kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
Tw: sexual assult
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
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The Kobayashi Twins
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
Poker Face | Chapter Two | Team B Training
Despite everything that had happened, the show must go on. At least, that’s what Ran thought to herself as the second “Special Variety Hour” was announced. They had only just gotten over the shock of Poppy’s passing, and yet here they are being forced into another wacky competition. At least this time, it seemed like there was a prize that was worth winning. The fact that the locks had been destroyed meant that no one was safe, even if they holed up in their trailers. If people wanted to get what little security they had back, they would give this competition their all. 
Because of the raised stakes, Ran wasted no time in rounding up the members of her team. Except for Banri, she hadn’t worked with any of the others before, so she was curious how they would act on a team. She had high hopes for Kon, he seemed like a team player given his role as a sentai leader, and Nao as well, since he was a jack of all trades and was in the winning team last round. She was unsure about Rinji and STELL☆, as they were on the last place team. However, young rising stars like them had to be flexible if they wanted to survive in the industry, so they could likely be molded into fine teammates if necessary.
She told everyone to meet her in the casino bright and early the next morning. Knowing Banri’s habit of sleeping in, she scheduled the meetup for 7 am, hoping it was slightly more manageable. If it happened again, she would have to think of a new strategy. She set herself up at a poker table in the corner of the casino, still visible from the doorway but far enough away that people couldn’t snoop in on their training without being obvious about it.
After shuffling the deck of cards in front of her, she sighed wearily. 
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“Let’s be honest,” she muttered to herself. “Knowing last round, the competition probably won’t be real poker.”
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
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droopy eyes save lives (mine, they save my life)
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
So, a killing game, right??
Megami found it rather difficult to react back at the opening ceremony, what with all the chaos and wild emotions already being set amok. Between all that, and the recent information still setting in, it comes as a relief when she’s told of training.
Can always rely on a routine to ease those nerves.
Get as much rest as she can (especially in this situation), wake up bright and early, usual morning wash-up, get dressed, and off she goes! The slight chill of the morning air helps to put a bit more of a kick in her step. A quick stop by the kitchen, and then she’s making a beeline towards the practice room.
Megami visibly brightens upon entering.
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“Ah, good morning, Kobayashi-san! I know things may be… concerning as of late… But, I would just like to take a moment to thank you for gathering our group together! I very much look forward to working with you.”
She folds her hands in front of her and bows at the waist. Truly, it was a great opportunity to work with her, in Megami’s opinion.
Megami starts off with her stretches while they await the others.
At Kaito’s apparent return, and Banri’s arrival, she gives a a cheery greeting to them both.
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“Well, considering our group as a whole, something on the cuter side may be more fitting for us. I can’t say I’m an expert when it comes to choreographing such things, either. I haven’t really worked with a group, in my career. So, my perspective may be a bit off, in that regard.”
She claps her hands together.
“But, if I can manage a routine in heels, hopefully I’ll hold my own with the rest of you!”
Although Kei was clearly scared out of his wits, there was something admittedly comforting about being grouped into a team. It was important their bonds remained strong, right? After all, they were all in this together. And there was no chance one of them actually wanted to kill someone, right? 
Be it fear or the fact Kei had overslept far past their scheduled meeting time, he was the last to show up. It was immediately clear he was pretty hesitant about the situation, though somewhat eager to put his mind on training. Dancing, if it wasn’t obvious, wasn’t his strong suit, but anything beat staying locked in his room and panicking.
“Good morning- !” Kei yelled all too loudly, completely obvlious to the discussion happening prior to his arrival, “I’m so sorry for being late. Please accept these an apology!!” He bowed in place, hugging a pile of packaged sweets and drinks from the kitchen as an apology. “I wasn’t sure what everyone liked so I thought I’d grab a bit of-” 
As if on cue, one of Kei’s feet caught a guitar stand and he went down, crushing a few of the snacks under his chest. The rest flew several feet onto the dance floor. One of the drinks exploded on impact, but thankfully far out of range of any of his teammates- some of the equipment in the room may need a thorough cleaning, though…
“O-oh… I’m…” He struggled to his feet and glanced between his teammates and the door, considering carefully if he was truly needed here after all. 
Ran was pleased seeing both Kaito’s and Megami’s arrival. It was nice to see young people with a good work ethic. While Kaito dashed off before she could have much of a conversation with him, she passed the time waiting for the others with Megami.
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“I’m looking forward to working with you as well. While I’m not exactly sure how to feel in the situation we’re in, dancing should at least take our mind off of it.”
It took a while before Banri showed up, but he seemed to at least have good enthusiasm. Kaito returned with water at around the same time, so all they were missing was Kei, the person she was the most concerned about. 
“Yes, if you could manage to coordinate something for us Kaito that would be greatly appreciated! I can help as well, but mostly just pulling stuff from past routines that most people have probably forgotten about by now. Just like the rest of you, I’m used to being taught a routine by a coordinator, not having to come up with it myself.”
As they were discussing the kind of dance routine they should come up with, Kei made his way onto the scene, with plenty of snacks in tow. However, his clumsy entrance didn’t give Ran any more confidence. 
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“My, my... I’ll help clean that up.” She grabbed some of the hand towels and used them to mop up the spilled drink. This boy definitely needed some work. Hopefully, they could come up with a simple part for him. They could put him off to the side and make someone else the center, at least. 
“Yes, we should probably come up with a routine that focuses on cuteness. Something easy to learn that can show off our appeal. We only have a couple of days to practice, so we shouldn’t go for anything too technical.
Dance For Your Life | Chapter 1 | Team C Training
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
Chapter 1: Game Start!
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
Dance For Your Life | Chapter One | Team C Training
Despite being shaken up about the situation, Ran tried her best to stay professional. In stressful times like these, people were going to look to her for guidance, so she had to put on her brave face and keep calm. She decided to channel that nervous energy into dance, so she attempted to gather up the members of her assigned team for training. She told everyone to meet her in the practice room early next morning, so they could figure out what they were going to do for the contest.
The following day, Ran showed up to the practice room around 6:00 AM, dressed in her gym clothes. She didn’t know when or if everyone would come to meet her, but she started on her warm-up stretches anyway. As she stretched, she thought about her team members and wondered what they would bring to the table. She knew Megami and Banri were both known for their voices, but didn’t know too much about their dance skills. She assumed Kaito would probably be a pretty good dancer, considering his genre of music, but she didn’t have high hopes for Kei, who was known for his clumsiness.
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“Don’t worry, Ran,” she muttered quietly to herself. “I’m sure we can manage to work something out. Something simple that we can execute with style will look more impressive than something complicated that we fumble through.”
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
A Twisted Game | Prolouge
Lives on the line?
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This couldn’t be real. Surely this was just a set-up. Were they on a prank show? Was this actually a fictional show and she never got her script? It just felt so out of nowhere, that she couldn’t even believe it.
However, seeing Kana get tasered in front of them brought her to reality. 
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“Oh god… Kana-san! Are you okay?!” She rushed to the idol’s side, grabbing her unconscious body. 
Ran felt a chill run down her spine. This situation they were in, believable or not, was real. The people in charge had no qualms in harming them, and they had no choice but to obey. Even if it meant killing the other idols.
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
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kobayashi-ran-blog · 6 years
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“Hello, hello, mic test 1-2-3! It’s everyone’s favorite fluffy purple idol, and your host for the Idol Experiment! You can just call me Manager-san!”
"Oh, but no need to applaud me just yet! The real stars of the show are our contestants! After ages and ages of deliberating, we’re finally ready to reveal our colorful cast of idols who will be competing in The Idol Experiment”
"Now, we’ve wasted enough time! Here they are! Please give a waaarm welcome to –”
Keep reading
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