ladureena · 3 months
You can hear the Dragon Age fandom rising once again
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ladureena · 3 months
Gender: ⚪️Man ⚪️Woman 🔘Idiot
Looking for: ⚪️Men ⚪️Women 🔘Dragon Age 4
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ladureena · 4 months
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ladureena · 5 months
yoooo guys these wings my dad made look INSANE i can’t wait to try them tomorrow
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ladureena · 3 years
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Just a few summery grapes. I needed to take my mind off of some things, hope it helps you do that, too. 
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ladureena · 3 years
Tag Game (Media edition)
Thank you very much for tagging me @nymphastral
Last song listened to: I’m binging on Måneskin’s music these days, so Zitti E Buoni most probably, cuz I’m trying to learn it by heart.
Currently reading: Two books. One is Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. I love his writing in other books I’ve read, but I still can’t decide how this one makes me feel. I like the slow pace and the way it makes me feel like I am going through the days with the main character, but I just don’t love his personality and the characters in general much. The second is Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo which I really love so far. I bought it because I thought it was a single-standing book, but now I realize it probably comes after a few other series, haha. I am planning on continuing with it, because I like being thrown in the deep right from the start and I thought this was the plan of the book.
Last film watched: Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to obsess over movies as I would like to, but the recent ones I saw and would recommend both, cuz I’m not sure which was the last one were the animation Wish Dragon which was so cute and thoughtful; second being The Dressmaker with Kate Winslet. 
Currently watching: I watched too many k-dramas and other brainless series in a row, so now that I finished Castlevania (I mean who doesn’t love sexy vampires), I’m taking a little break and don’t want to start anything new. I’m also trying to eat more mindfully and eating is usually the time I sit in front of the TV, so I’m guessing this will remain so for a while.
Currently craving: I would second nymphastral here - a clear mind and more physical energy would do me good right now. I have been neglecting a great deal of my hobbies lately and I don’t even feel like trying to get back to them the way I used to. I feel like my brain just got fried and I’m turning to media to help ease my pain, but hopefully I’ll be able to go back to my usual rhythm soon.
I tag: @anxiousprocrastinator @tealesbian @die-rosastrasse (no pressure, only if you want to 💖).
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ladureena · 3 years
5 things about you (tag game)
When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done, tag people you want to get to know better!
1. I have sunset dyed hair at the time of writing this.
2. I have a fear that I’ll end up in a dumpster lol. I have no reason for that, I’ve always been pretty good at finding ways to survive and make money and I’m definitely not a poor person and haven’t grown up poor either, but I can’t seem to shake it off. I have always been very lucky and have lived a good life, so for some reason I’m expecting it’ll dry up?
3. I live in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe which is a very crazy country. I love the freedom of it, I love the customs, history and traditions, but it’s a country leaning much more into conservatism than I feel I can take. That’s why sometimes I just sit and wonder what the hell am I still doing here? :D
4. I do not believe nor practice the concept of monogamy though I can see the charm of it and I am married to a man whom I adore to bits.
5. I identify myself as a witch. I wouldn’t argue it’s a logical thing or could be scientifically proven in any way and I am a very reasonable human, but I just believe in magic and some sort of higher power and the ability of living beings to connect to it. I agree it could be just a placebo effect, but if it’s working, I won’t deny it and it has worked some miracles for me. Some days it’s as simple as just making a herbal tea with intention, others I do sit down and do certain rituals or clean my space or invite the creative muses. It is just the way I have always lived ever since I was little and only found out it’s weird when I grew up. 
I’m going to tag @die-rosastrasse @sakuramotion @nymphastral and anyone else who wants to☺️
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ladureena · 4 years
Reblogging here for easy access, but also if anyone is interested in hearing my ideas out, just contact me :}
Hey, Idrelle, as your blog is kind of big and you follow many different creators, do you know writers who would be willing to pair up with me (an artist) on fantasy-themed projects to write a story together? I.e. people who have their commissions open or open them on a regular basis. There are no deadlines and the length of the project could be flexible depending on their schedule. :) Thanks in advance for your time and I finally started Wayfarer and I'm loving it so far!
I can’t quite remember off the top of my head who currently has commissions open and who doesn’t. A number of writers I follow are in school/have other life commitments so I’m not sure whether they would be up for collaboration, but I’ll tag a few creators who come to mind. 
If people want to add on or promote themselves, please do! 
@galadrieljones (also an artist)
@impossible-rat-babies (also an artist)
Also: @dadrunkwriting is an excellent hub for Dragon Age writers and I think some folks over there may be interested in collaborating on original fantasy projects. They write and fill prompts in a big event every Friday night, which are then reblogged on the blog--there’s a lot of great content being created over there! I’d maybe take a look and reach out to someone whose work you enjoy.  
(P.S. Thanks for checking out Wayfarer, I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! <3 )
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ladureena · 4 years
Tag: @die-rosastrasse if you wanna play ;p
I'm always busy painting and drawing, I get easily annoyed and I don't see much sun. My online persona seems to be much more playful and bold and fantasy-themed, also because of my taste people often assume I'm fashionable, but irl I don't put much effort into getting dressed.
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picrew tag game: show the irl yourself vs your online persona
i got tagged by @rogueyami​ , thank you < 3
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shortly put: i dress mostly in black, look like a corpse bc of my eyebags and i need coffee to revive myself a couple of times daily. i’m shy and i act like i’m not but i’m often too tired to even try and it’s hard to warm up to others - therefore i come through most of the times as a cold b*tch. while i hope that online i’m much mroe friendlier (and probably an idiot, but well…)
i tag @mysoulremains​ @anxiousprocrastinator​ @nallaz​ @sildurin​ @monocotyledons​ and anyone else who’d like to do this (also, feel free to ignore the tag!!)
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ladureena · 4 years
@anxiousprocrastinator thanks for the tag!!
A boring fact about me: I used to know the count of my beauty marks until it got out of hand and new ones started to appear too quickly for me to remember.
I'll tag @die-rosastrasse @raymurata @tealesbian if they want to do it xD
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ladureena · 4 years
My beautiful friend reached a milestone, go check the giveaway out!
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its time! im finishing up my last couple of commissions and i dont wanna miss the milestone so if you’d like a chance at getting a drawing like in the examples above please join the giveaway!
(my twitter is https://twitter.com/hesste_ if you’d to like to follow me there!)
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ladureena · 4 years
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These were the sketches I had prepared for Zevwarden Week 2020, but couldn't get around to do them as bigger and more solid pieces. These are all 5x7cm thumbnails.
Eye of the beholder: Admiration
Oh Maker: First times
Antivan Bad Boy: Kink
Bloodstained clothes: Injury
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ladureena · 4 years
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Made for Zevwarden Week 2020 for the prompt La Petite Mort: Death (a bit late, but oh well).
"I'm feeling a grief so deep that only the ocean could measure up, be free, my love and I'll join you when my time comes."
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ladureena · 4 years
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Made for Zevwarden Week 2020 for the prompt #RELATIONSHIPGOALS : The Future
"A love so great could never be destroyed."
In a world where chaos reigns and monsters roam about, the Warden met someone who made her dream about a normal life and growing old together. In such a short time he gave her joy, excitement, pleasure and most of all unbound love. Her path was clear before and it is even clearer now: she must protect the world and the people in it who matter to her. But her sacrifice is now going to mean so much more...
(I decided to use different wardens for the prompts because I just got a different vibe for them. And she isn't taller, just on a higher step)
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ladureena · 4 years
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Made for Zevwarden Week 2020 for the prompt Candlelight Whispers: Opening up.
It's Zevran's first time finally letting someone in close enough to talk about his real self.
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ladureena · 4 years
ZevWarden Week 2020 tags
Hey guys! ZevWarden Week 2020 it’s just around the corner and we’re so excited about it! Remember to:
1. Check out the tags we’ll be using, over here (or here if you’re on mobile) 2. Tag your posts appropriately to make our job easier when re blogging! 3. Make sure “ZevWarden Week 2020″ is one of the first five tags of your post, so that we can find it in the search engine.
If you would like, you may also @ us, or submit your posts! 
Let’s share all the Zev! 
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ladureena · 4 years
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