lagoofy · 7 years
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Peter Brand makes math sexy via re-imagining baseball. Get it, Petey.
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lagoofy · 7 years
The best way to solve problems is to create more problems until you die.
Macbeth, Act V, Scene VIII (via incorrectshakespeare)
Sounds an awful lot like Macbeth was a closet mathematician. Maybe if MacB had spent more time calculating math instead of murder we’d think “genius” of him instead of  “betrayal.” But then, the world would have lost Lady Macbeth’s inimitable monologue -- and that would be a tragedy.
The Scottish Play has blood - and word problems - on its hands.
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lagoofy · 7 years
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Make no mistake. There is only ONE character who is a modern math sex symbol. And it is not this: ⚤
(Nice work, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck.)
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lagoofy · 8 years
what if...
math wasn’t the most hated subject in America? Would it mean the difference between “value” and “price” not being quite so automatically synonymous? Cus right now, as consumers, they have turned out to be*.
*....Unless you’re wealthy.
“Price is what you pay; value is what you get.” - Warren Buffet
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lagoofy · 9 years
Strength of mind. Strength of character. Strength of a solid support system. THIS is how we get past the barriers of race, class, gender to progress. On matters of principle, stay firm.
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Watch: Ahmed Mohamed speaks out about being arrested 
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lagoofy · 10 years
My fellow male improvisers and I like to consider ourselves a progressive bunch. Our theaters — many of them female-run — have produced Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and Melissa McCarthy and Broad City. We view the women on our teams as equals, giving us a post-feminism free reign to make light of...
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