sociietiesarc · 3 years
it should go without saying that kiba had gotten the message. not only had he gotten it, but he had acted on it as well, vanishing for a few days before showing face again just to disappear again for some tester mission to gauge one thing or another ( he knows / doesn’t care to dwell on it ), all for the sake of chasing ambition. one successful mission later and he’s back home, back at the kennel, back in the streets, then eventually, back to sasuke. / @uchjha
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wokasho · 3 years
— @uchjha​       ♥   for a starter
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       ❝SO, YOU’RE OUT.❞ Her voice cracked like a whip over the faint sounds of other people working in the distance, emerald eyes fixed on the man she had fought so hard to bring back. The one who destroyed her.
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urarenge · 3 years
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                   ☆ “i do not think i ever got the chance to thank you, sasuke-kun,” he’s had time to catch his breath, return his weights to his ankles and put on his flak jacket since their last match. sasuke’s form was improving, and had the upper hand at the end. lee’s muscles still thrum from the excitement of a good spar, “for back at the chunin exams.”  // @uchjha​​
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fireblight · 3 years
lyric starter ( dans me reves ー desire ) for @uchjha​
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❝I’m so sick of this plastique scene.❞
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rabbitprose · 3 years
@uchjha​    /   sc.
                            and  perhaps he  was  a  little  cruel  ––––  after  being  so  kind  towards sasuke,  only  to  suddenly  have  his  guard  up.  however, it  wasn’t  without reason;  there  was  something  within his  temple  to  protect  now  –––  something that  he  wouldn’t let  demons  near  without  good  reason.
his  sights rest  on  the  other  –––  locked  onto  his  form,  unmoving,  unblinking.
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“––––oh,  it’s  been  some  time,  hasn’t it?”  despite  his  clearly  guarded disposition,  he  retains his  light-hearted  tone,  “–––have  you  come  here  to  meet  my  family?”
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tankwater · 3 years
continued from @uchjha!
" oh no, " sasuke says, completely monotone. " i don't know what i'd do at all. i've never experienced that before -- losing everything i know in one fell swoop. " he's feeling mean, lashing out and mocking suigetsu because he's uncomfortable.
he's never been good at being vulnerable, and he doesn't want to be vulnerable with suigetsu, not right now. because he's currently holding himself together with butcher's twine and wishes, and if suigetsu cuts through all that, he doesn't know what he'll do. probably break. " i don't know. i'd just survive. like a cockroach. "
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❛  ...c’mon, man, y’know i didn’t mean it like that. ❜
suigetsu’s no good, when sasuke gets like this. he doesn’t know why he bothered pushing the subject, really, anyway; karin and jugo, they’re the ones who question sasuke, advise him, try n’ make him think twice about plans. suigetsu’s just the yes-man bodyguard who isn’t smart enough to understand what they’re doing, much less have an opinion on it — but then, what he has isn’t really an opinion. it’s just a gut feeling. a gut feeling he doesn’t want sasuke to go into a battle he ain’t ready for. (survive. like a cockroach. well, at least the idiot wasn’t planning on dying. suigetsu worries about that more and more these days.)
❛  i just mean... like, is this it? this whole... war, military leader, otokage thing, is that... what you really want? i thought you didn’t wanna play by the village’s rules anymore. don’t you ever just, sort of... wanna, like... bail? ❜
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peachmusesa · 3 years
uchjha asked: “ kinks include: disappearing, being unreachable by phone ”
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“ then you must be able to get yourself off pretty often with how often you disappear and not pick up the fucking phone. ” oh , she’s definitely bitter. “ that call could’ve been important you know. ” it wasn’t, “ just because you disappear to alternate universes or however that eye works , doesn’t mean you can just not answer us. ”
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tsuyokuma · 3 years
           @uchjha​​​ liked for a lyric/short starter !
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          Tense arms crossed over her chest, Mayu glared the Uchiha down with unveiled, pure disdain,  ❝  i knew you were trouble ...  ❞ she hissed. It wasn’t a unique revelation; the man was an international criminal! As a criminal of her own stature it wasn’t something she would confront him with, as in this scenario his criminal history wasn’t the source of her distrust.
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hizzashii · 3 years
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poetry sentence starters ☀️ @uchjha
❛ the dead of mine do not speak. ❜
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"My mother was once a religious woman."
How many memories he had, standing back patiently as she prayed each day, even his earrings yet another prayer, another talisman that the sun would smile upon him.
"She held belief, that the dead do not fully leave--though we may not understand just how they speak."
Little signs she spoke of, though Yoriichi felt he was often blind to them as well, never paying enough attention, always far too busy pushing himself further, always searching for that man even if he had been warned that he would always hide from him.
Yoriichi sighs softly, a quiet sound of thought.
"No one is ever truly alone, I think is what she meant."
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sociietiesarc · 3 years
@uchjha — continued.
“ you have feelings? ” it’s a joke — mostly. on most days, kiba wasn’t too sure if sasuke did have feelings. maybe he did, maybe he just didn’t know how to show it ( kiba knows that’s the truth / knows that he can’t show them for one reason or another ). he doesn’t know why.
                 so he digs, and he digs in.
“ no, i trust you to lie to me, sasuke. ”
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musaics · 3 years
          𝚃 𝙷 𝙴 𝚈  𝚁 𝙴 𝙰 𝙻 𝙻 𝚈  𝙳 𝙸 𝙳  𝙽 𝙾 𝚃  look anything alike.  And yet they were still mixed up.  Sure, their names were quite similar, but their appearances! Oh, the differences in their appearances.  The (in)famous Sasuke Uchiha was missing an arm for goodness sake! Not to mention Sosuke was 15 years his senior and disfigured by various scars.  Even so, many a time had Sosuke either been praised for saving the world or yelled at for doing so much to harm the world.   
           The medic wonders what it’s like to be mistaken as him: The reclusive crypt keeper that only came out of the hospital’s basement when the sun was down and the late-night dinner specials in the restaurant district began. Was it easier than being praised or shit on? Was it worse? Was Sasuke ever mistaken for Sosuke at all? 
          Rather than ask this question at all, or jest about how it was so ridiculous that they were confused as each other at all— Y’know, normal ways to start conversations— Sosuke merely assumes Sasuke is mistaken for him on a regular basis and makes a terrible joke: 
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                 “Do you think if I cut off my arm people would have an even more difficult time with getting us mixed up.” A pause, as a thought enters his mind. “Or if I grew you a new one?” Ladies and gentleman: Sosuke trying to socialize. 
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rabbitprose · 3 years
@uchjha​   /   sc.
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                            “––––you’re  emotions bind  you,”  a  simple  observation, “–––don’t  you  want  to  be  rid  of  them?  it’s  easy.”
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dissociaticn · 3 years
@uchjha​ sent ✐  meme for a sentence starter // accepting
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     “ Kids are all raised believe that one day they’d be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But you won’t. ”
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peachmusesa · 3 years
uchjha asked: ❛  no one look at me or i’ll kill myself.  ❜
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she’s debating on if it’s worth it today to really get into it with him. 
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she has decided that it’s not her problem and leaves instead. 
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tankwater · 3 years
bachelor's button, bay leaf, edelweiss, holly
bachelor’s button :   does your muse actively seek romantic companionship ,   or cherish the liberties of being single ?
suigetsu doesn’t care much for romance, and for most of his life never really ‘got it’ as a concept; to him, it’s always been a dog-eat-dog, me-against-the-world kind of mentality. even when in love, he’s not exactly romantic; to him, the ideal romantic partner is simply his best friend, without any necessary distinctions to turn it into a Romantic Relationship™. he’s never been one to actively seek out romantic companionship, either; he isn’t the type who’d try to actively date or go to singles events. love is rare and difficult for him, his life having been such an abscess of it, but when he does fall in love, it’s overwhelming and with all his heart, un-nuanced. to him, love isn’t something that can be searched for; it just happens when it happens, and then you deal with it. 
suigetsu’s being in love is an anomaly, though, so by default he’s a perpetually single slag, and likes it that way. he’s a lonely person who needs friends, but he doesn’t have any need for a Person Of His Own to return to at the end of the day.
bay tree :   does your muse seek glory   &   accolades ,   or do they favour a simpler ,   more personal life ?
hard to tell. suigetsu loves praise and glory, and always dreamed of being one of the world’s greatest swordsmen, but he’s never had the motivation to go out and work at it. when suigetsu was young, maybe, he was more ambitious, if still pretty unmotivated; he had big dreams and an attitude, an i’ll show them mentality. after otogakure, though, suigetsu’s more satisfied with his lot; you could call that growing up, or just hopeless pessimism that he’ll never be the person he used to dream of being. while he’s not exactly happy with an ordinary life, he knows that being extraordinary was never meant for someone like him; it’s fun to dream about it, but deep down, he knows it’s never gonna happen. so he settles.
edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ? are they known to be courageous from then on ?
suigetsu isn’t generally a brave person; arguably, because being brave requires fear as a prerequisite. suigetsu does a lot of dangerous and reckless things, but not generally because he’s courageous; more foolhardy and brash, often without thinking things through. he lacks a regard for consequences, likely because he had so little passion for life in his youth; while captive in otogakure, he learned a survivalist kind of mentality and gained a sense of self-preservation, as one does when they’re forced to live in a dehumanised, animalistic state. again, though, suigetsu’s various escape attempts were less done out of bravery than a kind of ‘anything’s better than this’ mentality. after being freed by sasuke, similarly, suigetsu gained the attitude that whatever happened to him now couldn’t be any worse than what he’d already gone through, so again, it’s hard to argue that he was brave.
his bravest moment, though, at a point where he’d genuinely come to love life and the people around him, and did fear losing what he had, was during the killer bee fight when he attempted to sacrifice himself to let the other members of taka escape. this was one of the first, and arguably the only time suigetsu’s ever made a self-sacrificial act, not out of guilt or fear but out of the real desire to protect; and he did it aware of the consequences, fearful of death, and with a good amount of value placed on his life. but he did it anyway, and doesn’t regret it. he might not be regarded as a courageous person in general, but that moment probably did show a braver side of him to his team that they might not have known about before.
holly :   how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ? are they aware of it ? do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ?
suigetsu’s intuition is actually pretty good; the problem is, he lacks the vocabulary, or the authority, to follow or make sense of it. suigetsu can usually tell when someone’s bad news, or gets strong gut feelings about a plan that’s unlikely to work, but generally his concerns are dismissed— either by himself, or by others— as anxiety. more than that, he’s spent most of his life in environments where no one listened to him, no one cared what he thought or gave any weight to his opinion; thus, he rarely bothers expressing it anymore when he’s got doubts. usually, he’s more likely to just suck it up and suppress the feelings, whether he thinks he’s right or not. he’s not good at going against the flow, not any more. 
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ryuushs · 3 years
@uchjha​​ asked for a starter  (   accepting   ).
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❛  watch your mouth.  ❜   lips curl downward,  mouth twisted in a haughty sneer.  face otherwise betraying nothing of his temper,  glare cold and tone not rising one bit from his usual drawl.  it takes a strenous amount of restraint to stay his hand and not grab the younger ninja by the collar  —  he can only imagine how delightful it would be to hear his back hit the nearest wall,  a spiteful thought,  laced with venom.  sasuke uchiha is an arrogant brat without an ounce of respect and kabuto ill tollerates having to spend any more time with him than he absolutely has to.
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