lackoflxve-blog · 5 years
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Ni Takeru lo puede creer 😂😂😂
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
Pink and Blue...
Solomon and Sheba
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Aladdin and Kougyoku
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We should have seen this coming
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
Muu Alexius & the Fanalis Corps Character Guide Translation
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Country: the Reim Empire Position: captain of the Fanalis Corps Height: 192cm Weight: 91 kg Family: father, mother and a younger sister Speciality: sword fights (refers to fighting in the coliseum) Hobby: sword dancing Favorite food: all varieties of meat Disliked food: sweet food Type: older women Disliked type: Yunan What he likes to do whenever he takes the day off: attending balls What worries him: matters related to the Fanalis Weak point: wars of attrition
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A warrior who’s both part Fanalis and a descendant of the prestigious Alexius family of Reim. He tracked down other Fanalis throughout the world, freed them from slavery and formed the Fanalis Corps, which he commands. He adores Reim’s magi, Scheherazade, and swore absolute fealty to her. He’s normally a cheerful person, but he would show no mercy to Reim’s enemies.
-He swore absolute loyalty to Scheherazade and made up his mind to fight and risk his life for her.
-He would slay anyone who stands in Reim’s way, whoever they are.
-He’s normally cheerful, but when he’s fighting a cruel side to him resurfaces.
Point: he’s a Reim nobleman along with being a Fanalis. He shows perfect manners and etiquette expected from a member of the Alexius family. Everyone approves of his noble status, and so the status of the Fanalis corps.
Shinobu Ohtaka’s Maref
Q: what made him swear fealty to Scheherazade? A: Muu is a descendant of the king vessel that Scheherazade had chosen. It was his destiny since the day he was born.
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Djinn Equip: Barbatos
A silver djinn equip with the power to pierce everything. With Muu’s low magoi it only lasts for a minute, but its power is matchless.
The Sword is also a Spear
His sword also acts as a spear, and there’s nothing it cannot pierce.
Legs of steel
Power is gathered in the wheels on his heels and results in ultra high speed.
Point: his metal vessel is his treasured sword that generates shock waves and cuts through things far and near. It’s very powerful, but since he possesses little magoi he can’t use it continuously.
Extreme Magic: Barbatos’ Rumh (Barbatos’ Spear)
It’s a destructive attack that forms a straight line in its wake. It’s power magic that reaches the utmost limits and can even cleave a town in half.
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Muu’s Relationships
Other than Scheherazade that he cherishes more than anyone, he’s also connected to his kin from the corps and people he fought at the coliseum.
Scheherazade, who he adores endlessly
He adores her from the bottom of his heart and would give his life for her. When he lost her it was like he also died with her.
Caption: having his head caressed by her like he was a child whenever he makes a sad face, they are expressions he won’t show to anyone else.
Alibaba, the swordsman who he recognized with one look at him
Muu has been observing Alibaba since his first match in the coliseum. Moreover, when they fought their first duel and Alibaba found an opening, he took off his hat to him.
Caption: Muu, who recognized Alibaba abilities, considered his request and allowed him to accompany them to Magnostadt.
Titus, who he doesn’t understand
He’s treating him like he’s Scheherazade and also acts coldly toward him because he thinks he’s an abnormal creature. There seems to be more to it, but we leave it for another time (note: it refers to the truth about the fanalis in volume 21).
Caption: why is he likening him to them (the fanalis)?
Myron and Lo’lo, who he hesitate to act as the mediator in their fights
His little sister, Myron, and his confidant, Lo’lo, fight over anything and they are a constant source of worry for him.
Caption: they fight carelessly in places where it’s required to behave formally. He tries to intervene, but ends up being overmatched and blown off.
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Fanalis Corps
Myron Alexius
Country: the Reim Empire Position: a member of the Fanalis Corps Height: 171cm Weight: 60kg Family: father, mother and one older brother.
Muu’s little sister who tries to be of help by behaving like a graceful lady. She does try to behave gracefully for his sake, but she’s not really into it, and so, her true self as a member of the Fanalis corps ends up taking over.
Country: the Reim Empire Position: a member of the Fanalis Corps Height: 202cm Weight: 105kg Family: a little sister
A pure blood fanalis who swore fealty to Muu and only Muu. A man of valor who serves Muu loyally after he freed him from slavery. He’s always fighting with Myron
A member of the Fanalis Corps whose dream is to have an aristocratic lady fall in love at first sight with him and marry him. He’s the strongest after Lo’lo.
A woman whose face and chest are covered in scars. She’s of a small build, but her power is the real thing.
Fanalis Corps Members
They were freed from slavery, thanks to Muu, and are considered Reim’s trump card.
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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Wow the kiss between Koushiro and Mimi in tri was incredible!!!!
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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My rank in wattpad, ¡I Very happy!
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
“ le apenaban demasiado ellos y apenas tenía el conocimiento de cómo manejar estas situaciones "¿Cómo reaccionaría ella?" se preguntaba mientras sus amigos le seguían hablando "¿Seré correspondido?" "¿Nuestra amistad terminaría?" “
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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we will always be friends
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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This, had to happen on May 5
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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 User, keep crying
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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i remember i used to ship koumi… at this point i dont care about shippings, i ship a lot D:
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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My poor son…
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lackoflxve-blog · 6 years
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