lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
Unpopular opinions ahead:
I genuinely don’t give a fuck about the whole Elucien / Elriel / Gwynriel war going on. Not. A. Single. Fuck.
I’ve tried to force myself to care about Elain, but like… maybe it’s coz SJM’s writing is flat or because she is constantly infantilized by the narrative. I just don’t care about her or who she ends up with, sorry not sorry.
Also she fuckin betrayed Nesta in ACOSF. Absolutely zero loyalty from her
Azriel is just a creep. May he burn in hell I don’t want another 500 yo batboy to fuck up a perfectly fine woman, that includes Gwyn.
Gwyn and Emerie are THE friends to lovers. CMON GUYS THE POTENTIAL
And Lucien is way too good for the Night Court and is just absolutely miserable trying to salvage whatever the fuck his bond with Elain was supposed to be. Either he should go back to the Spring Court so I can get my little Tamcien dream come true or live his best throuple life with Jurian and Vassa.
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
Just read through your blog, you’re hilarious 😭
I need MORE
Me liking Tamlin's big tits: People on tumblr, apparently:
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
Rhys was hot when he was evil, now hes just a cunt
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
How can you defend Tamlin?? After all th-
Stfu I wanna ride that mans dick till his depression is cured
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
Nesta's trauma and personality just poofs away the second Cassian's dick is hard and then they proceed to have the roughest, unsafest most disrespectful fuck of all times. Surprisingly no PTSD for Nesta, who has been assaulted before and is nigh suicidal
Rhysand is not allowed to have any trauma responses to 50 years of SA bcos that would make him "unmanly" in SJM's narrative and god forbid her MMC have any other personality trait that is not being a manly male whith masculine attitudes (fighting and fucking)
Feyre not once has suffered from PTSD after being married to the guy who drugged and SA'd her for three months straight
quite frankly never in a *million* years would I ever consider Nesta being fuck buddies with ANYONE. Prideful, Modest Nesta? Who looked down on her sister for screwing around with Issac?? THAT Nesta? never in a million years would she ever do anything like that, even with Cassian sorry lol
She really had to write Nesta out of characterization in order to get her with Cassian. There is no romance or closeness whatsoever between them and it makes me really sad
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
Am I the only one who hated Nessian’s smut scenes they just made me nauseous and I just felt bad for nesta
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
the smut plot of ACOSF be like:
Nesta was tiny, so petite and dainty… that was probably because she's been suffering from an eating disorder. Despite the fact that she has been starving herself for months, Nesta still managed to swing an enourmous sword, just another proof of her Illyrian heart. Cassian loved her so much.
He loved her so much that he spent the entire day staring at her tits, that were huge, btw, despite the fact that she hasn't eaten a proper meal since her father died. Her waist was so thin Cassian could wrap his hands around it with his fingers touching. Nesta's fingers, however couldn't touch whenever she tried to wrap them around Cassian's massive dick. The biggest dick she'd ever seen. The biggest in all Prythian. Second only to Azriel's, of course. Something something wingspan.
Cassian, despite pushing all of Nesta's boundaries and making her feel like a worthless piece of trash, was a gentleman, he even waited until her grief-induced panick attack was over so they could fuck. His enormous, mouth-watering velvet wrapped steel rod of a manhood somehow manged to fit inside Nesta's itty-bitty teeny-tiny body. She also seemed to be enjoying herself, which is unfanthomable, considering Cassian's wingspan was so big and thick it was about to break her pelvis, just like Feyre's baby would soon do to her. How old even is Feyre at this point? Twenty-one? Shouldn't she be considered, like, a a child by fae standarts? What even… Wait. Sorry. They've stopped fucking, someone please get Nesta a wheelchair.
Timeskip, Nesta is the villain now? I guess? For telling her sister that her life is being threatened. Don't worry, though, Feyre and Rhysand will have a lot of kinky sex and she will forgive him for controlling her life because he is her one true love, mating bonds are amazing, Tamlin is an asshole who never loved her, Rhysand is the only feminist in Prythian. Feyre weeps into her eggs again.
Cassian takes Nesta on a hike to punish her for defying Our Lord and Saviour Rhysand. She's still malnourished and borderline suicidal, but FEAR NOT they are mates. Everything is magically solved, Feyre dies (again) and comes back (again), her baby is ok though, now she can fulfill her one true purpose: motherhood. Lalala Nesta and Cassian fuck again and they live hapilly ever after.
I swear that for the life of me I can barely remember the poor excuse of a plot that SJM pushed into ACOSF. All I can think of is that cringe ass smut
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
I swear that for the life of me I can barely remember the poor excuse of a plot that SJM pushed into ACOSF. All I can think of is that cringe ass smut
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
How is Nessian even a thing I spent all of ACOSF just about to dial the domestic violence hotline
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
idk there's just something about how in the first book Feyre is living at the Spring Court, the closest one to the Human Lands, and in love with a High Lord that has shown in many instances that he cares deeply about equality and providing a safe space for all the people in his Court, regardless of their status, Tamlin, who (obviously) despised hmmm, let me think... freaking slavery,,,
And than she moves to the Night Court, being the farthest she possibly could from the Human Lands, the Wall, and the places where she would be at least forced to remember humans exist (you were human once, remember, Feyre?) and marries a High Lord that… yk? The only time Feyre, Rhys and the IC seem to remember oh yeah, the humans! is when they're needed? against Hybern? Feyre's sisters and all? those that Rhys promised he would protect? Rhysand, the one who said how NC no longer had ensaved people just cause it was impractical to keep mind-controlling them??
I'm just rambling here
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
ACOTAR!Tamlin was such a great character. He was kind and noble and fought so hard to do the right thing, to save as many people as possible.
And Rhysand just... what even is Rhysand's personality besides his dick?? SJM just tossed away what could have been a beautiful and alluring tale for poorly written smut.
It is very clear to me that sjm just took Tamlin's traits (Tamlin saying Feyre can wander anywhere, Tamlin making her try reading, Tamlin and his music, Tamlin being against slavery etc) and pushed it on Rhys who cannot carry it the way Tamlin did because Rhysand is, despite him trauma, evil at his core (First instinct on seeing Feyre is to grapple her mind, make Tamlin beg then went and told Amarantha anyway and got 'Clare' killed. Then later tortured and drugged Feyre, made her dance for him and forcibly kissed her.) as opposed to Tamlin who is worthy of the traits sjm gave him in the beginning because Tamlin is GOOD and Rhys just isn't.
ACOMAF is nothing but sjm working on this "transference" and people didn't have the critical thinking to see the obvious because the narrative is that biased. And the worst part it Rhysand only knows what Feyre is thinking and needing because he's forever voilating her head. That's literally so fucked up. Not to mention Tamlin has PTSD too in ACOMAF which Feyre never helped him with being his fiancee but he is somehow supposed to know and do everything right when the girl wont communicate?!
Im gonna reread ACOTAR at some point just to solidify how glorious Tamlin, Lucien and Feyre are and pretend it's a stand alone forever. I will not bother about the rest of the books at all.
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
Just scrolling through the anti Rhysand tags isn't enough anymore. I had to create a blog.
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 1 month
SJM really gave us a beutifully complex character who fights against oppression, slavery and classism, would do anything for his people, is a poet & musician and we were supposed to root for Rhysand because he *checks notes* has black hair and tattoos
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