lantern-2814-1 · 3 years
Some days I consider dusting off this blog, but there’s so many memories attached. Maybe I should make a new one??
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
hi, just wanted to say that if i interact with your bullies/abusers please let me know. emotional and physical safety should always come first, and i’d hate for people to be made to feel uncomfortable, vulnerable or unsafe online because they’re exposed to people that have done them harm. lots of love xx
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
There was an edge to how Hal said it, possibly stemming from the thing lurking beneath the human exterior.
Of course, that edge abated when Bruce had him do a double-take on what he’d just said. “Sorry, I just— it came out wrong. I didn’t mean to say it like that...”
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Send “You belong to me.” to see how my muse reacts:
lantern-2814-1 said:
“You belong to me.” (From Hal!)
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“ Want to try that again? “
With an eyebrow raised and eyes staring him down he’s close to being curious on how this is going to end. Last Bruce checked, he didn’t belong to anyone and if someone were to ask crimefighting already called dibs on him.
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Hal appeared to understand the nod he got from Bruce, choosing to sidle into him more. Of course, in this form, he didn’t quite understand boundaries or vampirism.
A series of fluttering blinks came from the near-blind alien that Hal was now. Did he mess up? Did he make not-prey Bruce upset by tasting him?
“How work. How work if no heartbeat? Heart move blood, yes.”
The language wasn’t one that most aliens would know. Nor was it something that humans would be aware of. Still, his tail kept swishing back and forth in the happy way a dog’s might’ve.
[“After what?”] Hal asked, tilting his head to the side. [“After light go out? Too bright. Hurt eyes much bad.”]
As if to accentuate his point, he squinted his eyes until they were nearly shut. A slobbery tongue licked Bruce thoughtfully.
[“Bruce taste bad. Like much dead prey-being.”]
Bruce nods. Once the sun goes down then food. Half of it being that it wouldn’t hurt their eyes and the other so that Bruce wouldn’t end up burning up. 
Quickly stiffening up at being licked, there’s enough drool on him that it’s dripping. Which to focus on? Being licked or being told he tastes bad? It makes sense but still, ouch. 
“ I am technically dead. No heart beat “
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Send ’ 🎉 ’ to kiss my muse at midnight on New Years Eve.
Alternatively, send ’ 🎉 + diss ’ to turn away from my muse trying to kiss yours at midnight on New Years Eve.
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Jason almost giggled at the retort. “I’m sure you could make me regret ever meeting you, but you always manage to make me come back. That’s your real magic trick.” All this was said as the soap piled on.
In the silence, Jason merely stayed still unless John needed him to move for the shave. Ever since discovering he had a child that escaped him, he’d fallen into more and more disarray. More callous disregard for his own wellbeing, as if he hardly deserved such attention.
“Sometimes I think I do it as a punishment,” he admitted. “A punishment for survival and sin.” Yet as the suds disappeared from his face, he was renewed— whether or not he liked it.
John fell into the spell of trying to fathom the number of specks upon his face. Or, that was what Jason thought until, suddenly, water was being splashed upon him by the shower head.
A harsh grumble followed, but then a laugh came soon after that. “Very funny,” he said once he spat the water out.
If one looked at their rocky beginnings, they would never have guessed the magnitude of depth their relationship would carry in years to come. The level of trust that Jason found himself putting in John as he was guided slowly in a way that almost showed his age… well, it was surprising.
A small ghost of a smile came to him. “I’ve always been one. I just tend to cover it up.”
And that was the least of how he felt. By the time they were at the bathroom, he was beginning to feel the exhaustion of the day. The jacket shed alongside the other trappings of prim and proper gentlemanly life. For once, this wasn’t just the prelude to one of their more inappropriate moments. Just getting washed.
With the hands running though his sea of red, a miniscule pool of peace spread through it. Even if he was terrified of the future now, he had John.
“You do,” Jason agreed. Of course, he made a mental note to himself to scry ahead just in case. Still, he accepted the kiss all the same. “We will. Because… I don’t think I ever want to forget you.”
Standing there for some off moments, he waited for the water to be full and to John’s standards.
“All right, all right, I’ll get it clean. That and the rest of this sorry hide.”
Gently, he set himself down into the water. Normally, he either went very cold or very hot depending on his needs, but the soft heat of the water hit just right.
“Yeh say tha’ now,” John teased with his eyebrows raised, lathering up all that ginger into a nice soapy mess, that chest too, arms and back why not.
They fell into comfortable silence when John reached for the knight’s grooming kit and he settled on that lap to give Jason proper care, swirling the shaving brush all over that sharp chin and jawline before pulling a razor over it, tapping out the excess into their bath water. 
“Sometimes I fink yeh letcher self go far more den I does,” He mused under his breath with deft hands pushing suds away from Jason’s handsome face. 
John found himself counting the soft dusting of freckles over those proud cheeks and he smiled again, a cheeky one this time when suddenly the shower head appeared in front of Jason’s face.
Soap’s got to come off some day~!
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
If one looked at their rocky beginnings, they would never have guessed the magnitude of depth their relationship would carry in years to come. The level of trust that Jason found himself putting in John as he was guided slowly in a way that almost showed his age... well, it was surprising.
A small ghost of a smile came to him. “I’ve always been one. I just tend to cover it up.”
And that was the least of how he felt. By the time they were at the bathroom, he was beginning to feel the exhaustion of the day. The jacket shed alongside the other trappings of prim and proper gentlemanly life. For once, this wasn’t just the prelude to one of their more inappropriate moments. Just getting washed.
With the hands running though his sea of red, a miniscule pool of peace spread through it. Even if he was terrified of the future now, he had John.
“You do,” Jason agreed. Of course, he made a mental note to himself to scry ahead just in case. Still, he accepted the kiss all the same. “We will. Because... I don’t think I ever want to forget you.”
Standing there for some off moments, he waited for the water to be full and to John’s standards.
“All right, all right, I’ll get it clean. That and the rest of this sorry hide.”
Gently, he set himself down into the water. Normally, he either went very cold or very hot depending on his needs, but the soft heat of the water hit just right.
“I forget a lot of things,” Jason replied softly. “But thank you. With how buddy-buddy you are with Etrigan, it can be hard to realise for either of us just how dangerous it is for him. For me. And for the people around us.”
Jason took the tea and pressed it to his lips. This sort of thing tended to calm him down when it felt like the world was crashing down on him.
“I won’t let this one slip through my fingers. In the past, I’ve had families just fine. Seen my children grow and die… it shouldn’t make any difference if she’s Tainted or not.”
The resolution was only half-hearted, however.
Still, he nodded along. “And you’re right about that. Dreams can bring so much to mind. Like… forgotten memories,” he mumbled. “Past are both bright and pitch-black.”
Then he moved to put the teacup down on a nearby table. “It’s easy for you to find my worse half, isn’t it? Perhaps… the same methods could be employed for a half-demon, too?”
John said nothing this time, simply taking both of Jason’s hands and leading him upstairs to the bedroom of the shophouse, walking backwards himself with a little smile on his face as he guided the old knight up step by step.
“We’ll discuss on th’ morrow, me ‘luv. Lookitcher, just a rag rite now.”
He kicked the door to the bathroom open and drew Jason inside, leaning his own hips against the countertop as he began to help the knight undress. First that stuffy jacket, then the turtleneck and belt, those slacks too, and tossed everything else into the laundry hamper next to the sink.
Calloused hands raked through soft auburn locks, thumbs massaging the temples that housed poor Jason’s addled mind.
“I’ve gotcher,” John promised softly, and tilted his head for a chaste kiss. 
“…’n after dis, we’ll talk bout tha’ awful memory o’ yehs, alrite?”
He drew a bath and sat by the edge of the tub, rolling up his own sleeves to test the waters.
“Go on, getcher bum clean, ‘n den is bedtime fer us.”
John would give Jason’s back a good scrubbing whilst they were at it.
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
The language wasn’t one that most aliens would know. Nor was it something that humans would be aware of. Still, his tail kept swishing back and forth in the happy way a dog’s might’ve.
[“After what?”] Hal asked, tilting his head to the side. [“After light go out? Too bright. Hurt eyes much bad.”]
As if to accentuate his point, he squinted his eyes until they were nearly shut. A slobbery tongue licked Bruce thoughtfully.
[“Bruce taste bad. Like much dead prey-being.”]
Softly hissing against Bruce, Hal pressed into the petting on his face. To anyone else, the alien creature may have seemed very unusual. Six legs, leathery skin, and a dog-like snout with a whip-like, barbed tail… it was a recipe for nightmares. But it felt completely normal and natural for Hal.
[“I like Bruce. Bruce good for cuddle. Hungry, though. Should hunt, but only want cuddle.”]
Going to take the soft hissing as a good thing. With that Bruce has been able to at lest be used to this with having encountered aliens before. Eyes carefully looking back to the barbed tail, wondering wither or not he’d be able to remove that without harming Hal. 
“ Hm. That’s new to hear. If your hungry for meat I can get you it afterwards “
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Softly hissing against Bruce, Hal pressed into the petting on his face. To anyone else, the alien creature may have seemed very unusual. Six legs, leathery skin, and a dog-like snout with a whip-like, barbed tail... it was a recipe for nightmares. But it felt completely normal and natural for Hal.
[“I like Bruce. Bruce good for cuddle. Hungry, though. Should hunt, but only want cuddle.”]
This whole situation did very little to unnerve the creature that Hal was at the moment. He was clearly feeling some level of high, again, in the same way a cat might in reaction to mint.
Rubbing his elongated face into Bruce’s side, Hal gave off some contented clicks and hisses.
[“Mmm… no hurt Bruce. Bruce good prey-being. But not prey-being for eat.”]
At lest someone is chill with this. Bruce will be checking that cupcake for later as his attention stays on Hal. He could move his hand so that he could reach and pet part of his face.
“ Good that you didn’t “
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
This whole situation did very little to unnerve the creature that Hal was at the moment. He was clearly feeling some level of high, again, in the same way a cat might in reaction to mint.
Rubbing his elongated face into Bruce’s side, Hal gave off some contented clicks and hisses.
[“Mmm... no hurt Bruce. Bruce good prey-being. But not prey-being for eat.”]
Two small, beady eyes stared up at Bruce. Like a feline on catnip, the pupils were dilated. For a long moment, all he did was hold the gaze. At least, that was what he did until something possessed him to shove his snout into Bruce.
The ring wouldn’t allow full usage in this state, but it appeared to be able to translate Hal’s intent.
[“Cuddle. Want cuddle.”]
Bruce just continues staring back noticing how his pupils are dilated. Assuming this is instead a catnip situation. Going to need to check out the cupcake later as that tends not to happen a lot. 
At the translation he’s glancing back at the ring then to Hal. 
“ Hm… Careful with the claws “
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Two small, beady eyes stared up at Bruce. Like a feline on catnip, the pupils were dilated. For a long moment, all he did was hold the gaze. At least, that was what he did until something possessed him to shove his snout into Bruce.
The ring wouldn’t allow full usage in this state, but it appeared to be able to translate Hal’s intent.
[“Cuddle. Want cuddle.”]
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lantern-2814-1 said:
Well. Hal just turned into a horrible, six-legged alien creature. What was in that cupcake?! (Little prompt for my boi Bruce)
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Bruce is surprised but half of it is wondering if he now has to look out for cupcakes. If it was something in the cupcake that done this, alien related, or just Hal’s bad luck striking again. Honestly, could be a tie breaker with the last two.  
“ Hal ?”
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Send me one or more of the following:
❊ I want to roleplay with you ✸ I want to plot with you ✤ I want to ship with you ✥ I have roleplayed with you and it was great ❦ I sort of secretly ship a thing with your muse(s) ✷ I wish our characters were friends ✢ I like your characters ✱ I don’t like your characters ✣ I like the way you express your muse(s) ✫ I don’t like the way you express your muse(s) ☬ I feel like your characters are underdeveloped ❂ I don’t agree on all your headcanons ✡ I agree on all your headcanons ❋ Your blog is one of my favs ✦ I like seeing you on my dash ✵ I don’t follow you for roleplay ✧ I wish you would notice me ✩ You intimidate me ✪ You seem like a cool person ✺ You’re hard to approach ✻ I wish you weren’t so shy ❄ I look up to you ❆ I love your art ❇ I love the way you write * I want to learn to know you = I’m too shy to approach to you ☓ We should talk! ♥ Your choice what to write"
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
** villain / hero sentence starters
“  every  story  needs  a  hero  and  a  villain.  ”
“  this  is  going  to  be  a  little  uncomfortable.  ”
“  do  you  know  what  i've  done ?  what  i  would  do  again  if  given  the  chance ?  ”  
“  i  can't  stop.  it's  what  i  am.  “
“  they  hate  what  they  cannot  control.  ”
“  the  only  difference  between  a  hero  and  a  villain,  is  who’s  telling  the  story.  ”
“  i  have  my  reasons  for  being  this  way.  ”
“  your  death  will  mean  nothing  to  them.  ”
“  kill  me.  go  on,  i  dare  you.  ”
“  i  don’t  think  you’ve  got  it  in  you.  you’re  like  a  little  dove,  never  wanting  to  get  your  hands  dirty.  ”
“  what  do  i  want  ?  i  want  to  see  the  world  burn.  i  want  to  see  a  new  world  born  from  it’s  ashes.  ”
“  one  day  i  will  kill  you.  and  you  can  be  safe  in  the  knowledge  that  you  will  have  deserved  it.  ”
“  fate  is  an  excuse  for  people  who  are  too  stupid  or  too  weak  to  make  their  own  future.  ”
“  let  you  go  ?  do  you  really  think  i’m  that  stupid ?  ”
“  i  could  keep  you  safe.  they’re  all  afraid  of  me. ”
“  ask  me  if  i  give  a  crap.  ”
“  you’re  playing  my  game  now.  ”
“  tell me;  would  you  kill  to  save  a  life ?  ”
“  what’s  more  important  to  you ?  their  life  or  your  reputation ?  ”
“  people  will  never  bleed  enough  to  fulfil  your  vision  of  justice.  ”
“  i  will  never  turn  my  back  on  people  who  need  me.  ”
“  i  don’t  need  to  be  saved.  ”
“  rebellions  are  built  on  hope.  ” 
“  i  will  win.  that’s  what  heroes  do.  ”
“  i  don’t  have  to  prove  anything  to  you.  ”
“  you  can’t  always  be  strong,  but  you  can  always  be  brave.  ”
“  i  will  catch  you.  i  will  bring  you  to  justice.  ”
“  once  there  is  blood  on  your  hands,  they  will  never  be  clean.  ”
“  don’t  carry  the  world  upon  your  shoulders.  ”
“  you  don’t  need  a  reason  to  save  people.  ”
“  i’m  not  a  hero.  ”
“  we  will  win.  ”
“  there’s  no  escape  this  time.  ”
“  i  really  don’t  want  to  fight.  ”
“  if  it  was  down  to  me  to  save  your  life,  would  you  trust  me  to  do  it ?  ”
“  i’ll  admit,  this  looks  bad.  ”
“  i’m  proud  of  what  i  am.  ”
“  i  know  my  value.  ”
“  you’re  wrong  about  them !  ”
“  let  them  go.  they  have  nothing  to  do  with  this  fight.  ”
“  it’s  not  too  late  to  change.  i  can  help  you.  ”
“  killing  me  will  not  end  this.  ” 
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Hal found himself dodging the chair that he’d been standing behind as Sinestro lost his cool. A frown came to his spectral, haunted face. Shut up. He thought he was going insane, didn’t he? At this point, Hal thought he was going insane too.
No one could see him. Some could hear him. It was like hosting the Spectre without the bonus of a physical form. All he could do was watch Sinestro panic at the sound of his voice. He’d been trying this for weeks, months... God, he didn’t know how long. Just ever since he died.
His head buried deep into his right hand, where his ring used to rest. “Fucking Christ. I thought you understood poetry?” he sighed, although no air passed through him. He walked around until he was in front of Sinestro.
“I know you can’t see me. I don’t know if it’s because you don’t want to, or just because you can’t in general... but it’s me. Hal.”
Two sad eyes stared at the dissheveled man.
“I need you to let go of me. I can’t pass on, and I think it’s because of you. Whatever part of me you still have— my jacket, my shirt— I need you to destroy it. It’s going to suck, but please... please...”
“ Death is not different from life. It’s just one end of the bookshelf. ” (dead Hal to Sinestro?)
Unus Annus Sentence Starters
     That voice again. It always came when he was alone and at his lowest points, mind flooded with all his failures. It always flipped a switch in his mind, made him quick to become hostile- even snapping at the voice.
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     “Shut up!” Sinestro roared as he quickly stood, knocking over the chair he was once sitting in in the process. He takes a few steps before stopping, his ring drawing his attention. It was a distress signal from Fireclaw, with that distinct “I’m not in a fight in life threatening danger, but I’m still terrified and I need you” signature that the distress signals Fireclaw sent to him usually had, and it gave Sinestro pause for a moment.
                ...Fireclaw really was afraid of him, wasn’t he?
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     This wasn’t the first time this had happened. This wasn’t the first time Sinestro lashed out seemingly out of nowhere and frightened Fireclaw down the hall or in the other room. Or in the same room- that only happened once. This had been going on from time to time ever since that fight. So many lanterns had died, and among them was one he never thought could be struck down in battle. It hurt.
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     “Death is completely different from life,” Sinestro nearly whispered as he poured himself a drink, seeming to have calmed down for now. He leans on the counter once he had poured as much as he wanted, giving a soft sigh before taking a sip from the glass. 
             ...He’d been drinking a lot more, lately. And preparing himself for who he would lose next.
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
Manhandling symbol starters
Send one for your muse to…
★ - drag my muse by the arm ⁂ - grab my muse by the front of their shirt, possibly shoving them back ✱ - take my muse by the hips to carefully move them out of their way ➜ - smack my muse upside the head ⌧ - grip my muse by the back of the neck © - put a hand on my muse’s back to steer them somewhere ✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down ✉ - push my muse back down when they try to get out of bed (perhaps involving illness, injury, or sleep deprivation) ☛ - press a finger to my muse’s lips to shut them up ♚ - put a hand on my muse’s knee while sitting next to them, to discourage them from standing up ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch ♦ - grab my muse’s hair and yank ♤ - slam a door shut before my muse can leave the room ♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them ♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye ♨ - rub my muse down with a sponge/wet cloth  ☀ - pin my muse with their arms behind their back ☠ - slam my muse into a wall ☾ - wrestle/pin my muse to the ground
Add as much or as little context as you’d like!
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
REBLOG this post if you're an OC INCLUSIVE roleplay blog !
this means that you're not only OC FRIENDLY, but OCs are :
CENTRAL to your blog
IMPORTANT to your blog
WANTED on your blog
& / or you treat OC blogs with the same criteria as CANON blogs without writing them off for being original.
Canon roleplay blogs are most encouraged to reblog this to let your OC peers know they matter. ♡
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lantern-2814-1 · 4 years
things that need to be appreciated more:
platonic threads
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