korean-language · 1 year
Do you want to …? / -(으)ㄹ래요?
* asking about someone else’s will or intention to do something
Verb stems ending with a consonant + -을래요
먹다 (to eat) becomes 먹을래요.
Verb stems ending with the consonant ㄹ + -래요
팔다 (to sell) becomes 팔래요.
Verb stems ending with a vowel + -ㄹ래요
자다 (to sleep) becomes 잘래요
집에 갈래요 = I want to go home. / I am going to go home.
U can say 집에 가고 싶어요 it means the same and it’s the most general and vague way
혼자 할래요 = I will do it alone. / I want to do it alone.
뭐 먹을래요? =what do you want to eat?/ what are u going to eat?
Okey so what’s the difference between (으)ㄹ래요 and 고 싶어요 ?
Both means the same but 고 싶어요 it’s simple that u want something rn.
만날래요? = do you want to see me ? (Intention )
It’s like “would u like to see me ? “
만나고 싶어요?- do u want to see me? (Do u have any strong desire to see me? -sometimes sounds impolite)
By using the “-(으)ㄹ래요?” ending, you are asking another person what he/she wants to do in such a way that it lets him/her know that he/she is not obligated to answer because of you or in your favor. Also “-고 싶어요?” in Korean, it is unnatural.
The -(으)ㄹ래요 ending is typically used only in casual settings. You cannot use this verb ending if you are talking to someone with whom you must use formal language.
나는 피곤해서 그냥 집에 있을래요. 산책은 다음에 하자
I’m tired so I just want to stay home. Let’s go for a walk next time
오랜만에 날씨가 너무 좋은데 우리 산책할래요?
It’s been a while since the weather is so nice, so would you like us to take a walk ?
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korean-language · 1 year
nature 자연
Sun 해
Moon 달
Water 물
Land 땅
Sea 바다
Wind 바람
Fire 불
Cloud 구름
Rainbow 무지개
Desert 사막
River 강
Forest 숲
Mountain 산
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korean-language · 2 years
Season 계절
Seasons 계절들 (들 plural )
Spring 봄
Summer 여름
Autumn 가을
Winter 겨울
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korean-language · 2 years
Stationery 문구
Pencil 연필
Pencil case 필통
Eraser 지우개
Pen 펜
Paper 종이
Notebook 공책
Book 책
Calculator 계산기
Scissors 가위
Ruler 자
Glue 풀
Brush 붓
Highlighter pen 형광펜
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korean-language · 2 years
We use these when the first sentence and the second sentence have opposite meanings, For example:
비가 와요 그러나 우산이 없어요
It's raining but I don't have an umbrella
비가 와요 하지만 우산이 없어요
It's raining but I don't have an umbrella
한국어는 영어와 다릅니다 그렇지만 배우기 어렵지 않습니다.
Korean is different from English But it is not difficult to learn.
We use it when the first sentence is the cause of the second sentence
머리가 아파요 그래서 병원에 가요
I have headache so I am going to the hospital
머리가 아파요 그러니까 병원에 가요
I have headache so I'm going to the hospital
We use it when we want connect two sentences or more, for example
밥을 먹었어요 그리고 차를 마셨어요
I ate food and drank tea
주말에 친구를 만났어요 그리고 같이 영화를 봤어요.
I met a friend on weekend And we saw a movie together.
Used when the 1st sentence is the assumption behind the 2nd sentence
- 그럼 is often used in colloquial speech in stead of 그러면
나는 피곤할 때 목욕을 해요. 그러면 기본이 좋아져요.
When I am tired, I take a bath. Then I feel better.
-점심시산이에요. 배가 고파요.
- 그럼 같이 식당에 가서 식사할까요?
It's lunchtime. I am hungry.
- Then, shall we go to a restaurant and have lunch together.
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korean-language · 2 years
Family 가족
Relative 친척
Parents 부모님
Mom 엄마
Mother 어머니
Dad 아빠
Father 아버지
Younger sibling 동생
* younger sister 여동생
(여 comes from 여자 which means woman)
* younger brother 남동생
(남 comes from 남자 which means man)
Older sister 누나 (for male)
Older brother 형 (for male)
Older sister 언니 (for female)
Older brother 오빠 (for female)
Grandmother 할머니
Grandfather 할아버지
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korean-language · 2 years
Vegetables 야채
Beans 콩
Beans 콩
Bell pepper 피망
Cabbage 양배추
Cabbage 양배추
Carrot 당근
Celery 샐러리
Corn 마늘
Corn 옥수수
Cucumber 오이
Eggplant 가지
Garlic 마늘
Green onion 파
Lettuce 상추
Mushroom 버섯
Olive 올리브
Onion 양파
Potato 감자
Pea 완두콩
Pumpkin 호박
Radish 무
Spinach 시금치
Sweet potato 고구마
Tomato 토마토
Turnip 순무
Zucchini 애호박
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korean-language · 2 years
Fruit - 과일
Apple - 사과
Banana - 바나나
Blackberry- 블랙베리
Blueberry - 블루베리
Cherry - 체리
Grape - 포도
Kiwi - 키위
Lemon- 레몬
Lime - 라임
Mango - 망고
Orange - 오렌지
Peach - 복숭아
Pea - 배
Strawberry - 딸기
Tangerine - 탄제린/ 귤
Watermelon - 수박
Pineapple - 파인애플
Raspberry - 산딸기
Avocado - 아보카도
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korean-language · 2 years
Something - 무엇 , 어떤 것
Somewhere - 어딘가
Someone - 누구, 어떤 사람
Sometime - 언제가
Some time - 얼마 동안, 어느정도
Someday - 언제가
Anybody - 아무나
Anywhere - 아무 데나
Anything - 아무거나
Anytime - 아무 때나
Anyone - 누구나, 아무나
NO +
Nobody - 아무도
Nowhere - 아무 데도 [어디에도]
Nothing - 아무것도
No one - 아무도
Everything - 모든 것
Everywhere- 어디나
Every time - 언제나
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korean-language · 2 years
Tumblr media
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korean-language · 2 years
Native- korean numbers
1: 하나 (hana)
2: 둘 (dul)
3: 셋 (set)
4: 넷 (net)
5: 다섯 (daseot)
6: 여섯 (yeoseot)
7: 일곱 (ilgop)
8: 여덟 (yeodeol)
9: 아홉 (ahop)
10: 열 (yeol)
20: 스물 (seumul)
30: 서른 (seoreun)
40: 마흔 (maheun)
50: 쉰 (swin)
60: 예순 (yesun)
70: 일흔 (ilheun)
80: 여든 (yeodeun)
90: 아흔 (aheun)
15 -열다섯
22 - 스물둘
29 - 스물아홉
33 -서른셋
46 - 마흔여섯
54 - 쉰넷
65 -예순다섯
72 -일흔둘
100- 백 (baek, Sino-Korean numbers begin)
101- 백하나
125- 백스물다섯
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korean-language · 2 years
Sino-korean numbers
0- 영/공
1- 일
2- 이
3- 삼
4- 사
5- 오
6- 육/륙
7- 칠
8- 팔
9- 구
100- 백
1,000- 천
10,000- 만
100,000- 십만
1,000,000- 백만
1 0,000,000- 천만
100,000,000- 일억
1,000,000,000 - 십억
10,000,000,000 - 백억
11-십일 (10 십 + 1 일)
13- 십삼
20- 이십 (2 이 +10 십)
30- 삼십 (3 삼 +10 십)
57- 오십칠
99- 구십구
200- 이백
300- 삼백
743 - 칠백사십삼
888- 팔백팔십팔
2000- 이천
20,000- 이만
3300 -삼천 사백
1500 - 천 오벡
9095- 구천구십오
5702 - 오천칠백이
40,000 - 사만
55 200 - 오만 오천이백
91 400 - 구만 천사백
19 450 290- 천구백사십오만 이백구십
99 850 000 - 구천구백팔십오만
2 500 000- 이백오십만
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