korammstonehoof · 5 years
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A concept piece for @korammstonehoof of Koramm! What a joy he was to paint (and work with!) Thank you for commissioning me, friend!
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
It’s okay, Nox, you just want it to be Blizzcon again.
so Gamestop is letting me pick up Kingdom Hearts 3 tomorrow at a special midnight release. I’m gonna try to twitch stream it a bit but I will NOT be posting anything about the game until the first of November. This is just to be polite. After that my tag for any KH3 spoilers is gonna be “KH3 Spoilers” lol. 
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
2018 In Review
I wanted to do this a few days ago but I’ve been traveling and trying to get some rest and relaxation.
To sum up my 2018, at 11:59:58 in 2017, In the Air tonight unleashed its signature drum drop 2 seconds early setting course to ruin an epic year from the chaos that was former. While at first the miss of our meme song was a joke, it pretty much summed up my experience of the year.
2018 was rough for me in a lot of ways from challenges at work and other relationships. It was also a year of improvement and personal milestones. I’ve learned a lot, about myself and about others.
Because I’m a guild leader and aside from the dumb shit I post you all probably follow me for the guild stuff. Having led the Sunguard for 9 years means that I have literally grown up most of my adult life leading this guild. I can’t say I have always been the most patient, kind, effective leader. I’ve learned from others and helped others learn from me.
I will say that my guild is amazing and the friends from it are equally exemplary. The Sunguard still stands as a pillar of the RP community and has reached a level of renown that I have never expected.
I have started my most challenging creative adventure in launching the Phoenix Wars, I have led our guild through moments of tears and joy. I can say that I’m not alone in that accomplishments. My officers are dear friends and they have been at my side for so long. Thank you @forever-afk @sakialyn @cynfuldax @jessipalooza @stormandozone @curiouslich for being the rock I can stand upon and often the counter to my hard place. You guys rule.
I want to especially thank my amazing wife, collaborater, friend, and biggest advocate. Not only does she support me in this crazy hobby, she pushes me to be a better man. @azriah thanks for the awesome year.
To all my friends in @thesunguardmg and those who follow me, thank you for sticking it out and engaging with me. I am certain 2019 will be just as epic.
There is so much more to come, so many more awesome stories, and you will be right there with me. Fight on and 2019 will be amazing.
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
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Havenblaze was… a disaster in every sense of the word. Defying orders, Ranger-Captain Vaelrin Firestorm led a force of Sunguard soldiers to the besieged port city of Havenblaze. There they confronted the combined forces of ren’dorei and quel’dorei that make up the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas Reborn. While their initial effort into liberating the city and saving its civilians began well, it soon was thrown into chaos. 
Being offered power beyond level, Merk Morningstar, pretender King of Quel’Thalas offered to Aurelian Indrais the chance to rule over much of the southern realm should Aurelian submit to his rule and take Vaelrin, his siblings, and Ithranicus into custody. Aurelian accepted as long as further bloodshed would cease. Sadly, that wasn’t the case.
Attempting to renegotiate the deal, Vaelrin offered himself and his province without quarrel to Merik should the rest be set free. Merik refused and then the Sunguard broke into a panic and attempted to flee. More were cut down as all those originally intended to be captured were in addition to the company of Cere’thien, Kendall, Lazarus, and Sendrila. 
With the port taken, prisoners taken, and a new ally in tow. The Kingdom Reborn has made massive gains with little losses as Shallowbrook falls to their might. 
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
Thank you to all of our Sunguard peeps who sent this!!!! It’s awesome! @quelfabulous @ocarina-of-what @tyleril-silversword @thedragonisaprincess @veloestian and everyone else!!! 😍😍😍
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
Even though it got damaged along the way, I’m super happy it finally got to you!
Thank you to all of our Sunguard peeps who sent this!!!! It’s awesome! @quelfabulous @ocarina-of-what @tyleril-silversword @thedragonisaprincess @veloestian and everyone else!!! 😍😍😍
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
Yup yup, coming again this year, and (HOPEFULLY) bringing the Canadian treats and contraband again. They went over very well last year.
Henlo. Just curious, who of my followers/mutuals/fronds is planning on attending Blizzcon? I want to gauge interest for a dedicated meetup. :)
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
I’m just going to sit my tauren ass over here with Baine in the “can’t we just stop war and work towards peace?” corner. Though I should get said ass in gear and work towards actually doing the horde storyline. Been so busy with stuff I’ve only done the Alliance side.
Kul’tirans allied with Alliance: Keep prisoners in shitty conditions, but still alive.
Horde: *Plagues everything in existence* what’s a prisoner. Oh, the things we used as target practice and to feed our animals. Yea, we just poison them and bring them back as undead now.
Some of you people: They’re clearly both morally grey and both bad equally.
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
Regarding my absence
So, hey, you may have noticed that there hasn’t been much content with Koramm here in... quite a while. Well, there is a bit of a reason for that.
You see, back in May, I moved from my small town home living with family into an apartment in Oakville, Ontario, which is part of the greater Toronto area. And there’s a reason I moved. Back in February, I applied for the game design program at Sheridan College here in Oakville, and was accepted into the program. With three weeks in the program behind me, it’s gonna be a tough ride, but I think it shall be worth it. But the move, and the schooling, have come with cost. Unfortunately, since moving, I’ve have no luck finding a job in the area, although I keep searching. The stress over finances has certainly sapped some of the creative energy, as has preparing for this program.  So, I just wanted to let you all know that I haven’t disappeared, I’m just doing my best to keep my head above water. Hopefully soon I’ll manage to get an interview and job to start getting some income again, and once I have that all managed, on top of my classes, hopefully some of the creative energy will return, and Koramm’s adventures will resume.  In the meantime, I WILL be at Blizzcon in.... a bit over a month, so I can’t wait to see some of you there!
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
Deadly Boss Mods
To all my followers who use the addon DeadlyBossMods for raid and outdoor encounters, you might not be aware but this addon has been and is developed by one single outstanding human. He posted recently that he’s hit some dire financial straits and is having some health issues. Reddit has already showered him with praise, but please consider donating or subscribing to his patreon to show your support! Link to DBM status update: Click Here
Link to DBM Patreon: Click Here
Link to Paypal donations: Click Here
DBM has been around since vanilla and I personally have had it installed for over a decade. Let’s show our support to this person’s hard work and dedication to an outstanding staple of the addon community.
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
What if Wednesdays
Ask any hypothetical question and get a response. Then get a question back.
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
If you meant to get tickets but could not in earlier sales, a third sale has been added! Check out the article for dates and times. :)
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
While Koramm may not have been there in canon, it was greatly appreciated to do this quest in a group, for moral support. It was rough.
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Emotional. @ocarina-of-what @emberfallen @korammstonehoof
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
Dawnmender Quest: Diagnosis
“I need to be examined by a doctor, any doctor! Magical or not, I don’t care!”
Koramm looked up from where he sat, tired and exhausted after a long day of treating the infirm. The patients seemed never-ending, from simple ailments to those afflicted with the strange disease going around due to the druids. The girl standing in front of him now was no more than a teenager. She looked healthy enough, although her hands were jittery as she spoke, and the skin on her arms had been rubbed raw.
Seeing the tauren looking up, she thrust her arm towards him. “I’m hot and cold at the same time. I thought it was nothing until my grand aunt pointed out that it started when the druids began to stir up trouble! Now she said it might be a sign of blight infestation!”
The girl looked frantic and began to drag her fingers through her hair. “I thought that couldn’t be true, but this morning my head started to pulse and I started to hear whispering. Is it the blight? Am I going insane? Will I become one of those plant ghouls?”
Koramm blinked in confusion before holding and open hand out in front of him, inviting her closer. His voice was soft and gentle, though the Thalassian was nowhere near perfect. “Calm, young one, calm. I can guarantee you that this isn’t the blight, and that you are not going insane. Just take a few deep breaths, and I’ll do my best to help you.”
The tauren watched as the girl took a deep breath, her eyes still wide and a little doubtful. “Now, what happened to your arms here?”
As the words left his mouth, the girl thrust her arm forward again, scratching it vigorously. “See, see? There’s a rash and it itches so bad that it feels like there’s bugs under my skin! Wait. What if there are bugs under my skin!?”
Koramm’s eyes widened as the girl yanked her arm back and began scratching at it once more. As far as he could tell, there was no rash present, just skin rubbed raw from the constant scratching. “Let me take one more look at your arm.”
It took a few moment for the girl to stop scratching and hand the tauren her arm. When she did, he took it in one hand and placed the other over top of the raw skin, calling the elements to hear him. He watched as her eyes widened as the cooling sensation of water passed between his palm and her arm, easing the itchiness and pain.
“This should help a little, I hope.” He smiled down at her, not letting her arm go. “I can promise you that you do not have bugs crawling under your skin, young one. Now, can you tell me if you have experienced any of these feelings in the past? The hot and cold flashes, the head pain, the feeling of a rash or pain across your skin, have you had any of those symptoms before, or is this the first time?”
She shook her head. “No, that’s why I think it’s to do with those awful druids. They’re trying to do something to us! My aunt says they have weird magic that can turn people into bugs or something. I don’t want to be a bug!”
Koramm shook his head, his eyes hardening slightly as he continued to provide relief to the child’s battered arm, hoping that the sensations would help keep her calm. “It seems your aunt has been telling you many things, young one. I hope I am not intruding, but may I ask what else your aunt has told you about these druids?”
The response came far faster than the shaman expected, her voice eager. “She says that they have awful wrong nature magic, and they want our town so they make people go crazy or turn them into bugs to make more people crazy. And they control plants that talk to you and make you itch and then you die! And she says they’re going to come for us until there’s no one left!”
With a strangled screech, the girl took her free hand and began tugging on her hair. Without thinking, Koramm acted on instinct, pulling the young elf into a tight hug against his chest, rubbing her back gently. “I am sorry I asked, young one. Calm, these druids will not be hurting you, and I will make sure of that.”
Taking deep breaths to control his own rising anger, the tauren continued to rub the girls’ back, calming her until she began clinging to him. “When we are done here, I think it may be a good idea for me to come pay a house call, so that I may speak with your aunt. I just have a few more questions, if you are up to them. The whispering you have been hearing, does it only happen when your head pounds, or does it happen at other times? And, are you alone, or are there others around?”
The response was spoken into his chest. “It’s when it’s quiet and there’s no one else around, so no one else ever hears it.”
“Can you make out any words in the whispers, or it is like somebody is just whispering nearby?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe it sounds like buzzing. I don’t know what they want. I don’t want the druids to get me. Please, you have to help me. Make it go away!”
Koramm nodded solemnly, continuing to hug the girl for a few more minutes. Eventually, though, they separated, and he set her at an arm’s length. “I will do everything in my power to help you, and you’ll be happy to know that despite what your aunt has been telling you, nothing you have has been caused by the druids.”
The tauren turned, grabbing a mortar and pestle from the table beside him, and several herbs from a pouch on his side. Grinding them together, occasionally reaching for another ingredient, he eventually created a thick paste, which he scooped into a small bottle and fitted with a stopper. “While I’m not completely positive, I’m pretty sure that you have an anxiety condition of some form, and all the stress that the druids have been causing has been setting it off. Your aunt, meanwhile, has been fabricating stories of what the druids are doing and exaggerating their powers, and her stories have been manifesting in your symptoms.”
He turned back to the elf, setting a hand once more on her shoulder. “You’re going to be absolutely fine, but we do need to get you on the road to recovery. First, you’re going to need to put this paste on your arms each night. It will help to stave off any infection, relieve any itching you might experience, and will help the skin heal itself. Just spread a thin layer on across all the affected skin, and wrap your arms up in some loose coverings twice a day. I recommend in the morning and before bed. If the itching starts to return in the afternoon, feel free to reapply then as well.”
The tauren stood, keeping his hand in contact with the girl. “Your hot and cold flashes could be caused by the anxiety, but you might just also be getting a general cold, so I’ll leave you with some herbs that any local herbalist should be able to provide if you run out. As for the buzzing, that could be the anxiety, or early signs of an inner ear problem. We won’t really be able to determine the cause until we sort out the anxiety, unfortunately.”
He smiled down at the girl. “Alright, my shift here is finished, so, if you would lead the way, I will come home, and I can help explain to your aunt and parents what’s going on, and give your aunt a talking to in regards to her stories, so that she doesn’t make your anxiety worse. And, when I’m finished here, I’ll be sending a letter to a colleague of mine who specializes in psychology, as he might know better than I what would be an effective treatment for your anxiety going forward.”
Although the girl was nervous, and unsure if she believed the druids weren’t behind her ailments, she nodded at the tauren and began to lead him away from the clinic. Thanks to @retributionpriest for writing the young elf girl.
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
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Vextera’s 1k Art Giveaway
Hello everybody! I’m excited to announce that I’ve reached 1,000 followers on Tumblr. I’m very grateful and humbled by all the support I’ve received–thank you so much! In celebration, I am hosting an art giveaway!
You must be following me. New followers are welcome! (Hello!)
One reblog = one raffle entry!
You may reblog as many times as you like! (Just be considerate of your followers!)
No giveaway blogs. I will check!
Random.org will be used to select the winners.
I will contact the winners through Tumblr messages. If you do not respond within 48 hours, I will re-raffle the prize to someone else.
Feel free to message me with questions!
Painting Tag   Line & Color Tag  General Art Tag
Winners drawn August 31, 2018!
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
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korammstonehoof · 6 years
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After careful thought and planning, @ocarina-of-what are excited to announce the launch of our collaboration Patreon page, and the kickoff on production of our first original fantasy series, Drums of Atelaer. With Patreon, we’re able to give our audience an avenue to support us, and afford the time investment into the meaningful works we create. It is our goal to produce quality inclusive content and our dream to publish deep, meaningful stories that will inspire hope and compassion within the hearts of our audience. We hope you will join us for the adventure!
Patrons will get early access to all content, have opportunities to influence what we produce, and an interactive platform to connect with our creative process using Discord integration.
Consider taking a step inside our digital studio and support us on Patreon!
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