kylos-isomnisexual · 9 months
hurt comfort with the astarion guy pls I don't don't know anything about the game I've just seen clips of him on youtube and I love him
you aSK AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE i love him
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Blood is Rare and Sweet as Cherry Wine
Character: Astarion (Baldur's Gate)
Warnings: reverse hurt/comfort, mentions of alcohol (reader doesn’t drink), general astarion backstory information but it’s nothing super specific. not proofread
Notes: almost cried writing this. im sorry. anyway I'm a hozier lover what else is new.
gn reader
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Astarion stared at the fire, leaning back against one of the boxes under his tent. There was something serene about this area—they’d never been attacked at camp, and it comforted him to know he could let his guard down somewhere. If only slightly. 
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice you walking up to him until you spoke. 
“Astarion?” you asked, voice softer than he expected. “Are you alright?”
He must have looked upset—he didn’t need your pity, though, so he tried to shake himself back to reality. “What can I do for you, my dear?” he asked, sitting up a bit straighter and taking a sip of the ale next to him. 
You paused, looking at him with your eyebrows furrowed slightly, then finally decided to sit next to him. He offered the ale but you declined. Instead, you turned your body to face him and slowly, gently, brushed a bit of hair out of his face. 
And he flinched. 
You quickly pulled your hand away from him and rested it in your lap. He stared, wide-eyed, terrified of his own actions. He’d inflicted pain on countless others and never felt guilt for it, but such a simple gesture broke him. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, voice small and quiet. It was unlike anything you’d ever seen before. Astarion was always so eccentric, so proud, so…unafraid. This was an entirely new side to him, and he was even more embarrassed to show it to you. He wanted to run, he wanted to hide, but he didn’t have the energy to make his feet move. To make anything move. 
There was a beat of silence, where the two of you only listened to the crackling fire a few feet away. Then, you spoke. “You don’t have to apologize for anything.”
He didn’t understand how you could be so kind to him. There were so many things wrong with him as a person, or things from his past—he’d hurt people, tricked them, found ways for dear Cazador to turn them into mindless little puppets. Like he was, before all this mindflayer business. 
There was so much wrong in the world, and there you sat. His ray of sunshine—his hope. Somehow with you, things seemed a little less dreary. True, there was some mystical dream-being that followed you around keeping everyone from sprouting tentacles, so that was something positive. But your general disposition, the way you smiled at him when you caught him staring at you, the way you snuck away from the rest of camp with him to watch the stars…all these things made him fall so hopelessly in love. 
He couldn’t be that person for you, though. He never learned how to make big, romantic gestures or show his affection in a way that made sense. A way that made sure you knew he adored you in your best and worst moments. Cazador had ruined him—he’d ruined any semblance of having a normal life. On top of being a vampire spawn and ripped away from his life before, he was stuck in an endless loop of servitude and puppetry or constantly fearing for his life. He never learned or could afford, to just relax. You deserved someone who could love you whole-heartedly, not the monster he’d become. 
“I care for you so, so deeply, my dear,” he all but whispered, voice tight with emotion. 
“I know.”
“I cannot, for the life of me…” he trailed off, quickly wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. “I cannot understand why you care for me.”
His head hung low; you stared at him, shocked and unsure how to react to his words. He felt embarrassed, he felt small—there was nothing he could do, it seemed, to pull himself out of this rut he had himself stuck in lately. 
Then he heard your words. 
“Can I hug you, Astarion?”
He glanced over to you, seeing teh pleading look in your eyes. You’d asked. Maybe that made him feel a little more normal, a little less messed up. Hesitantly, he leaned into your embrace. The moment he felt the warmth of your arms around him, though, he melted. He laid his head on your chest, his full weight falling into you exponentially by the second. And with it, he began to cry. 
It was heart-wrenching sobs that felt like someone stabbing him through the heart every time, but he couldn’t mistake the comfort of your hands running through his hair. The soothing, repetitive motion calmed his nerves more than he thought possible. After what felt like ages, he began to sit up, trying to put himself back together like that hadn’t just happened. His eyes looked slightly irritated, but he tried desperately to wipe any evidence of his outburst from his face—
Suddenly, he felt your hands around his face, thumbs running over his cheeks. He stopped—his hands slowly fell, and he relaxed into your embrace once again. 
“You do not have to apologize for feeling things, Astarion,” you said softly. “And you certainly don’t have to hide from me. Not your thoughts, not your emotions.”
He nodded, turning his head slightly to the side to kiss the palm of your hand. His voice was hoarse but surprisingly gentle. “Thank you. I don’t deserve you.”
“That’s the thing. You do.”
He smiled softly—it had been a long time since he felt like he could do so freely. 
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kylos-isomnisexual · 1 year
An Unthinkable Love
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Mary Goore x Male! Reader
A/N: It’s been a really long time since I’ve written any sort of fanfiction so if this is really shit I apologize
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"Mary? Hey man are you in there? We brought you some food" One of your friends knocked on the door
"Jesus, varför lämnar ni mig inte ifred" was all that could be heard from the other side. "See man, nothing, not even food will get him out of that hobbit hole of a room he's been living in" Another one of your friends spoke.
You and Mary have been best friend's for years. You had met him at one of the shows he was playing at in your city. Him and his friends were one of the opening acts of the band that you had come to see that night. Somehow, after the concert you managed to bump into him. You said hello and brought up how much you loved the songs his band had played. Despite how scary he looked the first time you met him, he was actually very sweet and thanked you for enjoying the show they had put on. From there you both clicked instantly, you some how managed to snatch his number before his band mates had to drag him away from you because he was taking too long. Back to present day however, Mary seemed to not want to deal with anyone's bullshit
Mary had been dating this girl for a little while, and despite the aching feeling that rested in your heart, you were very supportive and happy for Mary. Of course that achy feeling hadn't gone away, not until recently when the news broke out that the girl he had been seeing was cheating on him with her ex. Part of you felt bad for Mary, knowing how much he had loved that girl, but also part of you was happy, knowing that he didn't have anyone standing in the way of you and him. You knew that part of you was very selfish, so you pushed all those feelings down and decided that no matter what you would be helping him from this point onward, even if you had some certain feelings resting deep down.
"Good luck trying to get him out, I doubt he'll answer to anyone at this point" His friend sighed. You smiled softly at them, giving a reassuring look before knocking on the door. Before you could even give an indication that it was you, Mary had already started to complain about being disturbed again. "För sista gången, lämna mig fan ifred" He sounded so tired and defeated, your heart broke hearing him sound like that. "Mary, it's me, (r/n)" You said softly, unsure if he was actually going to open the door or not. To both you and your friends surprise, the door slightly cracked open.
You gave him a gentle and reassuring smile, barley being able to see anything other then his obviously tear stained eyes. "Can I come in?" You asked softly, not wanting to sound demanding incase he wanted to be completely left alone. You both had sat there for a little bit. You were about to say something, telling him that it was okay if he didn't want company, but before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand and dragged you inside his room, locking it behind him. Both of your friends stood there shocked, opting that they were just going to put the food on the counter and then leave, knowing that you probably have everything under control.
It took you a minute before you could compose yourself. After a second you looked up, the sight in front of you killing you from the inside. There stood Mary, his face paint and fake blood smudged, obvious tear stains on his face. His clothes are more tattered up then they usually are, and he looked and smelt like he hadn't showered in days. "Oh Mary" You said, holding your arms out for a hug. Mary wasn't one for physically touch, not from most people. With you it was different, but you still wanted to give him the option of wether or not he wanted to be touched right now.
Mary walked up slowly, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face in your chest. Normally, this kind of situation would make you blush, but right now you needed to be there for him. Mary started sobbing violently into your chest. You had never seen him this vulnerable. Sure you've seen him sad once or twice, but never so dejected, never so broken. You shushed him quietly as you brought both of you to sit on the bed, still maintaining the hug. "Hey, shhh it's okay, I'm here for you man" You said softly, rubbing circles on his back. You both sat in silence for a little while, feeling the tears fall down on your shirt. Eventually, Mary was able to compose himself. He looked up at you, his eyes all red and puffy. You gave him a soft smile, continuing to rub his back
"You wanna talk about it?" You said, concern in your voice. He sniffled, rubbing the tears away from his eyes. "God, (r/n). I loved her so fucking much, she meant everything to me. How could she just go and cheat on me without a second thought." He said angrily, his hands balled up into fists. You grabbed his hands, lacing your fingers together. His anger seemed to simmer down immediately, but he wouldn't look you in the eyes, almost like he was embarrassed to be seen like this. You let go of one of his hands, grabbing his chin to make him look at you. "You don't deserve her man, and definitely don't deserve the way she treated you throughout your whole relationship".
"You are such a kind person despite what people may think of you. You're loving and caring and you treated her like a princess. If she decided that throwing you away over her stupid ex was a good idea then she wasn't worth it anyways. You can do so much better. I know it hurts now, but you'll get through it, I know you can" You said, hoping that your little pep talk would cheer him up a bit. Evidently it worked, as a small smile appeared on his face. "Thank you, it means a lot to me. More than you know" He says with a genuine tone in his voice. "Ayyy don't get all sappy on me now" You lightly hit his shoulder. "Alright, you don't have to be an ass" He laughs, the smile on his face getting bigger. You laughed, standing up to leave the room to get his food. Before you could step outside the door, Mary had grabbed your hand. Shocked, you turn around to see him trembling a little bit, almost like he was afraid of you leaving him.
“Please don’t go” He said softly, looking down at the ground. “Can you stay here and lay with me for a bit?” The question had caught you off guard. You stood their for a little, trying to process what he asked you a few seconds ago. You snapped back into reality once you saw the scared look that threatened to appear on his face. “Yeah of course. I don’t mind. Let me just get comfy first” He let go of your hand and you turned around, not wanting him to see the blush that spread across your face. You took off your shirt and pants, opting to just stay in your boxers. You turned back around to see Mary already getting comfy in bed, an open spot right next to him. You walk over, lifting the covers up as you got underneath them. You shuffled a little, turning so that your back was facing him.
After a few moments, you feel Mary scoot closer, wrapping his arms around you. You jumped a little in surprise but calmed down soon after, the body heat making you sleepy. “Thank you (r/n), for everything” You smiled, letting out a soft yawn. “It’s really no problem” Was the last thing you remember saying before passing out.
A few months later, Mary was back to being himself, his asshole like demeanor making it’s appearance. He seemed happier, now having been moved on from his ex for a while. After the night you stayed with him, Mary promised he’d get himself together and go back to the way he was. Now you, Mary and all your friends were having a good time, sitting and talking, having a few drinks in your living room. “Yeah well she was a fucking bitch anyways, I don’t know why I dated her” Mary slurred his words, taking another sip of the fireball he had in his hands. His friends laughed, agreeing with his comment.
“So, do you have anyone new you’re interested in?” One of your friends asked, wiggling their eye brows. Mary hesitated for a bit before speaking, “I might have a small thing for somebody, but it’s nothing” He waved it off. “Oooo, who is it? Tell us” Your other friend pried. “Fuck you is who it is” He took another swig of the fireball, flipping off his friends in the process. You looked over at Mary, curious to know who this secret crush is. Part of you hoped that it was you, but in your mind you knew that there was no reason to get your hopes up. You’re not Mary’s type, and your sure as hell not a girl. Mary goes for the bimbos, there was no shot of you ever getting with him. “I’m hungry, I’m gonna go buy some snacks” One of your friends states, struggling to get up and on his feet. “Where are you gonna get snacks from, you can’t drive” Mary slurred, tilting his head at them. “There’s a vending machine downstairs… your coming with me” He managed to pull the other guy up with him despite his protest. Both of them walked out the apartment door, stumbling and almost falling on their way out.
Now it was just you and Mary sat alone in the living room, you started to giggle and Mary had asked what was up. “I’m just glad there not in the room anymore, I couldn’t stand them” You slurred, waving around the bottle of wine in your hands. Mary agreed, saying how those two could be annoying and a handful. You scooted closer, the alcohol clouding your judgment on wether or not being this close to him while being this drunk was a smart idea. “Yknow, you’re a really great friend, and I really REALLY appreciate you” You said, loosely grabbing onto his shoulder. “I think you’ve had too much to drink” He said, shaking his head. You pointed a finger at him, your face getting dangerously close to his. “Your one to talk, pain in the ass…” You mumbled the last part. You could’ve sworn you saw Mary look at your lips, but you just decided it was part of your imagination. You both sat there in silence, looking off into space. Eventually, you felt like someone’s eyes were on you, turning to see that Mary was just staring at you with an unreadable expression.
“What are you staring at?” You asked, blush appearing on your face. “You’re Uhh, really handsome, I guess” Mary said, still staring at you. “You’re really handsome too” You weren’t quite sure where the sudden boost in confidence came from but it wasn’t unwelcome. You both just sat there, staring into each others eyes, looking down at each others lips from time to time. “Jag vill verkligen kyssa dig” You looked at Mary confused, unsure of what he just said to you. “What was that?” You asked, tilting your head. “I said, that I really want to kiss you” He repeated, this time in English. Your eyes opened wide, surprised that even came out of his mouth. “You can kiss me” Was all you could muster up to say.
He took his hands, placing them on your cheeks. He rubbed his thumbs against them. You both leaned in slowly, his lips meeting yours passionately. You pulled away after a few seconds, staring into his eyes. “Why uhh, why did you kiss me?” You would never think that Mary Goore would show any interest in you, so why all of a sudden did he kiss you. “After that night, when you helped me. I slowly started to realize how much you meant to me and how much I loved you. I eventually figured out that love was beyond just friendship” His speech didn’t sound slurred, almost like he wasn’t drunk in the first place. “I’ve never been with a guy before, but I genuinely love you, and I want to be with you”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, Mary Goore, the man you were in love with for years, said that he loved you back. You smiled, happy tears falling from your eyes. “Of course I’ll be your boyfriend you fucking idiot, I’ve been in love with you for years” A shocked look appeared on his face. “Years?!? There’s no fucking way” You laughed, shaking your head. “Maybe it’s because your fucking dense” You joked, punching his arm. “Hey okay, there’s no need to be an ass” He said, pointing his finger at you. Before he could say anything more, you pulled him into another kiss. Thank god for that alcohol because without it, you both probably wouldn’t have the confidence to confess. As for your friends well, they passed out while trying to get there snacks from the vending machines, but it’s okay, because they woke up after being completely fine
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Jesus, varför lämnar ni mig inte ifred = Jesus, why won’t you guys leave me alone
För sista gången, lämna mig fan ifred= For the last time, leave me the fuck alone
Jag vill verkligen kyssa dig= I really want to kiss you
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
If you support gay marriage reblog this. If you're on the homophobic side, keep scrolling.
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As a bisexual, it sickens me that some people WILL keep scrolling.
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
yes i am doing this 😭
if you’re in the marvel, tvdu, schitts creek or harry potter fandom and you’re active in 2020 can you like or reblog this 🥴 i need more people to follow
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
“Wish I were Heather” Namjoon(RM) x reader oneshot
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I still remember, 3rd of December
Me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you...
You and Namjoon were walking hand in hand. It was a beautiful winter morning, snowflakes falling from the sky softly. You cuddled up into Namjoons sweater, trying to keep as warm as possible. "You know you look really good in my sweater" Namjoon said suddenly, showing you a bright smile. You smiled back, your cheeks flushed red.
Only if you knew, how much I liked you...
But I watched your eyes as she walks by...
You glance to see Namjoon looking at a familiar girl walk by, Heather...
What a sight for sore eyes,
Brighter than the blue sky,
She's got you mesmerized,
While I die...
She walked over to you guys, a bright pearly white smile on her face. You couldn't deny that she was beautiful. Blond hair, bright blue eyes that looked like the sky, a skinny body. "Hey Heather, it's so good to see you!" Namjoon said as he hugged her tightly, you could see the love in his eyes that he had for her. You couldn't compete. It just felt like you were sat there. Dying.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You thought you had a chance with him. It seemed like he might've had feelings for you, and you were planning on kissing him, until Heather showed up. And you saw the love for you drain away in his eyes, and all his love shift to Heather. You couldn't compete with her. Ever. She was beautiful, you were bland. Nothing...
You gave her your sweater,
It's just polyester...
Anytime you and Namjoon hung out together Heather was already there, because Namjoon invited her. You guys were hanging out at the park, chilling on a bench. You shivered, rubbing your arms to try and get some warmth. You looked over, going to ask Namjoon for his sweater that he let you wore a couple days ago, the sweater that he said looked good on you, but you froze. You saw him giving it to Heather. After a couple hours, Heather left and kept the sweater. "I thought you said I looked good in that sweater?" You said as you saw Namjoon smile and watch Heather walk away. He turned to you, "it's just polyester" he said before turning back.
But you like her better...
I wish I were Heather
You sat there, silently crying to yourself, thinking about how you could be more like Heather.
Watch as she stands with her holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder...
You watch as Namjoon and Heather walk ahead of you. Both of them holding hands while Namjoon has another arm around her shoulder. You shiver, rubbing your arms. You wished Namjoon would hold you like that again, but why would he? He's with Heather.
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel
But then again kinda wish she were dead.
But alas you couldn't be mad at Heather. She was perfect. And she was always super nice to you, but you couldn't help but wish she were dead so that you could be with Namjoon again.
As she walks by,
What a sight for sore eyes,
Brighter than the blue sky,
She's got you mesmerized,
While I die...
You couldn't help but notice every time Namjoon looked at Heather in a loving way, or how perfect she looked. They were meant for each other, and you just sat there. Still dying.
Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater
It's just polyester
But you like her better
I wish I were Heather!
You kept doubting your self so much. Starting to do things to your body that you shouldn't be doing, but Namjoon never noticed. He gave her the sweater, that one sweater that meant everything to you. When you would ask him about it, he would always say "it's just polyester". But you knew he liked that sweater on her, and he liked her better than you. And then a thought popped up into your mind, 'I wish I were Heather'.
Why would you ever kiss me?
"Why would he ever kiss me?"
I'm not even half as pretty
"I'm not even half as pretty"
You gave her your sweater
"You gave her your sweater"
Its just polyester
“ "it's just polyester" "
But you like her better
"But you like her better"
I wish I were
"Heather" You whispered under your breath.
It had been months since Namjoon last saw you, and his little thing with Heather was over. He found out that she had been cheating on him with some other guy, but at that point he didn't care. He was just trying to find you.
He went over to your house, knocking on the door. A few minutes later, the door opened with a tired, pale and skinny looking (y/n). Namjoon quickly got inside, closing the door. "Namjoon what are you..." He cut you off by hugging you tightly. "God I've missed you, you don't know how worried I was." Namjoon whispered into your neck. You hugged him back, "(y/n) what happened to you?". You looked down, "I wasn't taking care of me self because..." Namjoon cut you with a kiss. You pulled back immediately, "But Heather..." You said with tears in your eyes. He wiped them away, "She is nothing anymore. I only care about you (y/n), I love you, not Heather"
You words caught in your throat
You sat the silently for a few minutes before finally saying
"I love you too.."
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
“You are Eric Formans twin sister?”
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Eric Forman and friends x reader oneshot
Word count: 243
Summary: Imagine being Eric Formans twin sister
“So Forman, explain to us why you never said you had a twin sister?” Hyde asked
Eric was sat there, his friends all surrounding him with dissapointed looks on there faces. “Well you know I never thought it was a big deal to mention her” Eric laughed awkwardly at the end. “Of course it is man, she is your twin sister” Hyde said, shaking his head at the end. Suddenly, you walked down the stairs, all of his friends surrounding him like they were investigating him for a police report. “Uhh Eric, what’s going on?” You asked. Your brother looked at you, running to you quickly. “Oh hello my amazing awesome sister, please help me” Eric said as he hid behind you. You laughed, holding your brother in a protective hug.
“(Y/N) IS YOUR SISTER!” All of Eric’s friends yelled. You chuckled softly, keeping your brother next to you. “You know I had a feeling you didn’t tell them” You said and laughed softly. “You’re not mad at me?” Eric asked, a worried look on his face. “Of course not, your my brother for fucks sake” You hit him over the head. “Your sister is nothing like Lorie” Hyde exhaled. You scoffed, “My sister is a slut and I am no slut”. You smiled to Eric and kissed his cheek. “I’m going to our room” You said as you ran up the stairs. “Your sister is amazing” Everyone said.
“Yeah she is”
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
Dude that’s so true tho lmao
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This is so in character.. I CAN’T EVEN
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
It’s sad how there’s not a lot of notes on here
Reblog if Black Lives Matter to you
Where are those woke white people at!?
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
“How the hell are there two of you?!”
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A tenth and eleventh Doctor x reader oneshot
Word count: 517
Summary: Seeing both of the doctors in the same room
“Doctor, where are you?” You called out as you walked down the Tardis halls.
You haven’t heard anything from the Doctor all day, which was strange, because usually he would burst into your room suggesting to go on another crazy adventure. But nothing. “Doctor, Doctor!” You called out again. You finally got to the console room after some time. You heard some talking in the corner of the room, which you found quite strange because only you and the Doctor were ever in the Tardis. You tilted your head as you saw to male figures in the corner. “Doctor?” Both of the figures turned around immediately. You couldn’t believe it, there were two of the doctors there, your two doctors. You were with the Doctors tenth regeneration before being with his current one, so seeing the old doctor right in front of you was the best thing ever. “Doctor” Your eyes started to fill with tears that you haven’t felt in awhile. You weren’t sad, just overjoyed.
“(Y/N)?” The tenth Doctor had a perplexed look on his face. It soon became a great big smile as he walked over to you, cupping your cheeks with his big hands. “God I’ve missed you Doctor” His eyes started to get watery as well. You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist, your noses touching as you both smiled and cried. The eleventh Doctor looked at you two with a big smile on his face. You left the Doctor right before he regenerated, you wanted to go back home and have some fun with your family. But that was the biggest mistake of your life, because you couldn’t even say goodbye to him. You laughed happily, pressing your lips against his in a bittersweet kiss. He kissed you back just as happily, pulling you closer to him. “Hey now, don’t you go stealing her from me” The eleventh Doctor said with a goofy smile on his face, placing a hand on the tenth Doctors shoulder. You both pulled away from each other, shooting the eleventh Doctor a playful death glare.
Sadly you had to let the tenth Doctor go back. It was hard to see him go, but you knew you couldn’t keep him there forever. You would still remember the tenth Doctor, but you had the eleventh Doctor, and you needed to learn how to let go. After the tenth Doctor left, it was just you and the eleventh Doctor again. He was at his control panel, thinking about the next place to go. You walked up to him, wrapping your arms around him. He was a little shocked to say the least, but hugged you back. “I love you Doctor, please don’t let me leave again like I did last time” The Doctor smiled brightly. “I’ll never let you go ever again” You smiled up at the Doctor, pulling him into a soft kiss. You both pulled away, the Doctor jumping straight away to get some coordinates in. “Let me take you somewhere special” He said with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Geronimo!” You yelled out happily.
Sorry if this is garbage, this is my first Doctor Who oneshot. Any how, I hope you enjoy it!
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
Aww so cute! I love it!
Hi! I'd like to request a #12 from the 50 types of kissing prompt list with a Peter Parker x reader, where they're at a friend's house (maybe Ned's) and haven't told anybody they're dating yet and then Ned finds them and . . . fluff . . .? Sorry if that's too specific!
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Secret Kiss
A/N; Not too specific at all, I love it!!! I also changed my writing style, just trying something new! ALSO, I’m sorry for not getting it done sooner!
The Kissing Prompt: 12. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
Summary: It’s movie night at Ned’s..Except he walks in on something very..embarrassing.
Warnings: hecca ton of fluff and mild cursingg
click here to be added to my taglist!
You, Peter, and Ned met up at Ned’s place for another Friday movie night. It was traditional for the four of you, except MJ skipped out on this one. Why? Because she had ‘more important things to do than watch Star Wars for the third time in a row’. It was just a favorite among you three, well more like Peter but you and Ned didn’t want to see him pout all night.
Ned left the room to prepare some popcorn and drinks for the night while you and Peter conversed. Almost as soon as he did, Peter reached over for your hand and gave you a desperate look.
“I want some quick lovin’...I’m craving your kisses, sugar..”
You had to keep yourself from jumping on him right then and there.
“But Peteyyy, we’re in Ned’s room and he might walk in on us.” You tried to reason with him, reminding him the reason why you two were alone in the first place.
“Popcorn takes about three minutes to pop, and he will most likely make two bowls so that will take about six minutes overall.” He quickly replied, a dorky smile on his face like one from an excited pup.
You were surprised how prepared he was, with the calculations and all. You rolled your eyes at your knucklehead boyfriend, with his soft kissable lips puckered out.
“You’re such a catch. What’d I do to deserve you?” You climbed into his lap, legs straddling his waist and hands cupping his face.
His skin tingled under your touch, the love for you growing in his heart. 
“You were yourself..” He mumbled and connected your lips. 
Your sweet kissing session quickly turned into a heated make-out one in under 2 minutes. Peter’s hands trailed every curve and dip of your body, and muffled groans came from his lips each time you tugged on his soft brown curls.
It didn’t feel like much time passed by until a thump of something hitting the ground and a bowl rolled over to land beside the two of you. You both pulled away to find popcorn scattered across Ned’s bedroom floor and Ned standing in the middle of the doorway with an awestruck look on his face.
“Holy shit..MJ was right..” He breathed out.
Peter Parker tags: @fallinfortom @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @peterspideyy @soft-petey @parkershoodie @musicalkeys-blog @sirtommyholland @theamazingtomholland @that-one-eggo-child @murdermornings @lowkey-holland @kelieah @anapocalypseinmymind @just-alysssa 
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
Where is the last Cookie?
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A Peter Parker x reader oneshot
Word count: 352
Summary: The last cookie was stolen out of the cookie jar, who could have stole it?
Peter knew he was already in big trouble when he heard his full name get called out by his obviously furious girlfriend. He didn't know what he did wrong this time, but whatever he did he knew it wasn't gonna be good. He quickly ran out to the kitchen, trying not to get killed by his girlfriend for taking too long. "Yes baby?" He called out, an inoccent look on his face. "Oh don't you give me that inoccent face! What happened to the last cookie in here?!" You pointed to the cookie jar with a angry look on your face. Oh, so that's what he was getting yelled at for, taking the last cookie. Obviously he wasn't going to admit that, "I swear it wasn't me this time!" He held up his hands in surrender.
"Oh so someone just snuck into the house and took the cookie?" You placed your hands on your hips. "Yeah! That's totally what happened" Peter mumbled the last part. Peter rubbed the back of his neck, laughing in nervously. You sent a glare to Peter, getting super close to his face. "You better buy me a new pack of cookies, or I will never forgive you" You poked his head with your finger. "Yeah! Yeah, of course I will" He gave her a nervous smile. You smiled at him, hugging him. "Thank you" You giggled afterward. Peter sighed in relief, "You know you can be really scary some times". "Only when you take my cookies" You admitted, poking his cheek.
You smiled as you walked off to your room, Peter following you. You laid down on your bed, patting the side next to you, wanting Peter to lay down next to you. Peter laughed softly, laying down and bringing you close to him. "I'm sorry for taking the last cookie" Peter gave you a puppy dog look. You giggle softly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "It's fine I forgive you" Peter chuckled, pressing a kiss to your temple.
"But if you take the last cookie again, I will kill you"
Peeps I tag for these oneshots:
@beverlyparkerr @marvelhoesworld
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
Omg yes I love this one so much! 💙💙✨
hii requesting a fic w the reader and peter on an academic decathalon trip living their best life 😌 idk like touring the city they're in and generally having fun (sharing a drink 😳 etc) because everyone knows peter deserves a bREAK
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Wanna Share?
A/N; @parkershoodie 💖 this is just a VVV belated blog anniversary present!!
Summary: The Academic Decathlon team travels to Anchorage, Alaska where the reader and Peter share a (non-alcoholic) drink together; Featuring the Northern Lights.
Warnings: just some major fluff and mild cursing
Click here to be added to my taglist!!
"Oh my god, this is beautiful!!"
MJ quirked an eyebrow at Y/N while she plopped her things beside one of the beds in the room. "That's more than what you said after the plane landed."
"Well, it's not my fault I was distracted.."
"You mean distracted with fluffy haired, doe eyes Parker?”
Y/N melted at the thought, laying back on the comforter that covered the bed. “He really does have fluffy hair..I just wanna run my hands through them..And his eyes, I could just stare into them all day and night..Couldn’t you?”
MJ shook her head with a sigh, “You’ve got it bad, hun.”
Their conversation was soon interrupted by a knock on the door followed by some chatter. MJ walked over to open it, “welcoming” Peter and Ned to her own ‘personal hell’. Peter and Ned traded looks of confusion with each other before Y/N entered herself into the conversation. She jumped up and rushed to the door with a slightly dazed look in her eyes when she came across Peter’s presence. “Peter!! Old Peter Parker, hey what’s up-Um-dude?” Ned casually waved at the love struck girl, “I’m here too..”
Y/N nodded and waved back, but her eyes never left Peter’s. “Yeah, nice to see you too Ned. So, what brings you to this neck of the woods, Pete?” She asked, awkwardly punching her crush’s shoulder. 
“Well, we were wondering if you guys would like to accompany us in a study session for the tournament later this evening..”
“Excuse Peter’s stupid manners, he’s just nervous because of yo-”
“So, will you want to? You can join too, MJ.”
“I don’t care..”
Y/N quickly spoke up, “She does, and I do too! Yeah, sure, that would be fantastic! Wanna come in, then?”
Peter and Y/N shared a quick smile while MJ and Ned exchanged a knowing look.
A half an hour went by as the group studied for their event, determined to beat their competition. Ned was finishing up quizzing Y/N with her own flashcards while MJ and Peter quietly bickered.
 “Okay, Y/N, last question is..” He paused for a second to reread the question over and over again, as well as the answer. He held a mischievous grin on his face, “Who is the cutest person alive?”
Y/N’s mind went blank with terror.
“Give me that!” She grabbed the note card and crumpled it up, tossing it into a nearby trashcan.
“It’s getting pretty close to the tournament, isn’t it?” She laughed nervously, ushering Peter and Ned out and shutting the door behind them. She slid down the door, covering her face.
MJ burst into laughter. “Oh my god, that was super embarrassing!”
“Not helping, Michelle.”
After a few hours of sulking in her feelings, Y/N managed to gather enough courage to face Peter again, during the competition though. Sadly their team did not end up winning, but that didn’t stop MJ and Y/N from meeting up with Peter and Ned in their room with some milkshakes.
They all sat in their own spots across the room, Y/N with Peter on his bed, MJ on a loveseat, and Ned on his bed.
“Sorry, Y/N/N, turns out I didn’t have enough money for all four milkshakes..You can have mine if you’d like.” Peter spoke shyly.
“Hey, it’s alright! We can share.” She responded instinctively. “I-I mean, only if you want to!!”
Peter’s cheeks were dusted with a light pink color. “Um, yeah! I’m totally alright with that!”
Y/N took a sip from the cold beverage and handed it back to Peter where he took a sip as well.
“Ooo, an indirect kiss. Very smooth, Peter.” Ned commented with a wink.
Y/N and Peter immediately turned into blushy, flustered messes, trying to make up excuse when there really couldn’t be one anyway.
“Just stop denying it. Even I can admit that you two would be a stupid adorable couple.”
“MJ!!” Y/N glanced over at Peter, smiling sheepishly, where he stared down at the milkshake in his hand.
“Y/N...I..Would you maybe..Do you-” He groaned, muttering a few profanities.
She chuckled at his rush of words, nodding shyly. “Y-Yeah, that would be great.”
“Finally.” Ned and MJ said simultaneously.
*if you’re name is italicized, it means I can’t tag you
Mutuals tags:
@lowkey-holland @musicalkeys @murdermornings @that-one-eggo-child @theamazingtomholland @clownsloveyou @sirtommyholland @parkershoodie @soft-petey @god-knows-what-am-i-doing
Peter Parker tags:
@fallinfortom @peterspideyy  @lowkey-holland @musicalkeys @murdermornings​ @that-one-eggo-child​ @theamazingtomholland​ @clownsloveyou​ @sirtommyholland​ @parkershoodie​ @soft-petey​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
Old Photos
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A Peter Parker x reader Oneshot
Word count: 647
Summary: Aunt May showing photos of you and Peter as kids, especially Peter.
“Aww look at how cute you are!” You gushed as you looked at a photo of Peter and you as babies. Aunt May thought it would be a good idea to show photos of you and Peter as kids she had lying around. Peter was obviously embarrassed by the fact you were seeing multiple photos of him as a baby, especially the bath ones. ‘Oh the bath ones are the worst’ Peter thought to himself. “Yeah, I guess I’m pretty cute” Peter scratched the back of his head. You giggled softly, messing with Peters hair. Peter gave Aunt May the look of ‘Please stop showing these to her for the life of me’ but may just chuckled and showed her more. Peter sighed, as he knew he wasn’t going to win this battle. “Hey, I’m gonna go to my room, I’ll be there if you need me” Peter shuffled his feet slight. “Okay, I’ll be there in a minute” You sent him a soft smile. You went back to looking at the photos as Peter quickly ran to his room. He shut the door and let out a large sigh. Finally he was away from that embarrassing situation he was in. Peter flopped down on his bed, grabbing his pillow and placing it on top of his head.
Now Peter would be less embarrassed if it was one of his friends looking at the photos, because Aunt May wouldn’t show them the ones of him in the bath. But (Y/N) is his girlfriend, so of course Aunt May had to show the most embarrassing photos of him, and Peter knew that (Y/N) would hold onto those photos for the rest of time. He knew that she would probably bring up the photos from time to time randomly, making Peter a blushing and embarrassed mess. After about 10 minutes of Aunt May’s photo session, you finally walked into the room. You giggled softly as you see Peters face buried in his pillow in shame and embarrassment. You walk over, softly laying down next to Peter. Peter after about 5 minutes, took the pillow off of his head and looked at you. “Is it finally over?” He asked, a hopeful look on his face. You laughed softly, kissing the top of his head. “Yes it’s over Peter, you don’t have to worry” Peter just groaned at that response. “I do have to worry! For all I know you could be planning ways to embarrass me with those photos for the rest of my days” Peter pouted, turning his back to you. You shook your head with a smile, bringing Peter close you you.
“I promise I won’t use those photos against you in the future, but I do still think they are very cute” You poked his cheek. Peter smiled and turned to you. “She showed you the bath photos didn’t she?” Peter asked, scared of the answer. “All of them.” You answered with wide eyes. Peter gave you the look of “I hate that you saw those” and you laughed loudly. You loved the fact that Peter was embarrassed at you seeing photos of him as a baby, so you came up with an idea. “How about you could see my baby photos and laugh and joke about it all you want, I’m sure my mom would love to show you those” You kinda regretted saying anything at that point, but there was no turning back now. Peter eyes light up with mischief as he giggled evilly, “Okay, I’m fine with that”. You giggled softly, Peter placing a soft kiss on your lips. You smiled and cuddled Peter in the bed, both of you in comfortable silence. “Hey Peter?” You called out softly, Peter hummed in response. You smirked, pulling out a photo of Peter in the bath, “Aunt May let me keep one”.
I’m tagging my friend @beverlyparkerr in all my Spider-Man oneshots because she is the inspiration for all these oneshots. I hope you guys enjoy!
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
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So Full With You
A/N; Prompt was chosen by @theamazingtomholland “My heart feels so full with you."
Summary: A late night call with Peter.
Warnings: slight cursing, fluff as per usual ❤️
"Hey, Peter? What's the answer to number 7?"
"Y/N/N, I'll love you for all of eternity but I'm not giving you the answer."
"What if I say pretty please with a cherry on top?"
"No. You need to learn for yourself, not from your dashing, good-looking boyfriend."
"Yes, you're my dashing good-looking boyfriend. Except you won't give me the damn answer!" Y/N pouted, but still a smile peeked through.
The two had been dating for a little over a year. Tonight was one of their many nightly FaceTime calls.
"How about instead of asking for the answer, I'll teach you! It'll help you for the long run, sweetheart, I promise."
Y/N was already a bit tired but refused to pass out on Peter, especially when he offered to help her with something she was in dire need of assistance for.
"Okay, you better know what you're doing.. Now, how did you solve the equation?"
Let's just say Peter Parker, as a teacher, would be extremely boring. He broke down the fine details decently, but the problem was how lengthy his explanations were. Peter just wanted to be thorough. Ultimately, Y/N fell asleep during one of his long rants, which he eventually noticed.
"And that's why it's easier to add the three first rather than-Y/N/N? Y/N? Damnit, I lost you."
Peter sighed. "You look very peaceful when you're sleeping. Sorta, kind of. Not really. Maybe I shouldn't be saying that. Um, now that you're asleep, I should probably go to bed, but I really don't want to. I just want to be in your arms. I'm so desperate to feel your touch. I know we'll see each other tomorrow, and you'll most likely appear in my dreams tonight, but it's so difficult to be without you. My...My heart feel so full with you. I love you, Y/N. A lot. I know you know that, but I don't mind reminding you every once in awhile.
With Peter's heightened hearing, he was able to hear Y/N's voice faintly respond, "I love you too, Petey.."
Tagging mutuals!! I might start a taglist so look out for that! 👈🏻👈🏻
@fallinfortom @har-rison-s @underoosjae @soft-petey @cunaeparker @kelieah @tomshufflepuff @parkersbliss @parkershoodie @blissfulparker @asonofpeter @parkeret @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @peachybloomss @theamazingtomholland @phrogtheguitarist @imthefloor @hollandxmarvel @sirtommyholland @that-one-eggo-child @delicatepetey @peeterparkr @givelove-always @peterspideyy @screamholland @dedeimagines @waitimcomingtoo @parkrpeter
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
Love you so much! 🥺🥰💙💙
Tagging mutuals and other cute boo boos around here <33
@kelieah @parkeret @parkersbliss @parkershoodie @peterspideyy @theamazingtomholland @asonofpeter @blissfulparker @dedeimagines @har-rison-s @givelove-always @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @imthefloor @that-one-eggo-child @waitimcomingtoo @tomshufflepuff @peeterparkr
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kylos-isomnisexual · 4 years
Twilight One-shots
I’m really in the mood to write some twilight one-shots, what do you guys think? I honestly think that I’m mostly likely going to do it 
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