knightdreams-blog1 · 7 years
“just because i don’t praise you for doing your duty as a knights member, doesn’t mean i’m a - tsundere. this isn’t some shoujo manga kuma-kun - don’t lump me into some stupid, annoying trope.”
so what if he is dishonest with his feelings - of course he’s aware of it. so what if he never says what he means - it’s no one’s business how he acts.
the words in his heart seem impossible to express - every single syllable a daunting task. he cares - so, so deeply, but it’s hard for him to show. an ounce of tenderness is a world of difficulty, so he chokes back affection and concern and masks it as sardonicism - he’s aware of his own flaws, but isn’t it even better this way?
knights has fallen - perhaps not to rock bottom, but their glory has been definitively torn to shreds, almost impossible to piece back together; he knows that they will pull through, no matter what - he’ll make sure the legacy of knights doesn’t die here and now. by being a bully, speaking words he know will cut and harm, he’ll keep the vultures away; hungry and greedy, knights could easily fall prey to the cruel scavengers that will no doubt come for what remains of them - showing care, concern, it would be a sign of weakness.
knights is already hanging by a thread, but it’s crucial that they can’t act as weak as they might feel - this industry stinks with the bloodlust of hungry emperors and the decay of shattered dreams. so his terrible words, his horrible personality - it’s alright if he stays this way. he’ll face whatever hate, whatever pain anyone gives him.
he’ll bear the brunt of it all if it means knights will live to see another day. this is what their stupid leader left behind, and he’ll die before letting knights go down under his lead -
“well, whatever - it’s not like i care about what you think of me anyways.” it’s as he says this that they arrive at their destination: a room filled with cracked memories and echoing dreams. he almost pauses at the threshold, a part of him wanting time to prepare, to brace against the sight of what’s inside - but ritsu’s right beside him, and he knows those annoyingly perspective eyes rarely ever miss a thing.
he can’t afford to show any hesitance, especially in front of a fellow unitmate - especially in front of ritsu - so he lets pride overpower sentimentality, walking quickly into the dark studio with feigned indifference. he moves to turn the lights on, and then quickly walks over to set up the music for practice - he moves and moves, busying his hands and mind to push unnecessary thoughts and recollections away -
if he’s occupied, he won’t have the time to think back to the past - he won’t have time to be distracted with what once was. they - he has to focus, to never stray from that goal of regaining knights’ former glory; and to do that, he has to put his all into practice, into the performances, in hopes that one day it’ll all be enough.
finally, when there’s nothing left to prepare and nothing else to busy himself with, he turns to the other, eyes narrowed and mouth pulled into a taunting smirk. he challenges, provokes - anything to keep up the pretence, to pretend that nothing’s wrong.
“let’s see how far behind you are then, kuma-kun~”
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so~ stingy, is something he wants to retort with, but instead, he swallows his words and lets a curve in his lips say all that he needs to say. denial is such a tsundere trait, and it’s laughable how that could fly over izumi’s head like that. thick-headed, as always. selfless, as always. incredibly, unbelievably, and funnily dishonest, as always.
that kind of behaviour can’t slide for a leader, even if they are just a temp, but ritsu holds back that comment, knowing that it’s unnecessary. a guy like him, who can only function when the moon is his only source of illuminating his surroundings, has no right to criticize others for their capabilities in leading an army of knights. a guy like him, who failed to attach the leash onto the irrational and impulsive king and allowed him to flee into hiding, has no right to hold this title of a strategist. he knew that a demon like him couldn’t bear to hold onto that glory without having it stripped from him.
sometimes he entertains himself with the idea of letting knights go. it’s only logical, because what if ou-sama doesn’t return? then what? it could only last for so long, with izumi as their replacement. they may still be a ‘ powerhouse ‘ among the units, they may still hold this sense of glory  – albeit false and is littered with façades to mask the gaping void – and their reputable presence does benefit ritsu in many ways, but something like this could only last for so long. to witness the barricade that izumi is desperately trying to hold slowly crumble, all of which is out of his control, brought this wave of ‘ahh... this is the end, isn’t it?’
but despite all of that, ritsu wonders why he can’t bring himself to just do it. he didn’t have that dedication that izumi held for knights, for leo. he said it himself, didn’t he? that mao was his only family.
crimson eyes peer over, and they detect immediately these burdens weighing down his comrade. things like pushing forward into the practice room, without letting any signs of hesitation or uncertainty become apparent, had told more than he needed to know. izumi grew up as a model, not an actor, so seeing through this false bravado wasn’t something that ritsu had troubles with. it was probably something like this, like witnessing the damages of a fellow comrade before him, or seeing that innocent passion in tsukasa’s eyes, along with arashi tending to his scars inflicted from the war, that made abandoning his duties seem unthinkable. something like leaving is best fit for a bug who calls himself a ‘big brother’.
entering the room only called for disappointment when he noticed that their other members weren’t present. to arrive first is unheard of for the slumbering demon, and he can’t help but utter a disgruntled groan under his breath when he realizes that spending all this time thinking and walking and dealing with nagging secchan could be better spent in getting that extra hour of sleep that he desperately needed. instead, he’s alone watching his comrade fumble around the room to set up preparations, as if the existence of their other two knights were around. he can’t tell if izumi’s just not thinking today, or that he can’t bring himself to hesitate for a single moment and bask in a moment of silence.
he’s faced with his look of a challenge, as if trying to provoke him into caring or being proactive, but all ritsu could muster is, ‘ even though i already practice lo~ts on my own at night... secchan still doubts me? ’ he shoots back with a puzzled look, accompanied with a tinge of annoyance that expressed you must be kidding me. but a better idea strikes, in which it doesn’t require any effort to be exerted during the day.
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‘ mmm... things like practicing in the day is no good for me? but if secchan really wants to watch my performance at its best, he should accompany me when it’s at night~ it gets lonely, so i wouldn’t mind company, fufu~ ’
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knightdreams-blog1 · 7 years
to say that he was annoyed would be a total and utter understatement; as if it isn’t bad enough that his towel is now dirtied and useless - its sacrifice didn’t so much as even help in waking his stupid unit mate. frustratingly back at square one, he’s half tempted to go over there and kick at the once-more peacefully sleeping form, but he knows - it isn’t so easy.
maybe he could go to the courtyard and find a stick - or alternatively something long enough to let him keep his distance -, because he sure as hell doesn’t want to go anywhere near the younger sakuma while he’s napping; whether it’s a bite, being pulled close, or any other weird, freakish thing, ritsu’s unpredictable in this state - more so than his usual, awake self.
izumi wants to shout, to yell. he’s so annoyed, so irritated with this whole situation - why couldn’t his unit members be more useful? why couldn’t ritsu be normal for once? why did everything have to be so damn annoying? 
gritting his teeth, he braces himself - for whatever it is that’s going to happen. he doesn’t have the time, the patience or the effort required to go hunting for suitable sticks, and - and he’s done this before. not very often, because he’s smarter than that, but enough to know that it’s a bad, idiotic idea.
one step, then another - and too quickly he finds himself already close enough to stretch out and nudge the other with his foot, face twisting into a displeased scowl. immediately he can feel regret take root, instinct and experience telling him to get away while he still can - 
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“i told you to get up, kuma-kun. i can’t go home until we finish rehearsal - and rehearsal can’t start unless you’re there, so stop being annoying and hurry up!” 
his limp body gets poked by what ritsu presumes, izumi’s foot. or maybe it was a shoe that he’s poking him with? when lids are shut in desperation that somehow it could convince the disturber to let this night creature be, it’s hard to distinguish what is actually happening around him. but with the accompaniment of nagging and complaining that this fellow comrade was so notorious for, that peaceful lull was stolen ever so viciously, and eyelids flutter to blurry images of blinding light and a silver haired nuisance before him.
to be so persistent in ruining his sleep, surely izumi would know better? it was still so early, so bright, and so, so tiring. couldn’t knights practice during the night? it would be more practical, since that’s when ritsu is at his prime. and ritsu’s sleeping schedule is priority, of course.
so with this rude awakening, the demon boy could only shoot a piercing glare with clear annoyance painted on his face. ‘ secchan knows that i don’t like being woken up at this hour, and yet he’s still being so~annoying. ’ the catchphrase is coated with a half-assed impression of its owner, and when noticing that the perpetrator is within radius, he lunges his tired body towards his victim, tackling izumi to the ground.
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irritation was no longer present, as a mischievous smirk is now what rests on ritsu’s face. ‘ to disturb a vile creature’s slumber...~ there is no other way, but to punish the wrongdoers, right? â™Ș  ’ and so he does. except, rather than the cruel and gruesome torture devices that ritsu would read about in his collection of supernatural literature, he resorts to suffocating izumi with a barrage of tickling. surely, this will teach him a lesson, right?
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knightdreams-blog1 · 7 years
Keep reading
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
 you’re really incorrigible, aren’t you? Today’s practice is very Special, so it will be preferred if you participated!” Tsukasa interrupts with a single shake of his head, sighing as he glances at his senior lounging around the kotatsu yet again. Violets expand as the boy trudges closer to Ritsu– half tempted to try to pull him away, but his mind shouts it’s not worth it at him. Truly, the action of getting him to work is farfetched in the first place, but when he does try– his senpai’s performance is stunning. It enchants him in a way, and he easily obtains the knightly demeanor that Tsukasa has always admired dearly.
       It bothers him– what skill does he have that Tsukasa doesn’t? He is still very inexperienced so it may be the discrepancy between those, but
 he feels like he’s too far behind. Still not enough– and to think he’ll be the King come his third year? It terrifies him.
       He only managed to reign as the king once, and that was only due to support from the rest of the members and his sweet producer to oppose Knight Killers. 
       It wasn’t his own power.
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        “That’s not it
 sorry, it is not very knightly to tell Lies. As you may be able to tell, we don’t have practice today.” It is a little selfish of him, and he knows that he takes too much and gives only little. “However, if you are willing, I would like to ask you some things so I can improve my performance.”
sprawled out onto the kotatsu’s surface, embracing the heat it radiates, he’s too much in bliss that he’s almost tempted to pretend that the presence of his fellow comrade never existed. but he was a clever creature, and he knows that in this battle of persistence, he would undoubtedly cease defeat to the young, inexperienced, naive knight. what could he do, really? tsukasa’s nagging was too much for him, much like many of the other things in the world.
it takes a moment for ritsu to flutter his eyelids open, an invisible weight preventing him from reaching that state of awareness and consciousness. it was only with a yawn that he brought himself to avert his dazed, yet piercing crimsons towards the towering figure beside him. ‘ don’t wanna...~ kotatsu-chan is nice and warm, so i don’t wanna. ’ such complaints and whines were bound to end up in vain, as he fully knows that giving the practice room’s kotatsu a childish nickname doesn’t change the fact that practice is still awaiting for ritsu’s participation.
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however, it seems that their precious, newborn knight has the capabilities to do unholy things as well. a lie. it definitely caught the raven-haired boy’s attention, a brow raising in this intrigue for what drove tsukasa, noble and knightly tsukasa, to spew such a heinous lie. a lie to provoke ritsu into getting out of his slumber. with an elbow resting on the kotatsu’s surface, his head leaning against the palm of his hand, his lips curl in this chesire-like way. ‘ hmhm... lies like that, suu-chan should be punished ~ but it’s okay, i can forgive you this time. fufufu â™Ș ’ everything from his mannerisms, expression, posture, ritsu sensed this uneasiness and uncertainty from the younger. his teasing smile eventually turns a bit softer, allowing his comrade to confide in him about his woes. ‘ does suu-chan have worries weighing his mind? ’
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
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                  Fortune comes to those who smile! HaHiHuHeHo~ â™Ș
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
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     from the window of a castle surrounded by a deep forest, in the night sky
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
"Having so many fans is so~ annoying during this time of the year. Yuu-kun's avoiding me again for some reason, so - Kuma-kun, be useful and help me get rid of all this chocolate."
having piles upon piles of chocolates during this time of year for izumi was no surprise, considering that he was apart of one of yumenosaki’s top units and gained lots of attention from being a model. approaching this time of year, ritsu often noticed the dread in his sullen face, where he faces the issue of how can i get these girls to leave me alone oh my god?
‘ hmm... ~ secchan’s a real weirdo, so it’s not surprise that maa-kun’s teammate runs away from you. you know, maa~kun tells me that you should stay away. ’ as if mao could ever be that direct, but it’s okay because with ritsu’s selective hearing, that was essentially what he was getting at, right? he pops one of the store-bought chocolates into his mouth, only to have his face scrunch up in mild disgust. he quickly swallows so that it doesn’t linger around his palette for long. ‘ does secchan get gross chocolate like this every year? our fans must really hate you, fufufu ~ ’
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‘ hmhm... i think secchan should dump those ones and try the homemade ones i made â™Ș i promise they’re re~ally good. ’
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
as a general rule of thumb, he never tries to wake ritsu sakuma up. hell, he practically avoids being near the so-called vampire when he’s fast asleep – experience has taught him not to trust that peaceful sleeping face if his whole life depended on it. if knights ever needs this particular member for anything, he usually leaves the rousing to tsukasa, or even arashi – let them take the fall, because it’s better them than him.
which is why he’s, needless to say, a bit irritated when he enters the studio – and as expected, finds the other huddled in an out-of-place bed, expression serene and breathing relaxed. he curses, wondering what exactly he did to deserve this – why did he have to be the one to come get ritsu? he’s the one who got all the steps right in one go, and now he’s being punished for doing well?
he’s not an idiot – annoyance can cloud judgement, sure, but he still has enough common sense to know not to get too close. looking around the room, he tries to find something, anything, to throw at the sleeping boy in front of him.
he quickly spots something suitable, and with a sigh, throws the clean towel he had brought to school this morning at his unitmate. going home feeling disgusting and sweaty isn’t enjoyable in the slightest, but sacrifices have to be made – anything to wake ritsu up without actual contact.
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“oi, kuma-kun, you’re missing practice – did you already forget that we’re doing a stage rehearsal today, or were you just planning to slack off again?”
noisy. too noisy for this time of day. too familiar of a noise for his liking, if he were to be honest. he didn’t even need to lift his eyelids to see who the owner of that god awful nagging was. then again, with how many complaints he gets each day, these voices all start to blend together, and ritsu loses a sense of what is happening and what isn’t. all he really wanted to do was sleep in peace and quiet. has this creature of darkness done such awful evils that he must be punished like this?
‘ ngh... tired... ’ any coherent sense is out the window when ritsu tries to open his mouth and reply back, eventually all falling into a series of grumbles and exhausted groans. instead, he gets met with a slap (?) from some type of cloth, where it ends up jolting the vampire to rise from his fetal position. blood red eyes are peeking from the hooded eyelids, staring into the distance in a dazed expression. they soon, surely but slowly, trail over to the source of what awoke him – a towel.
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piecing everything together, it didn’t take long for the creature to let out a yawn and return into the same position as he was beforehand. this time, his hand is gesturing ‘shoo, shoo’ and ‘you’re now dismissed ~ ‘ as his back is turned away from the model’s pesters. ‘ it’s fine, secchan. i can afford to miss some practices, right~? please be kind, i’m an old man who needs looo~ts of rest. working so hard during the harsh daylight – it’s just no good, mmm... ’ his whining is nothing but a waste of his breath, as him and izumi both know that such half-assed excuses weren’t gonna cut it, but to not try would be wasteful, wouldn’t it? to think, where he’d be allowed to slack off more and spend his days lazing around. the possibilities probably stood at only 0.01% of actually happening, but much like how he spends most of his days, he can dream.
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
“as if,” he scoffs, features twisting into a sour expression as he begins to walk away – it’s not to leave ritsu behind, not that he’d even be able to when their destination is the same, but to simply move along, get everything over with. it’s always the same – practice is haunted with echoes of the past, the studio feeling less like a room and more of a prison of what was;he hates it, how just by walking into the familiar space can make him remember,memories vivid and fresh as though only made yesterday –
just get it all done and go home. that’s all he wants, all he can want. he can’t abandon knights, not when their idiot, irresponsible ou-sama already has – but it’s still a heavy weight on him, clinging at and slowly wearing him down. he doesn’t want to be ‘leader’, because that’s not who he is –it’s a title that doesn’t belong to him, doesn’t fit him, but he’ll continue wearing it until the day its true bearer returns and reclaims it.
someone has to shoulder this burden in the meantime, so it might as well be him – it’s the least he can do for these fallen knights, once so revered and now but the tragic losers of an unfortunate war.
he doesn’t turn to look back when he walks down the hallway,doesn’t check to see if his lethargic unitmate is following him – he just continues, walking with decisive steps that hide away the inner turmoil he harbors.  “if anyone’s the weird one it’s you, kuma-kun. thinking that i’d actually want to babysit you like that kid from trickstar – did you hit your head on the way here?”
he frowns – not that the other can see it -, lips pursing in thought. to the casual observer, it’s a common look for him to have on his face, one that seems rife with irritation - but the reality is that his mind reels over ritsu’s words, turning them over again and again as if looking for some other meaning to them. ritsu had called him kind, but he’s not.
he just another hopeless person, trying so desperately to save knights from a fate worse than death – from fading away, from being forgotten. this isn’t some act of kindness, only one of true selfishness. ou-sama’s blade may have rusted away, but they can still go on; it’s selfish, how he’s pushing knights to continue fighting, even after its spirit has been damaged and nearly crushed – he should let knights rest, let the wounds scab and heal,but the happiness he had felt singing alongside everyone else – he can’t forget it.
he wants to feel it again.
“well, whatever, not that i care if you did –”
if his selfishness ends up destroying what remains of knights, would ritsu – would everyone blame him? would knights still follow his lead, if all that he was pushing them towards was their doom? knights had been his youth, and now, even perishing, he wants to preserve  what’s left – he’ll do whatever it takes,become a villain if he has to -, but could the price for his self-indulgence be the last pieces of knights?
he doesn’t want to think about it. even if they grow to hate him, he has to, for knights’ sake – even if he ends up alone, he’ll take it all on himself. if this is meant to be the beginning of knights’ end, he will not accept it. he’ll continue wielding this blade he was given until the day he is dealt a killing blow, until he takes his final breath on this ugly battlefield.
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“kuma-kun is so thick-headed that a head injury probably wouldn’t do much damage to you anyways~”
trailing behind izumi’s shadow, his back is the only thing that’s visible in his eyes — there’s a familiarity accompanying it all. so he doesn’t mind, lagging behind, that is, because he’s always been a follower. mao, leo, even their newfound rookie member tsukasa, ritsu would just follow without a moment of hesitation. it’s easier to cling onto the remnants of someone else than to forge your own path.
this must be why leo assigned the role of a strategist to him. they oversee every move on the board, calculating each step, and it’s the role given to those who can separate themselves from the tragedies of a war and observe. but a strategist is far from an independent unit, and oh, how they wish they could be. they rely on the strength of those around them, placing their trust into the skills and abilities of their allies. he wasn’t on the battlefield, risking his life and future for that chance of surviving the following day, instead he remains in that deep slumber and detached from the rest of the world.
‘ secchan is too cruel... i should be praised and spoiled for being such a good knight ~ â™Ș ’ chuckles follow, as his pace eventually catches up to the likes of izumi, with the help of an almost rhythmic hop in his steps. once filling in the empty space at his side, his crimson eyes leer over in a teasing manner, as they face a pair of cool blues. the weight in his shoulders, an image of a leader that he tries all his might to maintain, all of which ritsu could probably crack in less than a second. even if they were just unitmates, just allies in this cruel world, just knights chosen to protect their fleeing king, ritsu could read izumi from the back of his hand. or so, he probably just convinces himself that he can, with all the observations he accumulates over the past two-ish years that he’s known him.
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but it wasn’t a far-fetched assumption that izumi cared way too much. he tends to act like he doesn’t, scoffing and dismissing any accusations that suggest that beneath his bullying is this core of kindness. ritsu never understood his overly complicated methods, but he got past it and grew some sort of weird fondness of it. it’s amusing when you’re able to distinguish the multitude of layers in his tone, all boiling down to this warm kindness that he’d refuse to admit. it’s with this very reason that the role of a strategist exists, to make sure that emotions don’t overflow and interfere with the course of their duties. he failed to hold back the devastation and pain that his king felt, leading to his abrupt abandonment of what he created, so ritsu knows that there isn’t a room for error now.
‘ you know, secchan... that kind of tsundere act can get old ~ you should be more honest. i promise i won’t laugh â™Ș fufufu ~ ’ things like this, these seemingly empty string of words, are enough, ritsu thinks. they mean nothing at face value, that they can easily be brushed off as nonsense of an eccentric vampire. the irony of how he nitpicks on izumi’s complicated approach to others, when ritsu behaves the same, odd, cryptic way. there’s something admirable of those who blurt out their feelings, the feelings they have at that moment, out into the world without a care of who hears. perhaps that was what drew the cold, lonely vampire to the bright and idiotic king of theirs. in repayment, this is the most he can do. offer his consolations in the most vague and unnecessary way possible, all to somehow relieve that burden weighing secchan’s poor, tired, worn out shoulders.
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
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     its the sex number

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 how ironic that the virgin hits the infamous 69
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
            The hallways were becoming too crowded for Sora’s liking. He enjoys being around people, but being too close to the point where he has to squeeze through? Ah, sometimes he wishes he had wings just so he could fly over everyone! He likes being comfortable and being in his own space, and before he had known it, he had leaped out the second floor window without much thought. 
    He lands onto a tree, careful not to get stuck on a branch like he did recently, working his way down and landing in the grassy clearing with an ‘oof!’. His gaze had been locked on the people staring at him, a nervous laugh escaping him, the thought Uh oh! Sora caused another scene
~ Hopefully Senpai won’t get mad! running through his mind, however the yawn and tired voice that met his ears instantly sweeps his mind clear as he jumps in surprise. 
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    ❝ Uwah! There was someone here?! Is it someone trying to break into the school?! ❞ he squeaks, turning to the source but immediately relaxing upon the sight of the elder. “HoHo~! No, Sora was mistaken! It was Ri-san~!” He moves to squat next to the upperclassmen, a grin on his lips as he hums, peering up at him from his spot on the bench. “Ri-san surprised Sora~ Oh, but Sora jumping down like that may have been more surprising
~?” He looks thoughtful for a moment, before blinking down at Ritsu, realization dawning upon him. 
    “Did Sora wake you up? Sora’s sorry! He felt stuffy earlier, and there was no place high to go in the hallways, so Sora went outside instead!” 
if he wasn’t awake then, he was definitely awake now. that silence he grew so fond of, that he probably took for granted, was now filled with the chattering of the spunky-blonde-jumps from the second floors of prestigious academies boy in front of him. with another lengthy yawn, ritsu needs to take a moment to process all these words that the kid was relentlessly bombarding him with. tuning out for a split second could easily have made ritsu convinced that this boy was talking at an astounding ten words per second.
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a human would probably react with frantic concerns, and would resort to lecturing about how “jumping from buildings like that is suicidal, sora!!” but ritsu is far from human and his vampire instincts have him nodding along to the boy’s story, as if the kid was merely yapping on about what he ate for breakfast. then again, rather than blaming it on his supernatural blood, it was probably more likely that waking up at this hour tires out his bones and reduces his understanding of what is actually happening. ‘ mm... is that so~? i see â™Ș ’ there’s this pause, a brief moment where he collects his thoughts, ‘ i understand that feeling. if i came across an annoying bug, i’d want to jump out the window too. ’ somewhat sinister-like chuckles laced in amusement, stemmed from the imaginations that his mind conjured. ‘ ah... rather than me jumping, i would want him to jump? ’ perhaps those sort of jests were too gruesome, cruel, and dark for the likes of sora, a kid brimming with this innocence and purity that ritsu had lost ages ago.
‘ but sora-chan is a good kid, isn’t he~? so thoughts like that don’t go through his mind. ’ lips curl fondly, as he reaches out to rustle the wild blonde mane. ‘ sora-chan must stay a good kid and not become a creature of darkness like me ~ i may be a vampire, but i don’t give sweets to bad kids, you know? fufufu ~ â™Ș ’
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
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im dying i think about this ship like all day y it’s almost 3 am but i couldnt sleep without expressing myself
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
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i just wanted to draw ritsu sucking izumi’s blood so now he’s dying
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
tranquil rustles of autumn leaves, accompanied by the occasional chirps of a mother baby-blue bird, made it a near perfect environment for an afternoon nap. taking the luxury of resting on the spare benches, the overarching trees filtering out the harsh sunlight that would normally be a hindrance to the peaceful lull the vampire is so accustomed to, it all felt surreal when the tranquility just came to an abrupt stop. it was like going through a morning stroll, but then suddenly becoming a witness to a horrendous car crash.
such descriptions weren’t so far off from reality, as the disturbance came from the yelp of a young boy, a yellow blob in ritsu’s eyes really, appearing out of nowhere from the skies and landing in his little sanctuary. it happens and processes way too fast for a vampire whose struggling to deal with being waken up, so he can’t even bring himself to understand the situation.
when the blurs start coming into focus, he notices that the blob was nothing more than just a kid. or, well, maybe not just a kid? he takes a moment to think of how this spunky-looking kid with green highlights coating his untamed blonde hair came to enter to ritsu’s realm, all the way from the skies. could some god up there decide to rid the demon creature that was him?
it wasn’t until he peeks up and sees an opened window from the second floor, heads peeking out to look in awe at the boy. it all clicks for him now. ah, so that’s it.
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     ‘ fuahhh...~ my sleep’s been disturbed... who is it? nngh, i’m tired... ’
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
“hah?” it’s a rude awakening, the way ritsu calls out to him – has he finally grown so pathetic that even his surroundings escape his notice? each day is another repeat of the previous, a broken record that plays a pathetic melody; inescapable, he can only continue through with the routine, almost powerless to break this endless cycle.
knights, once so bright and glimmering – they wielded their swords and sang their oaths of chivalry, entrusting every bit of themselves into their beliefs. they fought, battled so wholeheartedly – only to taste the bloodied blade of defeat. somehow, they had managed to survived the bloodbath – but at what cause? like this, was knights truly living? left without a leader, without a purpose, how are they meant to continue? what’s the point of a sword, if there isn’t anything for it to protect?
nothing. it has no meaning - it becomes useless, a worthless piece of trash to be discarded and forgotten.let the blade rust, forget its awe-inspiring shine – is that the future that awaits knights?
“somehow, your tone is kind of pissing me off ~” he returns the favour with a light hum of his own. this, too, is a part of the vicious cycle they’ve found themselves trapped in – everyone goes on as though nothing is different; they continue to survive, continue to act.
“i’m surprised you even got up in time for practice, kuma-kun.” antagonize and being antagonized – that’s how it’s always been for him and ritsu, hasn’t it?  it really feels as if nothing has changed. to be happy about something like this remaining the same – how stupidly weak and sentimental of him.  “you know, you’re normally so late you might as well not come.  having to redo moves we’ve already gone over just so you can catch up is su~per annoying, you know?”
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the expression, the tone – it all comes so naturally to him; he doesn’t even have to think, only act – what a pitiful way of surviving. to think that they had been abandoned, left to pick up the shattered pieces of what they once were by themselves – even so, he cannot find himself hating that idiot leader of theirs. even though he is gone, the legacy of knights, broken and tainted as it may be, continues –
they, the remnants of a bloody war – the only way for them is to move forwards. though their name may be tarnished, their weapons damaged, they must continue down this path in hopes of redemption. he looks at the other, sees another fallen knight, and for a moment wonders if this pains ritsu as much as it does him – then feels ashamed of such a thought. does it matter how affected his fellow knight is? ritsu is a comrade, a friend –and on the battlefield there is no time for harboring doubts. such selfish thoughts could prove dangerous, even fatal, if he wasn’t careful.
“don’t slow us down, kuma-kun, or i might have to schedule in even more practices as knights’ ‘leader’ to keep us in shape â™Ș”
words laced with the familiar tone that could only be owned by someone of the likes of izumi; venomous, yet somewhat addicting for someone of the likes of ritsu. these colourful exchanges were a staple to their relationship, from the day one that they’ve met, and even with the absence that abandoned and broke these helpless knights among the bloodshed of the war, these taunting gleams that they exchange with one and another are still ever so present. even if they are just worn out fragments of a once blinding blade, left behind to scramble and fend for themselves, pulling off this façade as the noble knights that they are loved so dearly for.
so the words aren’t as venomous as many would perceive them, because ritsu has known secchan for a while now, hasn’t he? being scolded like this, it only brought this soothing reassurance to a troublesome vampire such as himself. ‘ mmm... today is full of surprises. ’ that was his go-to explanation for anything, since tackling the root of actions was too much of a hassle. being not as late as he usually was, that sort of thing didn’t really need an explanation, he presumes. but that may just be his belief of leaving things as they are, that an explanation would just overly complicate it all. ‘ secchan says it’s su~per annoying, but he secretly likes being leader~ or rather, he just likes taking care of me? aaah... ~ who knew secchan was as much of a weirdo as maa~kun, hmm? ’
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when leader slips past his lips, it was nearly impossible to not have their true king in mind, so much so that it’s almost pitiful that izumi would try to take his place. ritsu thought izumi would make a good leader, probably one of the best even, but he wasn’t really their leader, and it probably gnawed at him more than it could ever do so to ritsu. perhaps, maybe not that if he was a suited leader, but more rather the uncertainty of ou-sama’s return? he will, is what they’re all telling themselves. almost to a degree of forcing this conviction that it’ll happen, and things will be okay. however, reality will dawn on them (perhaps even already doing so) that there is no guarantee. and if so, then what?
a return of their king would be a joyous day, ritsu is sure of it. knights wouldn’t be knights without ou-sama, that was a fact. but it’s indescribable, in how ritsu has contemplated that outcome, and actually didn’t want to fall in complete despair. someone of his nature, who often goes with the flow of what comes, should behave like that though, right? it’s not weird. someone like him isn’t weird. of course, he wants ou-sama. childish and eccentric ou-sama, to return to his precious knights. but if he doesn’t, then it’s okay, isn’t it? secchan’s a good leader, after all.
and it sort of hits him that he doesn’t like seeing izumi fighting so hard to keep the precious thing that leo created.
thoughts quickly get discarded, because ritsu just concludes that if it all comes down to it, then he’ll just stay by mao’s side. just like how it’s always been. if he becomes an abandoned and rusted blade in the midst of the battlefield, then it’ll be okay. if loving and talented ou-sama left knights, and brave and loyal knights left ritsu, then it’ll be okay.
‘ it’s okay if i’m slow, though...? if i’m behind, then secchan will help me ~ because that’s the kind person that secchan is...  â™Ș ’
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
in any other situation, circumstance, moment in their life, it would have been humourous – hysterical even. it’s so ironic that ritsu, sakuma ritsu who claims that his powers come from his vampire blood and uses it to excuse his poor sleeping behaviours, is the one who has to remind his fellow knights mate for practice. to even believe that he’s not the last one there, walking into the room with droplets of tears resting on the corners of his eyes, an indication of the deep slumber he was in prior, was nothing but an odd surprise to anyone.
perhaps things would have turned out differently, if he had actually made it to the practice room. to enter and actually see the remnants of shattered swords littered around the empty space, waiting. they’ve been waiting for days, weeks, months even, too long in the midst of their directionless paths, but that day wouldn’t have been waiting for their guide, nor waiting for the expected latecomer. alas, it would be the comrade that ritsu finds himself encountering on his way. silver hair and a fair complexion that reflected an image of a shining blade entrusted to the hands of the brave and loyal knights; he seemed to embody their unit’s image the most, was what ritsu believed.
but ever since that act of disappearance, the vanishings of the man who named himself their king, the knights and their swords in hand have lost that shine that would bind them together, harmoniously. more notably, the shine that practically radiated from sena izumi. it was still there, at least, that’s what ritsu wants to think. it’s there, but he thinks that it’s different. forced, almost? as if to fill the void of boisterous wahahas ✩ and spurts of energy, cold and irritable secchan tried to take the initiative to shine as bright as he did, for the sake of holding onto that string of unity. of course, he does it all in his own lovely secchan-way.
but what does this lone vampire know? he can only observe and evaluate, never really going out of his way to understand what he was decoding. he just assumes. or maybe they’re just fleeting wonders? like how stumbling across on his path, something uncommon to encounter when ritsu was usually the only one to run late on practices, meant that there was something wrong with knights. or maybe it was just secchan? nonetheless, they all amount to nothing, as these thoughts quickly vanish without a trace, just like their leader had done. he doesn’t pry, ask, inquire, question. he doesn’t confront.
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     ‘ hm...? if it isn’t secchan...~ ’ hums buzz against his lips, which soon shifts into a teasing smile.  ‘ how rare ~ i guess secchan napped for too long too, then. mmm... how irresponsible...? ’ he knows that’s not the case. he’s just projecting.
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knightdreams-blog1 · 8 years
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RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  !good  luck  ! TAGGED ☆ . by no one i have no friends TAGGING. @codechivalric​ :3c
FULL  NAME :  Sakuma Ritsu (æœ”é–“ć‡›æœˆ) NICKNAME :  Ritchii, Ritchan, Rittsu, Kuma-kun, Sakuma’s little brother AGE :  17 BIRTHDAY :  09/22 ETHNIC  GROUP :  japanese NATIONALITY : japanese LANGUAGE / S : japanese SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  pan ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION : pan RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  single HOME  TOWN / AREA :  japan, undisclosed region CURRENT  HOME : average middle class house, residing with parents and older brother PROFESSION :  high school student / idol
SKIN : paler than the average japanese male, soft, but prone to coldness EYES:  crimson red; half-lidded eyes FACE :  small chin, slightly puffy cheeks on some days, but mostly has a slim face LIPS :  thin lips COMPLEXION : even with his bad self-care habits, his skin stays smooth and clear nonetheless. he claims it’s a ‘vampire’ trait. BLEMISHES :   none SCARS :  none TATTOOS :  none HEIGHT :  170cm WEIGHT :  54kg BUILD :  seemingly thin build, but is well built. he has abs?? i don’t know either, man. his arms look squishy tho FEATURES : they’re not noticeable, but he has a pair of ‘fangs’. they’re really just sharper teeth than the average kind. ALLERGIES : none USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  medium-length straight black hair, often somewhat tousled up and unkempt, but never too messy. has a flick of hair that sticks out most of the time. USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  sleepy eyes with a touch of mischievousness every now and then USUAL  CLOTHING : sloppily put together, whether missing the button of a shirt or even neglecting to button all the way. he wears a grey sleeveless sweater over his white short sleeved dress shirt, along with his regular yumenosaki academy blazer
FEAR / S :  get waken up abruptly, garlic, abandonment, everyone around him changing ASPIRATION / S :  live a peaceful life. not many aspirations, goes with the flow POSITIVE  TRAITS : attentive, calm, observant, playful, quick-witted (when he wants to be), cooperative (on a good day) NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  lazy, generally unhelpful, unsociable, petty, spoiled, selfish MBTI : INTP-A ZODIAC : virgo TEMPEREMENT :  phlegmatic SOUL  TYPE / S :  thinker ANIMALS :  mole VICE  HABIT / S :  prone to want to suck blood, sleeping anywhere and anytime FAITH :  doesn’t have a strong devotion, but probably a lowkey nihilist or something GHOSTS ? :  yeah he likes scaring others with ghost stories AFTERLIFE ? :  yes REINCARNATION ? : yeah probably ALIENS ? :  leo says aliens abducted him, but he doesn’t really feel too strong about the idea of it. so who cares really POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  who cares EDUCATION  LEVEL :  he’s a 2nd year, but would have been a 3rd year if he didn’t sleep so much and skip school all the time. the grades on his paper would look a lot better, too
FATHER :   not much is known. idk what to tell you. does he love him? is he even there? sakuma dad can you hear m MOTHER :   IDK MAN WHAT EVEN IS THE SAKUMA FAMILY SIBLINGS :  an older brother who took a form of an annoying bug EXTENDED  FAMILY :  n/a NAME  MEANING / S :     ć‡›æœˆ means cold moon HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :   no one significant but he’ll probably say vampires
BOOK :  vampires, gothic lore, mythology, edgy fantasy titles MOVIE :   probably either psycho or dracula 5  SONGS :  his king’s compositions. both for practice and because he really does like them. he’ll also deny it if you ask, but he listens to his brother’s songs every now and then, too DEITY :  none HOLIDAY :  halloween MONTH :  october SEASON : lazy summers PLACE : anywhere quiet WEATHER :  cloudy, maybe even a somber drizzle SOUND :  rain hitting on the window, peace and quiet SCENT / S :  blood, anzu, maakun TASTE / S :  blood, anzu’s blood mostly FEEL / S :  blades of grass brushing against his skin, wearing his eyemask, and the SWEET EMBRACE OF  D E A  T H ANIMAL / S :  cats NUMBER :  13.   friday the 1 3 t h COLORS :  red, black and silver
TALENTS : sleeping anywhere. anytime. making delicious sweets BAD  AT :  social interaction TURN  ONS :  biting probably. and bdsm LOL TURN  OFFS :  he doesn’t even care he’ll roll with anything.    stop him HOBBIES :   sleeping, making sweets, being a pain for mao TROPES :  the nicknamer, man child, brilliant but lazy, chuunibyou, sweet tooth, clingy boyfriend, sleepyhead QUOTES :   “You disturbed my sleep. Just when I was having such a nice nap, too."; “Fuaah... Good night~ ....Whaat? Don't talk to me. You see, I'm sleepy in the afternoon.”
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   a modern silent film, maybe? he’s too lazy to act and be a prominent role in a movie, so it’d probably be one of those weird art films that don’t make any real sense but you just go with it. probably have some underlying dark and scary visuals, so it could pass as a type of classic horror film Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   ok if it wasn’t a silent film his score would just be anything that leo composed because his leader makes Good Music Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :  cause i was like. chris if you make izumi i’ll make ritsu and here i am Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   he was my starter card, actually! and i just really love his sleepy aestheticcc its so #Relate Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   he’s a piece of shit but i actually love that so that doesn’t count.    hmhm he’s really immature, and as a character, it’s good, but i don’t really like clingy people so Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   sleeping 24/7 and being petty Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :   idk he probably doesn’t care Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :   rei! he used to have a good relationship but. what happened that made  him so bitter and petty jfc. i also want more interactions with him and 2wink, especially since they’re rei’s kids and all Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :   idk being a piece of shit.    like all my other muses i just wanna bother people Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :   a while jesus christ why is this like. my first post idk man but i love ritsu so
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