kotakhrome · 3 years
*The following story is mostly fiction, but is semi based off of a real dream I had recently*
It was a boring Saturday night. Flipping through the choices on netflix proved to be useless. Quarantine had brought forth watching almost everything I was interested in watching. Looking at the clock on the wall, I let out a sigh when I noticed it was only 8 pm. Outside of traveling for work and going to work, I hadn't been out in over a year.
Walking into the kitchen I grabbed a wine glass and my favorite red wine. Pouring myself a bountiful amount, I heard my phone ping from the living room. I went back into the living room and plopped down onto the couch and reached for my phone.
I had a text message. Opening it I noticed it was from a random number. I was slightly confused as I read the message.
"Hey sorry for texting you but you're the only person I know that I can come to for this, I hope you don't mind but I got your number from my dad's phone."
My mind raced as I thought about who this could be. All my guy friends didn't have kids. Coworker? Cousin? I had no clue who was reaching out.
I decided to text back.
"Hey it's ok but who is this lol"
I waited for the reply. Half a glass of wine and 10 minutes later I finally got a reply.
"oh sry it's Sammy, Greg's daughter."
Greg?!? I thought to myself. My boss?? Hmmm this should be interesting.
Me: Oh hey you're ok what's up
Sammy: nothing much rly, just am bored n don't rly have anyone to talk to.
Me: totally get that lol so what's up how can I help
Sammy: Well I mean can we possibly meet up? I need to talk in person
Me: ummm yeah sure, I'm just hanging out at home, you're welcome to come over and talk, I'll make something to snack on. Food always is a good icebreaker.
Sammy: Sure! I'll be there soon.
With that, I gave her my address. Sammy was beautiful. At almost 6 ft tall, And chestnut brown hair, she towered over me when I had met her the first time. She was in her dad's office. She was a senior in high school at the time. Now 3 months later, she was getting ready to go to college. Newly turning 18 years old, she had never left home. I'm sure she was just nervous about going away to college.
Deep in thought, I didn't hear my doorbell ring. I sat staring at the television. The dogs barking at the door finally caught my attention. Getting up off the couch, I checked my hair in the mirror, then answered the door.
Sammy stood there smiling shyly. Despite the mid-70 degree temps, she was wearing a hoodie and yoga pants.
I invited her in. I gave her a hug and walked her into the living room. I couldn't help but notice she had a backpack with her. I excused my thoughts as I sat down.
"So what's up?" I asked her.
"Well...I...uhhh...hey could I possibly get a glass of that?" She pointed at my wine.
"Just don't tell your dad" I grinned as I got up and went into the kitchen.
"so I overheard my dad talking to a coworker about your sexuality" she blurted out
Shocked, I stopped pouring the wine. Noticing my reaction she laughed.
"Oh don't worry, he is fine with it. He was boasting about how cool it was because you like, help the other gay people at work so much."
"Ah yeah" I nervously laughed. "People in the community have a hard time being themselves a lot of the time. We do live in Texas. Texans aren't always the most accepting of people"
"Yeahhhh" She exhaled. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about."
Returning to the couch, I handed her the glass of wine.
"Spill it kid, I'm here for you"
Without hesitation she was on top of me. Kissing me deep and slow. A tingle went through my entire body. This felt so wrong but I loved it so much. Her long, slender body felt great against mine. She kissed me harder, her hands beginning to roam. Pushing her back I whispered to her.
"We can't. This won't end well."
Putting her finger to her lips, she hushed me and began kissing me again. Her hand ran up my stomach, under my shirt. She went right to my breasts, pulling and pinching at my nipple. My rigid body relaxed as pleasure swept over me.
Grabbing her ponytail I yanked her head back and kissed her neck. Biting gently she moaned softly. I felt the warmth between her legs as she moved back and forth on my leg. Her hand then slipped under the waistband of my flannel pj pants. She found her target. My panties were soaked. My pussy throbbing as she ran her fingers on the thin cotton. Pulling my underwear to the side, she inserted a finger. My body went stiff as a wave of shock and pleasure went through me. I couldn't help myself as I moaned. Within minutes the intensity of my orgasm left me whimpering and shaking.
Sammy licked and sucked on her finger that was deep inside of me only moments ago. Stripping out of her clothes, her nude body stood before me like a piece of art. Slender yet curvy. Her breasts heaved as she breathed heavily. She rubbed herself. Her hairless vagina glistened with her wetness. I stripped off my pajamas and laid back down on the couch. In one swift move, she was straddling my face. Grinding her hips, they matched the motion of my tongue. She tasted sweet. Reaching between her legs she spread her lips so I could lick deeper. She began to rub her clit as my tongue worked it's magic.
Following her orgasm, she stood up, kissed me and got dressed. She explained she had to get back home but she'd be back in a couple days. With that she left. The next time she came over, I'd be ready for her. She would pay for opening pandora's box.
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kotakhrome · 3 years
New writings coming soon... I definitely think it's time for a sexy one
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kotakhrome · 4 years
The following is a work of fiction.
"The Surprise"
Greta and I had been friends online for years. We met back in the day of AOL chatrooms.
We had been there for each other for everything. Bad breakups, deaths in our families, and even when she was stuck in a very abusive relationship.
Greta had been hospitalized. I couldn't get ahold of her. I couldn't find any trace of her. I began panicking. I called her boyfriend. He told me she disappeared and didn't know where she was.
I didn't believe him at all. I knew the horrible things he did to her. Beating her, forcing himself on her, she was his legitimate slave. So I booked a flight. I needed to go find her. Deep down, I knew the love of my life was in trouble.
During my cross country flight, I made note of every hospital, police station, and morgue in a 30 mile radius. I would check every single one until I found her.
After landing, I grabbed my rental car, and found a small hotel to spend the night. I set my alarm for 6 am. No way could I function tonight, I needed sleep.
As I drifted away to sleep, I fell into a dream instantly. I was in a room of all white. Warm, bright sunlight filled the room. I looked towards the doorway as Greta stepped through, her blonde hair flowing past her shoulders. The black lingerie clashed with her bronze skin. As she walked closer I threw off the pure white blanket. I was completely nude. My nipples stood erect and my legs were bent, spread out waiting for her.
Greta crawled towards me as she got onto the bed. Crawling past my legs, dragging her hand up my body, from my pussy, up my stomach, stopping at my breasts. She circled my nipples with her finger. Giving each one a gentle pinch. Grinning, she kissed the middle of my chest. Leaving a trail of kisses up to my neck, stopping at my ear. The room suddenly went black. Confused I looked around but could not see anything. An audible, yet very quiet voice suddenly whispered to me. The voice sounded distressed, labored. The voice weeped. I could feel her tears, the warmth of her breath.
"Help me" the voice sobbed. With that my eyes flew open. I was in my hotel room. I was instantly filled with rage. I got up out of bed on a mission. Stripping off my pajamas and changing into my black combat boots, blue jeans, and a flannel shirt. I threw on my army green jacket, and grabbed my keys. I went to the hotel office and told them I would be staying a few more days and put down a deposit to hold the room for me.
Speeding away from the hotel, I came across a 24 hour department store. I pulled into the parking lot and checked the time. 5 am. Much earlier than I had planned on getting on the trail. I wouldn't be creating much attention. Very few employees would be paying attention to customers. On a b-line, I went to the sporting goods department. I grabbed the the heaviest metal softball bat I could find. Giving it a few test swings I knew this would work in a pinch. I turned around to go to checkout and I spotted it. A large hunting knife. The 8 inch black blade somehow glistened under the flourecent light of the store. It was now 5:30. I needed to get moving. Grabbing the knife, I walked with a purpose, baseball bat and knife in hand. I approached the self checkout. The gentleman watching over the registers looked at me with wide eyes. He sputtered out in a nasally voice "Sure is an odd combination at 5:30"
The kid couldn't have been older than 20. I looked at him and smiled politely. "It's for protection," I explained. "I'm from out of town, and I don't know the city well. " With that being said he pondered for a moment, then nodded acceptingly.
Moving quickly to my car I was almost running. A light jog. I had to find her. As I started my car, I heard my phone make a ping. I checked my notifications. It was Greta! Her message said, "Home. Help." I put the car into drive and pulled into traffic, cutting off at least 3 other drivers. I was only 5 minutes from her house. Pulling up to her home, it was completely dark. I got out and slipped the sheathed knife into the back of my jeans, hidden under my coat. I grabbed the bat from the backseat and stormed towards the front door. A few years ago, Greta had told me where the spare key was.
Unlocking the door quietly, I slipped in the door and pushed it closed. I heard noises coming from down the hallway. Stepping carefully, making sure not to make any noise. I got to the corner of the wall, looking down the darkened hallway. I could see the silhouette of her boyfriend pacing back and forth across the open doorway to a bedroom. He was muttering to himself. Inaudible whispers spewed from his mouth. He was visibly angry. I heard him loudly say, "Fuck it!" He turned down the hall and was stomping my way. With one swift, fluid motion, I channeled my skills from my years in college softball. I swung the bat with all my strength, hitting him square in the stomach. The man instantly dropped to his knees. In one quick movement, I kicked the tip of my boot straight to his mouth. Knocking him unconscious.
I sprinted down the hallway and burst into the bedroom. Greta laid bloody, and beaten. Her phone was smashed to pieces next to her. Her nude body was laying motionless, wrists tied to the bedposts. I rushed to her side, knife in hand. I cut the rope that bound her. I wrapped her up in a blanket and pulled out my cellphone. Dialing 911 I heard her boyfriend stirring.
I went to check on him. He was starting to get up. He struggled on his hands and knees, blood flowing from his mouth. The first thing he saw was my shadowy form running down the hallway towards him. I kicked him full force across his face and in one swift motion, I was straddling him, punching like an MMA fighter. Each punch landed, a left, a right, one after another. I could feel the bones in both my hands and his face breaking as I made connection.
I got up off of him and spit on his motionless body. Kicking him in the ribs, I picked the phone up off the floor, I could hear the operator yelling. I answered her. Breathing heavy and out of breath I replied, "I'd like to report an assault."
Within minutes, police busted into the house, guns raised and shouting instructions. When they got to the bedroom, they found Greta and I on the bed. She was crying as I held her in my arms, stroking her golden hair. I heard the clicking of the handcuffs from down the hallway.
As the officers approached the bed, their guns were still raised. Pointed straight at me. They shouted instructions for me to stand slowly and drop any weapons I had. I leaned in and kissed Greta as I was yanked from the bed. Smiling at her, I promised her I would come back for her as soon as I could.
I eventually had the charges dropped. My story held up to the confession of her boyfriend. Greta pleaded with the police that I was innocent.
I took Greta home with me. At first, we had separate rooms. Building a relationship and friendship. The days of spending hours chatting online were over. Instead, we spent hours at the kitchen table, talking, sharing stories from our lives.
Over the time of a year, Greta and I grew closer. Our relationship flourished. We became lovers, and even got married. We attended therapy together to help with her anxiety. We even started a group for battered women to attend and share their survival stories.
We were called to a group members home one night. When we arrived, there was a note on the door. It said,
Living room.
Let yourself in.
At my mom's.
The last thing the woman's husband saw was Greta holding him down and my gleeful smile as my hunting knife cut smoothly across his throat.
The End.
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kotakhrome · 4 years
The following blog post is a real life memory. Any future posts will be hashtagged and marked as fiction or nonfiction.
Thinking back on my life, my first real memory of being attracted to a woman dates back to age 11. I was in homeroom, my favorite teacher was at my side helping me with my schoolwork. I remember her modest blouse hanging loosely around her neck. If you were sneaky enough you could always sneak a peek. She always smelled amazing. She smelt of berries and cream. She was in her mid 20s, brand new to the school, fresh out of college.
At that time lesbianism and bisexuality were not openly discussed like it is today. My thoughts and feelings were confusing. I grew up in a religious household. My mother and father drug me to church, each and every Sunday. All I knew was being gay was a sin and I would go to Hell for just having the thoughts I was having.
I kept all of these thoughts to myself. Ashamed and embarrassed. Fast-forward to age 13. I was in 8th grade. I decided to join the soccer team. This was the first time I saw another girl naked. Our coach, who was a female, required us to shower and change clothes. I had never in my life, thought I'd ever have to be naked, or see other people naked. It was a rainy, spring day. 20 girls jammed into the showers. Muddy, and freezing we all huddled together under the hot, steamy showers. My teammate and friend had somehow gotten mud up her back. She asked me to wash is off. Running my hands up and down her back, washing off the mud, I felt what I can only describe as a bolt of lightning went through my body. Every inch of me was tingling. My nipples went erect and my vagina lit up like a Christmas tree. I probably spent a little too much time washing her, but the feeling of her smooth skin was amazing. As I finished up I found myself restraining myself from touching her more. I let my hands drop, and touching her butt. She turned to me and grinned. Embarrassed as hell, I blushed a deep shade of crimson, and turned away. That night after I got home and finished my homework, was the first time I had ever touched myself sexually. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing, but all I knew was it felt good.
One night after a game in my freshman year of high school, me and a few teammates went out for burgers. As we ate and talked and celebrated our win, the topic of boyfriends and sex came up. I nervously listened to the other girls stories about their sexual escapades. They talked about kissing, giving blowjobs, and more. From the reaction of my friends, I'm guessing I was visibly uncomfortable. They found out I had no idea what they were talking about, without me having to say anything. They told me to relax and that it was ok, and that my day would come.
After we ate, 2 of the girls left. It was just me and another girl from the team. We talked for a while and had a good heart to heart. I was on top of the world, me, a lowly 15 year old freshman was hanging out with a senior! Our conversation was mainly about soccer. The time flew by. The next thing we knew, it was after 10 pm! She invited me to stay at her house because her parents were out of town for the weekend. She leant me her cell phone to call my parents. My parents were so happy that I was making friends that they immediately said yes.
Shortly after we jumped into her car and drove back to her house. Once in her room she stripped out of her clothes immediately. Wearing only thong style panties and a cropped belly shirt she asked if I wanted pajamas. Trying to be cool I said no, I'll be ok. I stayed dressed. We laid in bed watching some cheesy 90s movie. As we laid there she moved closer and closer to me. Watching the movie, she whispered my name. As I turned my head to her she kissed me. Soft, sweet, and lots of tongue. I tried to mimic her actions, letting my mind flood with memories of seeing other people kiss. Her hand moved under my shirt, squeezing my breast over my bra. Pulling down the one side of it, she pinched my nipple and kissed me harder. I pulled away a bit to catch my breath. She rolled over on top of me and kissed me again. This time her hand going into my jeans. She rubbed me over my panties. I felt that same lightning bolt blast through me. Within minutes, an orgasm rushed over me. After it subsided she kissed me on the cheek, smiled, and rolled over and fell asleep.
The next day, we talked about the situation from the night before. She explained to me that she was a lesbian. She told me she saw the looks I had given our teammates and knew my deepest secret. We dated in secret the entire summer until she left for college. We still keep in contact, remaining close friends. She married her college girlfriend and I even was in their wedding party. I'll never forget the girl who helped open my eyes.
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kotakhrome · 4 years
I absolutely love to write, it's a second passion of mine. I'll be using this space to write erotic stories and my sexual escapades in my 35 years of life. These stories, whether it's a fiction or nonfiction, will contain graphic, sexual language and will be NSFW. No one under the age of 18 will be permitted on my page. Violators will be blocked. No exceptions.
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