kristineendsley · 1 year
Soon there won’t be any books left!
Warning: This might be a little political, but it’s about books and I want to be a published author and that’s what this opinionated rant of mine is about today. For all those people who think banning books is right. And if you find this offensive, remember you don’t have to read it. Drax, my kitten, with these awesome banned books I bought today. This Wicked Fate, by Kalynn Bayron and Too…
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kristineendsley · 1 year
What the hell do I write about today?
Isn’t this a crazy picture? I actually like this one better than most pictures of me–I don’t like pictures of myself FYI. It was hard to put some up on this website. Anyway my teenager took this with my own iPhone on like 0.5 zoom. I thought he was taking a funny picture of my eye, it’s that close. You know for someone who talks a lot, I’m at complete loss. All that I can think of is political…
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kristineendsley · 2 years
Spin me right round
Let’s talk about art. I’ve heard that an artist is never truly happy with their own artwork. There’s always something they could have done or wished they had done to make it perfect–or at least better. Creative writing–which I’m working on–is considered an art and I think that’s a part of why. I mean, there’s always something that I have to fix when I do a read through. Even when I tell myself I…
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kristineendsley · 2 years
Stuffing my writing time between adulting, um…yeah.
This week’s just been exciting, crappy and way the hell stressful. First off, writing has been difficult. I should say timing really, I get into a groove and all of a sudden I’m late to pick up my second grader from school. Twice! Don’t get me started on goals, either. Chapter 26 needs some editing, but do you think I can get to that? No, because I’ve decided Nolan is going to explain things to…
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kristineendsley · 2 years
What I'm reading
Tell me what you’re reading I thought I’d sprinkle these in with my blogs. Who knows, maybe these will be my favorite thing to write? I’d also like to find out what other people are reading, so if you happen to come along to this blog post, tell me what you’re currently reading. I just got done with Annette Marie‘s Guild Codex four entwined series. I could read one a day. I can’t even choose…
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kristineendsley · 2 years
Changing offices, broadening horizons
Well, this has been my office for that last…(counting) five months-ish. (No, it did not stay clean and empty like that.) We’ve been staying in a fifth wheel after we sold our house to move closer the friends–we were literally 30-45 minutes away from everything! Not that I didn’t like my house. There’s pros and cons–end tangent. So we were going to build, like everyone else seems to be doing in…
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kristineendsley · 2 years
Well crap, I thought of a possible change in my book at the end that I may like better. AFTER I sent the manuscript out to an agent. It’s not a drastic difference, but 3 betas think it’s too much of a cliff hanger. I fixed it February, but I may have found a way to make it even less without narrowing the path to a sequel. I’m a firm believer in giving my characters lives and lives don’t wrap up all nice and neat at the end of a book. Happy, sure but that doesn’t mean everything stays happy. Those kinds of books are fake to me and ruin my picture of the characters and story. Well, here I go, off to try out some alternate parts in 3 chapters.
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kristineendsley · 2 years
Last month I joined Manuscript Academy to get help on my query letter and any other help I may need in the future. Each month members can send in their query letter or the first few pages and their book. Both of the agents I asked for help were great. This month’s agent told me to tighten up my letter and she’d look at it last Sunday. When she emailed me back she told me my first one–the one she told me to tighten up–was better. Either way, she gave me some great suggestions.
Asking for help is really hard to do, especially for new writers. There’s some that are nervous because the possibility of someone stealing their work and others (me) are afraid that no one will like their story and our dreams of publishing are just that, dreams. But when you do put yourself out there and ask it’s amazing how much people are willing to help.
Now I think I’m going to go get some more coffee, sit my ass down and update my query letter. I’m so happy to have e-met Caitlin and Renée and gotten their expert advice. Good luck to all writers out there that stumble onto my post. Keep writing and if you’re in the querying stage remind yourself constantly that it only takes one yes and agents can only take a few new clients a year out of the thousands they get every month.
And just in case, really, look through this!
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kristineendsley · 2 years
In 2009 I discovered I love writing. I’ve finished my contemporary fantasy book and have been querying agents since the beginning of the summer.
Today I watched Limitless with Chris Hemsworth, the memory episode is getting me. This year my grandma was diagnosed with dementia. My mom says that my grandpa is showing signs as well.
I realized this could happen to me. Would I be able to continue writing? I’ve always had a horrible memory as it is. Then in 2009 I started having seizures. I want to know if that increases my chances of dementia and I want to start forming habits that will lower my chances of developing it.
This gives me more motive to publish my book. Not because I want to be some famous author. No, my why is personal. I want to know that something of me will continue.
I look at authors I loved as a kid, Louisa May Alcott was my favorite and through her books some part of her lives on. Maybe it’s silly and not everyone agrees, but that’s my opinion, my belief and I want that for me.
When I publish, I want to dedicate my book to all the women in my life who made me who I am today and in that way some small part of their memory will live on. So I know I will publish and I’ll continue to write and I’ll continue to fight against developing dementia in as many ways as scientists have discovered works.
I’m so happy that I watched this show today. I’d never have thought about ways to reduce the chances of developing it. Looks like I’ll be going to bed on time from now on out, eating healthier (which I’ve been working on) and get back to exercising (which I’ve stopped these past few months.
Maybe I’ll start a journal, this was definitely why I wrote this. I’ll start posting ways I discover that’s helpful, not that I’m an expert or a successful author—yet. Maybe I can find information for myself and others who want to become a published author. I’ll see, wish me luck.
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kristineendsley · 2 years
Happy Turkey Day.
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kristineendsley · 2 years
Okay tonight is the night I’m starting on Tumblr after everyone and their aunt is leaving Twitter. Am I? Not really, just adding more ways to connect to other urban fantasy readers and writers just in case Twitter does really go down. Hopefully there’s a writing community here and other fans of Kim Harrison, Seanan McGuire, Patricia Briggs, Kelly Armstrong and so many others. I write contemporary fantasy (the new name for urban fantasy genre) and I’m querying my first book. I have had 7 rejections so far and when I pitched my book at the PNWA 2022 conference I got a full manuscript request. Exciting, but not getting my hopes too high.
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