lacodexgigas · 1 month
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  feel free to change pronouns / wording !
“ hey, they’ve got some work for ya. ”
“ just follow me. ”  
“ don’t try anything stupid. ”  
“ uh - so you see any good movies lately ? ”  
“ i don’t like this. ”  
“ keep your eyes on it. ”  
“ what are you, stupid or something ? ”  
“ i was looking forward to punching you in the face. ”  
“ i already hate my job, why are you making it more difficult for me ? ”  
“ look no offence but i’ve already lost interest in what you’re talking about. ”  
“ you don’t have a girlfriend, do you ? ”  
“ this place seriously gives me the creeps. ”  
“ holy shit  -  he’s dead ! ”  
“ do not trust your senses. ”  
“ do not trust anyone, or anything. ”  
“ i need help, and medical attention too ! ”  
“ is there someone else here ? ”  
“ everybody just stay calm. ”  
“ you’re coming with us. ”  
“ oh thank god, someone actually found me. ”  
“ thought i was done for a moment there. ”  
“ well ? what are you waiting for ? ”  
“ i wouldn’t blame you if you don’t think i look trustworthy. ”  
“ i’m starting to lose my patience here. ”  
“ you see ? you can trust me. ”  
“ just please … don’t do that again. ”  
“ unfortunately i never had any intentions of taking you with me. ”  
“ oh my, yet another victim of the disease. ”  
“ i’m here to cure you. ”  
“ the pestilence is here, and i can sense it. ”  
“ i am the cure. ”  
“ do not be afraid. ”  
“ we rarely get visitors down here. ”  
“ there’s no need to hide, i’m here to help. ”  
“ i hear you breathing. ”  
“ you need my help, and i need your help. ”  
“ i have no business speaking to you. ”  
“ i hope the rest of them are alright. ”  
“ maybe i’m just hearing things. ”  
“ are you injured ? ”  
“ who the hell is there ?! ”  
“ what the hell are you ? ”  
“ oh god, what the hell is that ? ”  
“ i thought i lost you for a moment there. ”  
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
✦   |   𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫-𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬   *   𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐭. 𝟏 
all of these are taken from the first 5 episodes of season 1 of the ‘Legion of Super-Heroes’ cartoon from 2006
❛   you  should  be  out  having  fun.❜
❛   i  don’t  make  mistakes  !   ❜
❛   trust  me  ,  we’re  here  for  a  reason.   ❜
❛   seriously  ,  i  don’t  need  any  help.   ❜
❛   please  don’t  tell  anyone  about  this.   ❜
❛   i  can’t  help  you  ,  i’m  sorry.   ❜
❛   even  if  i  wanted  to  ,  i  can’t  just  leave.   ❜
❛   you’ve  outdone  yourself  this  time.   ❜
❛   come  on  ,  don’t  give  up  !   ❜
❛   it’s  a  lot  to  handle  ,  i  know.   ❜
❛   it’s  kind  of  sad  ,  really  ,  watching  you  struggle  like  this.   ❜
❛   you’re  braver  than  you  look.   ❜
❛   could’ve  just  done  that  in  the  first  place  ,  you  know.   ❜
❛   okay  ,  now  you’re  creeping  me  out.   ❜
❛   was  it  something  i  said  ?   ❜
❛   not  scared  ,  are  you  ?   ❜
❛   i’m  not  worried.  there’s  no  reason  to  worry.   ❜
❛   we  have  nothing  to  worry  about  …  hopefully.   ❜
❛   you  aren’t  a  monster  !   ❜
❛   you’re  in  control  ,  remember.   ❜
❛   you’ll  never  lay  another  finger  on  me  again.   ❜
❛   this  doesn’t  make  us  buddies  or  anything.   ❜
❛   you’ll  get  used  to  it  …  eventually.   ❜
❛   what  if  i  can’t  control  this  monster  inside  of  me  ?   ❜
❛   come  on  ,  live  a  litte  !   ❜
❛   what  if  i  make  it  up  to  you  ?   ❜
❛   i’ve  got  a  better  idea.   ❜
❛   i’m  not  so  sure  we  should  be  doing  this.   ❜
❛   you’d  be  a  lot  easier  to  listen  to  if  you  weren’t  so  dang  bossy.   ❜
❛   this  will  never  happen  again  ,  i  promise.   ❜
❛   what  i  want  is  more  important.   ❜
❛   i’m  afraid  i  know  that  look.   ❜
❛   kicking  your  butt  is  kinda  like  a  dream  come  ture.   ❜
❛   alright  ,  i  guess  i  got  a  little  carried  away.   ❜
❛   what  did  you  do  to  me  ?   ❜
❛   okay  ,  what  did  i  just  do  ?   ❜
❛   seriously  ,  i  had  no  idea  !   ❜
❛   come  on  ,  you  can  do  better  than  that  ,  can’t  you  ?   ❜
❛   that’s  not  quite  the  reaction  i  was  hoping  for.   ❜
❛   oh  man  ,  i  don’t  like  this  at  all.   ❜
❛   i’m  running  out  of  options  here.   ❜
❛   why  do  you  have  to  try  and  upstage  me  all  the  time  ?   ❜
❛   i’m  just  here  to  set  the  record  straigt.   ❜
❛   whose  side  are  you  on  ?   ❜
❛   i  don’t  like  what  that  means.   ❜
❛   you’re  smarter  than  you  look.   ❜
❛   you  should  be  used  to  second  place  by  now.   ❜
❛   is  that  all  you’ve  got  to  say  ?   ❜
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
                                        * . ✧ CIRCE ✧ . *
                                               - STARTERS -
❝ He showed me his scars, and in return he let me pretend that I had none. ❞ ❝ Humbling women seems to me a chief pastime of poets. ❞ ❝ I cannot bear this world a moment longer. ❞ ❝ You cannot know how frightened gods are of pain. ❞ ❝ I would say, some people are like constellations that only touch the earth for a season. ❞ ❝ You have always been the worst of my children. ❞ ❝ I will do as I please, and when you count your children, leave me out. ❞ ❝ When I was born, the word for what I was did not exist. ❞ ❝ When we are young, we think ourselves the first to have each feeling in the world. ❞ ❝ I will not be like a bird bred in a cage. ❞ ❝ This is what it means to be alive. ❞ ❝ But perhaps no parent can truly see their child. ❞ ❝ Yet because I knew nothing, nothing was beneath me. ❞ ❝ Some things are worth spilling blood for. ❞ ❝ You can teach a viper to eat from your hands, but you cannot take away how much it likes to bite. ❞ ❝ You threw me to the crows, but it turns out I prefer them to you. ❞ ❝ The grudges of gods are as deathless as their flesh. ❞ ❝ Those who fight against prophecy only draw it more tightly around their throats. ❞ ❝ Who knows what is in me? Will you find out? ❞ ❝ Bold action and bold manner are not the same. ❞ ❝ How many of us would be granted pardon if our true hearts were known? ❞ ❝ If you want it, I will do it. ❞ ❝ All my life I have been moving forward, and now I am here. ❞ ❝ Fear of failure was the worst thing for any spell. ❞ ❝ Imagine such a happiness. Like drinking wine your whole life, instead of water. ❞ ❝ Most men do not know me for what I am. ❞ ❝ You are right, this world is a wild and terrible place, and worth shouting at. ❞ ❝ He was no husband, scarcely even a friend. ❞ ❝ We bear it as best we can. ❞ ❝ Timidity creates nothing. ❞ ❝ It is youth’s gift not to feel its debts. ❞ ❝ What was I truly? In the end, I could not bear to know. ❞ ❝ They do not care if you are good. They barely care if you are wicked. ❞ ❝ Oh, sweetheart, it cannot be done. ❞ ❝ Lady, you and I are in accord. ❞ ❝ Why should I care what is in their hearts? ❞ ❝ You must keep your tricks close or you will lose everything. ❞ ❝ I never claimed to be good. ❞ ❝ My whole life, I had waited for tragedy to find me. ❞ ❝ You must understand people if you would rule them. ❞ ❝ Be sure not to dishonor me. ❞ ❝ Do not try to take my regret from me. ❞ ❝ Even those who had loved me a little did not care to stay. ❞ ❝ I can please you, I swear it. You will find none more loyal than me. ❞ ❝ I do think he loved me a little. ❞ ❝ Well? What do you have to say to me? ❞
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
Random HC memes
🥳 -How do they spend their birthdays?
🎃 -What’s their favorite holiday? Reasons?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 -What’s their relationship with their family like?
🚿 - What are their bathroom habits like? (How long do they shower, what do they do in the shower, what’s their bathroom routine, etc.)
🧼 -What’s their hygiene like, what do they smell like?
🛌 -How do they sleep, how much do they sleep?
🧸 - Do they have any collections? If so, what?
💲 -Do they have a lot of money? What do they usually spend their money on?
🎼 -Do they play any musical instruments? How good are they if so?
🍔 -Favorite foods and drinks?
🕒 - What’s their morning routine like?
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
sharp objects novel sentence starters. TW:     brief mentions of killing self/suicide.
“ look, if you can’t do this, you can’t do it. but i think it might be good for you. “
“ i don’t want this to get out, ____. i have no intention of letting this get out. “
“ sometimes i think we should just burn these woods. seems like nothing good ever happens in them. “
“ it’s all too loud. “
“ i just can’t have that kind of talk around me. “
“ just being polite, ____. we do that where i’m from too. “
“ be human for a second. “
“ you have kids, ____? i don’t even know if you’re married. “
“ so much has gone wrong. i can’t make sense of it. “
“ was the funeral very hard on you, ____? “
“ i can’t believe you can’t remember these things, ____. i think you’d be embarrassed to have forgotten so much. “
“ i wear this for ____. when i’m home, i’m her little doll. “
“ this isn’t some stranger, and i would guess you know it. “
“ everyone has their own version of a memory. “
“ i’d hate to insult the nice people around here. more than i already have. “
“ sounds like we’ve both seen some ugly things. “
“ you said it would all be perfect. you promised! “
“ it’s ruined. the whole thing is ruined. “
“ it’s impossible to compete with the dead. i wish i’d stop trying. “
“ i wish i’d be murdered. then i’d never have to worry again. when you die, you become perfect. “
“ there’s not a speck of evil in you, ____. “
“ we all know each other’s secrets. and we all use them. “
“ this place does bad things to me. i feel… wrong. “
“ i can’t believe this is really happening. in our town, where we grew up. it makes me feel sick to my stomach. just sick. “
“ it’s just that ____ was a real person, you know? “
“ goddammit, i want ____ back. i mean, what now? is this it? “
“ i’m here. i don’t usually feel that i am. i feel like a warm gust of wind could exhale my way and i’d be disappeared forever. “
“ i always feel sad for the girl that i was because it never occurred to me that my mother might comfort me. “
“ ____ has never told me they loved me, and i never assumed they did. “
“ i think you are a parasite. i think you are disgusting. i hope someday you look back and see how ugly you are. “
“ lord, ____, it’d be the most interesting thing that’s happened to me in a whole. “
“ if i see this in your paper, if i see even a hint of this conversation under your byline, you and i will never speak again. and that’s really bad, because i like talking to you. “
“ i had my share of fun. looks and money get you a long way here. “
“ i just think some women aren’t meant to be mothers. and some women aren’t made to be daughters. “
“ come on, do something. you could kill me right now and ____ still wouldn’t be able to figure it out. “
“ oh, now look what you’ve done. i’m bleeding. “
“ look at what you’ve done to yourself. look at it. “
“ i hope you can stand yourself. “
“ i thought i wanted to do this. like i needed a purpose. “
“ being conflicted means you can live a shallow life without copping to be a shallow person. “
“ it seems like part of your heart can never work if you don’t have kids. like it will always be shut off. “
“ take it or don’t. i was just trying to be nice. “
“ i can be nice, you know? sometimes i can’t. but right now, i can. when everyone’s quiet, it’s easier. “
“ you’re a tough one, ____. you don’t have a lot of ‘give’ to you. “
“ you know you’re beautiful, right? i’d tell you, but it seems like the kind of thing you’d brush off. “
“ i think you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. the first time i saw you, i couldn’t think for the rest of the day. “
“ i think i finally realized why i don’t love you. you’re cold and distant and so, so smug. i never said i didn’t love you, that’s just ridiculous. i never felt anything but coldness from you. “
“ you were always so willful, never sweet. “
“ i thought you’d save me. i thought you’d love me. that was a joke. “
“ you’re so hateful. “
“ i learned at your feet. “
“ do what i want; i might like you. “
“ i don’t know that anything would be any good anywhere, so it’s hard to gauge if this is better or worse. “
“ this place is miserable and i want to die, but i can’t think of any place i’d rather be. “
“ you were so sweet with me the other night. now you’re so changed. why? “
“ i wish i could fix it. i do. “
“ i always wanted to be you when i grew up. i think about you, you know? “
“ i’m tired of dying. “
“ i was asking about you. you doing okay down there? you have to tell me, because i can’t see your face. don’t do the stoic thing. “
“ whenever i’m here… i just always feel like i’m a bad person when i’m here. “
“ i’m not decent. “
“ just be a sweetie and fuck off, okay? i’m so tired of all of you. you’re such bores. “
“ sometimes i sit in my room before bed and i write down every single thing i did and said that day. then i grade it, A for perfect move, F for i should kill myself i’m such a loser. “
“ safer to be feared than loved. “
“ i know tons of things i shouldn’t know. “
“ i’ve got to get out of here. i’m bored all the time. that’s why i act out. i know i can be a little… off. “
“ i’m so happy with you. you’re like my soul-mate. “
“ shit. i think you dented my face. “
“ what if you hurt because it feels good? like you have a tingling, like someone left a switch on in your body. and nothing can turn the switch off except hurting? what does that mean? “
“ it’s not safe here. it’s not safe for you. “
“ don’t you dare, ____. i’ll cut you. “
“ ____, a beautiful girl can get away with anything if she plays nice. you must certainly know that. “
“ was my mother… a nice person? “
“ don’t play games with me, ____. that exhausts me. “
“ ____ devours you, and if you don’t let her, it’ll be even worse for you. “
“ i’m scared. i’m vindicated. i want to die. “
“ you look so nice and clean. it’s… it’s so dirty here. “
“ last night. you saved me. that saved me. if you hadn’t stayed with me, i would’ve done something bad. i know it, ____. “
“ one thing i learned about ____, they don’t need a reason to strike out. “
“ are we done? i’m sort of tired of talking about this. “
“ you were never such a good girl when you were little. you were always so willful. maybe your spirit has gotten a bit more broken. in a good way. a necessary way. “
“ don’t turn on me, ____. we hurt each other awfully quickly in this family. “
“ hard night, huh? well, just wait—everything’s going to get worse. “
“ god, i’m so angry. that it ever happened. that it took me this long to figure out. “
“ i’ll never have a home. “
“ isn’t a smile a girl’s best weapon? “
“ i feel sorry for persephone because even when she’s back with the living, people are afraid of her because of where she’s been. “
“ would you be more said if i died or if ____ did? “
“ certain people should die. ____ should die. “
“ when a child knows that young that her mother doesn’t care for her, bad things happen. “
“ you like ____ better than me. “
“ it’s a game. come with me, we’ll play. “
“ i could never have anything to myself. they weren’t my secrets anymore. “
“ a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort. “
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
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Like this post for a meme in your inbox. If you have a specific muse in mind, please leave it in comments. Multi's comment your preferred muse.
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
taken from beth kinderman and nikki walker’s the 100 most important things to know about your character. a good list to help develop a character’s background, personality, and general aspects. 
What is your full name?
Where and when were you born?
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
What is your occupation?
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
To which social class do you belong?
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Are you right- or left-handed?
What does your voice sound like?
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
What do you have in your pockets?
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
How would you describe your childhood in general?
What is your earliest memory?
How much schooling have you had?
Did you enjoy school?
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
When and with whom was your first kiss?
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Who has had the most influence on you?
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
What is your greatest regret?
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
When was the time you were the most frightened?
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
What is your best memory?
What is your worst memory?
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
What is your greatest fear?
What are your religious views?
What are your political views?
What are your views on sex?
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
What do you believe makes a successful life?
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
What do you look for in a potential lover?
How close are you to your family?
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
Do you care what others think of you?
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
What is your most treasured possession?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
What, if anything, do you like to read?
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
What makes you laugh?
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
How do you deal with stress?
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
What are your pet peeves?
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
What is your greatest strength as a person?
What is your greatest weakness?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
Do you like yourself?
What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
What three words best describe your personality?
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…)
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
❝Darkness closes in. Will you stand against it, or lead this world to its bitter end?❞ ❝Deer should not bend that way…❞ ❝So, listen, I’ve caught the hints. I get what you’re saying. You want to ride the Bull.❞ ❝How does compassion become such a deadly killer?❞ ❝Okay, that’s BADASS!❞ ❝Ah, the wilds. Lush, beautiful, and full of things that want to eat you!❞ ❝Bow before your new God, and be spared.❞ ❝Where do you get all your arrows? You must have hundreds!❞ ❝We’re going to restore order, with or without anyone’s approval.❞ ❝Are you ashamed of your given name?❞ ❝You’d be surprised what a man armed with a rock and a headache can do.❞ ❝I just don’t understand why your people choose to look like that.❞ ❝The big demon? It’s nearby? Well, shit.❞ ❝Ah, I was wondering when the demon army would show up.❞ ❝I will not suffer even an unknown rival. You must die!❞ ❝You stared it down. You actually stared it down.❞ ❝The eyes of the entire court are upon you. Don’t forget to smile.❞ ❝You killed everyone who was in charge!❞ ❝I came here to stop you. Nothing more.❞ ❝Is that all you’ve got?! I lived through war, you pieces of shit!❞ ❝You answered the death of your clan… with a goat?❞ ❝You! I told you to stop spying!❞ ❝Hush. Just look pretty.❞ ❝Did you just grab my bottom!?❞ ❝I don’t want to have to watch your walk of shame back to the barracks…❞ ❝You’re never more alive than when you’re about to lose your pants, my friend.❞ ❝I need to have words with you. The first will be “you” and the second will be “bastard”!❞ ❝Just how much gold are you stealing from me?❞ ❝Is that all you’ve got?! I’ve heard worse from ____!❞ ❝See? This is what manners look like!❞ ❝Everything that happens to you is weird…❞ ❝I don’t kill that many people…❞ ❝Are you joking? I’m only surprised you didn’t kill someone walking over here.❞ ❝Are you sassing me~? I didn’t think you had it in you!❞ ❝I’m sure nobody at the party would mind if you and I went missing for an hour.❞ ❝You have any idea how much this place is worth?❞ ❝Are you going to put me into any of your stories?❞ ❝Look, it’s a natural thing to be curious about!❞ ❝Do you feel that? My magic-sensitive nose is tingling.❞ ❝Just once, we should enter a cave and find normal sized spiders!❞ ❝Why do this? Why risk everything we’ve built? Why risk your life?❞ ❝Maybe I shouldn’t bring this up, but bears and I traditionally don’t get along.❞ ❝Look, I have to complain, or you’ll forget I’m here and trip over me! I’m providing a service.❞ ❝You may be a weird squirrelly kid, but you’re my weird squirrelly kid.❞ ❝My love… I will never forget you.❞ ❝Nearly crushed three of my ribs with that ridiculous hug…❞ ❝It’s dangerous when too many men in the same armor think they’re right.❞ ❝This is what I am. A murderer, a traitor… a monster.❞ ❝Whatever happens, I wouldn’t trade the years we’ve had together for anything. I love you.❞ ❝Our people aren’t tools to be used and discarded.❞ ❝At this moment, you are the only threat I see.❞ ❝Sometimes the best path is not the easiest one…❞ ❝You might want to watch yourself, it’s raining demons out here.❞ ❝What kind of viscount would I be if I didn’t abuse my position to give shit to my friends?❞ ❝Nothing creepy about a bunch of old abandoned caves. Nothing creepy at all.❞ ❝If you ever need an ass kicked, I’m with you.❞ ❝I’m here to set things right. Also? To look dashing. That part’s less difficult.❞ ❝At any rate, time to drink myself into a stupor. It’s been that sort of day.❞ ❝Watch yourself. The pretty ones are always the worst.❞ ❝For all your experience, you don’t carry yourself like a soldier.❞ ❝Sometimes to achieve the world one desires, one must take regrettable measures.❞ ❝I hope you can take care of yourself, should we encounter anything outside your experience.❞
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
*: ・゚✧   interrogation starters.
feel free to change pronouns etc as needed.
“ tell me, what happened?”
“ did you see anything?”
“ what do you remember?”
“ do you remember anything unusual?”
“ please, try to remember as much as you can.”
“ every detail is important.”
“ and what happened next?”
“ and what did you do when all this took place?”
“ what were you doing around __ am/pm?”
“ where were you around __ am/pm?”
“ can anyone verify that?”
“ was someone with you?”
“ and you had nothing to do with it?”
“ and you weren’t involved?”
“ did you see it happen?”
“ did you see who did it?”
“ did you see or hear anything? anything at all?”
 “ you seem scared… is that why you don’t want to talk?”
“ did someone hurt you?”
“ it’s okay. you can tell me.”
“ you were just trying to defend yourself, weren’t you?”
“ we can take a break, if you want.”
“ everything will be okay, i promise. but you need to talk to me.”
“ it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. but it really would help if you did.”
“ there is something you’re not telling me.”
“ i think you’re lying.”
“ you looked away just now when you said that. are you sure you’re telling the truth?”
“ except what you’re telling me doesn’t align with what we already know.”
“ seems to me like you know more than you’re letting in on.”
“ what aren’t you telling me?”
“ who are you trying to protect?”
“ so you really don’t know what any of it means? no clue at all?”
“ they must’ve told you more than that.”
“ you have to have seen more than that.”
“ and you want me to believe you don’t remember?”
“ and you want me to believe you had nothing to do with it?”
“ an accident? is that what you’re going with?”
“ i need you to tell me the truth.”
“ i need you to tell me what happened.”
“ i know you’re not telling me the truth.”
“ that doesn’t line up with the evidence. so… you wanna try that again?”
“ stop lying. i already know that’s not what happened.”
“ what do you want in exchange for this information?”
“ i’m listening…”
“ you’re coming with me.”
“ since you’re the only one who knows how to find them, i don’t really have a choice but to take you with me.”
“ fine. i’ll take you with me, but if you try anything…”
“ i can’t give you that. you know that.”
“ if we’re going to make a deal, you’re gonna have to ask for something a little more rational than that.”
“ okay. we have a deal.”
“ sorry. no deal.”
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
Injury Starters
“Whoa, when did you get this?”
“Who did this to you?”
“Hold still— I need to clean it.”
“I’m supposed to believe this was an accident?”
“Damn— I’d hate to see the other guy.”
“Does this hurt when I touch it?”
“What the hell, ___? Another fight?”
“What the hell happened to your face?”
“Why are you so calm about this? You’re really hurt.”
“I think your arm is broken. It’s not supposed to bend like that.”
“Here, let me help you with that.”
“You’re bleeding a lot. Too much. Apply more pressure. I’m calling an ambulance.”
“Did you think I was gonna leave you like this?”
“Instead of helping you, they ran off? What an asshole.”
“You need to be more careful. You keep getting hurt like this and you’ll put yourself out of commission.”
“Let me grab the first-aid kit. Don’t move.”
“So, do you wanna explain to me what the hell happened?”
“You look really pale. Sit down. I don’t need you fainting before I get this stitched-up.”
“I’m not blaming you, I’m just saying this looks awfully suspicious.”
“How many of them were there? This doesn’t look like one man’s doing.”
“Sit still. I need to clean this before it gets infected.”
“Wiggle your fingers. I need to make sure it’s not broken.”
“This is gonna hurt. A lot. But it’ll be quick. I need to pop it back into place.”
“I told you not to act recklessly like that. You might think you’re protecting me, but you’re gonna get yourself killed if you keep jumping in like that.”
“That was really close this time. Too close. Please, promise me you’re gonna listen to me and be more careful in the future.”
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
*: ・゚✧   batman the enemy within ( part six.)
“ clever son of a bitch.”
“ some kind of murder box, i guess.”
“ you were always a wacko, but this takes it to a new level.”
“ won’t budge. must be locked in place.”
“ what does it mean?”
“ you could be cooked alive in there.”
“ hey, i got a hunch. c’mere.”
“ good call. it’s worth checking out.”
“ first we have to get out of here.”
“ ugh, just wonderful. more psychos to worry about.”
“ hey. maybe we’ll get lucky, they’ll kill each other.”
“ they made a number of mistakes. mistakes we can avoid.”
“ this is insane. you know that, right?”
“ the last man who went in there is dead.”
“ there’s a good chance it’ll kill you too.”
“ maybe you’d like to go in and solve it yourself?”
“ no, go ahead. i wouldn’t want to steal your thunder.”
“ now, for the love of god, whatever’s in that safe better be worth all this pain.”
“ that’s how they’ll all die.”
“ time is one thing you don’t have.”
“ they’re a natural enemy to people like you and me.”
“ you must be desperate if you’re making friends with them.”
“ you are the one torturing and killing innocents.”
“ you think any of them are innocent?”
“ they use people. corrupts them. breaks their minds.”
“ i wasn’t always like this.”
“ they have nothing to do with why you’re so messed up!”
“ i don’t forget.”
“ that’s the thing about having a mind like mine. you remember everything.”
“ if you’re trying to manipulate me, it’s not working.”
“ i’m not trying to get in your head.”
“ i would never give up on an innocent life. not even to save my own.”
“ that’s not what it looks like from here.”
“ trust is hard-earned, yet easily lost.”
“ i knew you weren’t sharp enough to do it on purpose.”
“ you don’t have what it takes to be a player in this town.”
“ you gotta level with me.”
“ i gotta say, the fact i had to learn about it from them instead of you… it doesn’t sit right with me at all.”
“ i thought we had some trust, you and i.”
“ what do you expect me to do with this?”
“ am i just supposed to sit on my hands?”
“ am i just supposed to pretend i never heard any of it?”
“ you are your own man, ___. you’ll come to your own decision.”
“ i mean, i wasn’t born yesterday.”
“ oh, to hell with it. i never heard what i heard in there, all right?”
“ i’m sorry for your loss.”
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
sharp objects novel sentence starters. TW:     brief mentions of killing self/suicide.
“ look, if you can’t do this, you can’t do it. but i think it might be good for you. “
“ i don’t want this to get out, ____. i have no intention of letting this get out. “
“ sometimes i think we should just burn these woods. seems like nothing good ever happens in them. “
“ it’s all too loud. “
“ i just can’t have that kind of talk around me. “
“ just being polite, ____. we do that where i’m from too. “
“ be human for a second. “
“ you have kids, ____? i don’t even know if you’re married. “
“ so much has gone wrong. i can’t make sense of it. “
“ was the funeral very hard on you, ____? “
“ i can’t believe you can’t remember these things, ____. i think you’d be embarrassed to have forgotten so much. “
“ i wear this for ____. when i’m home, i’m her little doll. “
“ this isn’t some stranger, and i would guess you know it. “
“ everyone has their own version of a memory. “
“ i’d hate to insult the nice people around here. more than i already have. “
“ sounds like we’ve both seen some ugly things. “
“ you said it would all be perfect. you promised! “
“ it’s ruined. the whole thing is ruined. “
“ it’s impossible to compete with the dead. i wish i’d stop trying. “
“ i wish i’d be murdered. then i’d never have to worry again. when you die, you become perfect. “
“ there’s not a speck of evil in you, ____. “
“ we all know each other’s secrets. and we all use them. “
“ this place does bad things to me. i feel… wrong. “
“ i can’t believe this is really happening. in our town, where we grew up. it makes me feel sick to my stomach. just sick. “
“ it’s just that ____ was a real person, you know? “
“ goddammit, i want ____ back. i mean, what now? is this it? “
“ i’m here. i don’t usually feel that i am. i feel like a warm gust of wind could exhale my way and i’d be disappeared forever. “
“ i always feel sad for the girl that i was because it never occurred to me that my mother might comfort me. “
“ ____ has never told me they loved me, and i never assumed they did. “
“ i think you are a parasite. i think you are disgusting. i hope someday you look back and see how ugly you are. “
“ lord, ____, it’d be the most interesting thing that’s happened to me in a whole. “
“ if i see this in your paper, if i see even a hint of this conversation under your byline, you and i will never speak again. and that’s really bad, because i like talking to you. “
“ i had my share of fun. looks and money get you a long way here. “
“ i just think some women aren’t meant to be mothers. and some women aren’t made to be daughters. “
“ come on, do something. you could kill me right now and ____ still wouldn’t be able to figure it out. “
“ oh, now look what you’ve done. i’m bleeding. “
“ look at what you’ve done to yourself. look at it. “
“ i hope you can stand yourself. “
“ i thought i wanted to do this. like i needed a purpose. “
“ being conflicted means you can live a shallow life without copping to be a shallow person. “
“ it seems like part of your heart can never work if you don’t have kids. like it will always be shut off. “
“ take it or don’t. i was just trying to be nice. “
“ i can be nice, you know? sometimes i can’t. but right now, i can. when everyone’s quiet, it’s easier. “
“ you’re a tough one, ____. you don’t have a lot of ‘give’ to you. “
“ you know you’re beautiful, right? i’d tell you, but it seems like the kind of thing you’d brush off. “
“ i think you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. the first time i saw you, i couldn’t think for the rest of the day. “
“ i think i finally realized why i don’t love you. you’re cold and distant and so, so smug. i never said i didn’t love you, that’s just ridiculous. i never felt anything but coldness from you. “
“ you were always so willful, never sweet. “
“ i thought you’d save me. i thought you’d love me. that was a joke. “
“ you’re so hateful. “
“ i learned at your feet. “
“ do what i want; i might like you. “
“ i don’t know that anything would be any good anywhere, so it’s hard to gauge if this is better or worse. “
“ this place is miserable and i want to die, but i can’t think of any place i’d rather be. “
“ you were so sweet with me the other night. now you’re so changed. why? “
“ i wish i could fix it. i do. “
“ i always wanted to be you when i grew up. i think about you, you know? “
“ i’m tired of dying. “
“ i was asking about you. you doing okay down there? you have to tell me, because i can’t see your face. don’t do the stoic thing. “
“ whenever i’m here… i just always feel like i’m a bad person when i’m here. “
“ i’m not decent. “
“ just be a sweetie and fuck off, okay? i’m so tired of all of you. you’re such bores. “
“ sometimes i sit in my room before bed and i write down every single thing i did and said that day. then i grade it, A for perfect move, F for i should kill myself i’m such a loser. “
“ safer to be feared than loved. “
“ i know tons of things i shouldn’t know. “
“ i’ve got to get out of here. i’m bored all the time. that’s why i act out. i know i can be a little… off. “
“ i’m so happy with you. you’re like my soul-mate. “
“ shit. i think you dented my face. “
“ what if you hurt because it feels good? like you have a tingling, like someone left a switch on in your body. and nothing can turn the switch off except hurting? what does that mean? “
“ it’s not safe here. it’s not safe for you. “
“ don’t you dare, ____. i’ll cut you. “
“ ____, a beautiful girl can get away with anything if she plays nice. you must certainly know that. “
“ was my mother… a nice person? “
“ don’t play games with me, ____. that exhausts me. “
“ ____ devours you, and if you don’t let her, it’ll be even worse for you. “
“ i’m scared. i’m vindicated. i want to die. “
“ you look so nice and clean. it’s… it’s so dirty here. “
“ last night. you saved me. that saved me. if you hadn’t stayed with me, i would’ve done something bad. i know it, ____. “
“ one thing i learned about ____, they don’t need a reason to strike out. “
“ are we done? i’m sort of tired of talking about this. “
“ you were never such a good girl when you were little. you were always so willful. maybe your spirit has gotten a bit more broken. in a good way. a necessary way. “
“ don’t turn on me, ____. we hurt each other awfully quickly in this family. “
“ hard night, huh? well, just wait—everything’s going to get worse. “
“ god, i’m so angry. that it ever happened. that it took me this long to figure out. “
“ i’ll never have a home. “
“ isn’t a smile a girl’s best weapon? “
“ i feel sorry for persephone because even when she’s back with the living, people are afraid of her because of where she’s been. “
“ would you be more said if i died or if ____ did? “
“ certain people should die. ____ should die. “
“ when a child knows that young that her mother doesn’t care for her, bad things happen. “
“ you like ____ better than me. “
“ it’s a game. come with me, we’ll play. “
“ i could never have anything to myself. they weren’t my secrets anymore. “
“ a child weaned on poison considers harm a comfort. “
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
feel  free  to  change  any  pronouns  or  subjects  (or  reverse).      tw  for  blood,  death  and  physical  violence  mention.
‘  is  it  complete?  ’
‘  who  are  you?  ’
‘  who  is  this?  ’
‘  why  are  you  bleeding?  ’
‘  what  would  i  do  without  you?  ’
‘  do  you  feel  alright?  ’
‘  what’s  your  name?  ’
‘  why  do  you  hate  me?  ’
‘  do  you  want  something  to  eat?  ’
‘  aren’t  you  supposed  to  be  someone  important?  ’
‘  did  you  read  it  yet?  ’
‘  can  you  help  me?  ’
‘  why  do  you  act  so  weirdly?  ’
‘  what  do  i  do  with  someone  like  you?  ’
‘  you  awake?  ’
‘  can’t  you  tell  left  from  right?  ’
‘  how  dare  you?  ’
‘  can  i  have  a  word?  ’
‘  why  didn’t  you  fight  back?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  interupting  me?  ’
‘  why  are  you  here?  ’
‘  what  happened?  ’
‘  haven’t  you  said  enough?  ’
‘  why  are  you  still  ___?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  shut  up  and  be  quiet?  ’
‘  what  did  you  dream  of?  ’
‘  why  are  you  yelling?  ’
‘  how  could  you  say  that?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  why  did  you  turn  out  this  way?  ’
‘  are  you  talking  to  me?  ’
‘  why  won’t  he  date  me?  ’
‘  why  did  you  hit  him?  ’
‘  why  are  you  crying  yourself  to  sleep?  ’ 
‘  are  you  serious?  ’
‘  who  did  this?  ’
‘  will  i  regret  this?  ’
‘  do  you  promise?  ’
‘  is  that  mine?  ’
‘  am  i  dead?  ’
‘  can  you  stop  moving?  ’
‘  is  he  looking  at  me?  ’
‘  does  it  hurt?  ’
‘  how  did  that  happen?  ’
‘  what’s  the  weather  for  tomorrow?  ’
‘  are  you  in  love  with  me  yet?  ’
‘  is  it  that  important?  ’
‘  want  some?  ’
‘  was  that  an  accident?  ’
‘  what’s  the  deal  with  you?  ’
‘  who  do  you  think  you  are?  ’
‘  can  i  ask  you  something?  ’
‘  why  don’t  you  leave  then?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
‘  is  this  all  you  can  do?  ’
‘  why  is  this  here?  ’
‘  how  did  you  get  in  here?  ’
‘  is  it  freezing  to  you?  ’
‘  what  are  you  making  tdday?  ’
‘  are  you  lost?  ’
‘  has  it  been  that  long?  ’
‘  how  could  you?  ’
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
𝐬𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭  \  sentence starter pack,  i.  feel free to change wording  \  pronouns as you see fit. 
don’t go. 
please, don’t go. 
it hurts. 
this hurts. 
we can’t be friends. 
you shouldn’t be here. 
stay here with me. 
it doesn’t feel like you care. 
i can’t feel your heart. 
i’m so alone. 
i need you here, with me. 
there’s nothing left. 
we’re up in flames, the both of us. 
it all comes crashing down. 
i don’t know what to do. 
you won’t go with me? 
why don’t you stay here? 
i’m going alone.
my heart’s broken. 
they broke your heart. 
where did this come from? 
how did you get this scar? 
who is {name}? 
what are you saying? 
i shouldn’t have come here. 
it’s like we’ve become strangers. 
who hurt you? 
who did this to you? 
please, don’t ignore me.
please, say something. 
is there something i should know?
i’m not leaving you here. 
you can’t do this to me. 
after all that we’ve been through… 
there’s something you need to know. 
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
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Hello & welcome to my writing blog!!
My name is Teiaiel, Tei for short. He/Him/His, agender, asexual & eternally exhausted at all hours. Hobbyist, artist & bird dad. Coffee fuels my bad decisions. I have an obsession with aesthetics & fashion.
This blog is a Roleplay blog for a multitude of characters from film, anime, manga, comics, video games & novella. This blog is Private, Selective & Mutuals Only. Blog activity can vary due to work schedule, IRL obligations or a focus on other blogs. Multi-verse, crossover & OC friendly. NSFW will be limited to violence, gore, horror themes & the like. Sexual themes will be limited to the comfort level established between myself & my writing partner. Extremely selective with romantic shipping, all other ships are encouraged. I WILL NOT SHIP HANNIGRAHAM. I am very open with my RP partners in regards to our writing & the nature of character relations & goals.
Plotting & engagement is encouraged. Discord is available upon request from MUTUALS after a certain amount of rapport through engagement is built up.
Link to Doc listed below, where you can view Rules, Character Bios, Verses & the like on mobile. Thank you so much for your interest!
To see a World in a Grain of Sand & a Heaven in a Wild Flower [ Doc under construction]
Character Chart & Important links as follows:
Novel: Will Graham - Thomas Harris Novels
Novel: Clarice M. Starling - Thomas Harris Novels
Comic: Loki Laufeyson - Marvel/Mythology
Anime: Tieria Erde - Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Manga: Kurama/Minamino Shuuichi - Yu Yu Hakusho
Manga: William Twining/King Solomon - Makai Ouji: Devils & Realist
Video Game: Leon S. Kennedy - Resident Evil Franchise
Video Game: Sub-Zero/ Kuai Liang - Mortal Kombat Saga
Video Game: Frost - Mortal Kombat Saga
Video Game: Faize Sheifa Beleth - Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Low Activity Characters:
Television: Special Agent Holden Ford - Mindhunter
Anime: Regene Regetta - Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Novel: Dr. Hannibal Lecter M.D. - Thomas Harris Novel
Video Game: Scorpion/Hanzo Hasashi - Mortal Kombat Saga
Video Game: Harumi Hasashi - Mortal Kombat Saga
Video Game: Kuzunoha Raidou - Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou
Also Penned by Teiaiel:
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lacodexgigas · 1 month
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Kinda back. Let's see how this goes.
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lacodexgigas · 2 months
𝐎𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫
— — — — — — 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒓 ( 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 ) 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏
❛ & they’d all be so disappointed. ❜
❛ Cause who am I if not exploited ? ❜
❛ & I don’t stick up for myself. ❜
❛ & I wish people liked me more. ❜
❛ All I did was try my best. ❜
❛ This the kinda thanks I get ? ❜
❛ But I wish I could disappear. ❜
❛ God, it’s brutal out here. ❜
❛ I only have two real friends. ❜
❛ & lately, I’m a nervous wreck. ❜
❛ I feel like no one wants me. ❜
❛ & I wish I’d done this before. ❜
❛ & they’d all be so disappointed, ‘Cause who am I if not exploited ? ❜
❛ & I’m so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life. ❜
❛ I played dumb, but I always knew. ❜
❛ I kept quiet so I could keep you. ❜
❛ & ain’t it funny how you said you were friends ? ❜
❛ Now it sure as hell don’t look like it. ❜
❛ & I know that you’ll never feel sorry for the way I hurt. ❜
❛ All I did was try my best. ❜
❛ Loved you at your worst, but that didn’t matter. ❜
❛ Guess you didn’t cheat, but you’re still a traitor. ❜
❛ Remember I brought her up & you told me I was paranoid ? ❜
❛ God, I wish that you had thought this through before I went & fell in love with you. ❜
𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆
❛ But today, I drove through the suburbs, crying ‘cause you weren’t around. ❜
❛ 'Cause how could I ever love someone else ? ❜
❛ But I’ve never felt this way for no one. ❜
❛ How you could be so okay now that I’m gone. ❜
❛ 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street. ❜
❛ & all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you. ❜
❛ I kinda feel sorry for them. ❜
❛ Can’t drive past the places we used to go to. ❜
❛ 'Cause they’ll never know you the way that I do. ❜
❛ I still see your face in the white cars, front yards. ❜
❛ But I still fuckin’ love you. ❜
❛ You said forever, now I drive alone past your street. ❜
1 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅, 3 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒔 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌
❛ Called you on the phone today just to ask you how you were. ❜
❛ All I did was speak normally. ❜
❛ & I don’t stick up for myself. ❜
❛ Somehow, I still struck a nerve. ❜
❛ You got me fucked up in the head. ❜
❛ I hate that I give you power over that kinda stuff. ❜
❛ I’m the love of your life until I make you mad. ❜
❛ It’s always one step forward and three steps back. ❜
❛ Do you love me, want me, hate me ? ❜
❛ & lately, I’m a nervous wreck. ❜
❛ No, I don’t understand. ❜
❛ & maybe in some masochistic way I kind of find it all exciting. ❜
❛ Like, which lover will I get today ? ❜
❛ Will you walk me to the door or send me home crying ? ❜
𝒅𝒆𝒋𝒂 𝒗𝒖
❛ So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too ? ❜
❛ That was our place, I found it first. ❜
❛ & I don’t stick up for myself. ❜
❛ I made the jokes you tell to her when she’s with you. ❜
❛ Do you get déjà vu when she’s with you ? ❜
❛ ’Cause let’s be honest, we kinda do sound the same. ❜
❛ I hate to think that I was just your type. ❜
❛ Now I bet you even tell her how you love her in between the chorus and the verse.  ❜
❛ A different girl now, but there’s nothing new. ❜
❛ I know you get déjà vu. ❜
𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 4 𝒖
❛ Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world ? ❜
❛ Good for you, I guess that you’ve been workin’ on yourself. ❜
❛ I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped. ❜
❛ Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl. ❜
❛ You look happy and healthy, not me, if you ever cared to ask. ❜
❛ You’re doin’ great out there without me, baby. ❜
❛ God, I wish that I could do that. ❜
❛ But you’re so unaffected, I really don’t get it. ❜
❛ But I guess good for you. ❜
❛ I guess you’re gettin’ everything you want. ❜
❛ It’s like you never even met me. ❜
❛ Remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you ? ❜
❛ Well, screw that, and screw you. ❜
❛ It’s like we never even happened. ❜
❛ You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do. ❜
❛ Maybe I’m too emotional. ❜
❛ Your apathy’s like a wound in salt. ❜
❛ Or maybe you never cared at all. ❜
𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖
❛ Tried so hard to be everything that you liked just for you to say you’re not the compliment type. ❜
❛ Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me. ❜
❛ You found someonе more exciting. ❜
❛ The nеxt second, you were gone. ❜
❛ All I ever wanted was to be enough for you. ❜
❛ You left me there cryin’, wonderin’ what I did wrong. ❜
❛ You always say I’m never satisfied, but I don’t think that’s true. ❜
❛ & maybe I’m just not as interesting as the girls you had before. ❜
❛ But God, you couldn’t have cared less about someone who loved you more. ❜
❛ I’d say you broke my heart but you broke much more than that. ❜
❛ Now I don’t want your sympathy. ❜
❛ I just want myself back. ❜
❛ Don’t you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing ? ❜
❛ Don’t you think I loved you too much to be used & discarded ? ❜
❛ But don’t tell me you’re sorry. ❜
❛ Feel sorry for yourself. ❜
❛ Your friends are mine, you know I know. ❜
❛ I thought my heart was detached from all the sunlight of our past. ❜
❛ Does she mean you forgot about me ? ❜
❛ I hope you’re happy, but not like how you were with me ❜
❛ I’m selfish, I know, I can’t let you go. ❜
❛ So find someone great, but don’t find no one better. ❜
❛ I hope you’re happy, but don’t be happier. ❜
❛ An eternal love bullshit you know you’ll never mean. ❜
❛ Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me ? ❜
❛ I wish you all the best, really. ❜
❛ Say you love her, baby. Just not like you loved me. ❜
❛ & think of me fondly when your hands are on her. ❜
𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚, 𝒋𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚
❛ I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room. ❜
❛ Wish I didn’t care. ❜
❛ But it feels like that weight is on my back & I can’t let it go. ❜
❛ I think I think too much. ❜
❛ I’m happy for them, but then again, I’m not. ❜
❛ I’m so sick of myself. ❜
❛ Oh God, I sound crazy. ❜
❛ Their win is not my loss. ❜
❛ I know it’s true, but I can’t help gettin’ caught up in it all. ❜
❛ I wanna be you so bad and I don’t even know you. ❜
❛ All I see is what I should be. ❜
𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆
❛ Know that I loved you so bad. ❜
❛ I let you treat me like that. ❜
❛ I was your willing accomplice, honey & I watched as you fled the scene. ❜
❛ The things I did just so I could call you mine. ❜
❛ One heart broke, four hands bloody. ❜
❛ Well, I hope I was your favorite crime. ❜
❛ You used me as an alibi. ❜
❛ I wondеr if you’re around cause you know that I’d do it all again. ❜
❛ It’s bittersweet to think about the damage that we’d do. ❜
❛ I say that I hate you with a smile on my face. ❜
❛ 'Cause, baby, you were mine. ❜
❛ Oh, look what we became. ❜
𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒖𝒓 𝒐𝒌
❛ & somehow, we fell out of touch. ❜
❛ Don’t know if I’ll see you again someday but if you’re out there, I hope that you’re okay. ❜
❛ She couldn’t wait to go to college. ❜
❛ Does she know how proud I am she was created with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred ? ❜
❛ I miss you & I hope that you’re okay. ❜
❛ Nothing’s forever, nothing is as good as it seems. ❜
❛ God, I hope that you’re happier today. ❜
❛ 'Cause I love you. ❜
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