((why are people still following this? I don't really use this one that much anymore. If you want to RP with me, you should go here instead.))
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((I put some hard work into this, and would love it if you guys interacted with him!))
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((Follow my lil hellspawn bby! My own universe!))
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"... Oh."
Well, This is awkward.
Vera: hey Comm~ what do you call a group of crows with in a gathering of humans?~ >w> *pauses so he asks as she made a zigzag smile*
"Eh…" Comm. gives her an odd look, "The fuck’s a crow?"
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Vera: hey Comm~ what do you call a group of crows with in a gathering of humans?~ >w> *pauses so he asks as she made a zigzag smile*
"Eh..." Comm. gives her an odd look, "The fuck's a crow?"
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Storm x Birdsrightsactivist
((This is who you ship me with dipwad))
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"Angelboy here's right! We're motherfuckin' back!"
Comm seems pretty joyful, though he's not quite sure what it all means.
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"All you little pokemon fans can put those trumpets away for we are making a return."
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... And thar he blows.
After a little while of sickness, he falls on his back, groaning,
"Get the doc, will ya? I'm shtartin' ta regret some thingsh..."
Vera crossed her arms a bit and shook her head a little, cracking a smirk. finding this slightly amusing “yeah but that’s because it’s less dangerous there.   Is he in the base too? or he’s back at ladigitalecosanostra? “
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"Oooh he'sh shtill in the GANG man, but he ain't at the warehouse!" Comm seems amused, "Nnnope! Dragged 'im 'ere with me, pal... then I dropped him shomewhere an' you come thinkin' along like ya OWN the place..."
Another loud hiccup.
"... Ech, I think I'm gonna be shick."
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"why the does rendezvous have a Z in it?"
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"More why're you in mine, right?" he says with a laugh, "mate, I shell booze... gotta crack inta it onshe in a while. Heheheh, ya gotta see the DOC!"
Cue a loud hiccup...
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"why the does rendezvous have a Z in it?"
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"Eh... 'cause the other guy might bore you to sleep?"
Comm's breath smells of alcohol...
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"why the does rendezvous have a Z in it?"
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Reblog this if you pronounce “.gif” as “GIF.”
And here is the link for the opposite.
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Since it was Munday, I decided to do a small art reference project for myself. And then I decided to make it public with the following notes.
From Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
What NOT to do (front):
Don’t chicken wing your arms! Although it might be easier to hold the rifle, you will make yourself a bigger target.
Don’t close your one eye! You will lose your depth perception, which is crucial when you are on the move, or are trying to determine how far away your target is
Don’t keep your legs haphazardly strewn about. You need to make sure you’re balanced!
What to do (front)
Keep both eyes open
Bend your elbows downwards and towards the ground to make yourself a smaller target
Bend your knees to control the gun’s recoil + be ready to move.
What NOT to do (side)
Don’t put the stock above your shoulder
Don’t lean back.
Both of the above reduce your control over the weapon and may result in a black eye, and the rifle flying backwards and out of your hands.
What to do (side)
Bury the stock of the rifle into the meaty part of your shoulder
Lean into the gun to keep the gun under control when the recoil of the gun kicks the gun upwards or to the side
Bend your knees slightly to lean forward, as well as make yourself a smaller target
Patrol/Relaxed Stance
The soldier is relaxed and is most likely moving around.
His eyes are searching for possible threats
His hands are still on the rifle, even if he has a sling on
Low Ready Stance
Possible threat has been detected
Entire body shifts towards threat direction
Stock is shouldered 
Eyes are focused on the possible target
Gun barrel is pointed in the target’s general direction, but not directly at the target.
Firing Stance
Immediate response
Soldier fires off shots while screaming to the other people in his team
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Source For more facts follow Ultrafacts
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This mun defends all friends/fellow bloggers. If I see a bully anon I am inclined to say something to refute the cruel words.
Do not tell people to kill themselves
Do not make light of another’s issues
Do not tell someone they are a horrible writer
Do not tell someone they are worthless
Do not tell someone to leave Tumblr
Do not tell someone to leave a fandom
Do not bully.
Unfollow is always an option if you dislike how someone runs their blog/what they post. There is no reason to be a douchebag about it. Simply click the button and leave them be. There is a difference in constructive criticism and flat-out cruelty. Choose words carefully, as they are very powerful tools.
Thank you for reading this, and even more if you also follow these principles.
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(Reblog this if you are a role player that doesn't mind people coming to your inbox to start a thread.)
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