaking that dam meant.
Rory is a child of poverty.
We don't see that, because what we see is a two story house, take out everyday, more books than it seems logical. We see a perfectly normal upper middle class family.
But for all of Rory's life before the two story house, was a shed in the back of the inn her mum worked in.
Rory's world was nothing like we see at the start of Gilmore girls. Which makes why she fell apart as a character so much more clear.
Poverty, meant that things were out of reach -- if Rory got one book for the year that was hers and not one from a library. That was something to treasure, because she only had a sixteen year old who was only now getting her shit together for a mum. I'm sure things were tight for a long time.
So with everything out of reach, everything behind a clear glass so little Rory could see it but never have it because they never had enough -- that gives purpose.
Now with only her mum and maybe her mum's co workers to help look after her, then the older towns folk. I'm sure Rory found herself unable to do much more that sit quietly and read. I'm sure, she quickly put two and two together like kids tend to do when they know their parents are in a rough spot. They try to not be too demanding and keep to themselves, they 'mature.'
She read, she did her school work, and she dreamed about far off places, she dreamed about being an explore, seeing the world. Helping the work, telling stories for those that couldn't. Her pen would be her weapon to fight the evils of the world.
She dreamt about getting out of poverty and I'm sure like all of us, her mum told her the only was she could was to get a good job.
She told her, "but to do that you need to finish middle school, highschool and go to college. The better the college the better your chances at success!"
So Rory started to study and take her school work more seriously. She's working hard to achieve something impossible from where she's standing.
All of us normal people know, something like an ivy league college like Yale or Harvard is impossible. We don't have the resources, or the time or money. And if somehow we did work hard and somehow got in -- we'd be struggling somehow. Maybe we have to help out with the family: chores that your parents can't do or having to pick up part time work so you can help out or looking after siblings.
Even as an only child with a single mum working as a maid it just won't seem likely. This was Rory's drive. Because all she has known up till now was scarifice.
I'm not sure when things started to turn up for the mother daughter duo because Rory was only 15/16 at the start even then they were only okay. They weren't great, they were lower middle/working class at best. Certainly not swimming in money.
The town also plays a role in this, they look out for the both of them, after all they are:
A 16 yr old, highschool drop out mother who clearly has no idea what she's doing with a daughter who could be her sister.
The coodle them, the look after them. Because they are just children and it's not like they could do much. They can only see them on the street, maybe help out with groceries, look after the baby while the child works.
And while they have Rory, they see how bright she is -- and they encourage her. They, along with Lorelai tell her the sky is the limit though they know it's not realistic, they can't afford it.
They are protective of Rory because they all had their hand at raising her. They see how brilliant she is and if it wasn't for her grandparents I'm sure the town would have put up to help that kid go to college. Because that's just the kind of people they have in the town.
Is any of this coming together yet?
No? We still haven't any idea why Chilton ruined Rory?
Now I can't not emphasis enough that Rory is young. She is so young. Things have already made a permanent mark in her life while other things slowly faded.
Now comes Chilton, she got in, how?
Rich grandparents.
Lorelai opened contact and slowly Rory is taken into this world of wealth and riches. Chilton is FULL off rich kids. They've been rich all their lives, I like to think Rory's off brand bright orange backpack was like the constant reminder of where Rory came from. It's not the Chilton bag that matches the uniform, for uniformity sakes.
It might not mean much, but the obnoxious orange stands out. Because she stands out she's not like them.
When she goes home using a bus, a stinky, smelly public bus. All the other kids have cars and private cars coming to pick them up. Maybe they don't drive, they all live ten minutes tops away. While Rory's 30 minutes.
Even now she has to fight for her spot because she doesn't really know her grandparents and she's practically a scholarship kid in a rich school. Nothing she has, nothing materialistic compares to the other kids. Things they can just have and bought on a whim she can't.
Yes, she has her family name that has weight, yes she has her grandma, yes she also has a house ten minutes away from the school. Yes she has rich grandparents that knows all the kid's and their parents.
But all those things belongs to her grandparents.
She has nothing and her mother has nothing. Rory still has a reason to fight to make her place. She has dreams that can only be accomplished by hard work.
She knows hard work.
Now time goes by and she's closer to her grandparents. They open up a wealthy world to her any whim is theirs to grant happily, for example, Her grandfather gives her a meeting at Yale just to 'keep her options open.'
Everything that was once far away is now close to her it's at her finger tips. Though at first she does not use it. Because she doesn't know how -- All she knows how to do is study so she keeps at it. She has a goal, or something that looks like a goal. Her world that she knows has changed again.
From poverty to working middle class to wealthy.
Everything is changing.
But you know what hasn't changed the town she lives in. Their encouragement and coddling of Rory, because she is a good kid and they know her -- she grew up with them. But now she has so much more. Yet they treat her the same.
She by now is not some poor four year old with a bright future yet no resources to do anything about it. But mentally she doesn't really remove herself from who she was as a child. Even though she has no issue accepting what she has, mentally she's still back there.
what once was encouragement for a little girl with no real future, not one she could afford became nothing.
she's so bright, she so smart, so removed from her peers that you can't help but hope for the best from her. Everyone put such a pressure to continue on her shoulders that -- she just did. But slowly, she's losing the steam.
Slowly she realizes that she was just moving without a purpose. She's only doing what's required of her -- because I mean, in that small town there is no one really there who knows what to do. What she should do. So she just keeps doing what she has.
I mean look at when Paris told her she needs to have certain things down, like the event where she had to build houses so she freaked and started looking at things she could do to fill her application. For someone who did so much research about Harvard you would think she would have come across something about the importance of extracurricular activities.
Another example was with her writing, the paper before the ballet in 'die jerk die' the dude says that's she had no opinion. The easy that she got a D -- nothing with substance, half hearted.
Or even the piece for Chilton, when she wrote on cement. No opinion, just a really good factual piece. That got praises.
Then she goes for the interview for the paper and the lady asks, well what would you write? If we hired you.
And she freezes.
Or when Logan's dad says she doesn't have the drive or when everyone was doing internships she went to Europe.
She gets angry but it's just a fact.
She has no heart, her childish dream was one of adventure she isn't suited for but was pressured to use it as a life direction with no space for change. Because she knows that's who she has to be -- that's who her mum tells her to be.
Then comes Logan giving her the fact check.
"You are one of us. You are wealthy, you have just as much as we do."
And he starts to list it off and she can't fight it.
But she doesn't have that -- not for free. Not for her whole life. Hardly four or so years by then. Mentally she's still that little girl with her mum in the shed. She doesn't have money.
Everyone's telling her who she is -- but she knows that's not her. So she spirals, because she's coming at an age where reality is really setting in and she's racing a dead horse. But she can't stop because it's not what's she's suppose to do.
And when she does, she's lost. Because truly she doesn't know who she is or what she likes.
So in conclusion, Rory went from being a little fish in a big uncertain yet comfortable pond. To a big fish in a little pond unwillingly. The cruelty of the world starting knocking, telling her that she was in fact a big fish and she needed to wake up and smell the roses.
While the small pond she's use too, ie stars hollow and her grandparents told her that they did not know what they were talking about because she was a little fish in a big pond.
Don't you think it's fitting that the first episodes plot point was the start of our main characters end?
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knight-already · 6 months
Literally Edmund is the black sheep of his family.
Like, nothing he does is right for anyone.
Like I get it he does some shit, but I mean look --
Lucy literally trust and confided in the fuan who straight up says he is going to kidnap her and she goes back.
Edmund does the same with the ice queen. He spills his guys, even though one of her people just had a blade to his throat. But once he smells the rat, after putting the few pieces he has together,
Everything he learns from her and from Lucy about her.
He tried to keep his siblings from going back. He lied when peter and Susan asks if Lucy's telling the truth.
Also, he's ten, a ten year old boy, who didn't eat Turkish delights and gave it all up. He drank that weird milk, and eat that sweet she gave him. You know what it was? Some sus green liquid, one drop into the snow. And y'all blaming him?
Good God, the Beaver literally calls him the 'bait'.
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knight-already · 6 months
Everyone wants to give Edmund shit for selling out his family for turkish delight, but no one talks about Lucy going off to a strangers house when promised tea and sardines. I think maybe the Pevensie children just need to stop trusting complete strangers that offer them food.
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knight-already · 7 months
Why do we think Severus had no friends other than Lily?
Please tell me... before anyone says he was friends with Mulciber and Avery. That was a recent affair which we learn because lily tells Severus, "I don't like the people you've been hanging out with."
It's recent.
We know, also that the werewolf attack also happens before SWM -- and we learn this particularly in the same conversation.
Did Severus join their friend group out of fear?
I know this has nothing to do with my og point, that being : is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
But wait a second;
Severus has always been an out cast, he's at the bottom of school's social ladder; he's poor, not mainstream attractive, he has poor socialization.
He hardly managed to make friends with Lily only succeeding because he had something she wanted; Knowledge about the wizarding world.
Therefore when he joined Mulciber's group; he would have had to been at the bottom of the friend group, as a : go for/ yes man/ nerd that does their homework ect....in exchange for being in the group and possibly getting protection; IF they bothered too, which I doubt they did seeing as no one in that group came guns a blazing to help him in SWM.
That friend group's power wasn't balanced, and if you've never been in a friend group that wasn't balanced then bless you.
When we talk about balance for the peoples that may not understand:
We have our leader: who may or may not be the glue of the group ei, the one who gathered the friends, or they could also just be the loudest, pushiest or just idk has more swag.
Example: James.
Then we have the second in command, the best friends of the leader, these people are the closest -- best friends, possibly has the ability to kind of influence the leader:
Example: Sirius
Then we have the third, close to the outside eye, best friends with the first two but everyone inside knows they aren't as close, if they were walking and one had to fall behind it would be this friend, if they ever stopped talking for a little, this friend would be first to go.
Example: Remus
And lastly we have the bottom of their social ladder, this friend is a follower, not a lot of say in the group, is lucky to be there and to be considered a friend, usually a yes man, a go for, or someone they exploit for their own personal gain, ie studying or help with assignments, or they could have poor social skills but have a rich background and is easy to manipulate. They are in this group for more protection or power of numbers. They need the group more than the group needs them.
Example: Peter & Severus
Originally I made this post to ponder any friends Severus might have had -- but in a environment that already is hostile to Slytherins, would any Slytherin on the same social standing had been his friend?
I mean he already pissed off the biggest bullies in their year so anyone on a similar social standing might not want to be friends with him out of fear of being more on James and co. raider than they already are, plus this is especially true for maybe another Slytherin -- (Slytherins stick together because of their bad rep. Professor's are no help usually.)
Any other Slytherin would be above him, and most likely not spare him the time of day.
Why would other houses help the weird kid with a huge target on his back?
And if magically he made friends, perfectly find friends who don't let Potter's bullying fly or any house's bulling fly and fight back. If they did manage to be Severus' friends, would Lily approve?
I mean, how do we know someone is a threat?
Don't we either learn through the grape vine or our own eyes?
Well, other houses are side eyeing Slytherin, for being death eaters -- so the muggleborns are sticking close together. Maybe even the houses are protecting their muggleborn friends in whatever way:
"Hey this one's family is a death eater..."
"That one's relative is a supporter..."
"Stay away from them."
I mean we know James and co are on the lights side, so obviously, their actions and pranks are cool because they would never stoop to such a disgusting level.
Does that translate to :
If James and co. Don't approve of this person and are acting out against them ----
They are fight the good fight?
I mean, we do know Mulciber and Avery do become deatheaters.
But -- we don't hear anything about James and co fighting them. We hear Lily being weary of them.
is any Slytherin a good enough friend, for Severus and is Severus a Slytherin good enough to be friends with any other house?
Unimportant to the post:
Looking at Harry 's own friend group with Ron and Hermione. I meant to talk about a balance in friend groups, but I just realized you might think Harry is the leader, which is was at a point since Ron and Hermione didn't get along at the start.
But in truth Ron is the glue, while Harry has the leader status.
That's all, this post is long enough.
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knight-already · 7 months
This is so cute,
I assume for Severus to even LET him touch his books or help him any -- would mean he likes him a lot!
All I imagine is Severus holding all the books he can lug around and he's strong, he's skinny, he's the smallest boy in his year.
But a simple fact is Snape men are strong.
He lifts more than anyone think he can, easily.
Imagine, someone's pureblood son has a crush on him and he's trying his darnest to make a good impression on the smaller, meek, smart Slytherin. He tried to help him with his books but, oh wouldn't you know it?
He can't lift it, or at least he can't as easily as Severus' does.
Fine challenge accepted, does it anyway. Huffing and puffing with every step, thank God for magic or else he would need his asthma pump.
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knight-already · 7 months
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knight-already · 7 months
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