koji-haru · 2 hours
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koji-haru · 20 hours
Sweater Gremlins
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From Adam to Ada to Bloogers
I don’t know why but I’ve next been scrapbooking these. The Lucifers know better then anyone they’re attraction to Adams! So they’re highly suspicious of one another! -don’t worry, Ada isn’t pregnant in this.
Ada is from the fantastic @taradiddled and Adam in all his fluff is from @bloogers-boogers!
I said I would make one! And I finally did while my other stuff dries.
Happy almost Halloween!
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koji-haru · 21 hours
Swap AU Part: 7
Ever since Adam had gifted Michael the bracelet, which he now wore daily on his wrist, the first man had been giving him more and more as the days went by. Michael didn’t mind, of course, in fact he quite liked all the gifts and had found the action rather sweet of Adam. Still, he found the frequency and amount a little odd as he stared at the pile on the table in front of him. There were various shiny coloured stones, seashells of varying shapes and sizes, beautiful flowers in full bloom and more. He had kept all of Adam’s gifts, not wanting to throw away even a single item. However, now that he had all of it gathered together, he realised he didn’t know what to do with any of it. Should he put them on display? Where would he even put them? Michael was never one for decorating his place; he never really saw the point to it. He scanned over the abundance of gifts on his table, a fond smile forming on his lips. He supposed he could start decorating now.
A brief knock, and without even waiting for an answer, the door to Michael’s place suddenly opened and in barged his brother, Lucifer. 
“Michael, th–,” Lucifer paused, a little confused at the sight in front of him. “What’s with the random pile?,” he asked curiously as he walked in further into the room, the colourful and sparkly pile catching his eye. He was about to pick up a blue stone when Michael’s hand quickly stopped his. That was when he saw another odd thing. Tied around his brother’s wrist was a bracelet of blues, whites and gold made of glistening stones and seashells. Lucifer tilted his head to the side, “Since when did you start collecting trinkets?”
Michael let go of his brother’s wandering hand before answering, “I don’t. Adam gifted these to me.”
Lucifer’s face fell at Michael’s words. “Oh. That’s…nice,” he said with a now tight smile. Sure, he had received gifts from Adam before, but not as much as this, and certainly not something as customised as that bracelet. The unpleasant ‘thing’ that had been slowly building up inside of him just increased in volume at the sight of that dangling blue jewellery ready to spill over and flood his surroundings. He couldn’t believe the duplicity! The gall!
Michael nodded in response, “Adam’s very sweet. Though now, I’m not entirely sure what to do with these.” He pointed towards presents. 
Something inside Lucifer twitched. He could feel his normally cool skin heat up, his fingers itching for…something. “Oh, that must be sooo inconvenient for you,” he commented, his voice laden with jealousy.
The sudden change in the tone of Lucifer’s voice made Michael look up towards his brother. “What?” His brother now had a sour expression on his face. He sighed. He knew why Lucifer was acting up suddenly. “Look, I’m not trying to replace you.”
“Sure, as if you didn’t tell me not too long ago to stay away,” snorted Lucifer.
“I did.”
“Exactly!” Lucifer harshly pointed at Michael.
“Because you wouldn’t respect Adam’s wish for distance otherwise,” continued Michael. “I said to stay away unless he had decided to allow you back in. How you get back in is your problem to solve Lucifer.”
Lucifer remained silent, his shoulders slumped, his eyes downcast and his anger from earlier now a piteous defeat. “I know I really ruined everything, but how can I make up for things when he doesn’t even want to be near me?,” he sniffled. “And now it seems like I’m being thrown away and replaced…”
The sight of his brother being pitiable like that always managed to soften Michael. Somehow, he could never be as stern as he would like to be when it came to Lucifer. Did he deserve this? Michael thought so. In fact, he thought Lucifer got off quite easily, avoiding the consequences of his actions from Heaven itself. But maybe his anger had also cooled down, as Lucifer’s regretful eyes seemed to have some sort of effect on him. It wasn’t a bad thing to want to make amends. 
Michael yielded to Lucifer’s display, and with a sigh, he suggested, “I’ll talk to Adam, okay? If he’s kind enough to keep your relationship with Lilith a secret, then I’m sure he’s kind enough to at least listen to you.”
Lucifer blinked the tears away that pooled around his eyes. Did he hear that right? Was Michael really willing to do a favour for him? When he looked up and saw his brother’s resigned expression, all those negative feelings he had prior got quickly swept away by a sudden burst of hope and happiness. 
“Really?!,” he exclaimed.
At Michael’s nod, Lucifer jumped to hug his brother tightly. “Oh thank you! I’ll do better this time! I promise!”
Adam was in the middle of a vast sea of flowing green and swaying reds, pinks and oranges, humming a soft tune to himself. One bloom in particular caught his eye. Its large vibrant red petals that faded to pink on the edges would look great at the centre of the flower basket he had made for Michael. It had recently become a habit for him to make small things for the angel whenever he found himself waiting for his daily visit. He wasn’t sure why, but he really enjoyed doing it. Then there was the smile that always formed on the angel’s lips and the sincere appreciation in his deep blue eyes whenever he received Adam’s gifts, and it always fed the hungry butterflies in his stomach, satiating them as they fluttered with a passion. 
He plucked the large red flower from the ground and carefully arranged it in the woven basket he held. He turned around to look for more flowers that would make the basket look even more beautiful when a glimpse of blonde hair flowing in the gentle morning breeze surprised him, causing him to flinch and nearly drop his basket.
“Lilith!,” he yelped, one hand over his rapidly beating heart. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
Lilith simply shifted to her side as she curiously eyed the basket full of flowers on Adam’s hand. “What are you doing?”
Noticing her gaze on his basket, Adam held it in front of her, showing her the entire thing. “Oh this? They’re for Michael. I’m collecting flowers I thought he might like.”
“You’re getting him another gift?,” asked Lilith. “Huh. Don’t you think your gifting has been a little excessive lately?”
Adam eyed the flower basket in his hand. “Really? You think so?,” he asked. He never thought about it being excessive, he just did it whenever he felt like it. 
Lilith walked around for a bit, looking for a spot to sit on. After a moment, she found a small patch of short grass devoid of any flowers and chose it as her spot to sit on. She sat there serene and elegant as she soaked in the morning rays, her long hair a silky golden wave in a sea of green. “I’ve noticed lately,” she started. “That you’ve been behaving like an eager puppy.”
“Um, what?,” questioned Adam. What did she mean by that? Was she making fun of him again?
“At least when it comes to your angel friend, Micheal,” she continued. “It’s like you see the world in pink in his presence.”
Adam walked towards Lilith, sitting just across her. His tilted head, furrowed brows and speechless tongue conveyed the confusion in his mind. Words didn’t need to leave his lips for Lilith to understand that the man was oblivious to his own feelings. 
An amused chuckle escaped from Lilith at the naivety presented in front of her. “Oh Adam, haven’t you realised?”
“Realised what?”
“You’re in love,” Lilith answered in a hushed voice.
A blank expression overtook Adam’s face. A minute had passed. Two minutes. Three minutes…
“Ah!,” exclaimed Adam, his face now suddenly flushed red. 
Realisation came crashing down on him. It all suddenly made sense. The fluttering butterflies, the warm blossom growing in his chest, and the feather-like happiness that blanketed his whole being whenever he was with Michael. All this time, love was steadily growing inside of him, nurtured by the angel’s kindness towards him.
“I’m kind of upset,” Lilith added. “You weren’t as sweet to me as you are now to Michael,” she said, her tone teasing and playful. 
Suddenly, Adam’s expression took a darker, more worried turn. Panic and fear blocked out the shine in his golden eyes, his mouth in a tight frown as his mind raced with unpleasant thoughts and his body shook from a sudden shock of coldness. “What am I going to do?,” he asked, more to himself than Lilith. “I’m straying from God’s plan…” 
“Adam, calm down. Look at me.” Lilith reached out and placed both of her hands on Adam’s cheeks. “You don’t have to do anything. It’s just love.”
“How can love be wrong?,” she asked. “I know the way I pursued it wasn’t the right way, I’ll admit that, but my love isn’t wrong and so is yours.” 
Sensing that Adam had calmed down a bit, Lilith let go and leaned back to her spot. “I don’t care if Heaven disagrees. It’s about time you stop caring too.” She looked down and plucked a particularly long grass, one that stood out from the rest, and played with between her fingers. “Besides, it shouldn’t be a problem as long as it’s kept hidden from Heaven.”
But that wasn’t all that had Adam worried. Yes, the idea of disobeying God had him gripped by fear of the possible consequences. Would that mean he was a failure? What happened to failures? Was he going to be turned back to dust and be made anew? Or was he going to be thrown away somewhere he couldn’t even fathom? Yes, he feared all of those, but what he feared the most was what Michael would think. As far he could tell, Michael was a devout follower of God and Heaven. His loyalty was unwavering, and he always kept true to his words. Adam knew of this because Michael displayed those qualities all the time in front of him. And while Michael’s sincerity and integrity caused the first man to fall for him, it seemed that Adam was now about to fall out of Michael’s favour. And just the thought of it hurt. 
“But…what would Michael think of me now?,” he asked with a quivering voice. 
Much to Adam’s surprise, Lilith didn’t offer a gentle reassurance or a pitied sympathy. Instead, she laughed with an ease of a cancelled shot of a deadly arrow. Wiping the tears that formed in the corner of her eyes, Lilith finally replied, “That’s what truly worried you?”
She leaned back, relaxing on the soft grass. “He has a fondness for you. I’m sure he wouldn’t think less of you, hypocritical as it may be.” 
“I don’t know…,” said Adam, unconvinced by Lilith’s words.
“You, Adam first man, are officially the dumbest human in the world.”
“There’s only the two of us Lilith.”
“Exactly, that means I’m smarter than you,” Lilith teased. “Anyone with eyes could see it, and I’ve got perfect eyes.”
Adam slumped down from where he sat, feeling a little pathetic at Lilith’s words. Great, now she’s just teasing me.
Lilith noticed Adam’s defeated display, and decided that maybe she should be a little nicer, ease up the teasing a little bit. The little puppy seemed to have had enough. She straightened herself up a little bit, and looked Adam in the eye. “I meant it, you know. Remember I promised no more lies?”
Adam gave a small nod.
“Then you’ll just have to believe my words. Or not. Your choice,” Lilith added. “As a matter of fact, I think you should pursue your love. I’m that confident.”
Adam released a soft sigh, glad to know that at the very least Lilith wasn’t making fun of him, and in fact, seemed to be rather supportive. Maybe because, for her, it would be like finding a kindred spirit, or something along the line.
Part 6
Part 8
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koji-haru · 1 day
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koji-haru · 1 day
The meeting  
(WARNING: this is a guitarhero endgame fic with past adamsapple, don't like don't read, pretend I don't exist and that's it, thanks!)
It was a beautiful morning in the garden of eden. The birds were happily singing announcing a new morning, the breeze of the wind gently rocked the trees, generating a pleasant melody that filled the entire place, the warm rays of the sun filtered through the trees creating a beautiful yellow and orange collage in the skin of the first man, Adam.  
He slowly opened his eyes, taking a moment to fully awaken, before rising with a yawn. It had been a decent night, no nightmares after what he had feel like an eternity of waking up crying in the middle of the night, maybe his father took pity of him an removed his capacity to dream, that would be the best, something he would gladly accept, why dream? When the two beings that he loved the most abandoned him without a doubt.  
Lucifer, his best friend, his guardian angel, the one that guided him on his first years of existence, the only one that didn’t kneel when god presented him because in his own words “they were equals”, the angel that had made beautiful promises of a bright future for both of them.......the angel he hated and loved.  
And Lilith, his wife, the first woman, the other half that he didn’t knew he needed, the other fundamental piece of God's plan so that both could give birth to humanity, his equal as a human....his first love and the person he though it would be by his side forever. 
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He remembered the day he saw the two for the first time. 
The earliest memory he has of his existence was waking up in a room full of light, with creatures similar to him, but not exactly like him, their shape was similar to his, but most of this beings were taller, easily covering him with their body, they had wings, their body was covered by a strange material, some had two eyes, others only one eye and some had many more than two and as a weird extra, they all had a weird looking golden shape above their heads, gently floating and following them everywhere they moved.  
But despite the strange look of these beings he didn’t feel scared or threatened in any way, he actually feel at peace, at ease, like he belonged there despite so many eyes looking at him, As he moved his gaze around, inspecting his surroundings, it landed on the figure next to him. A figure that left him speechless, this one has more similarities with him, but like with the other creatures it had some differences, the middle of her body was smaller, her hair was longer and with a lighter colour, similar to the light that shined in the place, her skin a different tone just like her eyes, which also were sharper than his, but with a similar light, she was beautiful, the woman looked at him with the same curiosity.  
Before he could try to form a word, an imponent yet gentle voice filled the room, silencing the whispers of the other creatures and making both humans turn around to face the origin of it. Their father, the creator of everything, god. Their voice was strong, with clear autorithy but at the same time, it was the most calming and beautiful sound adam remembers to ever hear, no singing of any other being or instrument could compare to the beauty that it was the melodic voice of the supreme being.  
“Adam, Lilith, my perfect creations” said the being of light “I welcome you to the world” 
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“w-who are you?” said the first man, in a trembling voice that was more for lack of experience that for being afraid 
“i’m your creator, you can call me father”  
After some time of pure silence and of the first humans looking at each other, both with the same confused expression, lilith asked in a curious tone.  
“why...did you create us?”  
“I created you so you can start a new world togueter, new life, a new race, the human race, that’s your purpose”   
“purpose? What's that?” asked the first men  
“It’s what gives a reason to exist to every being that I create, and yours, it’s to create new life”  
“why?” asked both humans at the same time  
To this question, god stayed silent for a whole minute, which make the angels feel nervous and start whispering again, not because god didn’t knew the answer, they knew, but their father not wanting to answer right away had a meaning none of the humans could handle, at least not yet, so, god only answered: 
“because the universe cannot exist without it” said the creator, making the angels shut their bickering again.  
Both humans stayed silent and before either of them could ask another “why?” the father of everything pointed their stare at one of the angels in the room. A short figure with white skin, his cheeks adorned with blue dots that matched with his crystal blue eyes, golden hair that was decorated with a big blue hat with a golden ribbon, and a blue tunic that moved gently with the fluttering of his golden wings.  
At the mention of his name, the angel spread his wings and approached the center of the room where God and the humans were standing.  
“Yes, father” the angel made a reverence  
God pointed their gaze at lilith and adam again “the name of this angel is Lucifer”  
Lucifer made a reverence to both humans 
“what’s an angel?” asked lilith  
“another of my creations, his purpose is to teach and protect you, guide you through the paths of life” he pointed his stare at every angel in the room “that’s the purpose of all of them”  
At this, all the angels started to kneel, understanding the weight of their creator words. Yes, all of them, except one. The angel that was at their side, lucifer. All the room was in a dense silence, the angels looking at each other and some at lucifer without daring to say anything. The humans stared at each other, like trying to get some answers, though both of them where in the same situation, neither knew why suddendly the atmosphere had become more than tense, suffocating.  
God seemed to be staring at lucifer, with an expression no one in the room could really read, everyone were expecting, waiting for god’s next words, their next reaction.  
“Lucifer” said the lord with a calm but firm tone 
“yes, father?” answered lucifer with a smile  
“Guide adam and lilith to eden” he looked at the humans “your duty is to name all the animals and plants in the garden, let your curiosity lead you to create new things” then he looked at the other archangels, lucifer’s siblings “accompany them, any question that adam and lilith have, you shall answer them”  
“yes, father” answered the archangels at the same time  
“I will visit you once you have properly settled”  
And like that, in the blink of an eye god dissapeared. After some seconds the other angels began to get up and stretch. Their whispering started again.   
“I hope everything goes well” 
“they look so fragile”  
“do you think they can make it?” 
“I can’t believe Lucifer didn’t kneel”  
“I know, his new position is getting over his head”    
Both adam and lilith looked at each other again, restless, hesitating to approach each other wanting to search some comfort at being the only “humans” in the whole place, life? Race? Purpose? What did all that really mean?. These creatures seemed to be have a higher understanding of things, why did they needed them?  
“adam, lilith”  
Both humans turned towards the soft but playful voice 
“I’m so happy you are finally here, we all have been waiting to finally meet you!” said lucifer with a smile “I’m sure that both of you have a lot of questions, but don’t worry” he pointed his hands towards his siblings “we’ll help you understand”  
One of the angels behind lucifer reached his hand towards him, patting his shoulder.  
“yes, michael?” said lucifer with a bright smile towards his brother  
“can we talk for a moment?” asked his twin with a conflicted expression 
“right now? But we have work to do! Lilith and Adam need-” 
“I can’t believe you didn’t show respect towards father’s creations” said gabriel “you know how much father loves them, how much effort he put in making them!”  
“geez, calm down gabe, I made a reverence and that was enough for father, he didn’t got angry or complained about my behaviour”  
“wow, a reverence, how respectful” said uriel with his arms crossed and an unamused expression 
Lucifer’s smile twitched at his brother sarcasm but before he could answer, michael interfered  
“Luci, I know you don’t mean bad or try to be disrespectful, but, try to follow the protocole next time, As high of your position is now and as much patiente father has, we have to remember our place and duties, ok?” said michael, with a sincere smile, full of brotherly love towards his twin  
At this lucifer stayed silent for a moment, like analizing his brother’s words “ok mike” then, his crystal blue eyes landed on the humans, who were standing very close to each other, and looking at the tense scene in front of them “I promise to behave” said the angel with a smile that made adam’s spine shiver. 
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Adam blinked rapidly and shaked his head, finally standing and making his way towards the lake to wash up, breaking free from that memory that hunted his mind constantly, he tried and tried to not think about it, it hurted, everytime that he remembered lilith’s curious stare, how she smiled at him, the way she holded his hand when they were walking towards the garden for the first time, how the feel of her soft skin made him shiver and feel heat on his cheeks, it hurted, remembering lucifer’s soft touch on his shoulder, his friendly chatting and mischievous smile that filled his heart with something he couldn’t understand at the moment, it hurted, it hurted, it hurted, IT HURTS, STOP! 
His mind was begging, PLEADING for rest, so many things happened before the angel and the woman decided to leave him behind, but it didn’t matter if they were good or bad memories, they all made him feel bad, feel things he couldn’t name or understand at all, and that only served to increase his anger.  
Adam arrived at his favorite spot in the lake, he let out a little sigh of relief at the feeling of the cool water on his feet, he looked at his reflection for a moment  
“Eve” adam said in a sad tone, as if someone just asked him about who he was thinking about 
The second woman, his second wife, his third love but not less special, his other half, the person that was created from his rib to fill the void in his heart, while the extraction didn’t hurt, her creation left a scar on his body that burned once he woke up from his sleep, a burn that he could still feel once in a while, he noticed that it was stronger when he missed her, which was constantly.  
Her eyes were the first thing he saw, they were the same as his, golden, with long reddish brown hair, her skin a little lighter than his but with the same golden freckels and shine, she was a little shorter but not too much, and her smile, that sweet and kind smile that he loved so much, that made him forget about the mess in his head, the feeling of solitude 
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you Eve” adam practically whimpered, feeling the hot tears running down his cheeks at the memory of eve being kicked out of eden, of her squirming and crying, trying to reach him, begging mercy from the angels, he had never see the angelic beings like that, it was the first time he felt an odd feeling towards them 
He had tried to reach her, but he was stopped, they couldn’t risk to lose him too, he tried to beg to sera, to the archangels, to every angel that was present at the moment but the decision was made, eve would be kicked out of eden for disobeying the only rule in the garden and try to tempt him to sin too, “luckily” for him the angels arrived before he could take a bite of the forbidden fruit, saving him from an unfortunate destiny. 
But the worst about all of it, as if the whole situation wasn’t terrible enough, is that she wasn’t alone in this, someone had tempted her, tricked her into disobeying god and ignoring her husband advice, the two beings that he had loved the most.... 
Adam couldn’t contain himself anymore and started crying, letting out whines of pain, letting out all the tears he didn’t though he had anymore, he already cried so much before, until his eyes hurted, until he felt like he didn’t had more tears to shed, but it seems like he was wrong.  
Why no one wanted to stay with him? Why no one choose him? Why it seemed like they didn’t cared as much about him like they said? would it be better if he took the apple from lucifer when he offered it? Would things have been different if he had the guts to bite the apple when eve offered it too? should he have fought harder to be with his wife? Was she doing ok? Where lucifer and lilith doing ok? Did they though about hi- 
The bombardment of questions in his mind suddenly stopped when he felt the soft touch of a large but delicate hand on his shoulder, soft and warm, he turned his head slowly until he found himself face to face with the owner of that hand.  
Seraphiel, or “sera” to shorten, the seraphim that was in charge of the order and correct progress in eden, it was needless to say that was not the situation right now, they had loss two humans and a powerful angel to sin, the plans for the progress of humanity had been put on hold until they could fix the current situation, the veteran angels were becoming more impatient and worried every day, and sera didn’t visit him as often as before, he was sure that she was angry with him, dissapointed, Adam was sure that they all would give up on him, that they would look for another way to give birth to the human race without him, since he was unable to keep his partners by his side. 
Adam was ready for bad news, for her to guide him to god and for his father to turn him to dust, to what he originally was, that would be merciful he though, that would stop his pain, his worries, every bad though in his mind, but no, for his surprise nothing like that happened, sera had that gentle and motherly smile she always gave to him, there was hope in her eyes, she didn’t say anything but something in her stare told him she has found the solution for all their problems.  
Without breaking her silence, she slowly moved, revealing a bright figure behind her. 
Adam was blinded for a second, before he laid his eyes on the person in front of him, it was a human, another man.....a very beautiful one.  
He was tall, taller than him, with a strong build and beauty marks in different parts of his body, his skin tone lighter than his with pink undertones, hair on his chest, arms and legs, he was wearing a short yellow chiton around his waist like him, his hair was long and blonde, some locks standing out from his shoulders, and his eyes, oh father, his eyes were sapphire blue, sharp and intense, locked on his golden ones, his pinkish plump lips curled in a charming smile that had adam practically hipnotized, he couldn’t stop looking, who...who was him? 
“adam, dear” said sera breaking her silence “this is your new husband, his name is Mika” 
“H-h-h-husband?”Adam stuttered 
Sera nooded and looked at mika “Mika, this is your husband, adam the firstman” 
Mika’s smile got wider before approaching adam and kneeling in front of him “hello adam, I’ve been told a lot about you, I hope we can get along, I’m really excited to spend time with you” 
Adam feel his body heat rise “I-I-I've been hope really excited to time with you”   
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Mika gave adam an amused stare before letting out a giggle 
“sucessful introduction, excellent” the higher seraphim though to herself, now it was up to Michael. The warrior angel could do it, she was sure, after all, Michael never failed. 
(HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!! I FINALLY FINISHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF MY ADAM & MIKA (human!Michael) FIC!!! AAAAAGH I'M REALLY EXCITED! And omg, to the great writers of this fandom and any other, my respect for you is 100000 higher now, I erased so many parts of the history so many times, how do you do it?! 😭
I'll be honest with you guys, this au at first was just an excuse to draw michael x adam smut hehe but know I really want to write something more meaningful for them, and I hope to do a good job, I'll do my best for my guitarhero fellows 🤝🖤
and I know what you may be thinking, "it's ridiculous how adam is so sad at the start of the story for his past lovers but sees Mika and suddendly he's happy and in love!" adam is shocked by his new mates beauty, that's all, Michael's new body was made specifically for adam to like it and feel attracted to, BUT believe me, I plan to develop their relationship more before we start talking about real love
thanks and good night!!! 😘)
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koji-haru · 2 days
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Had to speed run cuz I got on work break but it would be funny for Lucifer’s hair to just poof when he gets dried after a shower
Someone’s already done this prob but idgaf
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koji-haru · 3 days
Time Travel AU Part: 14
Michael had been spending a lot more time in the garden. His visits had become a daily occurrence where he would spend hours with the first man before returning to Heaven at the end of the day. Adam didn’t really mind having the angel around. While he didn’t enjoy having to hide who he truly was whenever the angel was there, having someone to talk to and could reply back was something he welcomed. After having spent more time and actually getting to know the angel, Michael was not what Adam had expected. He was sure the guy was just doing his job of looking after the garden, but the daily visits, the small gifts here and there, and just coming by to ‘spend time’ with him… In Adam’s previous life, he never really talked to the angel. Not because they hated each other, it was more like Adam thought they just would never get along so he never bothered to know the guy. Adam was loud, Michael kept to himself; Adam liked to push Heaven’s boundaries, Michael was a stickler for the rules; Adam liked his parties, Michael was barely seen outside of work. In short, they seemed to be polar opposites. And yet, here they were playing board games as if they were best buddies. 
“But then maybe it’s because of the act I put on,” Adam mused as he waited for Michael to finish his turn. His eyes trailed the angel’s hand as Michael moved a piece across the checkered board and took out his bishop. Another piece he lost. The game wasn’t looking too good for Adam.
“I was wondering,” Adam started, cheek resting on his palm. “Doesn’t Heaven require a lot of your time?”
Michael looked up from the board, his focus broken by Adam’s sudden question. “Oh. Well, I’m quite efficient so I have some spare time,” he replied as he placed the fallen bishop piece on the grass on his side of the board. 
Adam simply hummed in response. Heaven was pretty demanding, but since this was at the start of time, he supposed the workload hadn’t arrived and piled up yet. He shifted his attention back to the game in front of him. The number of pieces he had were dwindling. Only a few pawns remained, two knights, a tower, his queen and, of course, the king. He pondered about putting a few pieces at risk, maybe even sacrificing some of them, just so he could get rid of Michael’s queen piece. Risky, but it could turn the tide. After giving it some more thought, Adam decided his next move. His hand reluctantly placed a knight in line of sight of Michael’s tower piece. 
Hands hovered above the board, pieces moved across closer to victory or sacrificed and taken out, and then after a while, a checkmate to end the game. Adam eyed the board in front of him, he just lost the game. With a defeated sigh, he plopped down onto the soft grass on his back, his head dull and heavy from having to think of his moves and counter moves against Michael. 
“Adam?,” Michael asked, a hint of concern in his voice. “Are you alright?”
“No,” replied Adam. “You’ve vanquished me and destroyed my kingdom. How can I be alright?” He dramatically waved his hand in the air before letting them back down onto the grass with a soft flump. He turned to his side and met Amora’s board gaze staring back at him. “You’ll avenge me, won't you girl?”
The jaguar simply snorted in response as she turned her head away from the first man. 
“Well, you’ve only been getting, so I also had to improve myself to keep up,” Michael chuckled with fondness at Adam’s dramatics. With a snap of his fingers, the wooden board and its pieces vanished in a poof of silver smoke. “By the way,” Michael continued as he inched a little nervously closer to the human, who was still lying flat on the grass. “I remembered you said you’d like the instrument you made, the guitar I think it was, to somehow be made of metals.” He placed a hand on his nape and looked a little sheepishly in a random direction. “I still have some time to spare, so if you want, I can help you with that…”
As if a freezing bucket of water was splashed on him, Adam immediately sat up, his golden eyes sparkling brighter than any star in the sky, an excited childish smile on his lips as he grasped Michael’s hand in astonishment. “Really?!”
The angel’s face became tinted with yellow as warmth rushed to his cheeks at the humans' sudden close proximity. He looked down at his hand encaged between Adam’s soft warm hands, stupefied by the sensations he was feeling. “Uh, uhm, yes?” He cleared his throat, “I mean, yes. If you’d like to.”
Without a second thought, Adam kept a hand held onto Michael’s hand as he dragged the angel towards a specific direction.
The two arrived in a large cave in a corner of the garden. The dark cave glistened and sparkled with various colours as the little light that entered the cave reflected off of the numerous gems and metals that coated the cave’s walls, like distant stars on an expanding night sky. 
“You know, I could have just made the materials you wanted,” Michael commented as he watched Adam examine some colourful rocks with intense scrutiny. 
“Nono, I’d like it to be made from Eden,” Adam answered, his focus still on the ores as he carefully looked for gold. 
Not really understanding what the human was looking for, Michael moved beside Adam trying to follow what his eyes were looking for. “Okay, so what should I look for?”
Adam held up a small rock in front of Michael. It was jagged simple grey rock if not for the spots of gold scattered all across the rock. “Something like this, except we’re going to need way waaay more. My guitar is going to be perfect!,” Adam excitedly replied, his own eyes sparkling brighter than any of the precious stones and metals in the massive cave. 
Michael took the small ore from Adam’s hand, turning it over in his hand as he carefully examined it. The angel thought it was oddly specific; of all the materials Adam could’ve chosen, like it was something he had been wanting for a while now. He looked up again to see Adam already looking for more of that gold speckled rock, his excitement radiating off of him as it bounced off the walls of the cave, infecting even Michael myself. A satisfied feeling warmed his entire being, knowing he was the reason for the first man’s current happiness. Of all the precious materials he could choose from this cave, he would choose this without a second thought. 
The two spent time looking for gold and silver ores. Occasionally, Adam would take out some ores from the container that Michael had picked, or stop the angel from picking it in the first place. “Nono, that’s pyrite not gold,” Adam corrected. He would put a gold ore beside a chalcopyrite ore and try to highlight the difference between the two, while Michael would try to spot the differences but clearly have some difficulty with it. 
“I don’t know how you can tell immediately,” Michael remarked, still holding the two different ores.
“I just can,” Adam shrugged as he put another ore into the container. “There. That should be enough.” He wiped some sweat off his forehead. The hard part was done. Now, it was time for some magic. 
“We won’t use the entire rock?,” inquired Michael.
“No, I just need your help to extract and shape these,” Adam pointed into the coloured specks on the grey rocks. 
With a simple wave of the angel’s hand, the precious metals embedded on the rocks flowed out like liquid through the air as he meticulously shaped them according to his human companion’s wishes. A body consisting mainly of gold, lined with silver at the bottom; a silver neck, and a golden headstock shaped like a lyre. It was a beautiful design, unlike anything Michael had seen before. A heavenly item made from the garden of Eden. 
As soon as it was finished, the golden guitar floated down into the hands of its new owner. Adam gasped in awe when he felt the cool metal hit his skin. Its smooth shiny surface, the intricate carvings, the sound it emitted when he strummed the strings. It was exactly just like his old guitar when he was an angel. It even had that faint heavenly glow! His hands shook from the sheer joy and excitement of having his guitar back.
“Do you want to try play some music with it?,” Michael suggested, his smile warm from the bubbling happiness from inside him. 
Adam shifted the guitar in his arms until it felt right and comfortable, just like back then. His fingers brushed over the strings, strumming it lightly, before he played an alluring melody that echoed faintly within the cave, giving it an otherworldly tone. 
“This song’s for you Michael. As thanks for helping me make this guitar.”
Adam dragged his feet back towards his favourite tree where Amora laid waiting. The sun had set a few minutes ago, the sky had turned from a pinkish orange to purple-blue with the stars blinking one by one as they awoke from their day-long slumber. The day had been long, but eventful and fulfilling. He placed the golden guitar carefully on the ground before allowing himself to slump down beside Amora, her spotted fur always a soft thing to hug against. 
He let out a deep satisfied sigh as he released Amora from his hug and turned to lay on his back. More stars had started to show on the darkening night sky, the moon slowly inching its way to the highest point of the night. 
“You know, I didn’t think Michael would be that nice,” he told the jaguar. “Waaay nicer and better than that snake Lucifer. Definitely the cooler brother.” He sat up and held the new guitar up to show Amora. “Look! He even made me this guitar! Isn’t it cool?”
Amora simply gave the guitar a bored stare before lying her head back down on the soft grass. 
“You’re so mean sometimes you know,” huffed Adam as he let exhaustion drag him back down towards the grass. 
The sky tonight was absent of any clouds, never-ending a dark blue canvas that expanded beyond the eye could see, speckled with white shining glitter all over it, and a bright round moon that commanded silent attention from all. The night’s cool breeze glided over his skin, taking away the excess warmth from his day activities, the stillness of the dark, a lullaby that encouraged his eyes to close and for his body to rest. 
Adam let out a yawn, sleep was calling to him. “Honestly, I’m glad to have someone like Michael as a friend.”
A loud, almost mocking, snort stopped the first man from falling into sleep. He turned his head to face the disapproving look of the jaguar. “There you go again. What’s with that look?,” asked Adam, completely bewildered by Amora’s recent behaviour. “You used to be much sweeter…”
And because she’s an animal, Amora couldn’t talk the way Adam did. So, she communicated what she meant by moving closer to the human and draping her large paw over him almost like a suffocating embrace. 
“Wha– Hey!,” cried out Adam, his voice slightly muffled by the fluff that was suddenly on him. 
Despite his struggles, Amora easily kept Adam still beneath her paw and began to lick his head, like a mother grooming her precious child who still knew nothing about the things around him.
Part 13
Part 15
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koji-haru · 3 days
I don't think imma do much with it but mama mia au with Adam as Donna with Lucifer, Micheal and Gabe as the 3 ex lovers. I was thinking maybe Cain be Sophie?? Lilith and Eve could be Tanya and Rosie. How does the baby happen? Idk and idgaf
I’m not assigning exact roles to the brothers cuz I wanna leave an air of mystery of who is who. This would realistically be a human au but I think just a slightly different version of the hellaverse could work to
Also I didn’t feel like humanizing the brothers so yeah 👍 🧍
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Also have some Adam and his kids. In a human au he’s the manager of the hotel Eden on the island Puragtory??? (Bro idk) Once the lead guitarist of the band, (to be determined title), he gave up stardom to raise Cain. He eventually would have 2 other children, Abel and Seth who were surrogate but Adam isn’t sure who Cain dad is lol.
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It gets better because he didn’t know that Mike, Luci and Gabe were triplets so when they reunite for Cains wedding and see each other for the first time they’re all confused. Also I think it makes it harder to determine the father now. Considering that theyre siblings a dna test wouldn’t be very accurate and any of Cains traits just boil down to the Morningstar genetics.
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koji-haru · 3 days
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Poor Charlie is so scared.
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The creature
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koji-haru · 4 days
Apple Picking
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To Harvest My Sin
The Devil Trails Along
To Him I Will Die
Prompt 1. I have to start doing some of these early or else I won’t get everything done. Haiku is the only kind of poetry I can semi do.
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koji-haru · 4 days
I drew your Steve tell me what you think.
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Aaahh, you drew my Steve!! Thank you very much❣️❣️
He's so handsome! I love his wavy red hair, and that confident look! 11/10 Adam's perfect alpha indeed!
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koji-haru · 5 days
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Some fem!Adam (Adele) ft!Karla panin- I mean, fem!Luci draws I did a while ago and only know I feel brave enough to post them 🫣
Be nice with me please 🥹 my cellphone's camera isn't the best and it's been a looooooooooooooong time since the last time I did traditional art
Adam inspired me 💙💛
(the last two draws were my first attempts at drawing her, I liked the result and I think I did a decent job with the skin, but I'll keep trying until reaching a result I'm more satisfied with ✨)
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koji-haru · 5 days
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He's shy
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koji-haru · 6 days
Woop, so a bunch of horror one shots it is!
I gotta start planning and writing soon 🫠
So I have some ideas for Spooky Month...
1) A psychological horror style mini series
2) A bunch of horror short stories.
(1) Will be adamsapple, while (2) might be a mix of guitarhero and adamsapple one shots.
I can't promise to actually make them btw. My time is being squeezed even as of now, but I will try!
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koji-haru · 7 days
Swap au part 2
Lucifer wasn't learning at a fast enough pace for the angels and Adam needed to know why. Now, he couldn't be there all the time for Lucifer, he had duties as an angel he couldn't neglect, but when he did visit, Lucifer always looked happy to see him, running up to him to be picked up and cuddled.
But he still hadn't spoken a word. Every time Adam tried to coax a word out, Lucifer seemed to tear up and shake his head. Why didn't Lucifer want to speak? Adam had to find out.
So, he concealed himself and followed Lucifer around after they departed for the day. It broke Adam's heart to see the Second Man look so sad, but he remained quiet. And then Lucifer ran off. Adam followed him until Lucifer came to a tree where Lilith lay. Adam hid in a nearby bush.
She sneered at him and said, "Aren't you supposed to be getting me food now?" Lucifer nodded and quickly went to grab some fruit. They must not have been the right ones or maybe they weren't ripe enough but as soon as the peaches were presented to Lilith, she scoffed.
"Are these all you could get me?" Adam felt his angelic power roar in his veins as Lucifer was grabbed and pinned to her side before the peaches were shoved into his face. Lucifer cried and choked as his face became covered in food.
Adam was about to run to help when Lucifer did something he wasn't expecting. He bit Lilith's arm. "Agh!" She screamed as she threw him to the ground. Lucifer immediately scrambled away and Adam decided to intervene before Lilith found him.
As Lucifer ran passed him, Adam grabbed him. He quickly covered Lucifer's mouth and whispered, "Stay quiet." His eyes widened and he nodded. Lilith ran passed them, furious that Lucifer had hurt her. When she got her hands on him, she would make sure he would never do something like that again.
Adam breathed a sigh of relief when she was far enough away and winced at Lucifer's face. It was covered in smushed peaches, messy and tangled in his hair. And yet, Lucifer looked so happy despite the situation.
"Ah! Ah!" He said as he cuddled Adam. Adam didn't care that it left a smear of fruit over his robe. He could clean that later. What mattered was that Lucifer needed comfort. Making sure the coast was clear, Adam wasn't supposed to be here, he carried him to the nearest stream.
"Let's get you cleaned up, okay?" Cupping his hand he wet, he gently washed Lucifer clean until he was giggling from being touched. "Oh? Someone ticklish?" Adam teased and began to tickle him everywhere.
Lucifer squealed in delight, tears of joy running down his cheeks. Adam grinned when Lucifer tried to tickle him back. The action alone made him laugh in amusement. He allowed Lucifer to tackle him and pin him down to tickle him, mischievous blue eyes sparkling as they looked into gold ones.
"Can you say my name? Please? Adam. Say...Adam. A—dam."
Lucifer stopped smiling and shifted on top of him. Why the sudden mood change? "Can you not speak? Have you been struggling?" Lucifer shook his head, so many emotions were crossing his face. "Are you...afraid?" Adam asked cautiously.
That seemed to do it and Lucifer buried his face into Adam’s chest, crying softly. Adam held him close, whispering. "I promise. I won't let her hurt you again." He didn't know what Lilith gained from making Lucifer afraid like this but he would protect Lucifer with everything he had.
"Adam." The voice that fluttered through the air was soft and deep. How could such a deep voice come from someone so small and cute? And then it hit Adam.
"Did...did you just say my name?" Lucifer smiled and nodded, patting his cheek softly. "Adam."
Adam blushed a bright red. Oh....oh no.....
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koji-haru · 9 days
I dragged @twost3ps , and @libby-for-life into my Adam & Steve AU and I'm hoping to drag you down into this hell of an AU as well
"It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" but what if it was Adam and Steve?
Basically you can do whatever you want with this AU. Create your own stuff or use stuff that's already exist, for example Steve being a hulk of a man or your own stuff I just want to see what you do with this AU.
PM me if you want more details or not. again if You're interested great if not that's fine too I just want to spread the word of the Adam & Steve AU
And I'm very much willing to be dragged into this AU! Hope you don't mind that I made my own version of Steve!
Anyway! Adam & Steve!
Silent tears ran down Adam’s cheeks as he watched Lilith pass through Eden’s gate along a certain small angel. His mate had never been the most affectionate, but to find out the reason this way. His best friend and his supposed mate, the two people he had ever truly known, had betrayed him and left him behind. They didn’t even say goodbye…
Adam dragged himself to their nest, or he supposed it was just his nest now. It was a nest he built with painstaking care and effort so that it wasn’t just comfortable for him, but also for his alpha. Lilies, her favourite flower, from white to pink to yellow were scattered all over, their scent heavily lingered in the air. Waxy leaves were layered at the bottom as well as surrounded the edges of the nest to protect it from the rain and keep the soft leaves he had gathered in the middle dry. So much effort and it was for naught. He supposed his little nest was nothing compared to a literal shining angel. He never stood a chance. It wasn’t even a choice to Lilith. And now the beautiful nest, which was supposed to bring him comfort, now only brought him pain. Adam looked around and his eyes landed on a small cave on the other side of the lake. He could sleep there for tonight, or forever. 
Adam had spent the next few days wandering listlessly around the garden. He knew deep down it wasn’t going to happen, but he really wanted to hope that they would come back. The deafening silence in the garden told him otherwise. He hugged his legs close to him as he let the pain of abandonment truly sink in. The animals that surrounded him didn’t help at all in making him feel less lonely. 
It had been a few days since Sera had visited the garden, and she supposed today was a good time to check up on the two humans. Maybe they had made some progress? She hoped that Lilith had finally grown to love Adam, maybe even mark him, that would be nice. What she hadn’t expected was the strong scent of distress that lingered heavily in the air. She followed the scent, her concern leading her, until she was where it was the strongest. There, by the lake’s edge, was the first man, surrounded by Eden’s animals as he cried into his arms. 
“Adam, what’s the matter?,” Sera asked as she sat beside the crying omega. 
Adam looked up from his arms and stared teary eyed at the tall angel before suddenly jumping up to hold onto her, his tight grip as if afraid that she, too, would disappear. The high seraphim didn’t know what was happening, but Adam needed comfort right now. She gently rubbed his back up and down, trying to soothe him even just a little bit. Where was Lilith? His mate should be here to comfort him.
That day Sera and the rest of Heaven had found out that Lilith had eloped with Lucifer, leaving Adam alone in the garden. To say that she was furious would be an understatement. How dare they go against God’s plan, and hurt Adam like that?! Sera released a heavy sigh. That wasn’t their priority right now. The angels were currently gathered around in a circle as they discussed the features of this new human they were going to make. 
“I think he should be made from a part of Adam,” one angel suggested.
“I agree. That way they should be more compatible,” another added.
“If that means he would be a more devoted and loving mate to Adam, then let’s do it,” Sera concluded.
The cave had always been cooler than most of Eden, but by morning time, the sun’s early rays usually warmed Adam up. Slowly, he opened his eyes, blinking the sleep away. The sun had just risen, the cave was still dark but sunlight was starting to rush inside and… Wait. Was that a silhouette of a person behind him? Adam quickly turned around, thinking one of the angels had visited him again today. He was always grateful for their increased presence since Lilith had left him. But what greeted him wasn’t Sera or any other angel, it was another man with fiery red hair that flowed down to his shoulders and cool blue eyes that gazed lovingly down at him. 
“Good morning Adam,” the man greeted.
Adam remained still for a good few seconds, his breath taken out of him. The man before him was so strikingly handsome. He had pleasant warmth that radiated off of him as opposed to Lilith’s distant coldness. The beard that lined his chin, his perfect masculine figure and, despite sitting down, Adam could tell that he was very tall. Maybe even taller than him. 
Adam gulped, stumbling over his words a little bit as he tried to sit up. “H-hi, um, who..?”
“I’m Steve. I’m your new mate,” he replied as he helped Adam up and pulled him close. He eyed the cold empty cave that his omega was staying at. That was no good. His mate only deserved the nicest, warmest and most beautiful nest, and he was going to make sure of that. “How about we grab something to start the day, and then we start building you a proper nest?”
A small blush crept on Adam’s face as he got closer to Steve. The idea of building a nest together with Steve filled him with such happy warmth that he couldn’t help but accept the idea. 
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koji-haru · 10 days
Rivals to lovers guitarhero?! Yes please! I'll be waiting patiently 🙏
Ohh I thought about a human au where adam gets a chance to relive as a human back on earth.
Instead of living in riches like he thought he would. He is now a waiter in a restaurant.
After a couple of weeks, he is mostly chilling with all his coworkers and the regulars. Until wired shit started to happen.
Like everyone he knows, come to the restaurant he works at from time to time. Sometimes, it is Lute. Sometimes it is Sera. But now it is Micheal as well.
Note: This was supposed to be adamsapple Au, but I think I'm going with guitarhero for this one.
Rivals to lovers is the trope I'm gonna use for guitarhero, but this au is a work in progress.
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