kristybear2001 · 5 days
Aaaaaaand I'm looking for another Severus and Hermione fanfic. It's a marriage law one where the Order, specifically Molly Weasely is casting spells on a piece of parchment over names to see if they glow a certain color for a perfect match. And the perfect match the names glow gold and Hermione finds a book on sex with the right person can make ypur magic stronger and with the wrong person your magic can become all tangled and murky. And Molly is trying to get Hermione's name to glow gold with any of her boys but it glows gold with Severus and there's one particular part that's stuck in my head where he basically has a mansion and she goes to visit him because she discovers they're a perfect match. And he wants to test their compatibility so he offers her his hand and he says 'A kiss, nothing more Hermione.' I hope I gave enough detail for someone to help me find this fic. The problem is I read it years ago on Wattpad and can't remember the name of the fic or the author
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kristybear2001 · 6 days
Can anybody help me? Years ago I read a Hermione and Snape fanfiction on Wattpad where Ron gets cursed when he proposes to Hermione and it's because she's already bound to Snape in a marriage bond. The bond has to be activated by a kiss and though they never kissed she gave him CPR during his recovery from the war and she called it the kiss of life. I've been trying to find it and I can't find it anywhere
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kristybear2001 · 2 months
Literally took the image and thoughts right out of my head on how I imagine Raphael to be
Random Turtle Thoughts... 18+
So I'm thinking of Bay Raph today...
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A Raph who never genuinely let himself believe someone would fall for him - a Raph who was sure he'd only ever have his brothers - a Raph who thought he had his heart boarded up tight - locked behind walls and barbwire and a hard exterior - until he met you...
A Raph who fell so hard and so fast he was hopelessly in love with you before he even knew what was happening - a Raph who could only ever be soft with you - a Raph who craved you every second you were apart - even though he tried with all his might to act impartial - a Raph who only ever melted when he thought of you...
I'm thinking of Bay Raph today - a Raph who is smiling so happily - as he crawls inside your window - unable to resist being away from you a second longer - and nearly races to you the moment he spies you cooking at your stove...
A Raph who doesn't hesitate - as he laces his arms around your waist - pressing his face into your neck, causing you to giggle and scrunch your shoulder up - a Raph who smiles harder, as if it's the only thing he knew how to do - whispering "damn, I've missed you" in your hair...
A Raph who's far from drunk - despite the beer you can smell on his breath - a Raph who's had just enough to drink, that suddenly he doesn't feel scared that you'll reject him - as he allows his arms to loosen, using his hands to turn you into him - a Raph who presses in close - hoping you already know - his heart belongs to you alone...
I'm thinking of a Raph today - a Raph who rests his forehead against your own - one hand threading his fingers into your hair - a Raph who breathes in deep - savoring this moment - as his eyes get lost in yours - happier than he's felt in a long, long time - a Raph who can't help but smile - his thumb stroking along your cheek - heart nearly bursting at the ever so faint way he senses you lean into his touch...
A Raph who brushes his lips gently past - one hand stroking down your arm, then down to the small of your back - before pressing you in closer - a Raph who whispers against your lips "will you give me your heart, if I give you mine?" - a Raph who kisses you softly, so softly - because all he ever does is melt for you....
A Raph who wraps you in his strong embrace - as you kiss him back - cherishing the feel of your arms linking around his neck - a Raph who's sure he can die a happy turtle now - kissing you in a way he thought he'd never get to - holding you closer than he ever thought he could - a Raph who lifts you to sit on the counter - his lips still dancing with yours - as he fumbles blindly to shut off the stove's burner - content spend the night stoking the fire building between the two of you...
I have Bay Raph on my mind today.
@luckycharms1701 @yorshie @justalotoffanfiction @celticvix @writinandcrying @donniesgirlie @gornackeaterofworlds @thelaundrybitch
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kristybear2001 · 2 months
You know what I'm kinda mad about? In the first Bayverse movie we see that Raphael has a chain, he uses it to pull April onto the roof. But then we never see the chain again. I thought it was a really cool throwback to the chains he uses in the 2007 animated movie with the stone generals but we only get a glimpse of the chain and I'm kinda mad about it. I wanted to see him use the chain in action
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kristybear2001 · 2 months
Can somebody please write a Rockstar Eddie Munson and Personal Bodyguard Steve Harrington fic? I need this
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kristybear2001 · 2 months
Yes please, I need this
I’ve seen Rockstar!Eddie, Mechanic!Eddie and Tattoo Artist!Eddie, so let me propose this: Comic Shop Owner!Eddie who hosts a weekly DnD group at the store
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kristybear2001 · 3 months
I love the whole Steve's parents started leaving him alone at a young age. But what if it's reversed? In Flight of Icarus Eddie's mother dies when he's six and he's raising himself and living alone by the time he's eight. So what if his father starts leaving him alone after his mother's funeral? Little six year old Eddie, who's father left for a couple of weeks. Then a couple of months. And then a couple of years. I just think that's something we could explore. Also in the book, Eddie doesn't move in with Wayne until his house burns down when he's 18
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kristybear2001 · 3 months
So I know I've been reading a lot of fics where the third member of Corroded Coffin is named Freak. I feel like that's because people don't actually know his name. But I looked it up and his name is Doug Teague. So you have Eddie, Gareth, Jeff and Doug. You're more than welcome to keep his name as Freak or whatever you'd like it to be. Just thought I'd announce that his name is Doug for those who don't know
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
I love the whole Eddie is gay trope, I really really do, it's great. That being said, I do think that people really should start reading Flight Of Icarus. It gives us a beautiful backstory on Eddie set in 1984, we get information on his parents, it gives us a backstory on certain Eddie scenes in the show, it's a wonderful read. On top of that, it gives us an emotional and sexual relationship between Eddie and a woman. Confirming that Eddie is in fact into women, which would indicate that he's bisexual. It just gives us more information on Eddie. You're more than welcome ti say he's gay, but I think that canonically he's bisexual
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Vecna (Stranger Things), Wayne Munson Summary:
One of my readers suggested I turn this one shot into a short little fic and I loved the idea, so here it is
Final chapter of Another Life
Chapter Five
Jayden ended up taking the whole week off, trying to wrap his head around what Alex had told him. At first he didn't believe Alex and he spent two whole days trying to pretend what he said wasn't real. But there was a nagging feeling that something had been missing from his life, and maybe this was it.
On the third day he finally worked up the courage to go on his computer and do some research. He booted up his computer and then went onto the internet.
"Okaaaay, Hawkins."
He typed in the name and the first thing that came up was Hawkins Indiana. He clicked on it and went through a few pictures and articles. Pictures of Hawkins High and Hawkins Middle School. Pictures of a few neighborhoods. The schools seemed familiar and so did Forest Hills Trailer Park. It was like he'd been to those places before but he couldn't pull up any memories.
The articles he read were about tragedies that had befallen Hawkins from 1983 to 1989. A Barbara Holland going missing and reported dead and a little boy named Will Byers that had gone missing, was found dead in the quarry, then miracelously was not dead and labeled Zombie Boy, both happening in 1983.
In 1984 it was strange crop deaths that were never explained, and a man named Bob had died a mysterious death. In 1985 there was a mall fire and a lot of people had died. The names that for some reason stuck out for him were Billy Hargrove and Jim Hopper, Hawkins local police chief. 
In 1986 there was a massive earthquake as well as three satanic ritual murders. Those among the dead were Chrissy Cunningham, Fred Benson, Patrick MacKinny, Jason Carver and Edward Munson, along with others that died in the earthquake.
Finally, in 1989 there was a town wide panic, that the gates of Hell had opened up and monsters had flooded Hawkins. Many had died and among them was Steve Harrington. Edward Munson had been blamed for the satanic killings, at least until 1989 when the town saw Steve Harrington die the same way the other killings had happened and by a monster that had come into Hawkins.
His mind reeling, Jayden stepped back from his computer. This was a lot of information to process and he was struggling to believe any of it was real. According to Alex, he had been Steve Harrington in his previous life and Jayden had been Eddie Munson in his previous life.
None of it made sense, yet all of it made sense. Over the next three days, memories started slowly coming back to Jayden. Memories of his previous life. He remembered his parents, Alan and Elizabeth Munson. He remembered that his mother loved Muddy Waters and had records that she would take everywhere she went and called them her plane tickets.
He remembered his father teaching him how to play guitar. He remembered his mother putting those records on and dancing around the living room with him. He remembered his father was away from home a lot. He remembered his mother singing him to sleep when he had nightmares or reading him a story before bedtime.
He remembered his mother getting sick. He remembered her dying and her funeral when he was six. He remembered that when he was eight, he started living in his childhood home alone. His father would disappear for years at a time. He had to teach himself how to cook and clean and take care of himself. Sometimes he would go without heat or electricity.
He remembered his Uncle Wayne would come by every two weeks with groceries and to check on him. He remembered in middle school he was forced to participate in the school talent show, so he'd formed his band Corroded Coffin with his best friend Ronnie and a couple of other kids, and they'd played Painkiller by Judas Priest.
That was his first interaction with Chrissy Cunningham. She'd sat with him before the talent show and talked to him, pointing out that her mother was there to see her do her cheer routine, but he'd picked up on some issues, though he'd never questioned it.
He remembered high school, and the torture he'd endured. Being labelled a Freak, a Cultist, among other things. He remembered that he had been bisexual, but he remained steadfast, that in this life he was gay. He remembered Senior Year, 1984. He was 18 years old. 
Whenever his father would come back into his life, it was always to try and rope Eddie into some illegal activity. At 18, Eddie was a bartender at The Hideout, a little dive bar in town. It was where his band was allowed to play, Tuesday evenings for an hour. In previous years he'd tried to kiss Ronnie and it turned out she didn't like him that way but they'd still remained best friends.
She was supposed to get ready for college. His father had strode in, roped him into stealing 20 pounds of weed and selling it to Reefer Rick for $15,000. He'd only agreed because he had a girlfriend who'd scouted him and gotten him an audition at a record label in LA and he was going to move in with her. He was poor so he needed $5,000. 
He'd had a gun pulled on him twice, the second time he'd been shot at. He'd quit his job, Principle Higgins had called him a rotten apple infecting others, blackmailed him into dropping out of high school by threatening to ruin Ronnie's chances of going to college. 
The people they'd stolen the weed from had been his fathers old coworkers, worked for a drug kingpin. His father had lied to him, manipulated him. They'd set fire to Eddie's childhood home, burned his mothers records, which he'd tried to save but to no success. They'd shot a cop, Officer Callahan outside the burning house.
His father had tried to tell Eddie he needed to run, that he'd be arrested just for being a Munson. But Eddie had refused, tried to help Callahan, tried to put pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding. And his father had stolen his keys, took off with his van. Bailed on him.
He'd been arrested, he'd called his girlfriend to tell her he couldn't make the audition. She'd freaked, called him an asshole for possibly ruining her job and broke up with him. He'd been bailed out and then moved in with his Uncle Wayne, who'd managed to save his guitar from the wreckage.
He'd noticed his uncle drowning in overdue bills so he'd tried to get a job. No one would hire him so he'd turned to dealing drugs for Reefer Rick, who'd said if he ever needed it, he'd have a job with him. He'd found out Higgins was a drug addict and blackmailed him into letting him go back to school and keep his D&D club Hellfire Club open.
He'd failed senior year. Twice. Ronnie and another guy from the band had gone off to college and he had two new members, Gareth and Jeff. Throughout these memories coming back to him, Jayden tried to put them off as just dreams, because they would only come to him when he was asleep.
But on the seventh day, Jayden was starting to go crazy. So he'd done some more research. He'd found a picture of Steve Harrington, and his mouth dropped. Alex looked almost exactly the same, though his hair was a lighter blondish brown than Steve's and his eyes were more amber gold than Steve's.
Wanting to dig deeper, he found a picture of Eddie Munson in 1986. And all Jayden could do was stare. Because Jayden looked exactly the same as Eddie Munson did. The only difference was that Jayden liked eyeliner and black nail polish. He had more tattoos and different tattoos than Eddie Munson.
And then visions flooded Jayden's mind. Vivid ones. Chrissy's death. Meeting Steve. Patrick's death. The Upside Down. The bats. Shredding Metallica's Master Of Puppets. Bats tearing at his flesh.
Memories. Jayden gasped and rubbed his head which was now starting to hurt. He remembered. He remembered it all. He scrambled off his chair, searching frantically for Alex's address, because calling him just wouldn't do. Once he found it, he got in his car and drove to Alex's apartment.
Alex was eating a frozen dinner and watching a rerun of Friends when he heard frantic knocking on his door. Frowning he got up and went to the door, swinging it open. Jayden was there, eyes wide and breathing heavily.
"I remember. Steve. I remember."
Alex blinked a few times.
Jayden surged forward then, mouths crashing together and hands cupping Alex's cheeks. It was a hungry and desperate kiss, mouths and tongues tangling as Alex pulled him in, kicking the door shut behind them. They kissed until they could barely breathe and finally they pulled away.
"You remember?"
"I remember it all. God, why did I tell you to make him pay instead of fucking kissing you?"
Alex started crying then. Because Jayden did remember. He held Jayden tighter. 
"God, why didn't I kiss you? I knew that wasn't what you really wanted to say, I knew there was something else there."
"Neither of us expected it to be the last time we would see each other. But Steve you found me. In another life, you fucking found me."
"I was always looking. Always looking, and I never gave up. I would spend this entire life looking for you if I had to."
"God I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too Eddie. In our previous life. In this life. In the next one. In every life."
(Most elements of this chapter is Eddie's canon past from the book Flight Of Icarus. It's just a brief summery but this is a disclaimer. I do not own any elements from Fligh Of Icarus, just adding it into this fanfiction to give backstory to Eddie and the memories of Eddie that Jayden recovers when they start coming back to him)
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Vecna (Stranger Things), Wayne Munson Summary:
One of my readers suggested I turn this one shot into a short little fic and I loved the idea, so here it is
Another Life
Chapter Four
In 2010 Alex is 20 years old. Ever since remembering his previous life, Alex had spent his life searching for Eddie. Every school that he went to, every area around his home, every area around his apartment when he moved out on his own. Desperate and searching, he never gave up.
Finally on a slow Thursday afternoon he spots it. A tattoo parlor called Aces and Spades. What caught his attention was the person in the window. Alex looked slightly different, but mostly the same as when he was Steve. He still loved his hair just as much, though it was a lighter color, blondish brown. His eyes were more amber gold than anything, but the rest of him remained the same.
And standing at the counter inside the tattoo parlor was a man that had plagued Alex's dreams his whole life. He looked exactly the same. Same wild brown curls down to his shoulders. Same beautiful vibrant chocolate brown eyes. Same style in fashion, though this man added eyeliner and black nail polish.
Alex's heart leapt to his throat. He'd vowed in his previous life to find Eddie in the next one. And he had. The shop didn't seem to have any customers and immediately he knew what to do. He was going to get a tattoo. He prayed that Eddie remembered just like Alex did. Taking a deep breath Alex opened the door and stepped inside.
And the second Eddie's head lifted and that beautiful smile appeared, the wind was knocked out of him. He was just as beautiful as Alex remembered. This Eddie had much more tattoos and different tattoos than the previous life's Eddie, but he still looked gorgeous. Eddie stuck out his hand. 
"Hi, I'm Jayden. What can I do for you?"
Swallowing the lump in his throat, Alex shook Jayden's hand.
"I'm Alex. Um. I was. Wanting to get a tattoo."
There was no recognition on Jayden's face, just a kind smile that lit up when Alex said he wanted a tattoo.
"Sure thing, you have an idea?"
"Oh, yeah."
Together the two of them worked out what Alex wanted and Jayden drew it up. Then Alex was sitting in a chair with his shirt off. Jayden shaved half his chest so the tattoo could go right above Alex's heart. The two chatted throughout the long session, easy conversation. And Jayden was much the same as he had been when he was Eddie.
"So. The 80's look," Alex says.
Jayden's face lit up.
"Oh yeah! I really like the look. My dad was a big 80's metalhead fan so I kinda grew up with it."
Alex couldn't help but smile.
"It suits you."
Alex kept throwing out hints of their previous life, hoping Jayden remembered something. But nothing came of it. When Jayden finished the tattoo it was beautiful. Exactly what Alex wanted. Eddie's Warlock guitar crossed with Steve's nail bat.
He hoped the tattoo would stir something. And now that Jayden was actually looking at the finished tattoo, he was frowning.
"These look familiar. Don't know why, but they do."
Alex sucked in a breath.
"You don't remember your previous life, do you?"
Jayden's eyes lifted to meet Alex's, his eyebrows shooting up.
"I don't think anybody remembers their previous life."
"I remember mine. I was born in 1966. Lived in Hawkins Indiana. Rich parents who were. Pretty shitty actually. I played basketball and baseball, was on the swim team. And after high school. I met you. I mean previous life you. This," Alex says tapping on the Warlock guitar tattooed on his chest.
"Was your guitar. You were in a metal band, Corroded Coffin. A year older than me, but still in high school. And the nail bat was mine. Because we fought against an alternate dimension, supernatural creatures in 1986. That was. That was the year you died. And I died two years later. Fighting the same thing."
Jayden was staring at him now, blinking and trying to process this information.
"I. This sounds. It sounds crazy."
"I know. I know it doesn't make sense, but I remember. I remember everything. I remember vowing. That I would find you in another life. The next life. And maybe that vow is why I remember that life, I don't know."
Jayden's eyes were wide, mouth opening and closing.
"How do you know it was me? I mean in this life, how do you know it's me?"
"You look the same. Nothing about you has changed. Maybe your life and your family, but your soul. Your soul has remained the same, who you are has remained the same. What you look like has remained the same."
Jayden blinked again. 
"If all of this is true. Why. Why would you make a vow like that, I mean what was I to you?"
Alex's mouth went dry.
"We never got the chance to figure that out. We never got the chance to talk about it. We were dealing with bigger things, scarier things. But I. Jesus, I fell in love with you. And I never got to tell you and then you. You died. So I vowed that in another life I would find you again."
Jayden sucked in another breath.
"How am I supposed to believe any of this?"
"I don't know. And even if you never do. I just. At least I got to tell you this time. What you mean to me."
Alex could tell Jayden needed time so they awkwardly finished up, Alex paid, left his address and phone number just in case. And then left.
(Incorporated part of the one shot into this little fic to tie everything together and make everything make sense)
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Vecna (Stranger Things), Wayne Munson Summary:
One of my readers suggested I turn this one shot into a short little fic and I loved the idea, so here it is
Another Life
Chapter Three
After Eddie died in 1986 he was reborn in 1987 to a mother and father in New York. His mother had been toxic, a drug addict and an alcoholic, her way of dealing with mental illness. In the end, she'd left, leaving her infant son with his father. Little Jayden.
Jayden did not remember his previous life as Eddie Munson. As he grew, his father exposed him to many things, but most noteably the 80's metal music and fashion style, which Jayden immediately fell in love with. He would dance around the house with his father, singing to Metallica or Black Sabbath, and other metal bands.
By the age of thirteen Jayden had discovered he was gay. His father was loving and supportive. Of his sexuality, of everything that Jayden was. A wild and energetic spirit. His father always encouraged him to express himself, allowing him to wear the kind of fashion he liked, or follow his passions and dreams.
If he couldn't find the clothes he wanted at stores, his father would hand down his own, just to see Jayden's little face light up with joy. They weren't poor, but they weren't rich either. They managed to get by. Jayden went through many hobbies as he grew. 
His love for music had put him on the path of trying to learn guitar. He loved all things fantasy and when the Lord Of The Rings movies came out, he was one of the first people at the theater to watch them. Most of all, Jayden loved art. He started taking art classes, learning everything that he could.
He was always drawing and doodling, whether it was in a notebook or on himself or his clothes. Thankfully those could be washed out. When Jayden was sixteen he took a special interest in tattoo designing and from there his biggest dream was to open his own tattoo and piercing shop.
At 18 he took an apprenticeship at a local tattoo shop, where he learned how to be a tattoo artist and a body piercer. By then he already had a few tattoos himself and was intent on getting more. He'd had a few relationships, but they'd all failed.
Something had seemed like it was missing and those relationships seemed to be lacking whatever he was missing. At twenty, Jayden had saved up enough to buy his own little shop. He decorated it the way he liked, goth aesthetic with the dark colors and skulls, metal band posters everywhere, a guitar in the corner.
It took a few months for him to open up his shop and when he did, he called it Aces and Spades, a homage to one of his favorite songs called Ace of Spades by Motörhead. At twenty one, Jayden's father unfortunately passed away from heart failure.
It had been devastating for Jayden because he and his father had always been close. He organized a small funeral and had his father cremated, his ashes put into an urn. He got a small headstone for his father in the closest cemetery to Jayden's apartment and buried him there.
At twenty three it was a particularly sunny Thursday when the bell above the door of his shop jingled. Looking up, Jayden saw the most gorgeous man he'd ever seen. He was tall, but a little bit shorter than Jayden. Muscular, but not too much. Little moles dotted his neck, not a lot, but just enough to draw a bit of attention.
His eyes were a beautiful amber gold and his hair was soft and fluffy and definitely styled with some sort of hairspray and it was a beautiful blondish brown color. Jayden threw one of his charming smiles and offered his hand to shake.
"Hi, I'm Jayden. What can I do for you?"
The man shook his hand, offering his own awkward, yet adorable smile.
"I'm Alex. Um. I was wanting to get a tattoo."
(Gonna leave it off here, I know this is a bit of a shorter chapter and it might seem like a filler. But since Jayden doesn't have his previous life's memories just yet, I wanted to give him a bit of a backstory)
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Vecna (Stranger Things), Wayne Munson Summary:
One of my readers suggested I turn this one shot into a short little fic and I loved the idea, so here it is
Another Life
Chapter Two
Steve was swinging his way through the thick of monsters alongside his group of friends. Every time one of them seemed to be in trouble, he was right there. And every time he seemed to be in trouble, someone was right there to save him. It was throwing off his plan and he was getting frustrated. He needed to find a way to put it into action without anyone interrupting.
The next time he was saved it was Nancy who'd saved him. Then she was hugging him, and Robin soon followed. Of course he hugged them back, he needed to. Then Nancy started talking, words that were making his head spin.
She'd broken up with Jonathon. Because she wanted him back. She wanted that dream Steve had talked about. It broke Steve's heart. He loved her as a friend but nothing more and he couldn't give her what she wanted.
"Nancy I can't."
Nancy's voice came out soft, small. 
"I can't. That's not my dream anymore. I have a different one. And it isn't with you."
He could see the moment he'd broken her heart but he had to push through. He swung his nail bat into the skull of a demodog that was approaching and then he ordered Nancy and Robin to keep fighting, to keep the kids safe. To tell the kids that he loved them. Told Nancy and Robin he loved them too.
Then he was swinging his way into the center of the army, seeking out Vecna. And finally he did. Before Vecna could attack, Steve dropped his bat and raised his hands.
"I'm not here to fight you. Not this time."
Vecna's voice came out as a low gutteral growl.
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to take it all away. I want you to end my suffering."
Vecna's head tilted, as if studying Steve.
This time Steve's voice came out shaky and pleading. He was ready for it all to end, he was ready to go into the next life. He had nothing left here. Because Eddie wasn't here.
"I want to make your friends watch."
With a telepathic command to all of his monsters they all stopped attacking and separated, revealing all of Steve's friends.
That yell was Nancy and Robin, both of them terrified to see him standing in front of Vecna.
"Your friend is asking me to end his suffering. He's begging me to kill him."
Everybody started protesting, screaming and yelling for Steve to fight back, that he was loved and he wasn't alone and that whatever he was going through they could help him. They were already crying, Nancy, Dustin and Robin most of all. And Steve shook his head, indicating that dying was what he wanted. That he was ready for it.
"I'm ready."
With Steve's confirmation Vecna rose him into the air. Slowly his bones began to snap. He could feel the pain, and he could hear his friends screams. First his arms. Then his legs. Then his fingers. Then his jaw. And then his eyes, blood trickling out of them before they were smashed in and his body dropped.
Steve wasn't sure what death would be like. He expected darkness and that came when his eyes were the last to go. He felt like he was floating and then. Nothing. Just an empty void. Steve Harrington was gone.
In 1990 a baby boy was born to two loving parents in New York. They named him Alex. Alex was an energetic soul and as he grew older he loved sports, he loved the outdoors, he loved 80's pop music. In 1995 Alex was old enough to start forming memories. It was then, at the age of five, that the first memory of his previous life came.
A memory of him as a little boy, going on a business trip with his parents. Little Steve Harrington holding hands with his mother and walking down a street in Italy. From there, the memories started coming as he grew. Memories of himself at each age, but something told him he was supposed to be searching for something. 
In 2000, when Alex was ten he discovered he was bisexual. That triggered his memory of discovering that about himself in his previous life. Which in turn, triggered the rest of his previous life's memories. And then he was crying himself to sleep in his room. Because he remembered Eddie.
And he remembered he'd made a vow. To find Eddie in this new life. He remembered asking Vecna to end his suffering, to take it all away. He'd killed himself so he could come into a new life and find Eddie. When he'd calmed from those onslought of memories, he told his parents that he was bisexual.
He wasn't sure what to expect because his previous parents had been distant and homophobic. But his new parents, Alex's parents were only loving and supportive. They accepted what Alex had told them, hugged him and told him they loved him and that it was ok to love whoever he wanted.
Relief flooded through Alex, but he no longer saw himself as Alex. He knew who he was. He was Steve Harrington. He didn't change his name, he knew that would be too much, couldn't tell his parents that he remembered his previous life.
He knew that once he found Eddie, they would be Steve and Eddie to each other and to the rest of the world, they would be Alex and whoever Eddie was in this new life. And for the next ten years Alex searched and searched, hoping desperately to find Eddie in this new life. To find the man that he was hopelessly in love with. To find the man that he'd died to come back to.
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Vecna (Stranger Things), Wayne Munson Summary:
One of my readers suggested I turn this one shot into a short little fic and I loved the idea, so here it is
Updated version of chapter one, Also on AO3
Another Life
Chapter One
1986. The Upside Down. They'd taken down Vecna but the clock had chimed four times. Max had died. The ground had rumbled, the giant gates had opened into Hawkins. Somehow Max had come back and was in a coma, probably blind and had broken legs and broken arms. And Eddie. Steve had found Dustin sobbing and holding Eddie's limp body in his lap, the swarm of bats dead all around them.
That moment had mixed feelings for Steve. He wasn't sure what to think about those feelings. Intense grief that he didn't understand, he'd barely known the guy. He'd felt the world stop spinning, he'd lost all sight of everything except Eddie. He didn't cry, though he wanted to. Instead he let anger flow through his veins.
Yes he had only known Eddie for about a week, but he had been charming and sweet and had been awakening something unknown in Steve. Eddie couldn't hurt a fly, even if he wanted to. So why did Eddie have to die? What made him so unworthy of life? It wasn't fair.
Pulling in a deep breath, he wasn't even aware that his eyes were brimming with tears. He walked over and scooped Eddie up, settling him on his back.
"What are you doing?" Dustin says, sniffing and wiping his eyes.
"Bringing him back to Hawkins. So his Uncle has a body to bury."
Steve didn't leave any room for argument. He carried Eddie back through the gate. The next few days were a blur. Presenting Eddie's body to his uncle Wayne. Telling him that Eddie had been a hero, that he'd died to save this town. Helping Wayne organize a funeral and paying for everything.
Time began to pass and Steve did cry. He mourned Eddie's loss. He started closing in on himself, hiding himself. He stopped going to work and ended up losing his job. It wasn't that big of a deal, his parents still sent him money and took care of paying for the house. The house that was too empty.
He stopped seeing his friends, not even Robin could bring him out of his shell. The only time he ever saw them around was when he needed to go shopping and he'd cross paths with them, only offering a simple nod. Somehow, Wayne had figured out what Steve was feeling before Steve even figured it out.
Steve had been visiting Eddie's grave when Wayne had found him. Laying down a bouquet of lillie's, and sitting in the grass, lost in thought, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"You alright there son?"
Steve blinked and wiped at his eyes, turning his head to look up at Wayne.
"No. I don't know why it hurts so much. I barely knew him."
Steve's voice cracked a little as he spoke, a little hoarse from crying.
"You knew him. Even for a little bit. It's ok to grieve for someone you knew and lost."
Wayne seemed like a kind man, someone who understood.
"It feels like. There's a hole in my chest. One that I can't fill."
A look of understanding had crossed Wayne's features then and he took Steve to the old trailer. It was mostly destroyed by the opening gate but Eddie's room had remained untouched. There, Wayne gathered all of Eddie's cassette tapes, his jewelry, some of Eddie's clothes, his cologne and his stash of drugs and put them all in a box. And then he grabbed Eddie's acoustic guitar, the one that had the words 'This machine slays dragons' written on it in black ink.
"I want you to have these. I got no use for em. I got all the pictures I need. Maybe these will help you feel closer to Eddie. Like he's with you."
Steve started crying again because was giving him a chance to grieve and remember, maybe to try and help fill that hole in his heart. He'd thanked Wayne profusely then and the two had hugged before Steve went home.
Metal wasn't really Steve's scene, but it reminded him of Eddie. So he started listening to it. He'd wear Eddie's clothes, spritz them with Eddie's cologne, he'd started teaching himself how to play that acoustic guitar. Sometimes, when the pain was too much, he would get high on some of Eddie's drugs.
He wore some of Eddie's rings, sometimes on his hands, sometimes on a chain. He would go to Eddie's grave every week and lay down fresh flowers, remove the vandalism and just sit, pretending he could feel Eddie's presence. His friends never stopped trying to pull him out of his shell, to interact with them.
He always turned them down. It took him an entire year to figure out why Eddie's death was hitting him so hard. First, he had a sexuality crisis. Analyzing every interaction he'd ever had with Eddie, how it had made him feel and think. He figured out he was bisexual.
Then he analyzed those moments again, in a different way. Now that he knew he was bisexual, what did those moments mean to him? And he came to the conclusion, that he'd fallen in love. Those feelings he held for Eddie were far more intense than he'd ever had for Nancy.
And all the bullshit about wanting Nancy back, that dream he'd told her about, it hadn't been real. He'd been subconciously deflecting, pretending that he and Eddie were nothing but platonic, even if Eddie was a little touchy and flirty. He'd pretended that's how Eddie was with everyone.
Coming to the conclusions that he did, Eddie's death hit him so much harder, even after a year. An intense wave of grief, like a cloud that loomed over him and he couldn't get rid of it. Not that he wanted to. He wanted to wallow in his grief. Eddie deserved to have someone grieve for him.
Then and there, he vowed that in the next life, in another life, he would find Eddie. No matter what it took, he would find Eddie again. Two years after Eddie's death, in 1989, Steve was sitting at Eddie's grave, laying down fresh flowers and removing the 'Burn in hell' that had been painted onto the headstone.
Things were changing again. Steve could feel it, in his bones, in his soul. It was like he could feel that another fight was coming, that Vecna was coming back and he would be stronger and angrier. He could feel that some of Nancy's visions were going to come true. He could feel the change in the air.
And then it did happen. An army of monsters, pouring into Hawkins. People screaming and running, people dying. He hadn't spoken to or seen much of his friends in the last two years but he still loved them. Still cared about them. Still would die for them.
So he brought out his trusty nail bat and started fighting through the thick of monsters. His only goal was to keep his friends safe, keep them alive. Because they deserved to live. And Steve. Well Steve had a plan for himself. He was at peace with that plan.
He had a goal for that plan. It would be based on belief, luck and hope, but he had to try. Nothing and no one was going to stop him from going through with that plan. Not the kids, not Nancy. Not even Robin.
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Vecna (Stranger Things) Summary:
One of my readers suggested I turn this one shot into a short little fic and I loved the idea, so here it is
Chapter One
1986. The Upside Down. They'd taken down Vecna but the clock had chimed four times. Max had died. The ground had rumbled, the giant gates had opened into Hawkins. Somehow Max had come back and was in a coma, probably blind and had broken legs and broken arms. And Eddie. Steve had found Dustin sobbing and holding Eddie's limp body in his lap, the swarm of bats dead all around them.
That moment had mixed feelings for Steve. He wasn't sure what to think about those feelings. Intense grief that he didn't understand, he'd barely known the guy. He'd felt the world stop spinning, he'd lost all sight of everything except Eddie. He didn't cry, though he wanted to. Instead he let anger flow through his veins.
Yes he had only known Eddie for about a week, but he had been charming and sweet and had been awakening something unknown in Steve. Eddie couldn't hurt a fly, even if he wanted to. So why did Eddie have to die? What made him so unworthy of life? It wasn't fair.
Pulling in a deep breath, he wasn't even aware that his eyes were brimming with tears. He walked over and scooped Eddie up, settling him on his back.
"What are you doing?" Dustin says, sniffing and wiping his eyes.
"Bringing him back to Hawkins. So his Uncle has a body to bury." 
Steve didn't leave any room for argument. He carried Eddie back through the gate. The next few days were a blur. Presenting Eddie's body to his uncle Wayne. Telling him that Eddie had been a hero, that he'd died to save this town. Helping Wayne organize a funeral and paying for everything.
Time began to pass and Steve did cry. He mourned Eddie's loss. He started closing in on himself, hiding himself. He stopped going to work and ended up losing his job. It wasn't that big of a deal, his parents still sent him money and took care of paying for the house. The house that was too empty.
He stopped seeing his friends, not even Robin could bring him out of his shell. The only time he ever saw them around was when he needed to go shopping and he'd cross paths with them, only offering a simple nod. Somehow, Wayne had figured out what Steve was feeling before Steve even figured it out.
Wayne gave him some of Eddie's things, old clothes, his cologne, his stash of drugs, all of his music, some of his jewelry and his acoustic guitar. Metal wasn't really Steve's scene, but it reminded him of Eddie. So he started listening to it. He'd wear Eddie's clothes, spritz them with Eddie's cologne, he'd started teaching himself how to play that acoustic guitar. 
He wore some of Eddie's rings, sometimes on his hands, sometimes on a chain. He would go to Eddie's grave every week and lay down fresh flowers, remove the vandalism and just sit, pretending he could feel Eddie's presence. His friends never stopped trying to pull him out of his shell, to interact with them.
He always turned them down. It took him an entire year to figure out why Eddie's death was hitting him so hard. First, he had a sexuality crisis. Analyzing every interaction he'd ever had with Eddie, how it had made him feel and think. He figured out he was bisexual.
Then he analyzed those moments again, in a different way. Now that he knew he was bisexual, what did those moments mean to him? And he came to the conclusion, that he'd fallen in love. Those feelings he held for Eddie were far more intense than he'd ever had for Nancy.
And all the bullshit about wanting Nancy back, that dream he'd told her about, it hadn't been real. He'd been subconciously deflecting, pretending that he and Eddie were nothing but platonic, even if Eddie was a little touchy and flirty. He'd pretended that's how Eddie was with everyone.
Coming to the conclusions that he did, Eddie's death hit him so much harder, even after a year. An intense wave of grief, like a cloud that loomed over him and he couldn't get rid of it. Not that he wanted to. He wanted to wallow in his grief. Eddie deserved to have someone grieve for him.
Then and there, he vowed that in the next life, in another life, he would find Eddie. No matter what it took, he would find Eddie again. Two years after Eddie's death, in 1989, Steve was sitting at Eddie's grave, laying down fresh flowers and removing the Burn in hell that had been painted onto the headstone.
Things were changing again. Steve could feel it, in his bones, in his soul. It was like he could feel that another fight was coming, that Vecna was coming back and he would be stronger and angrier. He could feel that some of Nancy's visions were going to come true. He could feel the change in the air.
And then it did happen. An army of monsters, pouring into Hawkins. People screaming and running, people dying. He hadn't spoken to or seen much of his friends in the last two years but he still loved them. Still cared about them. Still would die for them.
So he brought out his trusty nail bat and started fighting through the thick of monsters. His only goal was to keep his friends safe, keep them alive. Because they deserved to live. And Steve. Well Steve had a plan for himself. He was at peace with that plan.
He had a goal for that plan. It would be based on belief, luck and hope, but he had to try. Nothing and no one was going to stop him from going through with that plan. Not the kids, not Nancy. Not even Robin.
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington's Parents, Dustin Henderson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair Summary:
Forbidden Love is now its own book on AO3. Don't worry, I have more stuff coming
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kristybear2001 · 5 months
Chapters: 19/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Steve Harrington Has a Crush on Eddie Munson, Canonical Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson Summary:
Decided to do a Steddie one shot. Might do more, requests are open if you'd like me to make one for you
Second Chance
1989. It had been two years since Eddie had died in the Upside Down. In those two years Steve had taken the time to figure out why Eddie's death had hit him so hard. He'd fallen in love with him. He was always upkeeping Eddie's grave, removing vandalism, laying down fresh flowers and sitting there for hours on end, just to imagine that he could feel Eddie's presence.
But things were changing again. Steve could feel it in his bones, in his soul. Vecna was rising again. Nancy's visions were going to come true. It was just a gut feeling. And then one of them did. It was a town wide panic. The Upside Down pouring into Hawkins.
Demobats, Demodogs, Demogorgons, other monsters, Vecna himself. Pouring out of four giant gates that had split Hawkins open. Most of Hawkins ran screaming for the hills, tried to evacuate. Some were not successful. But Steve was right in the thick of it with his trusty nail bat, along with Joyce, Hopper, Murry, Johnathon, Nancy, Robin, Dustin, Mike, El, Lucas, Erica and Max, who had thankfully woken up from her coma.
She was blind but she moved better than anyone with her other senses heightened. Steve was swinging his way through a group of Demodogs when he saw it. Eddie. He was climbing his way up through one of the gates. He looked normal, aside from his torn, blood and dirt covered clothing, the outfit he'd died in. But his eyes were not his beautiful vibrant chocolate brown. They were blood red. 
There was no recognition on Eddie's face, just pure hunger. And then fangs, right where his canines should be. Despite looking the same, he was stronger, faster. Sinking fangs into flesh, blood spurting out, drinking it down like a man starved. This definitely wouldn't help his false murder accusations. And Steve was stock still, the breath leaving his lungs.
His heart was pounding in his chest as he watched Eddie drain a body and then let go, letting it collapse to the ground. Fresh blood was smeared across his chin, trickling down the corners of his lips. It was like he was in slow motion as he turned to face Steve, blood red eyes locking on his whiskey colored ones. No recognition.
Eddie looked properly dangerous now. Gone was the sweet, funny childlike man. In his place stood a dangerous predator, locking onto its next meal. For a moment the two had a stare down. And then Eddie was lunging forward, teeth bared, fangs glistening with blood and an animalistic growl ripping from his throat.
Steve was frozen until Eddie moved, and on sheer instict he brought up his bat to block Eddie's body from colliding with his. Blood streaked lips were curled into a snarl as they wrestled with the bat until Eddie managed to rip it away, tossing it out of reach. Eddie was circling him now. Stalking his pray.
And then he lunged forward again, tackling Steve to the ground. The weight of his body pressed down on him, hands pinning him to the ground and teeth gnashing together, desperately trying to reach Steve's throat. Steve was just as desperate, grunts escaping and arm thrown out to try and reach his bat, lying just out of reach. 
If he could just stretch his arm a little further the bat would brush against his fingertips. The other arm was pressed up against Eddie's chest to hold him off, but Eddie was strong. Steve was growing weaker while Eddie wasn't wearing out at all. Tears stung the corner of Steve's eyes.
"Eddie please. Please it's me, it's Steve. You have to remember."
Still no recognition. Finally he managed to grab the bat, bringing the base to slam against Eddie's ribs. Once. Twice. Three times. Eddie's grip loosened, and it was just enough for Steve to get his knee up, right in the groin. A howl escaped from Eddie as he finally let go. Dropping the bat, Steve shifted them, one swift movement and now his body had Eddie pinned to the ground.
"Eddie come on, it's me! It's Steve!" He shouted, grabbing Eddie by the shoulders and shaking him.
He kept yelling for Eddie to remember, kept shaking him, tears blurring his vision but nothing was working. In a last desperate attempt, Steve did the only thing he could think of. He kissed Eddie. Mouth crashing down, lips and teeth colliding, tongue tasting the copper of blood and the plush softness of Eddie's lips.
It was a desperate and needy kiss, and it clearly did something because Eddie stopped thrashing. He went still, but Steve didn't care. He kissed Eddie until he had to come up for air. Chest heaving, he brushed away his tears, his own mouth now smeared with blood. And Eddie was staring at him.
No more uncontrollable hunger, just wide eyes, lips parted and panting. Then finally he spoke, voice cracked and shaky.
Steve wasn't sure who moved first, but they were kissing again, just as needy, just as hungry as the first kiss, hands tangled in hair, soft sobs of relief escaping Steve between kisses.
"Steve. Baby."
Steve pulled back, trembling slightly.
"Fuck I'm so sorry. I could've killed you, shit I have killed people, my god I'm gonna end up in jail, death penalty..."
"Shhh, shhh," Steve hushed him, a gentle kiss to his lips.
"It's ok. It's gonna be ok. We're gonna win this time. And um. Fairly certain we can tell the truth now without fear of being called crazy. It's gonna be ok, it's all gonna be ok. We'll figure it out."
"I'm scared Steve. About all of this."
"I know. But I'll be with you through all of it. It'll be ok. You're gonna get your second chance. I promise."
"Second chance."
"Yeah. Second chance."
They were in their own little bubble, battle raging around them, but neither cared. Right now, all they needed was each other. An unspoken promise that they were going to get through it. All of it. Together.
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