konoshade-blog · 6 years
i’ll be revamping this Real Soon lads
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
Sleep Deprivation Sentence Starters
Requested by Anonymous
“When was the last time you slept?” 
“What? Sorry, I’m having trouble focusing…” 
“…What was I doing?” 
“What are you doing?” 
“Did you see that? No?” 
“I haven’t slept in almost __ days.” 
“You look absolutely terrible.” 
“I’m so exhausted I don’t feel tired anymore.” 
“I don’t think I can stand up without things spinning.” 
“You need to go to bed.” 
“I can’t sleep.” 
“You aren’t making any sense.” 
🏨+ Add your own!
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
sentence  starter:  ❝     i  thought  i  might  have  lost  you.     ❞   | @softheartes
given  the  state  he’s  in,  (  from  all  that  he  can  immediately  tell  in  this  half - dazed  state,  in  his  most  humble  professional  opinion, it  ain’t  good -- but  he’ll  live ) it  doesn’t  take  much  for  shikamaru  to  understand  where  she’s  coming  from.  if  she  said  anything  else  before  that,  it’s  lost  to  him  and  it  drowns  somewhere  in  the  still  air  of  konoha  general around  them.  instinctively,  he sits  up  and  the  motion  invites  a  sharp  pain  in  his  left  side;  with  it  comes  the  memory  of  where  he  was  last,  where  they  were  last,  and  then  guilt  sweeps  over  him.
he  can  only  imagine  how  he’d  have  felt,  if  the  tables  were  turned.
❝     hinata...     ❞  
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legs  shift  so  that  they  cross  underneath  the  blanket  and  he  leans  forward,  but  his  eyes  don’t  leave  hers  and  concern  paints  his  features  clearly.   ❝    it’s  alright.  i’m  here, aren’t  i?  can’t  get  rid  of  me  that  easily.     ❞   the  offer  is  one  that’s  perhaps  too  light  hearted  for  the  situation, and  even  he  seems  aware  of  that  as  he  falters.   ❝     ... what  about  you  --- are  you  alright?     ❞  
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
you guys remember that moment where shikamaru wakes up a minute before his alarm goes off, sits up, and doesn’t move, just letting it ring and thinking about how tired he is from just thinking about moving to turn it off, so he just lets it ring? 
i had to stop watching because i was filled with blind rage at the fact that i literally did that this week, like, i’m not exaggerating at all when i say i just listened to my alarm blare for like two fucking hours and didnt move until my dad yelled at me to turn it off and it pisses me off how alike we are 
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
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Team 10: Blank Period
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
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a sweaty boi
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
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i  felt  that  so  long  as  i  had  your  sharingan  &  your  words,  i  could  see  the  future     /     obito  &  kakashi,  by  sarah  &  reese     /     personals,  do  not  reblog.
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
i did the accent challenge 
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
different ways to say ‘i love you’. 
‘i’ll make you something, yeah? your favorite dish, just for you.’
‘let’s get you back to bed.’
‘shh, it was just a nightmare.’
‘you like this, don’t you? i remember you saying that.’
‘i drew up a bath for you.’
‘you need rest.’
‘you ought to be asleep.’
‘i bought two.’
‘here. you can have the rest.’
‘i thought of you when i saw this.’
‘i like your smile.’
‘you have a cute laugh.’
‘stay there. i’m coming there to get you.’
‘it’s okay, i’m here, we’re okay.’
‘be careful.’
‘look both ways.’
‘you mean so much to me.’
‘i can’t lose you.’
‘i thought i might have lost you.’
‘how to you feel about the nickname, (insert nickname)?’
‘it looks good on you.’
‘i’ll make you soup.’
‘ah-ah-ah. you’re sick. you need to stay in bed.’
‘are you okay in there?’
‘that’s it, that’s it. get it all out. shh.’
‘it’s a remedy i knew. helps with your throat.’
‘it’s a lullaby. would you like me to sing it to you? would that help you fall asleep?’
‘i’m worried about you.’
‘what do you want to watch?’
‘where would you like to go for dinner?’
‘close your eyes and hold out your hands.’
‘we’ll figure it out.’
‘oh, it’s not big deal. you’re fine.’
‘i brought you some medicine for your cold.’
‘you’re important to me.’
‘this is your favorite song, right?’
‘you’re like a son/daughter to me.’
‘good luck!’
‘you’re like a mom/dad to me.’
‘don’t say that about yourself.’
‘want to come with?’
“wow! you look really nice.’
‘goodnight, (insert term of affection).’
‘it’s okay. i couldn’t sleep anyway.’
‘you can have half.’
‘come here. let me fix it.’
‘your tie is crooked.’
‘c’mere. shh, it’s okay.’
‘i’m not going to hurt you.’
‘can i touch you?’
‘can i kiss you?’
‘can i hug you?’
‘would i ever lie to you?’
‘i think you’re very beautiful/handsome.’
‘hey, good-looking.’
‘of course i care. you’re my family.’
‘one more chapter.’
‘i love you.’
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
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ninja clan here we stand 
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
uchjha replied to your post: me, opens my mouth: just so you know, shikamaru is...
sometimes youre a ninja and you have bad personal hygiene and thats just life
hey hey hey who said he doesnt take care of it give the man some credit
you dont spend your life sweating bullets and just not learn to carry deodorant everywhere you go 
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
me, opens my mouth: just so you know, shikamaru is swe---- everyone: Sweating. we know. hes sweating, reid
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
kiss kiss plewase
kiss kiss | accepting | @konoshade​
Falls clearly makes itself known in Konohagakure with a persistent chill, earlier this year than last. Already, the trees have begun to don their autumn plumage; red and gold like fire. Hinata always thought it had been rather fitting since the great village resided in Fire country. As she grew older she had learned with some chagrin that it was not a phenomena uniquely belonging to the Land of Fire.  
The breeze today is cool as it has been for weeks now, curling in long tendrils that ruffle her short hair wildly. Impatiently, she smooths it down again and draws up the hood of her warm coat. The downy fur inside of her sleeves is a familiar comfort to cling to, and so she does. Running her fingers through the softness does little to ease the flush slowly spreading across her cheeks, or the incredulous and gaped-toothed gape of her mouth.
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❛ B-but, I’ve never had! I’-I’ve ne-never, ❜ she wishes to be anywhere but this yard, burning under the scrutiny of suddenly intense gazes. She doesn’t want to admit that she’s never been kissed before! That she had been saving the special occasion for Naruto (someday! It would happen!). It seems their entire class has turned out to see her complete and utter embarrassment; catching the laughing eyes of a few is enough to send her burrowing further into her clothing. Baggy so that she can almost swim inside of it, but even this can’t soothe her rankled nerves. If only they would stop looking!
Shikamaru, friend that he is, senses her discomfort. He reaches a hand out to rest on her elbow, clutching at the fabric there and pulling her a bit closer. She squeaks, in both surprise and a bit of trepidation — she didn’t expect him to go along with the dare so willingly! — but finds that with some relief he only pulls her closer to whisper into her ear. It is instinctive to relax a bit in his grip, even if these circumstances are…not what she wants. They have known each other for long enough now that she trusts him, whatever plan he’s about to give her. He always has a plan. Most times, they are good. 
❛ We don’t have to do this, Hinata. It’s dumb, ❜ he confides in her. They stand close enough that a few oohs emerge from the crowd, interspersed with some giggling and sounds that are suspiciously familiar to barking. Oh, where are all the adults? Hinata feels as if she’s about to faint. Despite the weather that says she should be feeling otherwise, waves of dizzying heat crush her in great drags.  ❛ I’ll tell them I don’t want to do it. They won’t blame you then. ❜
Oh, she takes it back. She very much hates his plan. Boys are sweet but dumb.
As much as she would love to accept such an offer, she knows that she cannot. She ceases the poke of her forefingers together to look shyly up at him, shaking her head no.  ❛ T-thank you, ❜ sincerely, deeply, ❛ Bu-but I have to start being b-brave. F-for him. ❜ A quick shift of her eyes and she manages to find Naruto’s familiar tuft of bright blonde hair, gleaming vibrantly in the sun. If possible, her cheeks flush an even deeper maroon.  ❛ And. And I can’t d-d-do that to y-you. ❜
He has enough tact not to ask who in front of an audience, and it is likely that he already knows. Shikamaru is so dreadfully observant, though Hinata hasn’t breathed a word of her crush. Or, at least, not many…only a few. 
Before she can lose her nerve, consciousness, and lunch, Hinata rises on her toes to press a kiss against Shikamaru’s unsuspecting mouth. In her head she counts down the seconds for the dare: one, two, three, four, five… before pulling away. This time, she can’t even attempt to meet her friend’s eyes. She’s fairly sure he’s sending her an expression some mix of gobsmacked and alarmed, but she doesn’t have the chance to see it before she passes out.
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
kiss meme. / five  out  of  five. / @softheartes
frankly,  shikamaru  has  never  thought  naruto  was  deserving   of   hinata’s  affections.  not  when  they  were  six  and  the  guy  didn’t  even  seem  aware  of  her  existence,  not  when  they  were  twelve  and  he  was  more  oblivious  than  ever  about  her  dedication  to  him,  and  definitely  not  tonight,  as  he  held  her  and  she  cried  about  how  he  didn’t  even  acknowledge  what  she  had  said  about  being  in  love  with  him. 
it  isn’t  even  that  he  thinks  he  can  give  her  any  better,  and  let  it  be known,  he  doesn’t  think  he’s  any  better  a  match.  no  amount  of  jealousy  that  he  harbors  (  and  believe  you  me,  there  is  plenty  of  it ;  still,  as  a  friend  to  her  and  even  as  one  to  naruto,  he’d  never  act  on  it  and  put  hinata   in  a  worse  position,  or  call  naruto  out  directly  on  what  he  may  or  may  not  be  feeling.  )  can  match  the  hurt  he  feels  on  her  behalf,  the  rage  that  builds  in  the  pit  of  his  stomach  and  rises  like  smoke  into  his  tightening  chest.  with  one  hand  gently  patting  down  her  hair,  shikamaru  does  all  that  he  can  ---  exists,  comforts.  
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with  his  mouth  so  close  to  the  top  of  her  head,  it  feels  only  natural  to  kiss  there, one  hand  coaxing  circles  into  her  back  while  the  other  continues  to  run  over  the  top  layer  of  her  hair. shikamaru  wants  to  tell  her  that  she  deserves  better,  but  it  isn’t  anything  he  hasn’t  said  before.  it’ll  be  okay  doesn’t  sound  quite  right,  either. 
❝    ... i  got  you.    ❞
he  can  say  that  much  and  mean  it,  at  least. 
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
kiss meme. / four  out  of  five. / @jjubilants
what  a  truly,  genuinely,  good  sport  lee  was.  his  type  just  ain’t  made  for  cloudgazing,  but  the  true  and  pure  effort  he  puts  into  attempting  to  match  shikamaru’s  levels  of  laid - back  ---- despite  being  the  embodiment  of  everything  opposite ----  is  an  admirable  feat,  in  and  out  of  itself.  he’s  damn  proud  of  him  for  sitting  still  this  long. 
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❝    alright,  alright...  lee,  you  did  great.  seriously,  a  plus  cloud - gazing,  my  friend.   ❞ that’s  the  kind  of  language  he  responds  well  to,  is  it  not?  no  matter,  shikamaru  figures  he’ll  give  it  a  go  anyhow.  once  they’re  both  upright,  he  hooks  his  arm  around  his  shoulders  and  shoots  him  a  grin  before  smackin’   a   chaste  little  smooch  of  appreciation  to  the  top  of  his  head,  followed  by  a  playful  smack  on  the  rear  -  end  when  he  removes  himself;  you  know,  a  little  kickstart.  like  one  might  start  up  an  engine.  ❝    run,  handsome  devil  of  the  leaf.  be  free  from  the  confines  of  my  static,  static  world.   ❞
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
kiss me shikamaru
kiss meme. / three  out  of  five. / @rootsgrown
❝     kiss  me,  shikamaru.   ❞
there’s  an   extremely  ,  extremely  important  element  of  what  she  says  to  understand  here,  beginning  with  the  fact  that  she’s  been  talking  for  quite  some  time —- that,  and  out  of  context,  her  words  are  a  lot  more  startling  than  they  truly  were  meant  to  be.  for  the  viewer  at  home,  what  you  need  to  know  is  that  shikamaru  hears  only  this  part  of  what  ino  says  — and  not  the  part  where  she  quite  pointedly  put  a  voice  on,  pretending  to  be  one  of  his  ~ many ~  imaginary  suitors,  and  quite  simply  put,  teasing  him.  imagine  what  this  brilliant  display  of  selective  hearing  does  for  him  when  he’s  left  standing  with  his  jaw  to  the  floor, and  his  eyes  wide. 
it’s  really  too  bad  that  he  doesn’t  do  the  logical  thing  and  react  like  any  other  ‘strictly  a  friend’  would —- but  that  would  reveal  that  he  wasn’t  listening, now  wouldn’t  it? little  does  he  realize  that  what  he  does  instead  does  just  about  the  same  damage, if  not  worse.  luck  might  have  it  that  the  shock  from  the  encounter  would  over-shadow  the  whole  not  listening  to  ino  when  she  speaks  part. 
he  finds  himself  moving  forward  instinctively,  hands  cupping  her  face  on  either  side,  and  just  laying  a  big  ol’  kiss,  right  on  her  mouth.  shikamaru’s  eyes  are  open  the  whole  time, widened  to  their  absolute  extent. 
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OH,  this  is  bad.  how  do  you  abort  a  mission  that’s  already  ended? terror  strikes  him  to  his  core, and  shikamaru  freezes  in  place  when  he  pulls  away, his  hands  not  moving  from  her  cheeks.  why  is  he  starting  to  remember  what  she  was  talking  about  before… oh  no. oh, no,  no,  no.  
❝    i, uh… —–  ❞
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konoshade-blog · 6 years
-side shuffles on in.-
kiss meme. / two  out  of  five. / @foxdobe
❝     HEY!  what  the  hell  is  the  matter  with  you  —-   dude ?!     ❞  shikamaru’s  reaction  to  naruto  tackling  him  in  the  middle  of  shikamaru  wandering  around  the  field,  neck  craned  back  as  he  tries  to  find  the  best  spot  to  cloudgaze  ( on  one  hand, the  sun  here  didn’t  shine  directly  in  his  eyes,  but  it  seemed  like  the  view  would  be  blocked  by  too  many  trees  in  the  most  optimal  spot,  leaving  him  with  the  dilemma  of  choosing  between  not  burning  his  retinas   and,  alternatively,  watching  leaves blow  boringly  in  the  wind  ) is  one  of  irritation, and  he lands  on  his  back  with  a  thud and  his  childhood  friend  chest  to  chest,  face  to  face  with  him.  you’re  such  a  pain. 
chalk  this  encounter  down  on  the  list  of  reasons  why  naruto  uzumaki  will  be  the  premature  death  of  me —- which,  by  the  way,  yes,  he  was  absolutely  keeping  score  of.  even  so,  he’d  not  be  much  of  a  friend  if  he  didn’t  play  into  this  a  little  bit,  now  would  he? head  against  the  grass, shikamaru  gives  him  a crooked,  wicked  sort  of  grin  and  quirks  his  brow, intrigue  lighting  behind  his  eyes  like  a  fire  suddenly  sparked.  ❝     hope  you  don’t  think  i’m  just  gonna  take  this  lying  down,  you  spazz.     ❞
big  talk  coming  from  the guy  taking  it  lying  down!
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and  there  it  is.  his  grin  becomes  wilder  by  the  second  and  shikamaru  takes  the  moment  of  opportunity  to  turn  the  tables  and  roll  over  on him, starting  what  would  be  a  ten  minute  long  wrestle.  he  swears  to  all  the  gods  out   there  that  this  motherfucker  tries  to  tickle  him  in  the  middle  of  it  and  he  laughs  out  at  the  thought  alone,  the  bellowing  kind  of  laugh  that  comes  from  your  tummy  and  rattles  your  whole  chest,  painting  your  face  pink  and  ending  in  a  couple  of  wheezing  chuckles.  this  guy  is  really  too  much. 
it’s  by  a  small  margin  that  shikamaru  is  able  to control  himself  long  enough  to  get  him  pinned  for  real,  but  he’s  relatively  certain  that  the  blond  isn’t  fighting  anymore  either, judging  by  his  laughter  and  shaking  belly  that  shikamaru  sat  atop  of.  he  takes  a  moment  to  breathe  and  hovers  over  him,  expression  fond   —-  you  know,  in  the  dopey  kind  of  way. he’s  just  as  endearing   as  he  is  a  pain,  as  it  turns  out. 
i’ll  give  him  something  to  remember.  the  thought  seems  like  an  idle  one  that  he  doesn’t  need  to  act  on,  but  he  chooses  to  anyways,  in  the  form  of  leaning  down  and  pressing  a  firm  kiss  to  his  lips.  shikamaru lingers, but  only  long  enough  to  let  it  set  in.  when  he  departs,  he  hovers about  an  inch  off from  his  face,  smirk  as  smug  as  it  can  be. ❝     i  win,  knucklehead.    ❞  
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