kyddstatic · 5 years
tl;dr I've moved over to twitter (https://twitter.com/kyddstatic) & pixiv (https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=42311141).
You might've noticed I haven't been around on the site much recently. There's a couple of reasons for that so let's go down the list.
1. Last year my financial situation took a large hit and I took a job outside of my expertise that took all the time and energy out of me; currently ‘between jobs’; 2. my mental health isn't the best, I'm struggling with acute depression/apathy and the above didn't help; 3. I had to focus the little energy I had left on my studies; 4. I don't agree with tumblr's new terms of service and the 'great adult content purge'. Some of my stuff got hit, which is ridiculous as I never posted any nudity online, nor I really draw it outside of anatomy practice. I understand it was a business decision, but it pretty much made most people I followed leave the site (no, I didn't follow them for lewd stuff, most of them weren't even artists). I'd rather not waste my time to deal with false flags.
I've been slowly getting back to drawing and setting up shop over on twitter instead, followed by pixiv. Also doing my damnest to bring Life is Peachy, my short-lived strip comic, back to life and from now on it'll be exclusively hosted on tapas.io until/unless I manage to run my own site.
If you want to follow my future endeavours, hit me up at: twitter: https://twitter.com/kyddstatic pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=42311141 Life is Peachy: https://tapas.io/series/lifeispeachycomic
I gave @takeyourmimis the permission to repost my stuff on here, so feel free to follow that if you like.
As for Deviantart, I'm dropping off there too because I don't really get the culture there anymore, most people I used to talk to on there left and some other gripes with how the site is ran.
Thank you for all the support, follows, reblogs, likes etc. over the years - I appreciate it all, but I just can't deal with this site anymore.
See you on the other side maybe.
- kydd out
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kyddstatic · 6 years
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Life is Peachy 28
Previous strip
She's easily influenced.
DeviantArt / Tumblr / Redbubble / Commission info
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kyddstatic · 6 years
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Life is Peachy 27
Previous strip
She's asking a rhetorical question.
Sorry for the hiatus, everyone! Exams and some personal issues knocked the wind out of me, but I'm now in the clear again to draw more strips. Life comes first, unfortunately. Thank you for your support!
DeviantArt / Tumblr / Redbubble / Commission info
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kyddstatic · 6 years
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It’s my birthday, so here’s my gift to myself to you. Got upset about my graphics monitor being defective so I channelled it into something positive.
2018 is the year where I kick reason to the curb and do the impossible!
DeviantArt / Tumblr / Redbubble / Commission info
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kyddstatic · 6 years
I’m bummed out.
Ordered a 13″ graphics monitor. Was super excited when it arrived.
Turns out it’s defective. I’m contacting the seller about shipping a replacement but for some reason I’m unsure if the dispute goes my way and £360 is not an amount I’ll have again anytime soon.
Just so happens it’s my birthday in 2 days and feeling pretty rotten now.
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kyddstatic · 7 years
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Life is Peachy 26
Previous strip
She's a bit superstitious.
It is believed that hanging a teru teru bōzu, a paper or cloth doll, head-up to bring good weather.
DeviantArt / Tumblr / Redbubble / Commission info
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kyddstatic · 7 years
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Commission - Yukikaze - thank you for your patronage!
(the commissioner wished for a watermark to be present for online posting)
DeviantArt / Tumblr / Redbubble / Commission info
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kyddstatic · 7 years
Do you design a lot of characters living in not-modern eras and you’re tired of combing through google for the perfect outfit references? Well I got good news for you kiddo, this website has you covered! Originally @modmad made a post about it, but her link stopped working and I managed to fix it, so here’s a new post. Basically, this is a costume rental website for plays and stage shows and what not, they have outfits for several different decades from medieval to the 1980s. LOOK AT THIS SELECTION:
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There’s a lot of really specific stuff in here, I design a lot of 1930s characters for my ask blog and with more chapters on the way for the game it belongs to I’m gonna be designing more, and this website is going to be an invaluable reference. I hope this can be useful to my other fellow artists as well! :)
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kyddstatic · 7 years
Lately I’ve been feeling a lot of doubt about the kind of stuff I do and wasn’t certain if that’s even how it’s supposed to be like or not. I’m not gonna lie, the video is a bit romanticized but at the same time a lot of truth comes out from it and in some way it’s reassuring. Thank you for sharing.
Inspiring little something that I stumbled upon on youtube. It felt tad eye opening to me, if I may add.
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kyddstatic · 7 years
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Sketches.. sketches…
These characters are Aleka Tisphone & Adam Klein. They belong to me - KnightLycoris -
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kyddstatic · 7 years
Servant concept #1: Caster
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“Ah, you must be my new squi- … Master, I mean. For introduction, I am La- no, Caster, sometimes I’m not really sure… Well, that aside, we’re sure to have plenty of book-worthy adventures from here on out!”
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kyddstatic · 7 years
Yes you! I’m proud of you. Your actions are noticed and what you’re doing is fantastic.
To the Artist: I’m astounded that you can take these things you see I’m your head and translate them on paper, I am humbled that you share them with me, with us. I hope that you see what you do it’s valued, even if you feel like it’s not your best. Thank you for that!
To the Roleplayer: Your dynamic ability to tell a story though the eyes of your characters makes it so apparent that you love what you’re doing. I hang on the trials and tribulations you put your muses through. I feel for them when they fail and cheer when they succeed. I never forget our interactions, no matter how small. Thank you for that.
To the Writer: You carve out your settings, your characters, your piece with such detail on these flat slates of modern ivory in ways that I can only hope to meet one day. Every passage in your ever expanding tapestry of words is a treat to read, from subtle single lines to expressive chapters you’ve sweated over. Thank you for that.
Please know that your efforts matter, even if you don’t get the standing ovation you may want or expect, that your post gets only a handful of likes or a reblog or two. Someone, somewhere out there loves your work.
And thank you for that.
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kyddstatic · 7 years
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kyddstatic · 7 years
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Yeah, I’m still doing this whole art thing. Heh..
1. Sasha Torte - Wood elf baker. NPC in Purgatoria Academia
2. Shinju Takara - Merman Shopkeeper NPC in Purgatoria Academia
3. Mina Rozengard - Student of Potions in Purgatoria Academia
All of them are ©  to Me -KnightLycoris-
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kyddstatic · 7 years
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Life is Peachy 25
Previous strip
She’s experiencing the seasonal weather.
After nearly 2 months of hiatus caused by other commitments, burnout and depression, I’m getting back on track to draw the comic again. Apologies everyone, and thank you so much for your support!
DeviantArt / Tumblr / Redbubble / Commission info
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kyddstatic · 7 years
Can I just...
In lieu of the new tumblr settings, can I make yet another plea with those of you who read fics and consume art on tumblr to please reblog them?   
Fics and art will die on a creator’s dash if they aren’t reblogged.  It’s never been more true than now. 
If you want to keep receiving content from creators, reblog the the content. If it’s something you enjoyed?  Reblog it.  It’s not hard.  I am going to make a point to reblog everything I read from now on.  (With the proper tags of course), as well as all the art that I see on my dash.  
I cannot make it simpler.  Posts WILL die unless they’re reblogged.  No one will see your ‘like’.  Your like is a bookmark for YOU to find it later.  Your reblog means the world to a creator because it means you are willing to go the little extra distance and recommend this to your followers.  
Don’t let creations die on the dash of those who created them.  
Reblog to save a creation.  
Reblog to keep a creator creating.
Reblog, please. 
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kyddstatic · 7 years
Hey guys. I don’t know if it’s gonna make me sound pretentious (it’s not my intent), but I’m sorry about the lack of content lately. I’m busy with commissions, life stuff and well... I’m fighting a one-sided, one-man battle against depression. It’s not pretty. ._.’
I’ll try to resume the comic sometime this week, all things willing.
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