kvugg · 9 years
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One of the worst feelings in the world is going to bed knowing you didn't accomplish enough, that day. The circling thoughts keep me awake into the infantile hours of the morning.
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kvugg · 9 years
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Probably not the best outfit in which to conduct an interview.
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kvugg · 10 years
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It was a real treat to be able to taste a red wine that was as old as me. The Monte Bello is Ridge Vineyard's signature bottle, able to best even French wines in French-held competitions.
Because of how aged the wine has become, bright fruity aromas are no longer present. There is a very strong earthy smell to replace it. The taste is almost completely absent of alcohol; a very smooth experience. There is also very little sweetness because most of the sugars have been further digested.
The device on the top of the bottle is a Coravin. It allows the bottle to be tapped, without de-corking. Missing volume inside the bottle is replaced with argon, an inert gas that will prevent any further oxidation of the wine (which is what causes wines to go bad after opening).
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kvugg · 10 years
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I think about half of my wardrobe comes from Gap Factory.
Decided to stop by today, after work, because I had a 40% F&F coupon sitting in my inbox. Usually, I limit myself to one or two items because my spending budget used to be extremely tight. This time, I grabbed everything that fit well and then decided that it WAS all within budget.
In truth, I do need more work clothes. I'm starting to become very stringent about not buying clothes that don't perfectly fit from the start.
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kvugg · 10 years
Today was the first time, in three days, that I have been at home to do more than just sleep. It has been 6 AM wake, 4 PM commute into San Francisco, 12 AM return home. I don't even know how I managed to get through yesterday with 2.5 hours of sleep, and not even feeling tired.
GDC 2015 was one of those milestones that has forced the growth of my little company. I was proud to see so many people rise to the occasion, taking on responsibilities that I hadn't even anticipated. I did the best I could to support the team, capture new business, and be there every event to direct operations. It would be foolish to say that I did a good job, but I think it went well enough.
It was surreal to be able to speak with the President of Riot Games and have him tell me what I helped found was something he would consistently patron. Here is someone at the helm of a multi-million dollar company telling me he's thoroughly impressed with my product. I also really appreciated the fact that we were speaking as equal peers. It certainly was a start contrast to some of the other conversations I had, where the person clearly wanted to establish superiority.
The question of whether GDC was a success is currently not easily answered. The coming week or two will be a better indication of whether this week's efforts were fruitful. 
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kvugg · 10 years
I had a small revelation at Target, earlier tonight, when I was running errands after work. Normally, when I have to decide between products, I go straight for the cheapest choice -- unless it's a really bad choice (e.g. step down in quality). Tonight, I paused for a minute. I realized the differences in price had become marginal for me, now that I have an actual career job.
It was such a weird feeling, considering I had maintained this frugal mindset ever since I handled my own money in middle school. Of course, I don't intend to recklessly spend money with this new financial upgrade (though some might disagree with my purchase history). It just felt good to know things don't have to be the way they used to be.
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kvugg · 10 years
Made it through the first week of work.
The roundtrip commute is terrible, but just something I'll have to figure out a way that makes sense. It's frustrating that any amount of time I get out early is automatically consumed by the hours it takes to get home. Full 8-hour days become at least 11 hours. Slipping out of work at 6 hours is still at least a 9-hour day.
Going to have to give some serious thought to moving out.
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kvugg · 10 years
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League of Legends Valentines by Cherrycake4
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kvugg · 10 years
Heretic porter. Sidecar. Guinness.
I'm getting too old for this birthday debauchery.
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kvugg · 10 years
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“Who has influenced you the most in your life?” “My mother. She had me when she was 18 years old, and my father left when I was one year old, so I never really knew him. Like a lot of single moms, she had to struggle to work, and eventually she also struggled to go to school. And she’s really the person who instilled in me a sense of confidence and a sense that I could do anything. She eventually went on to get her PhD. It took her ten years, but she did it, and I watched her grind through it. And as I got older, like everyone else, I realized that my mother wasn’t all that different than me. She had her own doubts, and fears, and she wasn’t always sure of the right way of doing things. So to see her overcome tough times was very inspiring. Because that meant I could overcome tough times too.”
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kvugg · 10 years
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Reasons to always carry two batteries to a photo gig.
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kvugg · 10 years
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Finally, someone made a Millennium Falcon drone
Han Solo’s heavily modified YT-1300 light freighter from the original Star Wars trilogy is one of the most iconic spaceships in pop culture. It’s no wonder, then, that a drone enthusiast named Olivier sought to combine the affordable power and speed of today’s drones with the irresistible shape and design of the Millennium Falcon.
[Read more]
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kvugg · 10 years
I finished all the new paperwork thrown at me. Now, I can get back to the other dozen company things that require my attention. :v
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kvugg · 10 years
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Source: http://thoughtcatalog.com/jessica-blankenship/2014/04/see-how-mens-idea-of-a-perfect-body-differs-from-womens/
I'm not a fan of ThoughtCatalog because some of their pieces are polarizing -- to the point of being trash. This was an interesting compilation, though.
Thematically, it seems like women are looking for leaner body builds, both in men and in themselves. I would say there's even a close adherence to proportionality. In the case of men, everything should be bigger. It has to be said that there's no way you're going to naturally find Kim K. boobs on that frame, except for very lucky circumstances.
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kvugg · 10 years
Creepy as fuck.
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kvugg · 10 years
Throwaway account since pretty much everyone I know is on reddit, and this would ruin a lot of my good friendships if anyone found out. Okay, so...
Only a few of my close friends know how much I made during my Bitcoin mining stint.
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kvugg · 10 years
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First plate of all-you-must-eat sushi. I think I'll get tired of sushi -- never.
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