krenniccare · 7 years
hello! any chance you'll do another krennic giveaway soon? really sad to not win the first one :( thanks! love the blog btw
Hello anon! I’m really sorry I didn’t see this sooner! (I guess I wasn’t kidding when I said this blog was on hiatus, I’ve been REALLY busy) I honestly am crap at running giveaways (the patience of the last winner knows no bounds). 
But I am willing to work on a deal to get one shipped to you! The figures are 50% off currently and it’s much cheaper to get so message me off of anon and we can talk about getting you a Krennic! ^_^
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krenniccare · 7 years
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Don’t mess with Director Orson Krennic…
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krenniccare · 7 years
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krenniccare · 7 years
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Kylo also attended and found exactly what he was looking for! He claims it’s so he finally has a Hux he can kick around, but we all know he’s going to cuddle him to sleep
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krenniccare · 7 years
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Kylo was also soooooo excited! He thought he found his grandfather! Poor Vader cosplayer couldn’t shake him until he finally removed the helmet.
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krenniccare · 7 years
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He would never tell her, but he also got a figure of Jyn because he has a crush
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krenniccare · 7 years
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The Death Troopers were also invited to Celebration. Chad drank too much at the parties last night, but he and Bryan are excited to show off the figures of themselves they got!
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krenniccare · 7 years
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He would never tell her, but he also got a figure of Jyn because he has a crush
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krenniccare · 7 years
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Krennic was also very pleased to find his Emperor and a Tarkin he could finally step on!
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krenniccare · 7 years
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They wanted to show off what they got today! Jyn was so excited to find Saw! Krennic was so pleased at all the versions of himself he could get.
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krenniccare · 7 years
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The first thing they did was upgrade their lightsabers!
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krenniccare · 7 years
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Krennic and Jyn are excited to finally be attending Star Wars Celebration! They're a bit late so they've got to get all their shopping done quickly!!
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krenniccare · 7 years
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Krennic is quite pleased with the new Jaeger Initiative the Empire has put into play
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krenniccare · 7 years
Okay so you've noticed the lack of posting and it's because I've been renovating my workshop/Krennic Care area and generally organizing my life properly again. I may switch over to the 6 inch action figures for a bit, but I promise this is not the end of Krennic Care!
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krenniccare · 7 years
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So I’ve been holding onto this one for a while. I actually want to make this Jyn’s bedroom for when I figure out a Galen, but I don’t have a picture for today and I think this is hilarious!
16 Year Old Krennic’s Bedroom
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krenniccare · 7 years
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My dumb bonus pic today because I found Death Troopers and have been having entirely too much fun Their story is on my snap chat if you want in just message me
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krenniccare · 7 years
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Krennic heard about the hype of Beauty and the Beast, he wanted to Cosplay!
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