lady-cuteness · 5 years
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After saving some nobels, Byleth becomes a profressor, then has to zoom round Greg Mach Monastery so they’ll be on time for Smash Bros~!
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lady-cuteness · 5 years
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lady-cuteness · 6 years
Thank you to the Steven Universe community for saying such positive things about this scene, we thought you might like to see the pencil test. These are the shots from “Change Your Mind” that I animated and that Kendra @bcakesbaxter tied down. Thank you Rebecca for letting us be a part of your beautiful show. Thanks to our Drew @poseidonsbitch for scanning it all.
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lady-cuteness · 6 years
Remember that meme video I made long ago?...Here is the color version. Hope you guys like it. If you guys haven't figured out Dragalia Lost will soon take over my life XD 
 Also Elisanne x Julietta best couple OTP Change my mind XD
Vine © Thomas Sanders  Characters © Cygames 
EDIT: There was a frame were Euden disappeared for a moment. Edited that.
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lady-cuteness · 6 years
Sorry, I will counterargument your thing. You say that FEH is a better game overall because they have a scam gatcha banner ONCE...which all the freaking gacha do this. Also you say it because FEH hands 5 stars for free and have better summon rates...
Sorry to say this, but this is WAY FAR from the truth. Especially lately, since FEH became a P2W mess. Yes, FEH they do hand you free five star, but how do you customized them? By inhereting skills. How you do this? *GASP* By summoning.
The real problem with FEH lately is that you need merges, skills and blessings to make your units works. All of that can be done or by getting the right units or getting merges.
You can counterargument, yes, now we have ar to get merges to f2p units...but now is behind a p2w mess with the new blessings. (seriously, the one who came with that idea needs to get fired).
Also about rates...have you seen FGO and FFBE rates? Those things are horrible and unlike Dragalia, the rates don’t go up if you don’t get a five star.
Also unlike FEH, you don’t need to summon in Dragalia to pass the hardest content. There is a guy who hasn’t summon a freaking single time and has passed the hardest trials and got all the achivements. You can’t do that in FEH.
So I can make a comparison:
Rates are better
You can get a lot of free units
Some content are easy to pass
It is easier to get into the gacha mode
IS doesn’t know how to handle new content (relay defense was such a mess they didn’t bring it back)
Their compensation are freaking laughable now compare to other gachas
The PvP are P2W mess
Stur was released (fuck that guy)
They haven’t changed their greatest issue which is arena, and they only made it worse as time passed
Their only pvp mode which was F2P (Aether Raids) became quickly a P2W mode, which no one was happy.
They haven’t made any real changes except give them more money.
To really customized your heroes it take resourses
Everything is related to summoning
What the heck is wrong with their story?
Now Dragalia.
Extremely F2P content
Really generous
They fix the issues really quickly when something is wrong with the game (as FG3000 - The Next Hokage has said, they may have a spy on the reddits XD)
Compensations are incredible
Nice events, a new one coming soon.
No PvP, just cooperative modes (something which is nice)
You don’t need to summon to pass the game
You don’t need to get 5 stars to have a powerful team
You get to know each characters which their stories
The soundtrack is incredible
The controls are kinda bad sometimes
The AI is horrible most of the time
The Co-Op is not the best because of conections issues (although the devs have been constantly fixing it)
Its a grind fest (I don’t mind grinding, but a lot of people don’t like it too much)
Rates are bad.
Not the greastest story...but not as bad as FEH xD
The sad thing...FEH is going down a terrible path and their sales are affected by it. Dragalia has made more money these last two months while FEH has done their worst months ever. IS needs to step up their game...or we will not see a third aniversary.
I’m not saying Dragalia is perfect...but at least they are trying to make a better game each month.
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This may be a bit of a rant but as generous as Dragalia Lost is, imagine having to pay for that Christmas present, getting a dud 5 star or nothing worthwhile with the 1500 Diamantium. While Fire Emblem Heroes literally hands you Two Christmas Cecilia.
I play both games and leading up to today I’ve gotten no 5 stars in Dragalia since Halloween. While Heroes had given me 3 Free Heroes, all 3 of the new Christmas units with F2P orbs and that Stamina potion.
Dragalia may be generous, and more pleasing to the masses but it has the worst rates for a Gacha game I’ve ever seen. Heroes may not have a creative team of developers but everything you summon can be used for something while any dud pulls in Dragalia do close to nothing for you.
Overall: Fire Emblem Heroes is still the better game when statistics are involved.
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lady-cuteness · 6 years
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You remember that post about the homestuck t-shirt design contest collaborating with hot topic? And how Hot Topic are the biggest art thieves?  This is recent.  As you can see above, I stumbled upon Hot Topic’s website and they are selling a very popular fan art put on a t-shirt, and did not ask permission from the original artist (rismo).
This shows Hot Topic still continues their art thievery.  Hot Topic are still taking art from artists without their permission.  This is disrespectful and appalling.
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lady-cuteness · 6 years
Posting before Tumblrs dies and leaves me with this. Seriously, what the hell...
When you don't have anything to do at work so you decided to use an old vine video and put a dragalia lost animation XD 
Vine: Thomas Sanders Property: Cygames and Nintendo 
Julietta and Elisanne is the best couple. Fight me >:3 
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lady-cuteness · 6 years
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Decided to post something. I’ve been doing sketches to try a new style, and in a whatsapp chat we decided that this characters would be the ideal fire emblem summer banner. The characters are Sonya, Genny, Kliff and Alm, all from Fire emblem Echoes.
Why did we chose these characters? Well, we needed a fanservice character that wasn’t Camilla/Kagero/Tharja, so we decided on Sonya. Genny because she is the cute little girl that is being a trend in this banner lately. Kliff because he is a fan favorite who people are pleading for IS to put in the game for some time now. Alm because he is one of the fan favorite without an alt.
I decided to give Sonya a trikini instead of the usual bikini because for me, Sonya is not only a really sexy character, but also quite elegant in her manners and all the times she’s draw. So I wanted to represent those two concepts.
I know this won’t happen, but a girl can dream
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
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I swear this was a really weird week. I went to vacation and this were all the five stars i got (plus 2 in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius).
Olivia I got her in my free summon and then Corrin came. I left the legendary banner even though I’m missing Leo (but since i didn’t care i left).
Went to the valentine banner....look at those 4 5 star that aren’t Vector. Worst of all, that’s my second Lililina...being -atk....again. The rest came with decent ivs Julia: -hp +res Merric: -hp +speed Rhajat: -res +atk So I will be using them at least.
Then the fodder banner came...and Shiro was my free summon. Tried for the heck of it tried full summon...5 star Soleil came...-atk. CRAP NOT AGAIN!
Just to be clear, in each banner I went, in the first orb I clicked it was a 5 star (Olivia, Julia and Shiro). Now let’s see how my luck crumbles because I post this XD
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
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I am literally crying here ;_; so...so beautiful. I literraly got summer Robin with 9 orbs. summer Frederick actually came with 70 but aww well. Better than 300 orbs just to get 2 summer gaius xD
I will build them as speedy as they can get.
Frederick will have swift sparrow (I have an extra Bunny Lucina with terribles Ivs) and Robin with Life and Death (the only good thing on her is her resistance, but I prefer having her with 42 speed and 54 attack than tanking)
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I should have call this team: protect the waifu XD
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
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Even though not a lot of people will get this picture, this is  REALLY OLD point commission made to imagi in fanfiction (fanwriter in DA)
This is meant to represents the team in her fanfic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5567348/1/23-The-Road-to-Total-Drama-Retro
This doesn’t mean I will open points commission. Sorry.
Full description: https://cuttieartgirl.deviantart.com/art/23-Road-to-TDR-Team-Pink-727820036
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
You might be wondering if I did get christmas Chrom before the banner ended.
Well let me tell you that
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I did get him.
But having so much luck in the christmas banner gave me a curse.
I have zero 5 stars (not even off banner) in the new year one. My rate is at 4%. I think I have done 22 pulls, and out of those, 14 were 3 stars.
And in the legendary banner I had 10%. I pulled a Bunny Lucina that I already had looking for Bride Charlotte (and to gave me even more salt, she’s -speed. Guess What? My first Bunny Lucina is already -speed. Please Kill me.)
I cannot celebrate anything good that happens to me because the moment I do. Bad luck rains me for at least a month.
Why the fuck do I have more luck in 2 weeks seasonal banners than in the month one? (In the Spring One I pulled: 3 Bunny Chroms, Bunny Camilla, Bunny Lucina, Sanaki (did not break my pity rate, came with 2 Bunny Chroms) and Jeorge (did not break my pity rate, came with Camilla); In the Bride Banner I only pulled Cordelia, but she was with perfect IVS (-hp +atk), and now in the Christmas Banner I pulled 2 Lissas, 1 Chrom, 1 Robin, 1 Tharja and Raven (He did not break my pity rate, he came in the same summoning as Tharja)).
The only time I recall having tons of luck was in the Halloween Banner (pulled Jakob, Sakura, Henry, Abel, Male Corrin, Luke and Caeda). I could also tell I had luck in the dancer one, but after my second Azura came home I only pulled 3 stars until a Raven broke my pity rate looking for Inigo.
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
just so you can see the hard work...
This is why I’m studying graphic design XD
Pink Diamond in a nutshell thanks to @lady-cuteness for the help :D
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
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Who needs to summon in the legendary banner if I can still get my Christmas units? :D
The only one who is missing is Chrom, please come home
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
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It’s still the 25th in my country so it’s still Christmas XD
How was your celebration? Mine was great, kinda slow in compared of other years but still great.
Have a small christmas Lissa from Fire Emblem Heroes. It’s been so damn long since I used my copics that I’m kinda losing the technique. Also didn’t realize that some are having no ink so whoops. The only good news is that I bought a color liner that I kinda like the result.
Hope you like it too.
Have a great rest of the day Christmas and hope you all a Happy New Year!
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
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lady-cuteness · 7 years
It's cause tharja and camilla actually have more to them than tharja' stalking and camilla's obsession with corrin. Whereas Faye is literally only defined by how obsessed she is with alm. Any other supports she has are literally "you're not alm? I don't care" she's a textbook catria archetype but done worse because catria is an actually good character. (I'm not saying tharja and camilla are good but this is just why Faye is worse)
I know Camilla and Tharja are somehow better than Faye (in fact, I think Faye is one of the worst characters in the history of Fire Emblem), the thing is, Tharja always rub me the wrong way.
I know she has a good side...but she’s also is a TERRIBLE mother. That’s another no-no in my book. I wouldn’t mind too much if she wasn’t so popular. I think the only supports I like with Tharja are Gregor, Nowi, Libra and Lon’qu. (Please stay away from Robin you freaking stalker)
Camilla actually is not a character I hate. But it’s not my most loved. I don’t like how she’s so clingy and in some supports she’s so...obsessive and annoying. You know what’s one of my favorites support actually? It’s not even in Fates, it’s actually in Warriors: Sakura and Camilla. Holy crap, I loved their interactions. I wish they also had a support in Fates, it would have been awesome.
I also somehow loved her support with Ryoma, but basically is their S support but shhh
Also in all medias she’s appeared she’s so fanservice it’s hurts. Why so many shots of her boobs and ass? I really don’t feel confortable IS :c
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