labrujitadeloeste · 3 years
🛡 Warding 🛡
Disclaimer: This is all based on my research, path, opinion & experiences! Intro: I really was holding out on doing this post because it’s such a big, important topic to cover and I really don’t want to mess it up or get anything wrong. This post needs to be done though, people have asked if I have such a post and an anon suggested it. So finally, here it is.  - What Is Warding? Warding is a type of magick, it is the act of creating an energetic barrier around you, your home, an object, ect. They can be temporary or permanent, although typically they are cast with the long term in mind. They can banish or turn away whatever you choose. Warding is an excellent skill to have because it can keep you, and even others safe and with practice you can do it anytime with just about whatever you have on hand.  When Should I Ward? Whenever you want an energetic barrier around you, most people consistently ward their home, themselves or their place of practice. Some people even ward their space every time they prepare for a spell. It should be done consistently in any area you want protected, but exactly where and how often is entirely up to the practitioner.  What Should I Do Before? Cleanse, a ward is a barrier of energy and in the same way that it keeps things out it also keeps things in. You don’t want to trap anything inside of it. Cleanse yourself before you ward yourself. Cleanse your space before you ward your space!  Tips Before You Ward- Phrasing Keep the phrasing in mind! You don’t want to keep anything out that you want in, or let something in that you want out. If you’re chanting or using sigils ect keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out both in your methods and in your mind. Covering everything Make sure to cover everything, a ward is useless if there’s a weakness in it or if the ceiling & floor aren’t probably covered. Be super thorough!  Layering Your Wards One small little wimpy barrier? Ha, the spirits say as they scramble into your home to wreak havoc! You need to layer your wards, don’t just use one method one time, there’s no such thing as too much warding.  What Are Some Ways That I Can Ward? Now we’ll get right down to the methods you can use to ward yourself and your space! Remember that warding is important and needs to be effective, don’t try anything that you don’t have experience with for warding. At first, focus on the stuff you know. If you like sigils, use sigils at first and slowly work your way into using other more complex methods or methods that solely rely on your abilities. Circle Casting You cast a circle by summoning the four elements to protect & energize what is in the circle.  - Here’s my post about circles & how to cast them  Chanting/Speaking Come up with a protective chant you can use to ward your space. This chant could be someone else’s or your own as long as you feel it’s effective. Speak it aloud and visualize a layer of energy protecting your space.  Incense Burn a protective incense in the space you’d like to ward and visualize a barrier protecting your space. Athame Draw out the line of your ward with your athame, visualize the wall appearing, covering everything with a thick layer of energy.  Spraying Spray a mix of blessed/magickal waters and or herbs with protective properties in the space you want to ward.  Sigils Create a sigil using your favorite method with the intent to “ward” or “protect/protection.” Then charge and activate it as a layer of protection! Here’s my post on sigils if you’re interested in that: - Sigil Post Jar Spells You could mix up a jar spell for warding, set it in your house and forget it as a layer of warding.  - My protective jar spell post Anointment Anoint the doorways of your space, you could also anoint the ceiling, floor, walls, corners, honestly go for it.  Salt Sprinkle salt all around the edge of your home or space. Make sure to sprinkle salt on the INSIDE of your harm as salt can harm plants & wildlife if used outside. If you’d like to make a barrier on the outside of your home, you can use dried & crushed eggshells in place of salt. - Post on how to make eggshell powder here -  Hag stones Hag stones are stones with holes in them that have been corroded into the stone because of rushing water. It is believed rushing water is protective & cleansing so if you wear a stone that sat in it long enough to have parts corroded away, that the stone will maintain and keep those properties with it. It’s a great way to personally ward yourself, and an excuse to go out in nature.  They look like this! 
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Energy Manipulation If you’ve got a knack for manipulating energy, you can create a barrier through work and visualization that surrounds yourself or your space. This isn’t recommended for beginners though! Links: - Horse Warding Charm By @anothersusurrus - House Warding Spritz Mixture By @seleneblackwell Both of these are great if you’re looking for specific spells, types of magick, correspondences, sigils, ect! - Protection Magic Masterpost Part 1 By @auricwitch - Protection Magic Masterpost Part 2 By @auricwitch Personal Wards Also remember not just to ward your space but yourself, if you layer your home with wards, what happens when you leave? Exactly. Keep yourself safe too! Circle casting & hag stones are great methods I mentioned above that are good for personal warding.  Can I Ward Specific Things And Not Others? Absolutely! I mentioned this in the phrasing section of this post, keep in mind exactly what you want to keep out when you’re warding. I like words like “negative” or “harmful” or “with ill intent” because they don’t necessarily keep out the Fae or positive/neutral spirits but it does keep out anything that wants to harm you in general. Just think about it ahead of time, find wording or a phrase you like and keep that in mind as you ward.  What If I Live With People? If you’re out of the broom closet, explain to your family/roommates what you’re doing and why you’re doing it and make sure they’re cool with it and are aware of what’s going on. If you’re not out of the broom closet, you may have to resort to only warding yourself/your room, & that’s okay!  I hope this helps someone or teaches them something new! Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖
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labrujitadeloeste · 3 years
Top Ward Mistakes I
These are some common reasons why wards, even powerful ones, fail at times. I have noticed these over the years, through my mistakes and others. 
Not enough layers: Wards are made of pure energy, and usually aren’t sentient- meaning they aren’t smart and usually don’t adjust to different attackers. Without the ability to adjust, attackers can get by with ease. Having multiple layers of wards helps prevent this. While layers will vary of course based on your needs, I always recommend three basic layers for a ward, going outwards to the inside: 1) non-detection, 2) offensive ward, 3) defensive ward. The reason for these particular layers being: an attacker can’t attack if it can’t find you. If they do find you, they are then dissuaded by a ward that attacks them. They will have to go through the ward that hurts them to even get to the ward that defends you, thus weakening them and making it harder to get through that final line of defense at the same time.
Too rigid: What shatters more easily when hit- a plastic case, or a rubber ball? The plastic case- why? Because it is super rigid and unable to bend; thus, just one concentrated hit could break through it with ease. This applies to wards as well- you don’t want your wards to be unable to bend- else they shatter under a concentrated hit. Being flexible doesn’t make a ward weaker- you can still have a super tough and thick ward that bends!
Not selective or specific enough: “Keep out malicious entities.” Okay, well what do you mean by malicious? Being as specific as possible is best when it comes to protections. Instead of just saying “malicious” how about- “those that would bring me nightmares”, “those that would harm me”. This also ties into the next point-
…From whose point of view?: Okay, you did it, you made your ward. “Keep out anything with malicious intent.” But the key is…who judges the malicious intent? A nasty entity could easily go, “this is good for me!” and bypass the ward. Additionally, an abusive entity who believes, from their point of view, that what they are doing is “helping” you, and thus not malicious, could easily bypass an unspecific ward. It is best to say something along the lines of, “Things I deem as a malicious intention.” That way, it is based on YOUR judgement alone, what YOU deem as bad, and thus it cannot be interpreted any other way by trickster entities.
A circular wall, or a sphere?: You made your ward- it’s selective, not super rigid, and you made sure the terms were from your point of view. And yet- it’s still easily bypassed! Bad Entities appear in your room, seemingly untouched by the wards. What could’ve happened? Well- this ability called “teleportation” exists. If your innermost ward is a circular wall- not filled in- then an entity could easily bypass your wards just by teleporting directly to you or directly into your space! To protect against this, you want your innermost ward to be like a sphere- filled in on the inside with protective energies as well. Thus, the constraints applying to the outer layers of your wards (no malicious intent from my point of view) are applied to your actual space as well- thus nullifying the teleporting ability, or dealing damage to any entities that manage to teleport inside anyways.  
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
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Hello! Here’s another installment of my huge #annobib series of book recommendations. 
This article focuses on books about spirit work in particular! If you’re at all interested in working with spirits, do peruse these works - you may find something you like!
Spirit Conjuring for Witches, by Frater Barrabbas. Frater B. is a very learned and rather famous magician and witch. This book is mostly geared towards Wicca, but even if you’re not Wiccan, his techniques are innovative and interesting, many utterly unlike anything I’ve seen elsewhere! 
Familiar Spirits, by Donald Tyson. Though geared towards ceremonialists, any practitioner can likely learn a thing or two from Tyson’s interesting stroll through the whys and wherefores of spirit work and thoughtform creation. This is by far the best book I’ve seen on the topic of familiar spirits.
Egregores, by Mark Stavish. The only book I’m aware of that focuses specifically on egregores, or human-crafted spirits that form from our endeavors and organizations. This book is not without it’s problems, though - it often takes a sensationalist tone, and can be a bit conspiracy-mongering. Still a good read!
The Witch’s Book of Spirits, by Devin Hunter. Mr. Hunter is always a treat, and does not disappoint here, with his easily-understood explanations of various spirit phenomenon and entities, how to contact and manage relationships with them. Best for beginners!
Spirit Speak, by Ivo Dominguez. An extremely dense and detailed book. Not recommended for beginners, but excellent for intermediate or advanced spiritworkers interested in taking their magick to the next level. Mr. Dominguez clearly has a great deal of experience to share.
Demons and Spirits of the Land, by Claude Lecouteux. This is another more advanced book, offering historical perspectives on land-spirits (also known as genius loci). It reads like a history textbook, not going to lie! But, it’s worth picking up!
Fairies: A Guide to the Celtic Fair Folk, by Morgan Daimler. Hands down, this is the best book I’ve found about the Gentry, and will get you started towards understanding Them. Daimler, as the title suggests, writes from a Celtic perspective, though.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you’ll have a glance at some of these excellent books! Spiritwork is important to many of us, and if it interests you, why not explore more?
Please check out the rest of my huge series of book recommendation lists here on my blog - they’re all tagged #annobib! 
Also, if you decide to purchase any of these books, and you do it through the above links provided, I get some pocket money! I, of course, would love that, and I totally promise not to spend it all on energy drinks!
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
So, you want to be a witch? #3
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Part one talks about spells, wards, sigils, cleansing, divination and more! 
Part two talks about grimoires, crystals, wands, altars and more!
It can be easy to feel super overwhelmed when you’re first starting off. This post is for very new witches who have limited knowledge and would like a broad overview! These are my opinions, feel free to disagree but be polite about it.
Please note: Some sections contain information from other posts. All are sourced and linked both within the post and at the bottom!
Coven vs. Solitary?
It is a common belief that you must join a coven to be a witch, but that is not always true.
Many witches are solitary, meaning they primarily do witchcraft on their own. They may however do it with a friend or two on occasion! I am a solitary witch myself.
“Covens are a group of practitioners with like minded interests, ethics, and beliefs. They gather together to perform rituals, to connect, and to learn. They often celebrate sabbats and create their own traditions.” [source]    
There are benefits to being solitary, and to being in a coven. It is often a matter of personal preference!
Secular vs. Religious?
Another common belief is that witchcraft = religion.
Witchcraft certainly CAN be a religion for you.
It also can be tied into whatever religion you are already practicing.
However, witchcraft is not inherently religious, and you can keep witchcraft and your religion separate.
Additionally, witchcraft isn’t inherently spiritual, and that also falls under the category of secular.
You can practice witchcraft without worshiping or believing in deities!
Paganism vs. Wicca vs. Witchcraft?
Trust me, this is about as simplified as I can make it while trying to keep it accurate and informative! Basically, people may identify under one of these categories alone, or multiple. They are all valid. 
Paganism. Was used as a blanket term for everything that didn’t fit into a tidy box of “main world” religions (anything pre/non-Christian). The phrase paganism is now used to describe anyone who follows ancient religions. It is often connected to nature worship as well. [external source] 
Wicca. “A form of Neo-Paganism. The practice of Wicca places religion and magic together. They are linked together and cannot be separated. If you practice traditional Wicca, you cannot do magic without attaching religious reference to it, usually in the form of calling on their Goddess and/or God. There is also a set of rules that many practitioners follow.” [source] 
Traditional witchcraft. “Often serves as a reconstruction of what we believe, from the sources of folklore and history we have, witches did and the roles they served. It is based in and inspired by the lore of witches in the Early Modern Period.” [source]
Witchcraft. Is a bit of a blanket term. Although by definition it falls under paganism, not all witches identify as being pagan. There is a diverse group who chooses this label, and some may follow certain rules and guidelines, while others do not. 
Curses vs. Hexes vs. Jinxes?
You do not have to do these if you don’t want to. I personally don’t, but fully support those who do perform curses/hexes/jinxes.
Curses. Curses are long-term, potentially life ruining things. They hold the power to do a lot of harm.
Hexes. Often considered a weaker version of a curse, designed to make all the little things go wrong, and are long-term.
Jinxes. More of a momentary, short-term thing. Designed for the target to have all the little things go wrong or have a touch of bad luck.
Enchantments vs. Charms?
The terms can be interchangeable and it is a matter of personal preference. My personal opinion is….
An enchantment is what you DO to an item. It can also be done to a person.
A charm is the end result (an item being enchanted).
Blessings vs. Spells?
Blessings are typically short term and nice little things. A blessing could be “may every light be green for you today”. 
To bless something with certain intent is kind of a mix between a blessing and a spell, and can last a long time.
Spells can range in length and intent, and are basically everything not already covered in this post!
Sources: [X] [X] [X] [X]
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
So, you want to be a witch?
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It can be easy to feel super overwhelmed when you’re first starting off. This post is for very new witches who have limited knowledge and would like a broad overview! These are my opinions, feel free to disagree but be polite about it. 
It’s okay to start by using other people’s spells and build the confidence to write your own! Spells can be spoken, or thought (in my opinion). Sometimes speaking spells into existence isn’t always possible.
Casting circles. Many witches cast circles to do spellwork. It involves calling energy from the four directions and building the “omph” to preform the spell. Most of these involve calling upon a deity/deities but you could easily alter them to avoid this, it is not necessary. 
Ingredients. The most important ingredient for a spell is… you! Most spell ingredients can be substituted with more common ingredients, following correspondences. What did that ingredient bring to the spell?
I’ve written a whole “so, you want to be a witch?” post on spells!
Many witches feel names hold power. 
I personally choose to not share my birth name/everyday name for both this reason, and to protect my privacy. A lot of witches choose a witch name (mine is Mouse!)
Wards are something that I feel are very important for any witch to have. They can be on your being and on your home, and protect from undesired energy and spirits. Picture them as a shield. 
Warding yourself. For me, my wards are my armor. I envision armor forming around me with specific forms of protection and use my energy to make it so. You could also view your ward as a bubble of energy! If you have a hard time with envisioning things, carry something physical (a necklace, crystal, etc.) as your ward.
Warding your home. Again, you could envision it (however you like). I picture light washing over the floors, walls, and ceilings and use my energy to guide it. I also have physical wards. An example would be to make a paper pocket, fill it with herbs, crystals, and sigils, and place in the four corners of your home.
I simply adore sigils, they are like little spells in a physical form (symbols). It’s okay to use sigils created by others.
Sigils are created with a certain phrase in mind, such as “I am happy”. You can then draw them on yourself or on something to carry with you.
Once drawn, you’ll need to do something to activate it. This can be done by forgetting about it, using your energy, or fun things like using the elements or your favorite song. To keep the sigil working, you’ll need to charge it every once and a while. This is the same idea as activating it!
The ability to cleanse your space and yourself can be extremely valuable, whether it’s in preparation for a spell, or to get rid of the funk of a bad day.
Smoke cleansing. Can be done with sage, bay leaves, or any type of incense. Waft the smoke over yourself or your space.
Water cleansing. I enjoy making a spray with some lovely herbs (like lavender and mint) and spritzing my room or myself. 
The elements/natural world. The wind, the moon, the sun and many other things can act to cleanse as well. 
Divination can be overwhelming at first - there’s so many different types! You don’t need to practice divination to be a witch, and you certainly don’t need to learn all of the ways!
Tarot. Tarot cards are cards that have drawings on them and an assigned meaning (usually more than one). They are often used as a way to get advice. The average deck has 78 cards, and a lot of us still use cheat sheets!
Pendulum. Pendulums are often depicted as a crystal hanging from a string, but they can be anything hanging from a string. Different movements mean yes, no, and maybe. Some people use them to communicate with spirits, but this only happens when you invite them.
Runes, scrying, and tasseomancy are also common forms of divination, but ones I am less familiar in! 
Crystals, candles, tarot, incense, herbs. All tools. 
They all can boost your abilities and aid your craft, but are not needed. You have all the tools you need in yourself, and in your life. Don’t feel pressured to spend a lot of money on fancy tools right away! It can be beneficial to build your abilities without them, in my opinion!
Using your intuition can lead you to finding/creating some really awesome tools and methods! Let your instincts guide you. 
(Click here for the other parts in this series!)
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
So, you want to be a witch? #5
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Part one talks about spells, wards, sigils, cleansing, divination and more!
Part two talks about grimoires, crystals, wands, altars and more!
Part three talks about this vs. that for a lot of the common terms you hear!
Part four talks about types of witches, deities and more!
It can be easy to feel super overwhelmed when you’re first starting off. This post is for very new witches who have limited knowledge and would like a broad overview! These are my opinions, feel free to disagree but be polite about it. *And please note that you do not have to do every thing I listed, this is just an overview of basic terms/things some witches do.*
This post is a little different than the other ones, it’s all about casting spells!
Grounding and cleansing yourself:
It often is harder to focus on a spell if you are stuck in your own thoughts or have the energies from the day on you. I’ll often start with cleansing myself, by burning a sage or cedar herb bundle, and then sit and take some focused breaths and becoming present in my body.
Casting a circle:
Many witches cast circles as a way to protect themselves from outside energies or unwanted spirits while they’re performing magic. You can use the elements, a salt circle, invoking a deity, etc. Click the links to learn more!  [X] [X] It is recommend you stay in the circle until you finish the spell and close the circle.
Drawing energy from something:
(So you don’t draw all the energy from yourself, which can be draining). Energy can be drawn from the elements, from crystals, deities, and many other things. This can be done by visualization and energy work or by asking. 
Casting the spell:
This is when you use your ingredients and the guidelines of the spell. It is best to be completely focused so try to avoid having distractions (like your phone) and have everything you need ready to go. 
Closing any loopholes:
Often, this is not included in the written spell so this is up to you. I usually write a list of loopholes I want to close before starting this process, so it’s handy when I’m finished with the spell! If it’s a spell you want to come to light in a certain way or by a certain time, this is when you clarify that. This post has more info [X]
Completing the spell and dispelling any energies:
Once you have finished with the loopholes, finishing the spell can be as simple as “this spell is now complete”. I recommend dispelling any energies you called on and returning them to where they belong. If you didn’t cast a circle, now is the time to rid of anything you may have attracted by performing your spell.
Closing the circle:
Closing a circle is fairly simple! All you have to do is the reverse of how you cast it. (If it was with smoke for example, you would then undo the circle by burning the bundle in the opposite direction).
Cleansing and grounding:
Cleansing here is optional, depends on the spell, how you’re feeling, and if you want to do it. Grounding is highly recommended. This can come in many forms. I often use water, putting drops on the key points of my face (forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose, lips and chin) and sit while taking focused breaths.
Other considerations:
Consent: If you are casting a spell on a specific person and they do not know or they have not given you permission, you do not have their consent. Spells cast to bring a general thing (to attract love instead of to make a specific person fall in love with you), with permission, or on yourself don’t need consent/already have it!
Ingredients: Ingredients are often an important part of the spell and are included for a reason. They either represent a part of the spell, what the spell is trying to accomplish or are something you can draw energy from.
Alternative ingredients: If you can’t get your hands on a certain ingredient, you can almost always use a substitute ingredient. Just use correspondences and trust your gut while searching for the perfect substitute. Many people believe: Clear quartz = any crystal, Rosemary = any herb, Rose = any flower. But really, look at what that ingredient is meant to bring to the spell, then find an alternative that still brings that!
Discarding used ingredients: (Click me)
Belief: If you don’t believe the spell is going to work - it probably won’t. To combat this, take the time to find a spell you really believe will work and write a list of ways you might expect it to present in your life.
Intention: Similar to belief. I’ve performed magic only using a pen, paper, and my powerful intentions. The more powerfully you want something and bring it into your life, the more likely it is to appear. Intent is the end goal, why you’re casting the spell. 
Deities: I do not use deities in my spellwork (or witchcraft at all). There is a huge amount of respect and connection-building that is required before asking a deity to help with your spell. I tend to avoid spells where a listed ingredient is a deity. (If you do have a connection with a deity, by all means ask them to help you out if that feels right to you!)
Energy: It is common to feel drained after casting a spell. Grounding yourself, casting a circle and drawing energy from other things all help with this, but allow yourself some time to recover. [X]
When your spell fails: (click me)
Nullifying your spell: (click me)
Writing your own spells: [X] [X] [X] [X]
Related posts: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
(Click here for the other parts in this series!)
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
Disposing of Spell Materials
sometimes after performing a spell, you find yourself wondering, hmm, what do i do with these ingredients? the way you clean up or put away your materials can be its own step in the ritual, and affect the spell. here are some suggestions for the different ways to end rituals or properly dispose of the materials 
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consider first:
📦keep it - consider if the spell seems like something you could ever possible need to reverse later. that love-attraction jar may invite people you don’t like, and need to be ended, but it’s more difficult without the original materials. keep the ingredients in a jar, box, or something, (maybe label it too) so you can easily nullify the spell if you need to.
✉wrap it up - in a jar or a pouch, if it is a spell you want to last a long time, gather the ingredients you won’t be reusing and keep them in a place you
🏺jar spells - just keep the materials in the sealed jar. this is the sort of spell that can be reused simply by shaking the jar, lighting a new candle for it or recharging its energy. 
🔔cleanse and reuse - obviously you don’t want to throw your crystals or jars out after a single spell. separate the materials used and cleanse them individually, cutting the ties to the spell. 
now what do i do with it?
🔥it’s been burned to ash - for banishing place it on the back doorstep and sweep it out into the wind. for releasing its energies and inviting influence, release the ashes into running water, given it is safe to return to nature (non glass, nonplastic nontoxic, biodegradable etc)
🕸bound objects - bury or keep in a box somewhere, burial for spells you will never remove, hiding for things you may undo one day. 
🛡protective spells - best hung up or hidden in a corner of the house, or place over the front door of the residence. 
☣non-biodegradable materials - if its something you can’t safely return to nature, and it can’t be reused because it was burned or broken, use the acting of burning or breaking to move the spell’s energies into the world. properly throw out or recycle the objects.
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
Spell Loopholes
Wording a spell correctly is extremely important! We’ve all heard the stories of someone who cast a spell and technically had it come true, but in a way that wasn’t what they actually wanted at all! Here’s a list of common “loopholes” spells will take to get the job done, and how to make sure you get what you want!
🕯Taking its time- “I want money,” you tell the Universe, hoping to get some help with rent. Well, rent comes and there’s no extra cash in sight! Then, two weeks later, a surprise wad of cash all but lands in your lap. The spell came true, but not in time for when it mattered. This is easily fixed by adding “…by the end of the month,” or specifying what the money is for, which in this case was this month’s rent.
🕯No help needed- “I want money,” you say again. Magic will often take the path of least resistance, so if you’ve already got a paycheck on the way, the spell might not do much besides make sure it doesn’t get lost. There. Money. It can be good to specify that you want your spell to work in addition to everything you’re already doing!
🕯 Bare minimum- This time from your money spell, it arrives on time from an unexpected source! But it’s a quarter you found on the ground. Maybe three quarters. Not much help! If your intent would require the money to be close to a certain amount or any other specific like that, let it be known! The universe isn’t there to make assumptions.
🕯 For the worst- Let’s say you have two friends that have been flirting, so you cast a nice little spell to let any mutual interest between them blossom into a relationship and save them some trouble. It happens, but it turns out they do NOT work well with each other. They are interested in each other, but argue constantly and bring out the worst in each other. The relationship is hurting them both. You had the absolute best of intentions, but there was no way of knowing that would happen! This is why a lot of witches include the phrase, “for the highest good” in their spells, as a failsafe for any unexpected pitfalls like this that may be lurking. The universe will see them but doesn’t know to care unless you specify.
🕯Another layer- Once I made a dream bear to bring me more dreams. Well, I had lots more dreams, but couldn’t remember any of them! I didn’t think that was something I needed to specify. Make sure you hit every point you need to be satisfied with a result.
As a general rule, if my spell includes a prayer or petition of any sort, I take a few minutes and comb through it for stuff like this beforehand. What am I specifying? What am I leaving up to interpretation? Could any of that manifest in a way I would be unhappy with? Take a little time before you start casting to smooth out all those wrinkles! Best of wishes!
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
“So, you want to be a witch?” Masterpost
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Resources for beginner witches; simplified explanations to common questions!
Do none of these posts answer your questions? Let me know, I’m always happy to add another one!
Part one talks about spells, wards, sigils, cleansing, divination and more!
Part two talks about grimoires, crystals, wands, altars and more!
Part three talks about this vs. that for a lot of the common terms you hear!
Part four talks about types of witches, deities and more!
Part five talks all about casting spells!
Part six talks about the importance of the mundane and what to research!
Last updated: April of 2020. Please check the original post for future updates!
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
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Enjoy these pictures of my new tarot card deck!! 🌞🔮
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
How To Ease Yourself Back Into Witchcraft After Not Practicing In a While
1) Meditate every day, for at least five minutes
2) Do a daily tarot or oracle reading
3) Clean off your altar
4) Work on your Grimoire (or start one if you don’t have one yet!)
5) Connect with other witches on social media
6) Take a nature walk
7) Make some crafts
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
Witch Tip:
Get a copy of the map of your area. Not a country map, a state map, or even a county map. Your area. You can print off a Google map if a commercial version isn't available.
Take the map with you everywhere you go. Make notes on it of things you notice - does one area feel different to you? Does a tree live among many dead ones? Do you see the same cat sitting on the same fence post at the same time every morning? Where do bees live? What crossroads catch your eye? Is there a cemetary?
Once you've filled the map with your observations, keep it in your grimoire for reference.
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labrujitadeloeste · 4 years
The darker seasons are upon us, so here are some reminders for my fellow witches:
-society forgets that this is supposed to be a time of rest, make sure that you don’t! Take extra time for rest and sleep.
Here are some Very Good Reasons to take walks in fall and winter:
- take walks in nature to remind yourself of the natural cycles and connect with nature.
-take walks for some of that fresh, cold air. It will cleanse you from your troubles and calm your mind. Try to not listen to music and instead listen to the silence.
- walks are also great to talk to your gods, guides and/or ancestors. Give thanks to them and to nature itself.
- prepare your body and immune system for the winter and gradually get used to the cold by spending time outside.
- the air in a forest or a park is a lot cleaner than that in most public spaces, especially with the germs flying around right now.
- avoid the public transport system by walking whenever its possible for you!
- also, appreciate all of these beautiful colors autumn has to offer! There are a lot of energies to be found in them:
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- the birds leave the cold weather and fly towards a climate thats more suited for their needs. Do the same and reevaluate whom and what you give your energies to, and who you share your space with. Leave unhealthy situations behind whenever possible.
-sew or draw sigils in your jackets, scarfs and hats to keep you warm and dry
- the bright lights, songs and consumerism of christmas aren’t natural and can be very draining. Don’t beat yourself up for not being as productive as usual. Few plants grow and bloom during winter.
- ward yourself before visiting christmas markets (or any supermarket, let’s be honest). I like to spray my scarfs with protective sprays, and this can be done with any piece of clothing. But make sure to always let them fully dry, folks!
- I cannot stress this enough, never underestimate self care and rest at this time of year. Remind yourself that nature itself survives winter by going to sleep. Never feel bad for resting.
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- evergreens in the home will help you to stay healthy, positive and in touch with nature. It’s great and easy color magic and perfect for closet witches.
- I smoke cleanse most gifts I get. I do nkt need anyones negative energies hafting on things I might put up in my bedroom.
- catch every ray of sunshine you can get, you will need it. If you are prone to seasonal depression, consult with a doctor. For me personally, supplements have helped a great deal :)
-clean your personal space. Your bed, your room, your house. Fall and winter are important times to look within, make sure you have a welcoming space to do somthe state of our home often influences the state of our mind.
- ginger and cinnamon (and often lemon) can be added to most hot drinks and will give you some extra warmth and energy even on the coldest days.
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- hot water plus ginger in the morning, with honey in the afternoon and instead with chilies in the evening will do wonders for your immune system!
- if you buy crystals on the christmas market make sure you get what you pay for.
- when you spend time with old friends and family during the festivities, communicate your (new) boundaries clearly and calmly, and do not force yourself to spend time with those who cannot respect them. Your wellness is the most important thing and you should treat it accordingly! Sigils and spells to improve your patience and clear communication can help here.
- if you must spend time around toxic people, cleanse yourself afterwards and remind yourself that people act and speak only for and against themselves and never against you!
- I love you and I wish you a beautiful and holy time. I hope you will rest and find peace this winter so you can have a wonderful start into a new year full of blessings and growth
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labrujitadeloeste · 7 years
“What kind of witch am I?” - The Struggle
One of the questions I find myself answering a lot lately is “What kind of witch am I? How do I decide what kind of witch to be?”
There’s no simple answer for this one, so let me just talk about it for a second. 
I think a lot of new witches get really bogged down with trying to pick a specific “witch type” and honestly, there are so many that it can be very overwhelming. When it comes down to narrowing down your area of practice, I always recommend identifying the kinds of tools and energy you want to use, and go from there. 
That brings up my next point. You 100% do not have to exclusively choose one “type” of witch to be. I don’t know one witch who only uses one type of tool, and therefore, is that “type” of witch. For example, a green witch may work with Earthly energies and mainly use herbs in their craft, but it’s probable that they use other tools as well. A crystal witch may generally rely on using crystals or crystal healing, but they probably use other tools when they see fit. To be honest, by that standard, we could all get away with calling ourselves eclectic witches and it would suffice. 
So, to really answer the question of “what kind of witch am I?” Whatever kind of witch you want to be. Labels may guide you, but are not necessary to validate your practice.
In the end, I think the important part about initially deciding what path to follow relies on your intent for your spells, the kind of tools you want to use, and the energy you want to work with. You can always expand on those things as you grow as a witch, and gain more experience and knowledge. 
So you’ve figured out what kinda tools you’d like to use because that’s the easy part - but, basing your path strictly on tools will severely limit what you want to do, which is where energies come into play and they have a much more broad spectrum of practice. If you are hell bent on choosing a witch type, take a look at some common energies that are used in witchcraft to base your practice on (here is a descriptive list of the different types of witches) - these energies include but are not limited to: cosmic, weather, elemental, death, etc. Like I mentioned before, it’s a common misconception that once you pick a witch type, you are bound to only use tools associated with that type and that’s just wrong. As a witch and magickal practitioner, you are free to use whatever tools you want or have access to. Spells are limitless when it comes to ingredients, but they do need energy to back them up. 
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labrujitadeloeste · 7 years
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Some Snapchat fun today. Let’s talk about witchcraft sc: theafterglow
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labrujitadeloeste · 7 years
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Tina Gong has the loveliest set of apps for anyone trying to get into tarot or similar forms of divination. There’s even an app(Labyrinthos Academy) that helps you memorize card meanings if you’re new to tarot! The apps are completely free and don’t have any ads(they’re developed with the money made from purchases of irl tarot decks, but don’t worry, you can use the digital decks even without buying a deck) and are absolutely stunning to use. Some of my favorite witchy apps is ever come across!!
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labrujitadeloeste · 7 years
quick and easy tarot trick:
1. find the fool in your deck 2. the card under it is how you fucked up 3. the card over it is how you fix your fuck-up 4. you’re welcome
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