ladygayjournal · 6 years
god gay people really invented romance huh
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ladygayjournal · 6 years
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ladygayjournal · 6 years
remember the 3 G’s
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ladygayjournal · 6 years
women… women be
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ladygayjournal · 6 years
I am angry, prepare for a WALL
The other day, I was on Facebook. I primarily use it for memes and keeping in contact with friends that live on the other side of the country from me. Group chats, etc. Anyway. I made a generalized post about minorities that support Trump. It was MIND BOGGLING to me, and still is, why a minority would support him. I did not know that would make someone I considered a friend rise forth from the depths of the abyss and start ranting at me. For this story, let’s call her... Maria.
I went to college with Maria, and we’d been friends since 2011. Over the past year she kinda became a right wing nut, but I let it slide. I thought maybe it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Until I made this post. The post literally was “If you’re Pro-Trump.. and pro-wall.. why? What’s wrong with you?”
Maria gave me an essay. She feels Trump is the ONLY person addressing immigration. She admits Trump is not “a good speaker”, but her ideals align with his (Racist, sexist homophobe I guess?) . She also feels that as a Mexican American, her race shouldn’t dictate how her values lie. Which is fair, to a point I guess? She then started ranting about baby murdering, and how Planned Parenthood is of the devil, how socialism will be the downfall of America, and then posed a new question. “What’s wrong with people who make assumptions on how other people SHOULD think based on their skin/ethnicity?”
I decided to ignore her question. Instead, I point out the fact that Trump is racist, homophobic, and a bigot. I pointed out that he hates me as a member of the LGBT, and he hates her as a Mexican. Planes fly over walls, and the wall will be a waste of billions of dollars. I whole heartedly welcome socialism. Give me that socialized healthcare! I then brought up all the ACTUAL problems that are happening in America. Like how Flint has no water, all the white domestic terrorists, and tax reform that don’t help the 1% of Americans.
Maria then pointed out that neither Trump nor Pence ever handed me or sent me a later saying they hate me. So they must not actually hate me. She also feels that even if he did hate her, she would still support him. Ranted about Muller for a bit, because blah blah blah fake news. Ranted about how Socialism doesn’t, ranted about how illegal immigrants are pretty much evil, and then she said her closing paragraph. I am still mind boggled about this one, so I am going to type it word for word.
“If you can’t comprehend that, that’s fine. No one’s asking you to. I can’t understand justification of infant slaughter. There are things people will never see eye-to-eye on and that’s the way the world is. The best we can both do is advocate our various sides and see what happens. Personally, I’m hoping the world will be destroyed sooner rather than later or the US will break out into Civil War and start from scratch. Either way, let’s all enjoy this shitshow called life until it’s over. Disagreements and all. 😄”
I was so perplexed by Maria I decided to sit down and do research. I wrote an honest to God three and a half page, double spaced, freaking essay. I linked articles (which she deemed leftist fake news) and put actual effort into writing this out for her. I even used multiple sources for some of the points I made because I KNEW she would say it was leftist fake news. (If you would like to read the literal essay, I still have it in google docs) The main points of the essay were:
Here’s proof he’s a homophobe
Here’s proof he’s a racist towards Latino people
Here’s a point that what he’s doing is similar to Nazi Germany. And as a Jewish person, I should be able to point out the similarities.
Here’s some actual information about socialism
“Now, if you can’t comprehend these facts, that’s fine. You don’t have to.“
Everything to this point I had actually had the chance to screenshot. So I still have those screenshots on my phone. The next part is what yeeted me into the abyss. What Maria had the gall to say made me foam at the mouth. She had the absolute gall to say LGBT people WANTED to be discriminated against. The we went out of our way to be discriminated against. That as a Jewish person I should “know better”, and I am spitting in the face of my ancestors for making the comparison, and that none of the sources I used were legitimate. Because blah blah blah fake news. She also pointed out that this post was about specifically her (which no, it was not.)
I spent hours F U M I N G. Trying to stay calm and rational. I waited to calm down, then began typing my response. When I went to hit enter, I got an error. She had deleted the first comment, which removed the whole thread. I never got a chance to screen shot it. But the next part, I did. She sent me a private message. Telling me she didn’t want to continue the conversation, we were never really friends, and that she was so focused on reading our conversation that she skipped breakfast that day (Maria was attempting to make me feel bad here). I feigned that I was hurt. We were never friends? What about how I went all the way across the country JUST to attend her wedding while I was unemployed and shouldn’t have spent money on a literal train ticket? Or the time I cooked for her family when they came to visit her at college? Or the time.. yada yada yada. I was bringing up old times because I was full of gay rage and SPITE. I ended the message with “Have a nice life. What’s done is done. Stay out of trouble” and waited for her to see the message. I then blocked her the moment she saw the message! An hour or so later she had her husband message me with not an apology. I sent him this, and asked him to please not be her messenger. I then made a post on Facebook myself, to vent because I was still angry. After I let off that steam, I was ready to let it go and move on.
This all happened at the beginning of the week. Now it’s the end of the week. A friend of mine came to me and asked “Dude, is this about you?” and showed me a post Maria had made. She flat out LIED about me. Saying I was being passive aggressive and that I’ve always been afraid of conflict. That she wanted to know if she was being paranoid about if the post was about her. And then brought up a video I had shared in a PRIVATE group chat she was not apart of, which she also took as an insult. She was asking her friends if it was paranoid to assume “this person” was making coy jabs, and pointed out AGAIN that I’m passive aggressive and conflict terrifies me. Then asked for answers. One of the few comments on the post she made was LITERALLY a person telling Maria, in detail, how she should find me and “whoop my ass”, and went into detail on how to literally beat me within an inch of my life. That that would fix my passive behavior.
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I have not responded to this. I have not brought it up to her or her husband that I know. I haven’t done anything about it because I’m at such a loss for words. I don’t know if I even SHOULD do anything about it. I was not once being passive aggressive. I literally made a generalized post asking the universe a rhetorical question we all know the answer to. I’m NOT afraid of conflict. Granted, because of my messed up life growing up I get quiet during conflict, but I always try to be well spoken and do my best to approach conflict head on. I’m just at this point where I’m angry. I’m angry I cannot defend myself. I’m angry that someone I regarded to be a friend LOST HER MIND and became a raging homophobic racist right wing nut job. I’m angry that Maria is probably spreading lies about me. I’m angry that.. I’m just freaking angry! I was hoping this post would help me out. To let off steam with all this insanity that’s gone on. It kind of has? But I am still, a lady gay full of gay FURY AND SPITE!!
Anyway! I’d like to end this with some wise words I was once told. “We don’t lose friends, we learn who our friends really are and if they treat friends poorly and as disposable, then they weren’t a friend in the first place.“ Guess Maria had one thing right, we’re n o t  friends. And she can shove it.
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