kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Within established rules and defined lines, I excel. It's in the limbo, the unknown, the poorly circumscribed borders you subject me to that I lose myself.
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
What a fool I was, to think time alone could change what you are responsible for
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Love should inspire, not tire.
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Dream x Reality
A prisoner to the dream I had the audacity to conceive I'm gasping for air I'm struggling to breathe
No windows are around me None that I can see The outside world I long for Has no place in it for me
I'm crippled by the burden They have labeled as prestige With a six figure price tag So that you can never leave
I don't know why it is I have to sacrifice myself Just because I wanted To be someone who could help
They say nice guys finish last My god, that is so true They'll never understand Just how much we all go through
I wonder if you know Just how much it takes Just so I can be the one To fix you when you break
But who will fix me?
I must bend but never break Lest you say that you will sue I really wish you knew that I Can break, that I'm human just like you
No--I'm a person Please try to understand Sometimes I fall down And need a helping hand
But I guess it doesn't matter I've already dug my hole too deep So here's to a "life" of stress, fatigue, And never getting enough sleep
-k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
The only thing the past can change is how you feel about the present
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Like hair growing longer, we change every day, little by little.
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Hope courses through my veins
And every heartbreak, every stab
Is like a fatal wound
That causes me to hemorrhage
-k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Tbh, a piece of me dies every time I think to myself, 'Well, onto the next one.'
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
I’ll tell you of a girl Who is no stranger to hell She was marred and grotesque Burned from when she fell
She soldiers through the wasteland Hoping to quench her thirst Wondering how she got here If perhaps it was by curse
Exhaustion threatens each step Vultures circle above in the sky She ignores this and continues because Of the hope she still carries inside
The vultures are relentless They stalk her day and night They circle ahead and lie in wait For the moment to take her life
They see that she is broken That to her, life hasn’t been fair, They care not for the damage That has laid her bones bare
Her heart rests on her sleeve It’s now obvious to all Both the reason why she broke And the reason she won’t fall
This girl has no fear She’ll walk until she dies She cares not if she falls For she knows she’ll always rise
She’ll arrive at her oasis In a sick, cruel twist of fate Unknowing it is but a mirage, Meant to trick her into feeling safe
Her hope was her salvation– It’s the reason she stayed awake But it also made her susceptible To the vultures that hungered to take
The vultures relentlessly took The paltry remains of her flesh And ravaged her fragile body Until there was nothing of her left
Although the takers took The last bit of her life She did not scream for she Had been taken from all her life
Finally they abandoned her carcass Believing she was no more, Leaving her pure and mangled heart Destroyed, and never explored.
Every person has a wasteland That they alone walk through Every person has been broken In some way, by someone like you
Please handle them with care, For you don’t know how they are So consider each action that you take So you don’t leave another scar
I know we can be better if We speak from our hearts and not our minds Of all the good we can effect If we can just be kind
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
I'll tell you of a girl Who is no stranger to hell She was marred and grotesque Burned from when she fell
She soldiers through the wasteland Hoping to quench her thirst Wondering how she got here If perhaps it was by curse
Exhaustion threatens each step Vultures circle above in the sky She ignores this and continues because Of the hope she still carries inside
The vultures are relentless They stalk her day and night They circle ahead and lie in wait For the moment to take her life
They see that she is broken That to her, life hasn’t been fair, They care not for the damage That has laid her bones bare
Her heart rests on her sleeve It’s now obvious to all Both the reason why she broke And the reason she won’t fall
This girl has no fear She’ll walk until she dies She cares not if she falls For she knows she’ll always rise
She’ll arrive at her oasis In a sick, cruel twist of fate Unknowing it is but a mirage, Meant to trick her into feeling safe
Her hope was her salvation-- It’s the reason she stayed awake But it also made her susceptible To the vultures that hungered to take
The vultures relentlessly took The paltry remains of her flesh And ravaged her fragile body Until there was nothing of her left
Although the takers took The last bit of her life She did not scream for she Had been taken from all her life
Finally they abandoned her carcass Believing she was no more, Leaving her pure and mangled heart Destroyed, and never explored.
Every person has a wasteland That they alone walk through Every person has been broken In some way, by someone like you
Please handle them with care, For you don’t know how they are So consider each action that you take So you don't leave another scar
I know we can be better if We speak from our hearts and not our minds Of all the good we can effect If we can just be kind
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Every so often I slip up And catch myself hoping For that person I felt a connection with To have felt it too For them to want to see me again. When will I learn That nothing good has ever come Of me hoping for more Thoughts like these are toxic And I extinguish them like a flame Before they spread like wildfire And consume me But I guess even then-- Even if it burned me to the core, I'd still feel the same Only now I'd finally look the part
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
My heart is like the little kid that grew up and stopped believing in Santa Claus
k. mccormick 
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
I know you’re at a loss for words And don’t know what to say But I’m not asking for too much Please, just tell me I’ll be OK
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
We aren't even together We haven't been for a while... I'm staircases above you now Yet you make me feel Like I'm worlds below you Without even trying  Because you're not trying
k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
Take 74
It happened yet again I found someone who could be mine Could, but won't, not yet, not now No, not this time
Wrong time, wrong place I've done this scene before I'm 10-0, forever benched, hoping To someday even the score
I'm tired of looking for the silver lining That frames every cloud in the sky Of trying to make sense of my mistakes Of trying to find a reason why
I don't know why I bother The result is always the same All I'm left with is another cut, Another crack, another stain
Perhaps this is a sign Or maybe it's nothing at all Regardless, I just hope someday Someone will be there to break my fall
-k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
You know how sometimes when you read a book, it's so good and you don't want it to end, and when you finish it, you feel a sense of loss? Like, "damn that book was so good, so perfect--it had everything I love in a book." And you lament the hunt for a new book to read, and wonder if another book as good as the one you just finished even exists, or if you'll ever find a book that good again. And sometimes in between finishing the book and finding the next great one, you go back to the former, to read it all over again, even though it's not the same as the first time as you read it, even though it's not as exciting.
 Sometimes that's how I feel about love. It's so easy to go back and remember everything about the last person who loved you/who you loved, and to romanticize them, especially when you haven't found anyone better since. But the events in a book are permanent. Once they're published, there's no changing what's been written. It's almost like a record. The same goes for love. It starts, it climaxes, and it ends. And you can't go back and change things, even if you want to, because it's already happened, because you can't go back and control the author's mind. And to worry you'll never find another great novel is preposterous. People are birthing new ideas every second of every day, and with 7 billion people in the world, there's bound to be some amazing material out there still left to read. 
The same goes for your romantic pursuits. There will be others like the ones before, some worse, some better. You just have to remember to not judge a book by its cover, because people aren't always what they seem. And you also need to remember that in order to experience a great story, you need to keep picking them up and giving them a chance to resonate with you, because you never know--maybe the one you take a chance on will inspire the next chapter of your own.
-k. mccormick
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kylejmcc-blog · 8 years
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It's funny to think That as a child my first word Was "up" That I'd chase you around the house Saying, "up!" over and over Begging to be carried I may have grown a few feet and gained a hundred lbs (give or take), but you have never stopped Picking me up, carrying me, supporting me I will always look up to you Even when you're gone I'll look to the sky and know Somewhere among the stars is my mom I thank god every day For the time he's given us Because not everybody gets this much But even still, I pray for more I pray that the day I have to look up to the sky to see you is a day far, far away When I myself have already gone gray It's because of you that I can be vulnerable That I can be bent, but not broken I am resilient, and it is because of the example you gave us that I am. It is because I came from someone so strong, she was forged in fire. Thank you, for always showing me How to stand back up For showing me that I am perfect the way I am, For teaching me to stand up for others When someone puts them down, For teaching me patience every time you Made me wait for something to go on sale You are an amazing person And I am so grateful to be Half the person you are I love you mom, happy Mother's Day #urockdonteverchange #happymothersday #thankyou #mom #polaroid
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