Trespass Masterlist
Summary: You would think that one would be able to trust their soulmate, be able to love them unconditionally, and know them better than yourself. But that isn’t always the case. Who was H.One, and why did the universe think you could be soulmates?
Chapter One: Puzzle
Chapter Two: Can’t Breathe
Chapter Three: Unfair Love
Chapter Four: As I Told You
Chapter Five: Be Quiet
Chapter Six: Blind
Chapter Seven: The Clan
Chapter Eight: From Zero
Chapter Nine: Tropical Night
Chapter Ten: X
Chapter Eleven: Oi
Chapter Twelve: In Time
Chapter Thirteen: One More Step
Chapter Fourteen: Newton
Chapter Fifteen: Beautiful
Chapter Sixteen: Steal Your Heart
Chapter Sixteen and a Half: Jealousy
Chapter Seventeen: Calm Down
Chapter Eighteen: No Exit
Chapter Nineteen: Guilty
Chapter Twenty: Need U
Chapter Twenty-One: Blue Moon
Chapter Twenty-Two: Fighter
Chapter Twenty-Three: Hero
Chapter Twenty-Four: White Love
Chapter Twenty-Five: Crazy in Love
Chapter Twenty-Six: My Love
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Destroyer
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Slow
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Now I Understand
Chapter Thirty (Epilogue): Gone Bad
Sequel: Black Swan Masterlist
Chapter Fifteen (Alternate Ver.): Now I Understand
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Trespass Masterlist
Chapter One: Puzzle
Chapter Two: Can’t Breathe
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Chapter 2: Can’t Breathe
Pairing: Hyungwon x Reader
Word Count: 1561
Summary: The world is a spectacular thing. You meet your soulmate with no obstacles (unless you count time as one) and there’s never any real problems. It’s just you and your other half. But what do you do when they keep secrets?
Trespass Masterlist
“Okay I think I got it this time,” Youngjae said, staring at the picture of a brain you had on the table. “This is the superior temporal gyrus.” He pointed to the frontal lobe, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
You laugh “No, not quite. That’s the frontal lobe. The superior temporal gyrus is over here.” You guided his hand to the proper location.
“Oh..” his shoulders slumped.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get it eventually.” You promised. “Why don’t we stop here for today? You can study on the brain and we’ll meet again back here Monday at 5. Sound good?”
“Yeah, perfect. Thank you so much y/n.” His grin lit up his face. You couldn’t help but smile back at him as you helped him gather his things.
He waved as he left, leaving you to clean up the rest of your things. You stopped short of putting your last book in your bag. It felt like someone was watching you. You surveyed the area, a shiver running down your spine when you saw nothing suspicious.
You put your book in your bag and slung it over your shoulder. You were starting to run late for work. You had the evening shift for the day and if you were late again your boss would deduct it from your pay.
Keep reading
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Chapter One: Puzzle
Pairing: Hyungwon x Reader
Word Count: 1534
Summary: The world is a spectacular thing. You meet your soulmate with no obstacles (unless you count time as one) and there’s never any real problems. It’s just you and your other half. But what do you do when they keep secrets?
Trespass Masterlist
Here’s the thing about soulmates; everyone seems to have different ways of telling who their soulmate is. Some people don’t see color until they meet their soulmate. Others can write on their arm to communicate with their soulmate. Some share the same feelings with their soulmate. And some have a combination of ways to tell, though those are rare. Sometimes, soulmates never know they’re soulmates because, if for whatever reason someone doesn’t want another as a soulmate, they’d never see it. Occasionally, some will fall under the allusion that they’ve found their soulmates, and they think they’ve found them. Except, when what’s missing is found, it’s never as true as it could be if they found their real soulmate.
There are stories. Stories about some soulmates being so connected that they are practically one. Once they meet and formed their bond, they were able to experience the same sensations, share thoughts if they so pleased, and so much more. You’ve always wanted to have that kind of bond, but you knew it was more unlikely than finding a unicorn. You only had the basic telltale sign of not being able to see color. It was a child’s fantasy thinking you’d ever have more.
There is one thing in common between all soulmates; however, Everyone has a meter on their forearm, telling them how much danger their soulmate is in. Frequently, more often at night, you’d glance down and see your soulmate in danger. It worried you. What did they do that put them in danger so often? It worried you that they’d die before you got the chance to meet them.
You’ve gone twenty-six years of your life with only black and white vision. You’ve grown used to it. As you walked out of your Psychology for Genders lecture, you heard shouting. You slowly walked towards the commotion, following the others wanting to see what was happening.
You heard the crack of bone, closely followed by a loud cry of pain. Quickening your step, you reach the problem. A tall, young man hovered over a scrawny looking kid, his fist raised to land another blow to the smaller kid’s face. He had that typical bad boy look. A leather jacket clung to his frame, dark hair falling into his face. Another man stood next to him, with his arms crossed over his chest. He too was wearing a leather jacket. He seemed taller, more lanky and weak-perhaps that’s why he was just standing there. His light hair fell over his eyes, hiding the deep, dark color in them. The two of them wore black face masks, making it impossible to see who they were.
You moved your gaze to the kid on the ground, blood gushing from his nose. The darker haired man must have broken it. Before you knew what you were doing, you threw yourself in front of him, taking a blow to the stomach. You grunted in pain, glaring at the two men before you. They both seemed surprised at the interruption, but before anyone could react, the light haired one grabbed the dark haired boy and pulled him away, walking quickly.
You turned to the kid, reaching your hand out to help him up. “What was that about?” you ask, tilting your head to the side in curiosity.
He gives you a small smile, “I just got myself into some trouble, is all.” He replied.
“Well, let’s get you to the hospital. See what they can do for your nose.”
“Hey so uh..thank you for this. You really didn’t need to stop them.” The kid, who’s name you learned was Youngjae, said.
“It really wasn’t a problem.” you answered, smiling at him.
“You’re psychology major right?” He questions.
You nod, wondering where he was going to go with this. “Could you help me with child development and understanding the brain? I’m a med student and I plan to go into pediatrics, but I’m struggling with the brain.” “Yeah sure, I can help you. I’m free this Friday, if that works for you?” you propose. His nod confirms the date. “Awesome, then I will meet you at the library at say, 3 o’clock?”
“Yeah, that works for me. Again, thank you so much for your help.” he said.
All you could do was smile as you walked away.
It was a curious thing; why would anyone want to pick on him? What kind of trouble did he get into to deserve a broken nose? Maybe he got into trouble because of a girl? He didn’t seem like he’d do that though. Especially since everyone has their soulmate.
You got lost in thought as you walked, not paying any bit of attention to where you walked. That is, until you bumped into somebody. You stumbled, catching yourself before you fell face first to the cement. The person you bumped into let out a curse, clearly ready to admonish you for not paying attention to where you were going. He stopped short, taking in your appearance and who you are. You recognized him immediately as the light haired guy from earlier, the one who just stood there watching Youngjae get beat up. “It’s you” he breathed.
You stared at him, taking in every detail you could. You needed to report him to your dad, warn him there was someone violent out on the streets. A couple seconds passed with just the two of you staring at each other. Before anything could be said, you turned on your heel and walked away.
He chased after you, stopping you by grabbing onto your wrist and pulling you to face him. “Wait.” he demanded, “who are you?”
You pulled away from him, refusing to answer his question. Seeing him was the last thing you wanted to do. You felt sorry for his soulmate; anyone who had to deal with him didn’t deserve it.
You started walking away again, praying this time he’d leave you alone. A phone began ringing, and it took you a minute to realize it was your phone. Quickly taking it out of your pocket, you answered it without reading the caller I.D.
“Y/N where are you?” You’ve never been so relieved to hear your dad’s voice. “Your mom is making a fuss because dinner has been ready for the past twenty minutes, and you’re not here yet.” You could hear your mother complaining that dinner was ruined because she couldn’t heat it up without burning it.
“I’m sorry dad,” you apologized, “I got caught up in some things. I’ll tell you more about it when I get there. I think it’s definitely something you should look into.”
“Oh? You’re not hurt are you?” the concern in his voice made you smile.
“I’m fine. Might be a little sore in the morning, but I’m fine!” You reassured.
“How was your day at work? Any luck solving that murder case?”
“No.” he sighed, “The closer we get, the further we get.”
You glanced behind you as you walked, satisfied when you didn’t see the man from before behind you. Still, you didn’t want to hang up with your dad just yet, in case he lurked in the shadows.
Your dad was an investigator for the NIS. He was one of the best in the country. Of course, that meant you constantly had to move around, and sometimes you’d go months without seeing him. You were proud to call him your dad. He was loyal to the country and kept it safe. His job always worried your mom. Being the oldest daughter, you were the one to keep her sane while he was gone.
You didn’t hang up on him until you could see your house. They didn’t live too far from the hospital, which made the walk easy. You didn’t have to take the bus like you would have had you come from school.
The moment you opened the door to the house you could hear your mom complaining. “You know you didn’t have to wait for me right?” You called, announcing your arrival.
“Y/N!” You mom yelled, rushing over to you. “You’re late. And because you’re late dinner is cold.”
“Yeah..sorry mom. I had some things to take care of.” you replied.
“Why don’t we talk about that while we eat?” Your dad suggested.
Your stomach grumbled, announcing to everyone that you were ready for food. It was just you and your parents today. Your older brother was too busy with his work, and your younger sister was out with friends.
While you sat down at the table with your dad, your mom dished up the food. “So tell me all about what happened.” Your father said, leaning on the table.
“So, after class, I get out and there’s these two guys beating this kid up,” you launch into the story of your day, trying to give as much detail to your dad as you could. Of course, it’d be easier for him if you could give specific colors instead of the typical “Black, white, light, and dark.” One day though. One day you’d be able to describe colors to anyone who asked. You were sure of it.
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Imagine #23
Imagine being out until 3am watching fireworks with your bias to celebrate the new year. The moments spent together are filled with laughter and joy as you try to spot every color in the sky
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Crystal Snow
Chapter Three: Embarrassed
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 2841
Previous Chapters: 1, 2
Summary: In a world full of soulmates that can feel the other’s emotions, one would expect to know when their soulmate is hiding a secret
Warnings: mildly graphic description
You thought it was strange that you felt so calm. The air around you was warm and fresh, birds chirping in the distance and insects buzzing around you. It was like a movie. You looked down at his hand, only taking a moment to decide that you wanted to go with him.
His hand was large compared to your petite one, fingers long and nimble just like yours. Your hands fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. It was strange, you thought, that two people could fit so perfectly. It was a comforting thought nonetheless, that the man beside you was yours and there to help you. Namjoon squeezed your hand as he looked down at you, giving you a knowing smile. You blushed and looked away “Where are we going?” You pondered aloud.
“You’ll see in just a minute.” He replied. You noticed how despite feeling calm and collected, his eyes never stopped scanning your surroundings. He took in the high pitch of the birds chirp, the color of their feathers and their breed. He listened to every step you took, paying attention to how your light footsteps sounded so that in the future he wouldn’t mistake you for any body else. The last thing he wanted was to mistake you as an enemy. He shuddered at the thought of accidentally killing you. This caused you to look up at him “what’s wrong?” You asked simply.
He looked down at you, startled. He had forgotten the the person holding his hand was the one soul on earth that knew what he was feeling. “I’m just thinking” he replied, hoping you wouldn’t push him further.
Nodding, you merely squeezed his hand. Seeing as though the two of you had met a mere twenty minutes ago, it was too soon to press on personal thoughts. You wanted to get to know him more before you did everything couples seem to do.
Often times, soulmates moved quickly. It was typical to skip the dating and just get married. After all if you knew who your soulmate was, why wait? What people failed to realize is that sometimes a soulmate wasn’t who they were made out to be. Sometimes there were horrible secrets kept and other times, though rare, soulmates were only meant to be friends. It was easy to sympathize with those whose soulmate was simply to be their friend. Often times they never married. You hoped that that wouldn’t be the case with Namjoon and you. It didn’t seem likely though seeing the attraction already felt between you.
All of a sudden a young man came running up. Namjoon stopped walking and quickly let go of your hand; it was obvious the newcomer had seen your hands locked together, but he chose to pay no attention to it. The male hand short mint hair and brown eyes. He was tall, not quite as tall as Namjoon was, and quite handsome. He quirked an eyebrow at you, looking up and down as his tongue ran across his bottom lip. Namjoon was quick to step in front of you and block his line of sight.
“Yoongi,” he said “do you need something?” the air was tense as the two looked at each other. It was completely different than it had been when it was just the two of you. Namjoon was tense, as if he had been caught doing something bad. Was being with you wrong? You were just walking and trying to talk. The key word being try as the short conversations you had seemed awkward. At least to you. Though by extension that meant he felt awkward conversing.
The man who you now knew was Yoongi, bowed to Namjoon “Sir, people are asking for you.” He leaned to the side to look at you, giving you a wide smile. You could only shyly smile in return. “Who’s she?” he asked.
“She is the person who baked the cupcake you have on your face.” Namjoon replied, causing Yoongi to burst into loud laughter. Namjoon turned to look at you “We will talk later.” he nodded, more to himself than anything else. You watched as he swiveled around, and walked away. Yoongi stayed behind and stared at you.
“Why were you talking with Mr. Kim?” he asked, compelling you to quirk an eyebrow at him.
“I don’t see why you must know.” you countered.
As you began walking away, Yoongi grabbed your arm, “It’s my business to know everything that man does.” The look he gave you warned that if you didn���t say something you’d soon regret it. However, you knew that the whole soulmate thing would best be kept secret. Jerking your arm out of his grip, you quickly walked back to the business party, leaving Yoongi to stare after you. He swiftly took his phone out of his pocket and began researching you.
It was amazing how much one could find out from a name. Names are a very powerful concept in this world. The name Kim Namjoon was an almighty name that instilled fear in the hearts of men. Well, the men who knew who the real Kim Namjoon was. Most saw him as a CEO but a large portion of the corporate world feared him, knowing he was not a man to be reckoned with. Whereas your name, F/N L/N, simply made people think of popular food competitions. Often it made people begin craving some kind of dessert. Your name was not as impressive upon people’s minds as Namjoon and his followers were. Of course that could also have to do with the fact that in another world, Namjoon was known as “RM”. He did quite a bit of dirty work, being a well known torturer. He had taught himself the best torture methods, learning on the way how to enjoy the screams of his victims.
Yoongi, as he did a brief minute of research, was quick to realize why Namjoon had taken such an interest to you. Scrolling through your wikipedia page, he found a picture of you holding an elegant yet simple blue marble cake. In the picture, your sleeves were rolled up exposing your soul mark. Few people knew what Namjoon’s soul mark was and Yoongi, fortunately for him, was lucky enough to be one of them.
He stared in the direction you had gone, wondering if he should do something about this. In their line of work, soulmates were dangerous. If anyone found out about a soulmate, the partner was sure to disappear only to turn up two days later with their limbs missing. Yoongi should know. He recently kidnapped a male and left him dead on the porch of his target’s house.
Yoongi walked back to the party and stood watch over everyone. He was glad to see that Namjoon was nowhere near you and was in fact talking with the CEO of Soo Industries. Meanwhile you were simply standing by your cupcake display, looking like you were about to start packing up. The event was almost over anyway so it was only natural.
You were happy to see most of your cupcakes gone. As you watched the crowd slowly dissipate, you allowed yourself to eat one of the five leftover cupcakes.Your employees began disassembling the display and as you helped them, you found a piece of paper taped to the bottom of the stand. On it was a set of numbers, presumably a phone number, and three simple words: “call me tonight.” You smiled a little and pocketed the paper.
From the distance, Namjoon’s eyes watched you as he sipped on champagne.
Later that night, after you had closed your shop and gotten home, you took that paper out of your back pocket and looked at it. Your phone laid on the table, unlocked and ready for you to type in the number. You weren’t sure if you wanted to call, thinking texting would be better. You were always too business-like when talking on the phone, or so your best friend said. Still, that paper said to call so you that’s what you did. You dialed the number and put the phone to your ear. Almost immediately someone was answering the phone, “Who are you?” you recognized it as the voice of Yoongi. Suddenly there was a lump in your throat and you regretted calling.
You felt a sudden jolt of excitement from Namjoon as you heard shuffling on the phone. That was when you heard his voice “Y/N,” he breathed “I wasn’t sure you’d actually call.”
You giggled softly as you played with a loose string on your shirt. Before you managed to say something he spoke up again, “Do you wanna go out for coffee?”
In the background you could hear Yoongi say “Sir, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You heard Namjoon sigh and felt a wave of disappointment pierce you.
“We can meet at my bakery,” you offered, instantly feeling that sadness replaced with hope “it’s closed so no one but us would be there…” you chewed on your lip nervously.
“Brilliant idea! I’ll see you there!” He hung up after a quick goodbye.
You ran a hand through your hair and ran into your room. Shedding your jacket and top, replacing it with a light blue blouse with white flowers scattered around. Donning on a pair of black skinny jeans, a quick look in the mirror told you that you needed to do something with your hair. You didn’t want to do too much with it so you ran a brush through your hair and put it in a high ponytail. Since you lived only half a block from your shop, you decided you’d kill some time by going in and cooking up something special.
Yoongi stared at Namjoon, “What sounds brilliant?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“We are going to Y/N’s bakery.” He stated, leaving no room for argument as he walked out of the room.
Namjoon had quite the collection of cars. Most being black with darkened windows as to hide himself and any possible passengers he may have. However, for this occasion Namjoon chose an everyday car, leaving the more conspicuous cars for his seven men. He got into the silver 2016 Honda Accord. Opening the garage, he took off, far too excited to be able to get to talk with you.
Unlocking the front door to the bakery, you walked in and turned on the lights. The chairs were on the tables so you went to one close to the counter and took the chairs down. Going into the kitchen, you began taking out the ingredients to make strawberry shortcake. Mixing the baking soda, flour, and sugar, you began singing along to OneRepublic’s “All the Right Moves,” a song that was stuck in your head.
Leaving the cake to bake, you began making the whipped cream that would go along with it. You threw in some previously sliced strawberries to the cream. Glancing at the time, you saw it was now past 10:00pm. Namjoon would be there soon.
Unsure of how Namjoon preferred his coffee, or if he even wanted coffee, you decided to hold off on making any beverages until he arrived. In the meantime, you took the shortcake out of the oven. The bakery filled with the smell of freshly baked cake. The smell mixed with the scent of the strawberries, creating a sensational combination.
After letting it cool for a little while, you began putting the whip cream on the cake, topping it with whole strawberries. You set the cake on the table as well as two white ceramic plates.
Almost as soon as you began cleaning up the mess the bell rang, signaling someone had come in. You walked to the front and was greeted by the sight of Namjoon dressed in a deep purple button up and black slacks. The first two buttons were left undone, exposing a small glimpse of his chest. His brown hair was disheveled yet he somehow made it look stylish. He was breathtaking. “Good evening.” You greeted, walking up to him.
He grinned at you “Good evening! You’ve got a nice place.” he said, looking around. The walls were light blue with white snowflake decals. Fairy lights hung around the walls and chandeliers from the ceiling. The tables were made of white marble and the chairs made of black wood. The colors all contrasted well and gave off the feel of a winter wonderland. Everything seemed to glitter under the lights, including the floor. The pastry display was empty, waiting to be filled with tomorrow’s batches of goods.
“Thank you,” you looked down at your feet for a second then looked back up at your soulmate “would you like some coffee? Or tea?” You offered, leading him to the table you had set up.
“Tea please.” Namjoon sat at the table and stared at the strawberry shortcake, pleasantly surprised. As you went back to make some tea, Namjoon asked, “Did you just make this? It smells amazing.”
“I did actually. I hope you like it” Filling a kettle and putting it on the stove, you lit the fire to let the water boil. You took out two tea cups and put in a bag of peppermint tea, making sure it was all ready for when the water was done. You came back to the table to find that Namjoon had already cut you a slice of the cake and was in the middle of cutting one for himself.
Things felt a lot more comfortable now than at his business party. Perhaps it was simply because of the feel of your bakery, or maybe because now the two of you were alone. At least that’s what you thought. The seven men closest to Namjoon surrounded the area of your bakery, keeping watch for any suspicious activities. Six of the seven were quite confused as to why Namjoon would drive over an hour simply to go to a bakery. The newest addition, Minhyuk, was especially curious. He had yet to find out who the real Namjoon was and was still under the impression that the man was as cruel as can be. Yoongi had stayed quiet about the whole soulmate thing. This was something for Namjoon to announce, not him.
Your laugh filled the silence of the bakery as you watched Namjoon clumsily drop the first bite of his cake onto his right leg. You were quick to provide him with plenty of napkins to clean himself with. At the same time the kettle squealed, screaming that the water was at its boiling point. You sprinted to the back, turning off the stove and taking the kettle to pour the water in the two cups. You walked back to Namjoon, seeing he had composed himself and marginally cleaner than he had been seconds before.
“So what inspired the name of your bakery?” Namjoon asked “Why ‘Winter Serendipity’?”
“Well, it’s simple really. Because of the mark we share, I’ve always had an obsession with the season and often times you have provided me with a sense of peace, happiness and safety, hence serendipity.” You blushed as you explained, slightly embarrassed to say he was a large part of your inspiration for the name.
He gave you a soft smile, exposing his dimples. Without thinking you reached across the table and poked his dimples, causing his smile to widen into a large grin. He laughed softly, watching your face turn redder than the strawberries on the cake. You shrieked and immediately stood, embarrassed. He found your actions quite endearing. He watched as you ran off to the back, amused by the embarrassment you were feeling.
You took deep breaths, willing for the redness to disappear as you grabbed the two tea cups. You brought them to the table, turning to walk back towards the kitchen. However, Namjoon prevented you from walking away by standing and grabbing your wrist. He pulled you to his body and wrapped his strong arms around your frame. He squeezed you to him, a smile seemingly to have permanently etched itself onto his face. “You are beyond adorable.” He said endearingly.
His comment only made you blush more. You were thankful he couldn’t see your face. All too soon he let go of you, sitting back down in his chair. You had forgotten why you were going back to the kitchen so you sat down as well. When you sipped on your tea your eyes widened. Swallowing your gulp you exclaimed “Sugar! That’s what I needed!’ You stood and ran back, bringing a container of sugar out. Namjoon laughed at your antics, already seeming to fall into the dangerous trap of love.
The rest of the night continued like that, with the two of you constantly laughing at each other while getting to know the other’s personality. You spent hours talking and it wasn’t until it was 1:06AM that you finally bade each other goodnight.
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Imagine #22
Imagine a few year after you move out of your parents’ house you get a phone call from your mom telling you that your childhood pet has died. Your bias had planned a fun date for you that night but when they arrived to your apartment they find you sobbing on the couch. That pet had been dear to your heart so when you explain to your bias how you didn’t even get to say goodbye, they sit next to you and pull you close, comforting you. Eventually you fall asleep to the sound of their heartbeat. ~Admin Satan
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Imagine #21
You and your bias are going to a haunted house, feeling afraid. Screams could be heard while waiting in line and it made you guys extremely anxious. When you walk in, you had your arms linked together so you wouldn’t lose each other. It didn’t seem bad at first but when you got deeper into the house, you saw a graphic image of a man whose half-ripped face is hooked to many chains and pleading for help. Then, you started hearing the revving of a chainsaw getting closer and closer. Panic reached your peak and made you and your bias run, both flailing your arms around. You accidentally separated with your bias and you were forced to survive the rest of the trek until you found your bias. You managed to survive until you got outside. When you thought it was over, the guy with the chainsaw suddenly appeared in front of you and you had to hustle and bustle away until you eventually reached the exit. Your bias wasn’t there to meet you and you had to wait for another 8 minutes until they got out. You ask why it took them so long for them to get out.
“Well you see… I accidentally took a wrong turn and I ended up in the staff only area. A ghost lady took me back and showed me where I had to go to finish,” they said sheepishly.
You smirked. “This wouldn’t’ve happened if you didn’t let go of my hand and started sprinting, babe.”
“Excuse me! It was you who let go of my hand!”
You guys continued arguing until you got home and decided that you both were at fault for failing to keep your grip on each other. After a long night, you guys treat each other to nice hot chocolate and your favorite movie.
Hi guys! Make sure you make a request if you have an idea for us to write! *Reminder!* No smut! - Admin Cookie Monster 🍪👹
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Imagine #20
Imagine you are a serial killer. You've killed countless people around the world and have yet to be caught. You're the best of the best and wanted in 98 countries. No one knows what you look like which one of the various reasons as to why you haven't been caught by authorities yet. Currently, you were watching your biases every move. You studied their everyday life, waiting for the exact moment to strike. But one day you accidentally ran into them while at a coffee shop. You had turned and spilt your coffee on them. This prompted you to act like a decent human and offer to buy them a new shirt. They couldn't refuse the offer because they found you to be breathtakingly stunning and they knew they'd be stupid to let this opportunity slip. As you bought them a new shirt, they gave you their number and you set up a date to meet again. You figured this would be great and you'd have an easier time killing your target now that you were getting close to them. However, you didn't know that you'd fall in love with them. You didn't know that you'd buy an apartment with them and stop killing people. You didn't know that they'd end up proposing to you and you certainly couldn't have known that you'd say yes. The two of you eventually got married and life was great until one day, you got into a fight. Your past was slowly starting to catch up to you so you were forced to stay out later and later each night. This led to your bias thinking you were having an affair with someone. Shouting soon erupted between the two of you. You had tried so hard to keep your past from being exposed to your spouse because you knew they'd leave you. You tried to convince them that it was just work. You promised with everything you were that you weren't having an affair with someone. But they wouldn't listen, too blind by jealousy and pain to actually listen. They had begun to walk away from you, out of the kitchen and towards the door. Panicking, you grabbed a knife and threw it at them, aiming to only hurt. But the knife slipped from your hand. You hadn't thrown a knife in years. You were rusty with your skills. Instead of hitting their leg like you had meant to, you hit their back. A gasp could be heard from your significant other as they fell to their knees. Quickly running to them, you pulled the knife from their back and apologized over and over, begging them to stay alive. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you watched the light fade from their eyes. They opened their mouth to say something but before they could, their body went limp in your arms and you could have sworn that you saw their soul leave their body. You screamed and begged any god listening for them to come back, for them to breathe but nothing could be done. You had finally killed them, you bitterly thought. This was your final kill as later that night, you turned yourself into the police. No one thought that the world renowned serial killer would turn themselves in. It made the headlines of every news outlet across the globe. You were locked up in an American prison because you originally came from America. The Supreme Court had decided that death was being too merciful to you and that you were to spend the rest of your days rotting in a cell, all alone in an unknown place. -Admin Satan
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Imagine #19
Imagine you and your bias and best internet friends. You have a fan account for him and he has one for himself. One day you’re watching an interview and you hear your bias mention how they actually frequent social media and mentions a conversation you had with your internet friend. After the interview goes viral you get a notification and that’s when your bias reveals to you who they actually are. ~admin Satan
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Imagine #18
Imagine you are dating your bias. You’ve been dating for five years now and they were planning to propose soon. Both of you liked to ride motorcycles. You had a Road King while your bias had a Road Glide. Everyday the two of you rode to work and on the weekends you’d go out and ride to random places. It was your favorite past time. Today, you were having a particularly stressful day at work. You worked as a secretary for the CFO of a large company. You had been running all over the place trying to find important files in the dark as the power had gone out. You couldn’t wait to get home to your boyfriend and cuddle. Once you got off work, you go out to your motorcycle. Sighing, you put your helmet on and ride home. On your way, you get stuck in traffic because of an accident involving a motorcycle and car. As you rode by the scene, you could see blood on the road and a body on the ground. The body presumably belonged to the motorcyclist and your heart went out to the family of the victim. You couldn’t see much though because you needed to pay attention to the road more than the accident. However, something felt off. You felt like you knew the person you had seen. Shaking it off, you continued your ride home. You almost missed your house because there were two cop cars outside. Getting off your bike, you go to greet the officers standing at your doorstep. The officers turn when they hear you approach and give you a look of sympathy “Y/N?” one asks. You nod your head in confusion “How may I help you officers today?” you ask. The officer who spoke before takes a deep breath before saying “We regret to inform you that Y/B/N has been involved in a serious accident. I’m afraid they have died at the scene of the accident” You stare at the two officers in shock, barely noticing the one pull a small box out of his pocket. He hands it to you and you take it. Opening it up, you find a small diamond ring inside. Suddenly you feel hot tears run down your cheeks as you fall to the ground. That’s when you realize that it was your boyfriend you had seen lying on the ground as you rode home. The officers help you inside and let you grieve your loss in private. ~Admin Satan
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Hey guys, Admin Satan here. The other admins and I were wondering something. Would you all like us to post fanfics/oneshots as well as imagines?
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reblog if you want your idols to just be safe and happy 24/7
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Imagine #17
Imagine you and your bias walking in the park and stopping at a bench to do some drawings. You attempt to draw what you think is a bird perching on its nest. You didn’t know your bias was secretly making a sketch of you focusing on the bird. When you guys finally show your drawings, you’re suddenly amazed by your bias’s drawing skills while you silently judge yourself and thinking about how much you need to learn from them. You question if the person on the drawing is supposed to be you due to the beautiful details on their sketch. Your bias chuckles and tells you that it’s supposed to be you. You flush in embarrassment and apologize. They tell you it’s okay and as you walk around the park some more, they put their arms around you.
I changed my admin name from Fluff to Cookie Monster! - Admin Cookie Monster 🍪👹
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Imagine #16
This might be lowkey triggering? It's about cutting yourself while cooking dinner One day you decide to prepare dinner for your bias and yourself. While you're slicing the onions, you accidentally cut your finger. You drop the knife on the counter and rush to the sink, immediately cleaning the injury and trying to stop the bleeding. It's at this time that your bias comes home. As they walk over to greet you, they see your bleeding finger and immediately help bandage it up. After it's all taken care of, they take over preparing dinner and make you rest. ~Admin Satan
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Imagine #15
Warnings: harassment. But it doesn’t go into very much detail. Like, at all
Imagine you’re in your fourth year of college. Throughout this last year, there has been a guy that would not stop touching you no matter how much you told him to stop. You’d report him to your professor but nothing would be done. Your bias often saw this guy touch you and whenever they could, they’d step in and stop them. Recently, the incidents have been increasingly worse and each time your bias saves you. One day, the guy troubling you steps far over the line and your bias steps in despite being really sick. They had known there’d be trouble that day which is why they went to class instead of staying in their dorm. Your bias then takes you to report this guy and you can’t thank them enough. Later that week, you’re out at the mall with your friends. Even though you know you shouldn’t be alone, you wander off into a clothing store. You go to the back and as you are about to leave, the guy who has been harassing you shows up with a group of friends. You try to hide but it’s too late, they’ve already seen you and begin making their way towards you. You try to run but they grab you before you can. A worker comes by and immediately you get let go of, giving you the chance to run away. You go to the next store and hide under a table. Your bias is shopping in this store and sees you hide. They were going to go to you but then the guy and his friends come into the store looking for you. Your bias takes matters into their own hands and starts creating a distraction. You’re still under the table, watching your bias make a fool of themselves in order to get rid of the guys troubling you. When they leave, your bias discretely goes to the table your under and makes sure your safe for as long as you let them. ~Admin Satan
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Imagine #14
Imagine your bias enlisting in the military and going off to war. They send you letters expressing their love whenever they can. Usually you'd get a letter once a month. However, one month they stop. It takes two months to learn they went missing and another three for someone to find them in a bar. When they're sent home, they're not who they used to be and suffer from severe PTSD. You try to help them as much as you can but they seclude themselves from you, spending most of their time not talking to anyone, just writing songs about how they felt. You were always there for them when they needed you the most, especially at night. Eventually, after many months, they slowly start to open themselves up to you. They had forgotten a lot of the basics like what your favorite color was and how many pairs of shoes you owned. However, they tried their best to strengthen the relationship you two had. While they never fully recovered from PTSD, they did learn how to live with it and so did you. Eventually the two of you got married and had children, living your lives as happily as you could. -admin satan
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