kthrnprce · 11 years
hi i want to join roleplaying on tumblr for tvd but im not sure how to go about it liek do you join a rpg? or how doe sit work to find roleplayers on here?
oooo!!! do you have an account that you can ask me this on so i can answer you privately and we can talk about it and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kthrnprce · 11 years
"Wonderful. I am so ready for a change in scenery."
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"My parents were saving this for a second honeymoon but they’re not here so no use in wasting money."
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kthrnprce · 11 years
"Then let's go. I guess the quicker you get to see me in a two piece, the quicker I get to see you shirtless."
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"How about now? The quicker we get there the quicker I get to see you in that two piece." 
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kthrnprce · 11 years
"Whenever you would like."
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"Perfect, When should I pick up Ms. Katherine?" 
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kthrnprce · 11 years
pro tip: 
when the muse says back off, you BACK THE FUCK OFF.
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kthrnprce · 11 years
when you tell your friends your idea for something and they do this 
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kthrnprce · 11 years
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                                ❝Irritatingly brave? Maybe I just relate.❞
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                                              ❝Not often, surprisingly enough. Most people hate me instantly. Other people are able to figure out that I’m bad. I’m not sure if you’re stupid, or just irritatingly brave. Maybe both.❞
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kthrnprce · 11 years
Um, hey guys;
You know, if I ever write you a long reply, and you can only think of a short one, please don’t worry about that.
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kthrnprce · 11 years
Dear TVD writers,
when you take everything away from Elena Gilbert - her home, her family, her personality, her free will, don’t tell me who she loves, tell me why and why she needs that person in her life right now. Don’t dictate her feelings to me, show them through small, everyday things, until you make us realize things are out of place, so we can see when things fall back into place. Stop treating her as an object which constantly gets “won back” by a man, make a person out of her again. Stop making her do things for him, and make her do things for herself. She is an 18 year old girl, it’s not her obligation to carry his problems on her shoulders. She shouldn’t be walking around, worrying how every move she makes effects him and his actions, how they depend on her making him happy. I want to see Elena, not someones girlfriend.
When you put Katherine Pierce on her death bed, tell me more about the girl she was. The girl she is. Show me a century of her kicking door after door in every fucking village while she was on a quest of finding her daughter. Write a scene where she breaks down and cries how after 500 years she doesn’t want to die because she never lived to begin with. Don’t be afraid to make her cry, that doesn’t mean she’s not strong, or a survivor. When you’re killing her off, stop telling me how much she loved Stefan, tell me how much she loves her daughter. Make me believe this is her last hour, even if it isn’t. Even if you’re planning to tell me more about her love for Stefan, tell me why. Tell me why, after all these years, she finally decided to love him loudly. 
Stop making Caroline Forbes kiss every man on this show, especially if they’re going to walk away from her in the next scene. If you’re going to make her sleep with Klaus because there’s a dark side to her, then show it to me. Don’t make her stress clean or bake a basket of muffins, that’s what I expect from her - make her get drunk in the middle of a day and dance on the poll table - show me her confusion, show me her inability to react to her actions. Don’t be afraid to let her be imperfect. Give this beautiful lady a storyline she craves. Show me those dark impulses. We won’t call it out of character if you add another dimension to her character supported by logical arguments. 
Stop waiting for Damon Salvatore to get fixed by Elena Gilbert. He doesn’t need fixing - make him realize this. Once he does, he will stop acting like this. If Elena really made him a better person, he wouldn’t be out there, on a highway, killing Aaron, after getting rejected. He would be in his room, trying to face reality, his problems. She doesn’t make him a better person. Getting what makes him happy does, and in this case, it’s her. But what if in 100 years from now or tomorrow she’s not? She’s not his medicine, she’s an ideal he can’t reach. Let his brother mend him. Let a character we least expect mend him. Show us he is capable of good without getting something out of it. Don’t be afraid of letting him step away from Elena - maybe you learn he can grow better and stronger without her.
Stop pushing Bonnie Bennett away. Stop putting her into a relationship - the same relationship she got cheated on with a ghost - just so she can have a love interest. She died. She’s not a witch anymore - she’s not something that’s always been inside of her, someone she’s at her core. There are dead people walking through her. Show us how she feels, how angry and lost and frustrated she is. Why are you so afraid of her potential? Why are you so afraid of making her a vital part of the storyline? 
Stefan Salvatore doesn’t need a halo. Give him his purpose back - he became a plot device in his own story. Allow him to have negative opinions, allow him to express them. He can love people and still disagree with them. He can be a good guy who makes bad choices. But give him something - I don’t believe a character has to be a villain to be interesting - but clip Stefan’s wings, they’re too hard for him so he forgot how to fly.
Why are you excluding Matt? He’s the only human on the show, use it. Use his sadness and despair and fear. His friends are all dead. He’s going to grow old. He’s going to have a family. Sooner or later, he will have to cut ties with them. One day, he will be all alone. Let us know how he feels about it.
Please, because it shouldn’t be this way, it should be the other way around. You should be sitting behind your screen, trying to think of all the possible ways to make me love these characters, even the most irrelevant ones, instead of me begging you to love them as much as I do.
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kthrnprce · 11 years
"Good choice. I look excellent in a two piece."
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"Maui? I’m not going to lie, I would love to see you in a two piece."
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kthrnprce · 11 years
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                                ❝And yet, here I am. How many times have you have to give out this little warning speech of yours?❞
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                                              ❝You’re right. I’m not like him completely. I’m probably worse. And just —— trust me, babe, I’m not the kind of person you want to be ‘intrigued’ by.❞
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kthrnprce · 11 years
"What countries do you have in mind?"
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"So where should we start? Another country?" 
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kthrnprce · 11 years
"Of course I am."
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"I have no memory of who anyone is which can be a good thing and will be a good thing. Lets just say I’m anxious for a new beginning. Are you up for one as well?"
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kthrnprce · 11 years
me: i wanna write!!!
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kthrnprce · 11 years
I can't decide how I feel because I love both Katherine and Elena so much and I still have this feeling that the writers are going to throw a curveball and probably get rid of Katherine somehow??????
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kthrnprce · 11 years
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kthrnprce · 11 years
anti-katherine posts everywhere
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