krosnrd · 4 years
Another day in paradise.😏
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krosnrd · 4 years
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For many years, we thought this was the only waterfall in the area. It’s super cool, and we were pretty satisfied with it. One day, while exploring, we found another one! It was within a quarter mile of the first, and double in size! We couldn’t believe we’d been missing out on it for so many years! After that, we started searching for more, and ended finding a total of 7! We found the seventh just the other day, and I’m guessing there are many more! They are all beautiful and unique!  This one in particular holds a very special place in my heart. This waterfall was the beginning of a very special journey for me. I remember the first time I saw it. I felt like we were soo deep in the wilderness. I remember thinking this has to be the most peaceful place on earth.  This beautiful three tier waterfall before me, the lovely sound of flowing water. In this forest, I felt completely separated from the chaos of the world… and it was then that I realized, THIS is where I belong.  From that moment on, I began piecing myself together. It was the real turning point in my life, when I decided to chase what makes my soul spark. With every adventure, I not only found endless treasures of the forest… I discovered pieces of MYSELF. It was this wilderness that pushed me past my limits, showed me what I was made of, and rewarded me with so much beauty and wonder. From that, came so much appreciation for the environment around me. I began seeking hidden wonders, tucked away, long forgotten by man. To me, those places the most special, ruled by the plants and creatures. I started sharing my journey via Tumblr many years ago. With everything in me, I wanted to show the world how beautiful and special my “home” was. I share photos with you all, so you can see with my eyes. These mountains hold secrets, things few will ever see. I made it my mission to seek the unseen, bring it to the light, so the world can see why I am so passionate about this land.  I feel like Appalachia is often overlooked, our land is continually destroyed and pillaged for natural resources and fossil fuels. There has to come a point, when we realize how wonderful this place is, and that it is worthy of protection. We owe it to future generations!  My journey started here, at this very waterfall, and has led me thousands of miles along curvy roads and twisting trails of the Appalachian Mountains. With each experience, my love for this region grows stronger. I’d do anything in my power to protect these mountains and all the life they hold. Even if it’s only a small slice of the whole, this forest is sooo special! In all my travels and exploration, I’ve never found a place like it. That’s why I’m asking for YOUR help! I can’t do it alone. Please help protect a little piece of heaven, in a land of oil fields and strip mines. Pristine wilderness is such a rarity, and what does exist, deserves protection! 
Help me save this wilderness! Learn more about this forest, and my mission to create a nature preserve here ! Donate through paypal: [email protected] or Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/ccnaturepreserve
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krosnrd · 4 years
Another day in paradise.😏
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krosnrd · 5 years
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krosnrd · 5 years
You kissed your fear instead of me.
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krosnrd · 6 years
It's enjoyable to make someone's day that you don't even know. To go out of your way, just to see a warm smile. Things like this rarely happen on a day to day basis, do yourself a favor. Give someone a smile out of kindness, not because you have. Because you want to
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krosnrd · 6 years
Please support!
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krosnrd · 6 years
Longing for hope that oneday i could be satisfied with what i am, or what is my own has came to the conclusion that i wished to be stuck in a dream. Im a stubborn person in my own sense, i dont let many people into my life, and for good reason. We all have flaws, thats what makes us humans. My flaw is i can make the first act without probable cuase, i stay stuck inside my head where nothing gets solved. Wondering what if. And when the opportunity passes, still what if... i am my own enemy. And still yet, i have the privilege to dream..
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krosnrd · 6 years
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It’s 100% ok
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krosnrd · 6 years
endless void
the place in witch i live is cancerous. a dying place of endless hell’s. and whats worse than to be in caught in a spiders web just waiting for them to get hungry... there is no escape for me here. {besides a few close friends, in-witch some times i feel like i like i intrude in there lives. =[} in a position where even if i had the money for run away from this place i can’t. this world is most cruel, all i want is to be happy to enjoy whats left in my life. not only for myself, but my children’s sake. for now my life just seems like one big trap, and i managed to set it off at a very young age. if happiness is key to having a successful then i am far from successful. i’m not comfortable with this feeling inside of me, i would rather eat a bucket of glass everyday than to feel this way,   
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krosnrd · 6 years
what past.
fuck the past it dose not exist in the now, its only apart of us by knowledge we gained. 
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krosnrd · 6 years
my type of love
seeking a love that burns with all the colors of the sunset.
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krosnrd · 6 years
As my heart goes to waste
As I sit here, I feel of little use in this world. Wondering ever single day if I might get my chance, a chance to touch a beautiful womans soul. To let her know that she is not alone in this forsaken world, to give her encouragement, desirable since of want, and a love that never grows old. I search for conversation with-in a soul of gold. For every day I think of it, like it's already mine to have and to help grow. We grow older every day, we cannot see if we get to live another day. I am here wasting away every day.
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krosnrd · 6 years
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krosnrd · 6 years
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mugen said it best.
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krosnrd · 6 years
Have you?
Have you ever watched a clear night sky, counting an endless rain of fire fly. Sometimes confusing one for a shooting star, just to enjoy ones self in the complete dark.
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krosnrd · 6 years
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