OnlyOneOf ‘Dot Point Jump’ Album Review
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A dark horse remains in the shadows until they find the perfect moment to burst onto the scene and showcase what they have — and OnlyOneOf seems to be the dark horse of the new generation’s rookies. They have proven to be quite a capable group, as well as distinct from the rest of their competition. A lot of the time people cite only “savanna” as a good release even though this entire album has quite a few unique and outstanding songs. In a similar manner to Loona (who also had Jaden Jeong as their creative director), they impress with their title but excel in keeping the people interested through their b-sides. 01. “OnlyOneOf You” With “OnlyOneOf You” they make a very pleasant intro into the album, although it’s not short, as most intros are, it’s really easy on the ears while also incorporating the standard electro tunes found in a lot of other K-Pop intro tracks. The singing isn’t jaw-dropping but it’s very stable and calming with an easy-going type of feeling throughout. It showcases their modern sound while also making a distinction between members with all of them singing in their preferred tone. I wish the final chorus was more outstanding, because as it is, it builds up well and then just continues in the same way as the other two did. This isn’t a giant con, but it definitely caught my attention.
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Rating: 4/5 02. “Time Leap” As the title suggests, “Time Leap” pays homage specifically to early 2000s music, with a garage band type of sound being implemented. It is a nice homage but it also takes a lot from the original, with the song itself not feeling very unique but instead sounding dated. The rappers get more of a showcase in “Time Leap”, which is nice as their rapping is fairly good. Their attempts at unison throughout the song vary from ok to pretty bad, which could also be attributed to bad mixing but the parts weren’t very enjoyable nonetheless. I found myself nodding my head while listening, despite the many flaws, and the track having this rare retro sound also gives it points on my side. 
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Rating: 3/5 03. “Savanna” Now this is how you debut a rookie group. You give them a title track that stands out from everything else currently on the market, and make it so that even the people listening aren’t sure what to think. The first time you listen to this song, it might sound off-tune or like it’s all over the place, but every consequent listen gives you another piece of the puzzle and lets you enjoy it more. The song perfectly showcases the savanna theme through tropical sounds, slow singing and a high-tempo beat. These three things combined, specifically with the boys solid singing in a very relaxed matter, allow me to imagine myself travelling through the savanna, admiring the tall grass and beautiful wildlife. Something that must be mentioned is how well the melody instills the feeling of serenity without boring the listener.
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Rating: 4.5/5 04. “Blossom” Recently, many groups have been doing the bloom/blossom/flowering theme and this is very similar to them. Fortunately, the rap line have time to shine again with more rapping all-around, their parts also serve as a contrast to the happy-go-lucky singing in the rest of the song. This song seems to suffer from bad mixing and too many sounds overlapping, which overloads the ears at times. The only real thing that differentiates this from other similarly themed tracks is how aggressive it is in showcasing the blossoming, this aggressiveness also ends up having a lot of screetching and lacking an actual highlight moment to enjoy.
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Rating: 2/5 05. “Picasso” Artistic is the main theme of this song, showing off their sexy side through artistic expression and mixing their voices with a deep bass to emphasize individual voices. Having a backing echoing synthesised melody keeps the song feeling relaxed and smooth sounding. All of their voices go well with low-tempo songs, and with their voices periodically being edited, it pulls you further into the song and its cool vibe. The arrangement of the song is pretty good as well, with it shifting the melody very nicely while also keeping their voices balanced.
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Rating: 4/5 06. “Fragile” Once again, the song follows its theme perfectly. The opening piano sounds beautiful, and the hushed lead-in ideally builds up the chorus. The drop itself, besides being so well timed, has the addition of a very melodic phrase sung in a way that stimulates your ears. It’s so sudden and catches the listener's attention immediately, without having to rely specifically on an increase in volume. The theme of being fragile, and the sudden shift in sound fit so nicely with one another. Although it might seem like quite a simple thing to do, it’s quite creative and worthy of high praise. I really can’t overstate how much I enjoyed this song, definitely my favorite of the album.
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Rating: 5/5 If you're interested in listening to this album, check it out on Spotify, or the dot point jump playlist on YouTube. The album follows each of the individual tracks themes to a T. It really shows that a lot of effort was put into making these tracks. While every song may not be a masterpiece, the majority of the tracks are quite enjoyable. I have to say this album is really a hidden gem in a plethora of other albums that, a lot of the time, aren’t as colorful and flavorful as this one is.
Overall Rating:
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3.5/5 Read the full article
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Younha 'Unstable Mindset' Album Review
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Unstable mindset (Younha)  Unstable Mindset is Younha's fifth mini-album with a contrasting title to her previous EP Stable Mindset. The tracks on this winter-themed album seem to share the sound of melancholy. If winter blues had a sound, it would be this album. Whether it is the higher and rather filled songs like "Winter Flower" or more low-key ones like "See You," all of them are gorgeously tinged with desolation.
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1. Winter Flower Due to it featuring RM of BTS, "Winter Flower" received a lot of attention and positive feedback overall.The song gradually builds up a trance-like atmosphere, starting with low-key and heavy piano with bassy percussion joining in later. A blooming pre-chorus sounds which allows an overflowing and hard-hitting chorus to follow. The heavy guitar, buzzing synths, thick bass, gritty percussion, RM’s adlibs and the powerful vocals make up for an impactful chorus which feels like a blasting snowstorm. Younha's voice wraps around the melody skillfully as it assists in heightening the climax of the song.  The bridge explodes into the culminating last chorus in which Younha’s voice pierces through the soul. “Winter Flower” is a sentimental song which gives a feeling of abandonment. The imagery of running away and abandoning worldly worries comes to mind especially when the chorus hits, giving an odd sense of serenity. It is a seasonal masterpiece and definitely my favorite track from the EP.
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Rating: 5/5 2. Dark Cloud  "Dark Cloud"—another powerful ballad—takes on a gentle start with minor key piano that evolves to major key along with the addition of light percussion. The barely audible sound of rain is present at the start.  Like every song on this EP, Younha’s vocals stand out. The chorus is a mesh of synths, guitars and sweet harmonies, and the high note further adds to its fullness. The contrast of whispering vocals along with the intensification in guitars in the second chorus is eargasmic. The bridge gives off a distorting vibe as the same note on piano is played continuously. The song ends with the sound of rain and thunder as tranquil piano is heard in the background.   
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Rating: 4/5 3. See You   I would have barely liked this song if it wasn’t for the euphonious vocals. It starts off with Younha’s vocals lightly floating on a somber piano. The sound shifts to a brighter one in the chorus as a few strings and light percussion joins in.   The second half of the song is less empty than the first one with the addition of percussive rhythm in the verses. Younha’s flavorful voice and honeyed harmonies along with the twinkling piano save this song from being bland. Nonetheless, it still feels rather empty and lacking.
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 Rating: 3/5  4. One Day of Twenty  “One Day of Twenty” has a brighter sound compared to the other tracks from this EP. It is a nostalgic-sounding track which is fitting according to the lyrics. Hovering piano, twinkling sounds and light percussion fuse together as Younha recalls her memories of being in love.  It is sentimentally sweet but not nearly as interesting as the first two tracks. It lacks any special element that might catch one’s attention. 
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Rating: 2.5/5  5. “26” The album comes to an end with another bright song having an uplifting and pop sound. Unlike its two predecessors, “26” is a lush song bursting with energy. Bassy metallic drums, electric guitars and strings are just the perfect combination to finish off this album. The outro is the most exciting part of the song as the guitar intensifies along with the increase in the pace of the percussive rhythm. It is an upbeat song like this adds to the diversity of the album and saves it from being passively gloomy. It adds a more vibrant color to the monochromatic palette of the EP.
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Rating: 4/5 
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Overall, Unstable Mindset is a memorable album and one of the best of January from the K-pop scene. It proved to be diverse enough in terms of sound while sharing a mutual seasonal theme. The EP has earned Younha more recognition and I look forward to hearing more from her in the future.
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Overall Album Rating: 3.5/5 Read the full article
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Top 10 KPop Highlights of January 2020: KS Picks
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January 2020 marks the beginning of a new decade and a new era for Kpop. With a few soft, wistful ballads remaining yet nothing too exciting to anticipate, January was a slower month for interesting releases. However, with some heavy digging, KS Press brings to you some of the most intriguing releases of the month. Horizon (ATEEZ)
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Spotify / YouTube Starting the new decade with a bang, ATEEZ came back with their new mini-album Treasure Epilogue: Action to Answer. From this album, “Horizon” particularly stands out from the crowd for its unusual sound and distinct tone. With a distorted, repeating vocal sample in the background and hard-hitting chorus that drives the song, “Horizon” perfectly captures ATEEZ’s unique, raw sound which has caused them to grow in popularity so quickly. A particularly interesting addition is the enhanced synth to the chorus during the climax of the song as it reaches an impactful conclusion. ATEEZ always has at least one song on their albums worthy of fulfilling the position of title track: “Horizon” was this one. The song's dance theme is recurrent yet it hits differently each time, leaving the listener craving for more. —Tato Winter Flower (Younha feat. RM)
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Spotify / YouTube Dabbling in bright, compelling EDM with a certain sense of security and reassurance, Younha's "Winter Flower" brings comfort in bleak periods. Off her Unstable Mindset EP, the track is an absolute emotional banger with emergent kickdrums and Younha's explosive voice soaring high on top of a motivational instrumental. The chords are right within Younha's wheelhouse, but her artistry has never been bolder. The rightful successor to her 2017 masterpiece "RescuE," "Winter Flower" features RM's magnetic voice chanting words of solace. The track is rightfully named "Winter Flower," as it is an artistic bloom for Younha along with hinting at a resilient flower that blooms in the harshest conditions. —Mortie All for You (Sechskies)
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Spotify / Youtube This marks not only the first Sechskies comeback since 2017 but also as the first one as a four-member group. “All for You” is the title song of their first mini-album All For You and follows the softer side of the first-generation K-pop group.  This song is about someone who tries their all for their special someone despite making mistakes and not being perfect. Saying how they wish their lover would say yes and that they would do everything for them. It definitely is a song that can live up to Sechskies classics like Couple and Hunch.  — Jen
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Spotify / Youtube Wish (DreamNote) DreamNote came back in January with a bang. “Wish” is a song with magical and ethereal undertones in the base of the melody. Dream Wish, the album that accompanies this title is in general following this trend set by the title. The song is all about themes like dreams, courage and feelings being expressed. It falls in line with what this girl group has been offering to fans since their debut. —Jen AnySong (Zico)
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Spotify / Youtube Zico talks about the feeling of having no interest towards life and is pleading to play in his upbeat, relatable single “AnySong.” With a swinging, playful rhythm, Zico expresses how he finally wants to feel refreshed and excited. The song mixes in jazz and shakers during moments which creates an almost comical tone as well being muffled during points, mirroring Zico’s confusion. Similar to songs like Dean’s “Instagram,” “AnySong” talks about the feelings of this generation in a way that is understandable. It discusses this topic in a relatable way and in a fitting mood. — Jen & Tato
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Spotify / Youtube Say My Name (ANS) With the arrival of two new members, J and Haena, "Say My Name" marks ANS' first comeback and their first release as 8 members. The powerful and fierce song showcases ANS' impressive stage presence and their angel-like vocals. The single is a pop-based EDM dance track that captivates listeners with a highly addictive chorus. "Say My Name" perfectly captures the group's charisma and confidence. —Dani My Tragedy (Taeyeon)
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Spotify / Youtube With a striking melancholy accordion to begin the song, "My Tragedy" paints a pensive and somber picture. The song is filled to the brim with rich guitar riffs, strong drums, and compelling vocals. Perhaps reflecting herself, the song speaks of loneliness and separation as one falls mercilessly to their doom, highlighted by Taeyeon’s fragmented voice especially during the last chorus. The accordion makes a dramatic reappearance during the bridge and the finale, the circular structure emphasizing her trapped state as she repeats the same cycle over and over again leading to an ultimate downfall. Loaded with personal gems, Purpose is an album that speaks close to Taeyeon. With its repackage, she captivates listeners yet again with her enchanting voice and emotive songs. —Tato
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Spotify / Youtube Paradise (Siyeon; Dreamcatcher) Siyeon has been getting well-deserved attention for her vocals since her cover of "Speechless." It was a smart decision to give her a solo right now, especially one that showcases her vocals. "Paradise" is not only carried by vocals but also the soaring instrumentation. Starting off with light fluttering piano, the song slowly fuses electropop elements to create a buildup for the synth-driven chorus. The instrumental is dense but not overpowering, in fact it further highlights the vocals. The instrumental fully numbs down till the last verse of the bridge as Siyeon's soulful voice shines in it. "You are always in my heart" complements the climactic chorus that follows. Overall, the song has a motivational feel, one similar to "Into the new world".— Skinnny Flat Dog (HYUKOH)
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Spotify / Youtube “Flat Dog” is a song from the K-indie band HYUKOH’s latest album Through Love. The retro-rock piece gives off a loafing and careless vibe, like a sweet summer nap.   The instrumental is pretty consistent throughout with a trumpet and drums dominating along with the addition of an electric guitar which adds more soul to the song. The mischievous-whisper singing style is as playful as IU’s “23.” The song is easy on the ears and perfect for cafés and such public places. —Skinnny
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Spotify / Youtube Go Away Go Away (Chanyeol, Punch) Chanyeol and Punch come back with another heartfelt ballad this January. Chanyeol's husky baritone voice against Punch's melodic soprano voice make for a gorgeous duet. Driven by an acoustic guitar with occasional twinkling synths, the track revels in one quality - nostalgia. The chords are burgeoningly nostalgic and paint a certain aural aesthetic that touches the hearts of listeners. With lyrics about loneliness and reassurance, the track is the perfect ballad addition to our list and deserving to be one of the highlights of January. — Mortie Honourary Mentions: OnlyOneOf - dOra Maar VeriVery - Photo Jun & Chan (A.C.E) - Where You Are Super Junior - Ticky Tock Read the full article
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JBJ95 North American Tour SCENT Dates and Locations
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The cities JBJ95 will be visiting for their 2020 Scent tour have been released. 
The dates and cities they will be visiting are:
05.23 — Los Angeles
05.24 — San Fracisco
05.26 — Houston
05.28 — Chicago
05.29 — Dallas
05.31 — New York
06.02 — Washington DC
06.03 — Toronto
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Koeun and Lami of SMRookies Removed From Naver Page
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Two long-time SMRookie members Lami and Koeun have had their profiles removed from SMRookie’s official Naver page. Lami’s profile still indicates that she is still under SM. There has been no news of the remaining rookies Hina and Ninging.
SM’s lineup is supposedly going to be revealed at a stockholder meeting in early March. 
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Ladies’ Code Leaves Polaris Ent.
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Following the end of their contract, all three members of Ladies’ Code have decided to not renew with Polaris Entertainment. 
Members Ashley, Zuny, and Sojung are however keeping the Ladies’ Code name.
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PinkFantasy MDD 아름답지 않아 (Not Beautiful) MV Teaser 2
PinkFantasy MDD’s second MV teaser for 아름답지 않아 (Not Beautiful) is out! PinkFantasy MDD, comprised of members Yechan and Yubeen, is the group’s second subunit. 
아름답지 않아 will be released on December 19. 
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gugudan’s Sejeong to Make Solo Debut
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gugudan and former IOI member Sejeong will be making her solo debut soon! She will be releasing a single album sometime in December. 
 Are you excited for God Sejeong’s solo debut?
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Rainbow Over the Rainbow Teasers
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More teasers are out for Over The Rainbow, Rainbow’s special 10th anniversary release. The colourful teasers fit perfectly to the group’s namesake, with the members sporting their official colours. 
Over The Rainbow will be their first song since their 2016 disbandment, with its release on November 14. 
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EXID’s Hani Confirmed for Lead Role in Upcoming Web Drama
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Leggos will be having new content soon! Hani has been confirmed to play the lead role in the upcoming web drama XX, which is expected to air in January 2020.
The EXID member will play the role of a speakeasy bartender.
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Hinapia Special Group Photo
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Another group teaser photo is out for Hinapia’s debut! The concept teaser shows the members looking fierce and serving their usual visuals. 
Hinapia will make their official debut on November 3, though they have already had their debut stage on Show Champion.
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One of SHINee’s most well-known songs, Lucifer focuses more on the danceability of the song.  Focusing on the rhythmic aspect, Lucifer has an almost robotic quality to it. While not the most Halloween song the group has put out, Lucifer’s catchiness, memorableness, and overall memability place it on this list. Besides, the members’ hairstyles should be enough to cause nightmares for any fans.
VAV made their debut with the EP Under the Moonlight, with the promoted single sharing the same name as the EP. While not their best song due to the production quality—the chorus is sloppily executed, making it hard for listeners to focus—it does do a decent job of showcasing the members’ abilities. The darker imagery portrayed in the lyrics and the music video make it a good Halloween song. VAV recently came back with Poison following a few member changes, and we can’t wait to see them continue growing in the future!
Dark castles, sirens, and of course witches are all things you should expect in Boyfriend’s Witch. The music video itself is very reminiscent of Halloween: from the cobwebs to the overall colour palette, everything had a grayscale effect, which made the red hues from the blood stand out a lot more. The melody has a lighter feel, contrasting nicely with the heavier, louder background music.
If you prefer slightly more plot-heavy music videos, look no further than History’s Psycho. The music video, though not perfect, does provide an interesting twist at the end. The song itself is not spectacular, but makes a good listen nonetheless, especially for older Kpop fans wanting to listen to some older releases for the kicks. 
Which song is your favourite? There are many great Halloween-inspired KPop songs, and this list is by no means comprehensive of them all. Hopefully you have enjoyed these songs as much as we enjoyed them.
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Before their unfortunate disbandment, SPEED were known for their incredible choreographies (they’re the group who did that one dance in Wheelies). Though admittedly not their strongest song, Zombie Party makes an excellent addition to any Halloween playlist. Dramatic scream of an opening aside, the prominent bass line augments the darker feel of the song. Add in the zombie-inspired makeup on the members, and voilà! a perfect Halloween song!
Though the song may not be as Halloween-oriented as the rest of the songs on this list, Married to the Music has undoubtedly one of the most Halloween music videos in KPop. WIth its low budget horror film atmosphere, and plenty of (fake) blood. The song, composed by a team including LDN Noise and Kenzie, is a definite earworm worthy of losing your head over, much like Key in the video.
Ghostbusters is without a doubt one of the most iconic Halloween movies. It’s only fitting then for a full comeback inspired by this film, at least for Dongkiz. And they deliver. Complete with samplings of the original Ghostbusters theme, BlockBuster is a cuter twist to the Halloween classic. Despite its heavier instrumentation, the group’s vocals help maintain a lighter atmosphere. With BlockBuster being their first comeback, we can’t wait to see what the future holds for Dongkiz!
VIXX is known to have some of the most unique concepts in KPop, and Voodoo Doll is only one of many iconic concepts. Incredible choreography aside, the song itself has a prominent synth line, giving Voodoo Doll an edgier sound. The heavy instrumentation adds to this effect. The music video is however not for the weak. Skin mutilation, blood, and other possible triggers are present in the video, making the horror element even stronger.
Another Halloween classic, Xia delivers one of Kpop’s most eerie songs, Tarantallegra. Named after the spell in Harry Potter that would cause the victim’s legs to spasm uncontrollably, almost as if they were dancing, Tarantallegra lives up to its namesake. Autotune is used liberally throughout the song, in contrast to the orchestrational buildup of the intro.
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Although it starts innocently enough, T-ara’s music video for Lovey Dovey quickly comes with the group’s famous plot twists with the start of a zombie apocalypse. Another electropop/bubblegum pop anthem delivered by T-ara, it’s impossible to listen to this song without wanting to start shuffling away, despite the screams that punctuate the song.
Starting with a grim accordion intro, SunnyHill’s Midnight Circus begins with a foreboding mood. The use of organs and brass instruments, as well as the alteration of the members’ voices to sound more brassy, furthers the unsettling atmosphere of the song. The visuals of the music video are teeming with puppets, bird cages, and the imagery of the members’ emotionless, doll-like faces, continuing the narrative of them being trapped conveyed through the lyrics.
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f(x) is famous for having an incredible discography and Dracula doesn’t disappoint. Hailing from their album Red Light, Dracula follows the album’s overall darker mood. With its catchy chorus punctuated with screams scattered throughout the song, Dracula makes for an excellent listen for the spooky season. 
Red Velvet makes another appearance, but this time with a cuter concept. Bad Dracula from their Russian Roulette EP toys with the idea of vampires and lend it a cuter, sweeter charm, contrasting with their predecessor f(x)‘s Dracula. With their sugary vocals, who can't help but fall in love with Red Velvet? 
4MINUTE may be disbanded, but their music will always stay with us. Black Cat from their iconic Volume Up EP, is one of many gems in their discography. Featuring a heavy percussion section, Black Cat has an incredibly tight rhythm section that amplifies the song’s fast pace. Meanwhile, the lyrics weave a narrative of the members warning their lover to watch out, as they are as dangerous as a black cat.
Lumos! The members of DIA are ready to light up your world with their Harry Potter-inspired song Mr. Potter. Catchy chorus and colourful music video aside, various spells are chanted throughout the song. There are four spells, one which appears twice, in Mr. Potter. Can you find them all?
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Halloween is here and what’s a better way to celebrate than listening to these spooky Kpop songs? Here are some fun Halloween-inspired tunes to get you in the Halloween mood.
The seven girls of Dreamcatcher are most definitely no strangers to horror concepts. Their debut song Chase Me is no exception. Following the MV’s brief intro, the listeners are introduced to the group’s signature hard-hitting  J-Rock style. With the MV being filled to the brim with The Shining references, what’s not to love? 
Speaking of Halloween, it’s impossible to leave out TT, which is arguably one of Twice’s most popular songs. With the members adorably dressed in various costumes (after all, who can forget Tzuyu’s iconic vampire look?), and the trick-or-treat segment, TT makes a great addition to any Halloween playlist with its undeniable cute charm.
What screams Halloween more than werewolves, cobwebs, cemeteries, and Howliwood? Perhaps Really Bad Boy? The song starts off strong from the get-go, with Irene’s D7.Another girl group MV with The Shining references, Red Velvet delivers a darker twist to their now-characteristic camp styling.
Rookie groups of 2019 are not here to play, and PinkFantasy attests to that. Iriwa marks their striking debut, with their breathy vocals that complement perfectly with the MV’s misty scenery. Gone are the cute bunnies, and in are the unsettlingly eerie and still atmosphere. Their latest comeback Fantasy seems to continue this darker visual, and we can’t wait to see them grow in the future.
Sunmi is here with a sultrier addition to this list with none other than Full Moon. The soloist’s earlier solo discography includes this iconic single. Though significantly darker and less bubblegum than her recent releases, Full Moon still maintains Sunmi’s signature eccentric look and sound.
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OnlyOneOf line sun goodness Group Concept Teaser 2
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The second group concept teaser for OnlyOneOf’s comeback line sun goodness are out! The black and white teaser continues the darker, more mysterious tone is the previous teasers. 
line sun goodness, the group’s second mini album, will be released on October 30.
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