kudzuhaiku · 10 years
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ppl who seriously believe every guy who watched MLP  must be sexualizing the ponies make me extremely angery.
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
"Feminists are taking over Ghostbusters!", men say. "They’re ruining our childhood!"
Meanwhile little girls everywhere can no longer safely Google My Little Pony.
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
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Here’s how much the U.S. spends on prison vs. education, in one startling GIF
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
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As always feel free to add to this list of dares
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
Friday nature pics can get pretty epic and brutal at times
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Read More
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
Please take one minute out of your day and watch this. It’s the ugly truth.
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
Everyone, meet the steamer duck. The steamer duck is one bad mother. See those orange nubbins on its wings? Those are keratinized spurs, which the steamer duck has evolved to wallop the living cuss out of any creature hapless enough to cross its path. (See that red stuff on the duck's head? Yeah. That's blood.)
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
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Commission for the fanfiction The Chase
Want a commission too? Check the info. You can also support me on Patreon.
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
In Montana, a gay couple who have been together for more than three decades have been told that they’re no longer really welcome in the Catholic parish where they’ve been worshiping together for 11 years. This happened last month, in the town of Lewistown. By all accounts, these two men, one of them 73, the other 66, had done no one any harm. They hadn’t picked a fight. Hadn’t caused any particular stir. Simply went to Mass, same as always. Prayed. Sang in the church choir, where they were beloved mainstays. There was only this: In May of last year, without any fanfare, the men had traveled to Seattle, where they had met and lived for many years, to get married. And while they didn’t do anything after to publicize the civil ceremony, word eventually leaked out. So in early August, a 27-year-old priest who had just begun working at the parish summoned them to a meeting, according to local news reports. And at that meeting, he told them that they could no longer be choir members, perform any other roles like that or, for that matter, receive communion. If they wanted those privileges restored, there was indeed a remedy, which the priest and other church officials spelled out for them over subsequent conversations. They would have to divorce. They would have to stop living together. And they would have to sign a statement that marriage exists only between a man and a woman. Translation: Renounce a love fortified over 30 years. Unravel your lives. And affirm that you’re a lesser class of people, barred from the rituals in which others blithely participate. With those little tweaks, the body of Christ can again be yours.
'I Do' Means You're Done | Frank Bruni for the New York Times (via gaywrites)
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
Every year, more people die from choking on candy packages than the candies themselves. Gums don't kill people, wrappers do.
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
Life on Chrome
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So, I have had my Chromebook for a while now. I have an HP Chromebook 11, which I absolutely adore, it is sleek, black, durable, oh so functional, and I pretty much live in an all Chrome environment. The transition has been much easier than I thought it would be. I rarely use my Samsung laptop now, I only fire it up for games and little else.
Some background about me. I have been using computers for a long time. I value portability. Way back in the day, and I do mean way back in the day, I had a Macintosh Quadra 610. It was my desktop system. For portability, I bought a Macintosh Duo 280c. It was nicely loaded with a lot of extras, and became a second desktop because of the docking system it had. It had a marvelous active matrix screen. It cost over five thousand dollars with all of the options I had included. It was the first laptop computer that I actually owned, and I was in love with it. It was light, it was portable, and I could get everything done that I needed to do. Plus, I could play Civilisation II on it, which I did for hours at a time. And Sim City. But I digress. I spent a lot of time in Clarisworks getting stuff done, and a program called Quark as well.
  There were other laptops later. A powerbook G3 Wallstreet. A clamshell iBook in lime green, which I still have. A G3 iBook, one the 700 Mhz varieties, which I still have. There have been a number of portables I have owned over the years. None of them ever quite felt as right as the Duo 280c, which was my boon companion.
  So I am picky. I like my portables portable. But I demand a good keyboard and the ability to get stuff done.
  Some time ago, my love affair with Apple ended. I’ve been around since the introduction of the first Macintosh. I ventured into the darkside and purchased a Samsung laptop with an enormous fifteen inch screen. It has a lousy keyboard. Text looks awful on the screen. But it is a gaming laptop, and it makes Borderlands II look pretty. I decided early on that I hated Windows… of course, I hated the very first version of Windows that came out. Oh boy I feel old.
  Enter my Chromebook.
  Quite possibly the perfect portable. Light, durable, the best keyboard I have ever used on a laptop, no ands, ifs, or buts. The screen is perfect, text renders beautifully, it runs Linux like a champ, and it has become my constant companion. It travels with me wherever I go. It has become an extension of myself, the means by which I store my thoughts, view the world, read media, study, research, watch media, it is my primary source for creating output and consuming input.
  I write. A lot. I do mean a lot. Some days, I write 10k words or more. As a writer, (not famous) I have some demands from my hardware. I want it quiet, I want it distraction free, and I want shit to work Goddessdamnit. Very reasonable demands. When I want to take notes, I love my Chromebook’s instant on feature. Within seconds, I can type out my ideas, and not have them slip away while my laptop is trying to wake up. GDocs is a perfectly serviceable writing environment. Just enough features to keep me satisfied, no screen clutter, no distractions, no annoying flashy blinky pop up bits that annoy me. The autosave is lovely. So it allows me to just write and write and write, never ceasing.
  Within the past few months, one of my stories has hit 716,382 words, and it is still growing. And every single word has been written on my Chromebook. Combined with my other works, I have cleared well over a millions words so far on my Chromebook, which has endured my abuses.
  I learned to type on a typewriter, an archaic machine of yesteryore. I don't type, I hammer. Smashy smashy. I wear out keyboards at an alarming rate. Shockingly, my Chromebook has endured my abuse and the keys are still quite functional. I can easily hit speeds of around a hundred words per minute, smashing away with gusto, my and Chromebook somehow manages to endure. People cringe when I type… I have observed this phenomenon on several occasions and I always find it amusing. My moods can be determined by the machinegun type clatter I produce. I have fond memories of typing on old IBM model M keyboards and producing an deafening amount of noise. It is one of the few sounds that actually increases my creative output. It is the sound of progress.
  Alas, my HP Chromebook 11 is far too quiet.
  Anyhoo, I thought I’d put my thoughts out on the web, worthless as though they might be, and I thought I’d end this on a question. I get questions all the time about my Chromebook, and there seems to be a million myths and untruths about them.
  Is there anything that you'd like to know about life on a Chromebook? 
Are there any questions? Just drop me a line. I'll be happy to share what I know. 
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
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Selfies of the damned. 
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
Reblogging because I can. 
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
What a great article about harassment and trolling during the internet age. 
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kudzuhaiku · 10 years
This was comical. I like this. 
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ppl who seriously believe every guy who watched MLP  must be sexualizing the ponies make me extremely angery.
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