lanificart · 6 years
A Griff in Jericho
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Author: @lanibb
Artist: @malex-13
Rating: Explicit
Characters/Pairings: Bill Kheoler/Griff Krenshaw
Word Count: 20K+
Warnings:  Non-con, triggers, violence, Animalistic behavior, m/m sexual relationship, A/B/O dynamics
Summary: When Bill goes to a convention out of state he meets someone that will change his life forever. They face a lot of issues together and the town not accepting his mate but in the end they find a way to make it work even when an unexpected child is thrown into the mix.
Link to Fic: (AO3): 
Link to Art: (AO3-optional), Tumblr - Not sure
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lanificart · 6 years
A New Life Series: Rocky Start Chapters 1-24
This is the first part in  a Multipart series
Written for Sabriel Big Bang 2018
Will post on Sabriel Big Bang as soon as I have my artist’s links
Art by: Megan AKA ? (Will add link)
Thank you for working with me :)
AU Human College Sabriel Background Human Destiel Chubby/overweight Gabriel Sam with slight feeding fetish Gabriel with Mental conditions Sam has a daughter
Gabriel is the maintenance man at the College that Sam is going to studing to be a Lawyer. They meet and sparks fly but it tskes convincing on Sam's part to get Gabriel to date him. Gabriel is very insequre, chubby, has many issues and has had a horrible run for most of his life and feels he doesn't deserve Sam. Sam also has a 4 year old daughter and a homophobic father. Will they work out? Or will it all fall a part?
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lanificart · 6 years
To Heal a Broken Heart 22/?
When Lizzie ‘died’ Red was distraught and completely lost without her. He becomes a hermit with only Dembe and Kate Kaplan knowing where he is hiding.  A few years later a ghost shows up on his doorstep and he is both confused and hurt at the same time.  He is even more damaged physically and emotionally than he was years before. Can he accept the betrayal and move on or will everything fall apart yet again?
This is my first attempt at Lizzington so please bear with me.
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lanificart · 7 years
To Heal a Broken Heart 21
When Lizzie ‘died’ Red was distraught and completely lost without her. He becomes a hermit with only Dembe and Kate Kaplan knowing where he is hiding.  A few years later a ghost shows up on his doorstep and he is both confused and hurt at the same time.  He is even more damaged physically and emotionally than he was years before. Can he accept the betrayal and move on or will everything fall apart yet again?
This is my first attempt at Lizzington so please bear with me.
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lanificart · 8 years
To Heal a Broken Heart 1-3
When Lizzie ‘died’ Red was distraught and completely lost without her. He becomes a hermit with only Dembe and Kate Kaplan knowing where he is hiding.  A few years later a ghost shows up on his doorstep and he is both confused and hurt at the same time.  He is even more damaged physically and emotionally than he was years before. Can he accept the betrayal and move on or will everything fall apart yet again?
This is my first attempt at Lizzington so please bear with me.
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lanificart · 9 years
Broken Souls
Harry Potter Alternate Universe
Barty Crouch JR/Luna Lovegood
Remus Lupin/Severus Snape
Underage/Dubious Consent/Werewolf Bondmates/Multiple Personality Disorder/Werewolf sex/kink/self torture/guilt/self hatred
Summary: When Luna is attacked and left for dead on the battlefield  by Greyback she is rescued by the most unexpected person. Barty apparates away with Luna and devotes his time to trying to save her life. He knows if he does she will become a werewolf but some part of him needs her to live. They are drawn to each other like a moth to a flame and eventually figure out why. Barty is volatile and unpredictable without Luna. Can two broken souls manage to heal each other?
Found here:
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lanificart · 9 years
Tangled Web We Weave
Harry Potter Alpha/Omega  soul mate AU Semi-cannon compliant (generally speaking) Severus Snape/Remus Lupin Summary: Severus is an omega that falls in love with Remus, an alpha. When Severus goes into heat they mate and bond. Soon after Severus finds out Remus is a werewolf and is terrified of his mate. Remus tries to give Severus room but the other thinks he's been deserted. To add to it Severus finds out he is carrying a pup. He raises the child alone and in secret until she goes to Hogwarts where eventually Remus finds out about her.
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lanificart · 9 years
I Like What You Do To Me
Dr. Who/The Thick of It AU
Malcolm Tucker/Clara Oswald (12) Human - Dunkin Tucker/Jack Harkness (human) (lovers eventually) (12) Human - Dunkin Tucker/Clara Oswald (not sure yet) Summary: Malcolm is a Lawyer with 2 daughters in the middle of a bad divorce when he meets and starts dating Clara. He finds out Clara has a daughter of her own. To make matters worse his messed up  brother Dunkin needs his help and moves in with him and the girls. Clara introduces Dunkin to her Cousin Jack and they begin a tenuous relationship while Malcolm and Clara start their own. Eventually they become one big happy family. This is a two couple plot within a plot.
Chapters 1-10 are up
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lanificart · 9 years
Best is Yet to Come Chapter 1
Fandom: Person of Interest
Pairing: Harold Finch/John Reese ( Rinch lol)
When John is shot in the head...Harold has to deal with the consequences of having the man he loves severely hurt and having never told John how he felt. He takes on the responsibility of caring for John for the rest of his life. Can they get past the insecurities that Harold has and the damage the bullet caused in John to be able to find happiness together after everything they have been through? Will John be able to get through Harold's stubbornness and aloofness to convince him he is in love with the older man? Even now?
This is a story I started some time ago but never got to go very far with it. So I found it and thought....what the hell. Hope you like it. 
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lanificart · 9 years
Gallifreyan Mating Rituals Are Ood Chapters 1-7
Clara has been traveling as a full time companion on the TARDIS for about six moths when she wants to stop home to visit her family. The Doctor agrees because he suddenly realized his mating cycle would be kicking in soon. The TARDIS fetches Clara when the Doctor's heat cycle starts assuming she his alpha. Smut with plot ensues. They bond and mate to each other. He is still insecure and they have to put up with crap from people over him being twice her age but Clara could care less. The Master and Jack and maybe even Susan fit into this somewhere. More to come *spoilers* :)
Alpha/Omega/Beta Assumed Dynamics
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lanificart · 9 years
Just Shut up and Dance With Me Chapter 1
The Thick of It/Doctor Who AU
Malcolm Tucker/Clara Oswald
Malcolm and Clara wind up meeting at a charity event and hit it off. Clara has two daughters from a previous relationship that wind up adoring Malcolm. They start dating and then Malcolm is pushed out of politics. He's depressed and pushes Clara and the girls away after he's all over the news. He goes back into politics and Clara's noticed he's changed. He now really has become the velociraptor of Downing Street. He's angry, volatile and sadistic. He's out to screw anyone he can for screwing him over. Then The Goulding Inquiry happens and their lives turn into a downward spiral that will either bring them closer or tear them a part.
Here’s the story:
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lanificart · 9 years
Everything Changes Dukes of Hazzard Series
Rosco Coltrane has had a crush on Bo Duke for years. Bo Duke has had a crush on Rosco since he was 15 and finally Bo makes a move. But will their relationship be able to survive Uncle Jesse, Gay bashing, Amnesia, Threats from JD,  Rosco being cantankerous, and a blooming relationship between Rosco and Enos that is more solid than Bo and Rosco. I'm going to make this a 2 part series to try and save some confusion and so that people who like either can read the one they want too and not have to read both.
First part Rosco/Bo
Parts 1-20 are up
2nd part Rosco/Enos
Parts 1-10 are up
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lanificart · 9 years
The Drunken Scotsman Chapters 1 - 18
Dr. Pete decides to leave Scotland and the Daily News in hopes of starting over and not being so miserable. He settles in a small town on the English coast called Broadchurch. He buys the old Newsagent shop and just wants to be left alone. He decides that it is high time for him to be himself which includes not hiding the fact that he is gay. He soon finds out that’s easier said than done when he gets beaten up by a bunch of townsfolk that hate gays. He winds up meeting Alec Hardy and they are both attracted to each other.  Both of them have a lot in common because they are miserable, grumpy, antisocial and have a heart of gold when you manage to look hard enough. When a 5 year old girl Peter befriends turns up dead he winds up the first target because he is new in town and the girl was seen around him a lot. Eventually They all settle down in a house together and make one big happy family.
This story had kind of taken on a life of its own so please beware lol
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lanificart · 9 years
Flying Dreams Chapters 1-5
Modern Day Field of Blood/Doctor Who AU Pete Mclltchie/Clara Oswald Pete doesn't die in this universe
Clara Oswald is a famous young actress who visits Glasgow and gives an interview to Daily News with one Peter Mclltchie. She chose him to give her interview to because he was the only one who treated her with respect in that newspaper office. She also finds him funny and pleasant to be around. She doesn't care that he is twice her age or has grey hair. She didn't even really care that he was an alcoholic and smoked because he was a decent man. Over the next few years she flies back and forth to Glasgow when she was free to see him. Pete on the other hand is totally smitten with this beautiful young woman that has taken a shine to him. He knows he'll never be more that a friend or fling to her but he wished he could be her husband. He knew he was to far below her on the social scale because he was poor so he just enjoyed the time he was allowed to have with her. That is of course all a matter of opinion. Clara has a different opinion.
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lanificart · 9 years
Ok I was asked if I can do fiction prompts. I will admit the closest I have ever come to doing that is by taking a plot bunny someone had and didn’t use and turned it into a story. But I’m willing to give it a shot. Be aware though it may take some time. I am working on 3 or more stories at once...
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lanificart · 9 years
Hope in Front of Me Introduction/Chapter 1
Field of Blood AU Pete Mclltchie/Past OC (female) Pete Mclltchie/? Pete has a daughter (Penny)
Pete marries a young wife and she gives him a child when he is 45 years old but dies during child birth leaving him to raise his daughter by himself. He is so depressed over losing his wife he spirals into a deep depression and alcoholism. He doesn’t neglect his little girl but she just wants her papa to be home more. He’s a hack journalist at the Daily News but doesn’t really have any friends except Paddy Meehan that he befriends because he liked her spunk. Nobody at the newspaper knows he has a daughter.
This is an AU story where Pete lives and has a daughter he has to raise and the trials he runs into being an alcoholic and raising a child. It will mostly focus at least for now on the father/daughter relationship.  It’s another one of those plot bunnies that randomly popped into my head. Not sure if he will have a relationship with someone or with who it will be yet. Will update tags as I go along.
The first chapter is the Introduction and small back story.
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lanificart · 9 years
For The Love of Pilfrey Chapter 1
I have decided to write my Ronnie/Mathew Story as a separate spin off story.
You can find it here:
Just a reminder this is a Love story between 2 men. Please read the Tags and notes. :)
This story is a spin off of my Malcolm/Clara Story An Unlikely Love found here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3544415/chapters/7803095
This is the continuation of Ronnie and Mathew's relationship outside of Malcolm and Clara’s relationship. So they are interconnected and you may find some parts that are very similar or the same because they intertwine with each other. Malcolm and Clara will pop up but the concentration is on Mathew/Ronnie.
If you do not like M/M storied please feel free to skip over this one. It is not necessary to read either story to understand the other although it may help fill in gaps from each. I have included a few excerpts from it's sister story to help establish how they met. This story picks up right after chapter 29 of An Unlikely Love (See Notes)
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