lanzhansexual · 4 days
I'm sorry, but there will not be a reconciliation between WWX and JC and quite frankly, there shouldn't be. JC treated WWX like a tool, something he could use and discard as he pleased. He is a classist and never saw WWX as anything close to his equal.
Why would WWX want to reconnect with a homophobe? Someone who thinks his love for LWJ is disgusting and shameful? Why would WWX subject himself or indeed his husband to such negativity?
WWXs words telling JC to forget it weren't another form of "there is no need for sorry and thank you between us" - they were the opposite. He was acknowledging the debt and payment he owed and telling JC to just forget about it. But, the sorry/thank you line was LWJ's and now WWX's way of showing each other that there is no debt between them - that everything they do for one another is as equals without any strings attached. That's the whole point. JCs relationship with WWX was the exact opposite.
MXTX wrote the Intrusion/Gate Crasher extra to draw parallels between WWX's own experience and treatment at LP. Especially by JC. We even see that he has opened up about it with LWJ when LWJ immediately hugs and comforts him at the mention of servants and mistreatment. Because he knows the extent of WWXs awful past with JC and YZY.
We are clearly shown that there will never be a reconciliation and I wish people would stop forcing it and see for what it truly is. WWX finally escaping the toxicity of JC and LP.
To whom it may concern,
‘It’s all in the past. Forget it.’ - WWX
Or, why this spells hope for Yunmeng Shuangjie
This sentence! It draws so much attention in the fandom, in the JC sympathetic circles as a particularly callous remark from WWX, or in the anti-JC circle as WWX dismissing all connections between them and making a clean cut.
But, if you look at it vis a vis the larger thematic context of the story, it actually seems like the beginning of a healing journey for the both of them!
Bear with me as I try to put my thoughts in order.
Let’s first rewind a bit- remember what JC tells WWX before he says this. JC is crying, and asking if he is not allowed to hate WWX- ‘just because’ WWX has given him his core, is he now supposed to forget the promise that they made, the family that got massacred. JC’s tears and his little-brother outburst is proof enough that despite everything, he still cares…. In fact, let’s rewind even further- JC trying to pick a fight with WWX in Lotus Pier when WWX takes LWJ inside the ancestral hall. In a very sibling-like way, he wants an answer- he wants to fight it out- he is unbelievably rude, but essentially, he is asking, why, why, why…. He is not even cautious of angering Hanguang Jun, something he carefully avoided in the beginning of the novel to ensure no political repercussion over Yunmeng Jiang.
And then the core transfer is revealed to JC. This bit is important because it directly ties in to the whole ‘forget the past’ thing…
JC’s first reaction is shock and disbelief- naturally enough. But, once that settles down: what does the news of core reveal really mean for him? Let’s pause and consider.
It’s common in the fandom to focus on the potential identity crisis that JC can suffer as a result of this reveal- his accomplishments could be seen as no longer his own, thus leading to severe internal dissonance … which, fair, is a possibility…. But, i do think that JC’s thought process may focus less on this dissonance than the fandom believes. Because: Zidian! Significant space has been devoted in the beginning of the novel to establish Zidian as a powerful heirloom weapon that does not respond to anyone but its master…. What does this mean? Yes, Suibian responds to WWX’s core. But, who does Zidian respond to? If JC’s prowess as a cultivator is completely without his own contribution, then Zidian should not be responding to his spiritual energy all, because noway Yu Ziyuan let Zidian recognise WWX’s spiritual energy as its master…. So JC will know that at some level, his own efforts to cultivate, admittedly on top of an already powerful core, are not worth nothing… More importantly, JC knows how he lost his core in the first place- he knows that he wouldn’t need WWX’s core if he had not given himself up. The irony of it may make him angry, but it would significantly lessen his guilt.
Which brings us to the other meaning that the knowledge of the core transfer holds for JC- and it is actually very simple. It’s just that, WWX loved him.
Imagine being Jiang Cheng. Imagine that for more than a decade, you have believed yourself to be abandoned (and yes, that’s what torments him- that’s what he brings up with WWX at the end of everything)… you have believed your love to not just be unreciprocated but squandered away…. And then suddenly, knowing, but oh! He loved me. He didn’t abandon me. He loved me! He loved me so much! He loved me just as much as I loved him!
And the tragedy of the Yunmeng Suangjie is that nowhere in the novel, there has been a space where JC and WWX could confront the deep love that runs between the two of them. All their love has always been processed through the lens of favour and gratitude, by the society and, in so far as young boys are likely to internalise social norms, by themselves. Even Jiang Fengmiang, in his last stance, tells WWX to protect the sect heir at all costs.
Which is why we must contextualise WWX’s statement ( ‘’its in the past, forgot it”) against one of the strongest themes in MDZS universe: the concept of reciprocal exchange- you must reciprocate the favour (or slight) that has been bestowed on you. Wangxian’s famous ‘no need for sorry or thanks’ originates in this- a relationship built outside obligatory gratitude.
The truth is that, till WWX makes that statement - “it’s all in the past anyway…”- there has been no scope for the two brothers to access a space beyond the sorry’s and thank you’s. Every bowl of soup that JC has given to WWX has been coloured with the knowledge that a master should not behave thus to a servant, and every support that WWX has provided JC with has been coloured with the knowledge that a servant’s loyalty is but due to his master.
But then, WWX makes that statement. And, JC falls silent- it’s the silence of neither guilt, nor resentment. In that moment, in fact, JC realises that if he lets go of the past, then they can start afresh- on a new page where all those shadows of obligations and favours and reciprocations no longer exist.
And this is why, more than anything else, we see JC standing tall at the end of the story. He finally does let go off the past- not because it’s too painful to bear, but because, finally the puzzle is complete. At the end of it all, he knows his brother loved him. He does not mention his own sacrifice, because he accepts the equal ground WWX’s new life is finally able to create. Bringing up his sacrifice will once again begin the convoluted cycle of favours and gratitudes.
Is this still murky? Yes. Is it still difficult to look at each other and talk? Definitely, emphatically, yes.
But still, in a warped way, like everything else in their relationship, ‘it’s all in the past, so forget it’ is the Yunmeng Shuangjie’s version of ‘there is no need for sorry or thank you’. If they come together after this, they will finally have to confront the affection that runs deeper than all social contracts for them. There will be nothing left to hide behind.
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lanzhansexual · 6 days
Yeah... I do... Lol.
I said one of lmfao... It is one of the reasons is it not? Or do you just cherry pick what you want and ignore the rest?
I never once said he didn't do some of it on his own... Hence the phrase "one of the reasons" - because no matter what parts you select from the novel. There is also text showing JC using and flaunting WWXs power for recruitment... So....
Are you serious? You're aware they weren't impressed with WWX because of mob mentality yeah? Like classism? Because it's strange how no one else gave a shit or dared to say anything to NMJ for doing the exact same thing... JC was aware, he just decided he wasn't happy about it after he heard gossiping - prior to that he had agreed to allow him to show their power.
And by the way... ONE OF the reasons (meaning there is more than one!!) is the fact that Jiang clan cultivators would have been on nighthunts during the attack on Lotus Pier, which is why he had some disciples just after that. Unless you expect every cultivator to have been sitting on their asses the whole time?
Your response just shows you can literally have the text in front of you but you can't teach someone basic reading comprehension. You couldn't even read my response properly hahaha.
"People only joined Yunmeng Jiang because of WWX's Demonic CUltivation"- he was dead for 13 years as the Cultivation World's boogey man and Lotus Pier flourished. WWX's former presence in Yunmeng was an active deterrent and my purple menace still got things back in shape.
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lanzhansexual · 6 days
One of the reasons people joined the Jiang clan was because of WWX Ghost Cultivation... And JC knew that and flaunted it... Hence when he gave his permission to WWX to show off his power during the phoenix mountain night hunt... Which was a recruitment drive lmao. Did you even read the novel?
WWX helped restore the clan to its former glory before he defected - it was one of the great four while WWX was still there. Then JC literally sold his sister off to obtain more power and whatever else he got from making such an alliance...
JC only made the clan a shadow of its former self, closing its doors to the public and not helping people unless it gave him glory or more power. He was too busy chasing after innocent ghost cultivators and abusing JL to care about anything else lmao.
"People only joined Yunmeng Jiang because of WWX's Demonic CUltivation"- he was dead for 13 years as the Cultivation World's boogey man and Lotus Pier flourished. WWX's former presence in Yunmeng was an active deterrent and my purple menace still got things back in shape.
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lanzhansexual · 4 months
For anyone who comes across this... To help avoid even more confusion in the fandom...
The novel is pretty damn different from the CQL "The Untamed" and it is entitled "Mo dao Zu Shi" (The Grandmaster of Demonic cultivation). The novel story is incredible, whereas the live action has been struck by censorship and made into something else entirely. WWX is gay (MXTX confirmed this in an interview when she said WX were the only gay couple) in the novel - he's never actually had feelings for anyone but LWJ. The CQL nearly had him run off the WQ and have LWJ as wingman! (Gross, she's like a sister to him!)
In the novel WWX does not do anything ill-advised - he creates a whole new path, Guidao, which isn't evil or harmful either. Also, there was nothing accidental about WWX being close to LWJ. WWX had a crush on him from the first time they met and chased after him, flirting and wanting his attention. Comphet was at play, but he actually later realises he fancied LWJ all along.
WWX and LWJ are both the most straight-laced members of such a corrupt cultivation world. They have both made mistakes, but they actually own up to those and strive never to cross that line again.
Who is Wei Wuxian and why do I keep hearing about him on tumblr and twitter?
what did he do?
He is one of the two main characters in a book/show called The Untamed. You probably keep hearing about him because this story is absolutely fantastic and the actors knocked this whole series out of the damn park!
Short answer: he did ill-advised necromancy and accidentally chaotic bisexualed his way into becoming the lifetime love of the most straight-laced member of their society.
Shenanigans ensue.
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lanzhansexual · 5 months
Look. Before you rant on at me for a non threatening reply to your original post. Get your own facts right. WWX and LWJ were fifteen in the CR arc - so YOU get YOUR facts right before being condescending to a friendly reply. I'd understand if I'd literally been as rude as you were in your response, but I was not.
When Wei Wuxian reflected on it later, the start of his poor relationship with Lan Wangji could probably be traced back to the year when he was fifteen. That was when he and Jiang Cheng went to the Lan Clan of Gusu to study for three months.
From the official translation....
So if he was fifteen during the CR arc, the following year he'd be sixteen during the archery competition and the year after that he'd be seventeen during the scene you are referring to. But just so you understand, it literally states so in the text...
"But slaying a colossal, four-centuries-old yao beast at the age of seventeen was a feat worthy of more than a mere “well done.”
Again, in the official 7S translation
So next time you want to snap and talk shit to someone for an innocent fact check, actually check the text yourself first. Ffs.
I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your rude ramblings because if you can't find simple textual evidence of how old they are, god knows what other stuff you are fabricating and ranting on about with baseless or incorrect information for your argument.
I did notice that your definition of comphet and such are wrong as well though lmao. WWX can feel uncomfortable about men crying because it's not the done thing due to heteronormativity and still wants to comfort LWJ specifically, but he couldn't because he'd already upset him and was trying to stay away. He's also wary because he's just been bitten.
My response was based on facts and the text. Yours is based on speculation and your own interpretation of the scene. That scene was actually very tender and the fact WWX wakes up wanting to see LWJ and he keeps coming back to ask about him shows the opposite of your argument. WWX didn't think LWJ hated him right up until the very end of his first life, there's so much evidence that he still held on to some hope - the Yiling date being one of them. It's not until he wrong assumes LWJ is at Nightless City to fight him when he's half mad with grief and fury. Only then does he finally assume the worst. Finally, as I said previously, the very fact WWX feels so comforted by the melody we know as Wangxian is proof he had no negative feelings about their time together.
There's no weight needed in that one fact about WWX giving LWJ some time to recuperate and not bother him when he was clearly feeling very emotional lmao. He was being thoughtful and giving him some space.
WWXs reaction to LWJ asking him back to Gusu when he notices something wrong with him is out of the norm for WWX. He's clearly very traumatised and not thinking straight. He also assumes LWJ was judging him for his cultivation method and became defensive.
As for you using this as a springboard for the golden core transfer, you have that scene all wrong as well. You are trying to insinuate WWX is "self-sacrificing" without using the term. He is nothing of the sort. The golden core transfer was out of debt. He felt he had to do that to "repay" the Jiangs for taking him in - which is wrong because JFM was actually repaying his own life debt to CSSR by taking her only son in, but it seems JFM never explained that fact... We are even given a scene where we see just how difficult a choice the golden core transfer was for him and how he only convinces himself to do it because he tries to convince himself he wouldn't have had a core anyway and it's essentially the Jiang sects property. You are trivialising this.
When we're looking at why Wei Wuxian took so long to even consider that Lan Wangji might really like him, I think we should maybe place more weight on that time when they were trapped in a cave together at around age eighteen, and Lan Wangji told him his dad was dying and started to cry and Wei Wuxian was like SHIT and fidgeted awkwardly for a while like ahhhhh I hate when people cry especially men what do I do????
And then he tried to find something to say and Lan Wangji was like 'shut up' and he shut up, and Lan Wangji said 'you're a loathsome person' and he shut up so hard he left him alone for three entire days.
Like if I spent three days trapped in hell with someone, restraining myself from reaching out for human interaction because not subjecting them to my personality was literally the only thing I could do to help with their state of misery.
I would have a real hard time letting go of the understanding that the thing this person wanted from me was not to have to deal with me.
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lanzhansexual · 5 months
They were 17 😉
WWX wasn't convinced LWJ hates him then either, they made up and WWX realised he was just having a tough time because of other shit.
WWX struggles with everything because he has comphet and he's been raised in a heteronormative environment - that line about feeling uncomfortable with men crying was alluding to that. There are lots of hints that WWX feels men should act a certain way and a lot of toxic masculinity from his sect (I'm assuming, he had to learn it somewhere!). He thought men were just meant to get scars and not cry - but in private, he has cried and refuses to admit as such.
WWX woke up and one of the first things he thought about was LWJ. If that time was such an awful, unpleasant experience for WWX (in terms of being trapped with LWJ there), he wouldn't have remembered that song with such fondness. The song he later discovers is Wangxian made him feel happy, calm and comforted - despite him being feverish and forgetting where he heard it. Those feelings are how he felt when LWJ hummed the song, looking after him and passing him spiritual power every day by holding his hand. There's so much more than just the above going on!
When we're looking at why Wei Wuxian took so long to even consider that Lan Wangji might really like him, I think we should maybe place more weight on that time when they were trapped in a cave together at around age eighteen, and Lan Wangji told him his dad was dying and started to cry and Wei Wuxian was like SHIT and fidgeted awkwardly for a while like ahhhhh I hate when people cry especially men what do I do????
And then he tried to find something to say and Lan Wangji was like 'shut up' and he shut up, and Lan Wangji said 'you're a loathsome person' and he shut up so hard he left him alone for three entire days.
Like if I spent three days trapped in hell with someone, restraining myself from reaching out for human interaction because not subjecting them to my personality was literally the only thing I could do to help with their state of misery.
I would have a real hard time letting go of the understanding that the thing this person wanted from me was not to have to deal with me.
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lanzhansexual · 6 months
While I agree with you for the most part, guidao does not affect WWX's or any user's health.
This is actually shown in the novel as a misunderstanding that LWJ arrived at because he had no other explanation as to why WWX was acting the way he was. LWJ knows he was wrong and that is why he's happy for WWX to continue using it in his second life and after they are married. If LWJ believed it was harmful to WWX he would at least express his concerns, but he does not.
WWX even says to him that it does not affect his health and he should know, he's the founder after all.
The reason why he loses control is because, at the end of it all, he's only human. He has experienced harrowing loss and trauma, alongside the stress of the whole cultivation world coming down on him. Guidao uses empathy to control the dead, if his mind is in such distress, of course it will affect his cultivation. He needs a clear head, which is why he sometimes uses the flute and Wangxian.mp3 to calm himself down and focus. We can see this is the case as in his second life he never loses control, because he's got unwavering support from LWJ and he is by far less stressed and had 13 years to deal with his underlying trauma.
But, for the most part, I agree with you.
I won't respond on the original post because I believe OP blew it way out of proportion and unnecessarily talked down to other posters.
Wei Wuxian's guidao is a major topic in mdzs fandom because of the things that get lost in translation. First and foremost, Wei Wuxian's alternative cultivation method is called "Ghost Cultivation" or Guidao. Modao, or Demonic Cultivation is an established trope in xianxia novels that has its own set of expectations that's been established within the genre. If you read mdzs and you haven't read other xianxia novels that cover modao, its easy to lose some context, however small, for what it is and how it is normally framed.
I will refrain from describing the expectations of modao because I am not confident enough in my own familiarity to do it justice. Here is an explanation someone else had. Its further down the post, when ladypfenix gives some context.
Saying that, in the novel The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (魔道祖师) the cultivation path Wei Wuxian creates is made up to be demonic cultivation with all its cultural expectations by people in power who previously didn't mind that it helped them win the war. This does not mean what Wei Wuxian did was right, but the major point being made was that no matter what he did, as long as he openly opposed the system being perpetuated by those in power, he would be slandered and hunted.
That said, let's talk about the ramifications of guidao on Wei Wuxian and the spirits themselves. It is made clear that the amount of resentment Wei Wuxian handles before, during, and after the war is bad for his health and wellbeing. No matter who it is, if someone is enundated with that much resentment, no matter how they get it, it will negatively impact them, and that's part of why he never means to pass guidao on to anyone. It was his last resort based on a theory from a time when he was already on his way to becoming one of the greatest cultivators of their age, even surpassing the heir to the sect he cultivated at to become head disciple.
We can support this by looking at Xue Yang. Xue Yang is a demonic cultivator because, although he based his path off of Wei Wuxian's research, he was actively creating resentful spirits and harming people for nothing other than amusement, and before that, revenge. Xue Yang is not a practitioner of guidao, but of modao because of his motivations and how he creates and uses the resentment.
Wei Wuxian believed that using the existing resentful energy of lingering souls to end suffering faster, both of living people and restless spirits, was better than doing nothing. **I am not stating my own opinion here. Wei Wuxian no longer had a golden core to use in the war because he gave it to the sect heir as his "payment" that he was told he owed them the entire time he was with them. So he turned to a theory he had when he was younger and made his own path that, yes, stirred up existing resentment so he could use it, and harmed living people.
Wei Wuxian slaughtered the Wen camp when he first reappeared by reversing their talismens to attract spirits instead of keep them away. One of Wei Wuxian's theories was that it is possible to allow the spirits to move on and mitigate more harm by allowing the spirits to take their revenge. **I am not stating my own opinion on this topic. So, in Wei Wuxian's mind, he was helping stuck spirits rest by letting them take their revenge on the people who caused them and countless other needless suffering.
The debate on whether Wei Wuxian was right or wrong has become over-laden with a lot of personal feelings amongst fandom, therefor I refuse to suggest one perspective over another. This is the information I can remember from the novel and previous discussions. This post is not about the correctness of the protagonist's actions. If you're interested in more food for thought along this route, here are two tumblr posts that briefly touch on this topic. [1] [2]
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lanzhansexual · 7 months
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : 九月醉 (pixiv / twitter)
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lanzhansexual · 7 months
Sometimes I totally headcanon that WWX was so turned on by the astounding display of strength LWJ showed picking up the stone coffin, two corpses trapped within, the statute sealing it shut and WWX standing atop with just ONE sexy HAND and thought... "Damn, I'm going to give this man the most mind blowing blow job once we're alone."
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lanzhansexual · 7 months
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : アリシア (pixiv / twitter)
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lanzhansexual · 8 months
My question to you all..
When WWX had the ghost girls throw flowers at LWJ and he gave them back when he entered the tavern.. had LWJ already pocketed the pink peony or was it after they parted ways?
There's something really adorable about him trying to give WWX the flowers minus the flower he specifically gave him. But there's also something rather hilarious about a version where WWX leaves first (unconsciously heartbroken, as he clearly was) and LWJ looks the ghost girls dead in the eye and takes the pink peony with a stoney expression before turning on his heels and leaving.
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lanzhansexual · 8 months
*ghost cultivation
Everyone in the novel (because this isn't tagged as untamed) knows WWX's cultivation technique uses the ghost path, not demonic. Most call it "demonic cultivation" in the novel when they are trying to shit on his technique, because they be jealous af.
LWJ actually calls it gui dao (ghost cultivation) in the Chinese version and it has rather unfortunately been widely mistranslated ever since.
Lan zhan considered that he'd lose wei ying to demonic cultivation, but he never considered that he'd lose wei ying
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lanzhansexual · 8 months
Technically he doesn't need to!
All LWJ's horny prayers are answered during their little adventures with the incense burner, when WWX appears as how he still sees his internal self - 20ish and rocking his YLLZ attire.
I'm sure they have many more sexy dreams where LWJ can indulge in WWXs original form 🤭
do you think lan wangji asks wei wuxian to dress up as the yiling laozu during fun times or
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lanzhansexual · 8 months
What is LWJ doing!? That hand should be firmly on his husband's irresistible, juicy peach...
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mdzs jp audio drama x the chara shop collaboration, illustration by: GEAROUS
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lanzhansexual · 9 months
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lanzhansexual · 11 months
OP! I read the @mxtxfoodzine and just had to make those bao buns of yours.
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A little less golden and a lot more brown, because I might have forgotten about them for an extra few minutes... But tasty all the same.
Excited to try more recipes in the zine as well. That clay pot rice recipe looks so gooooood as well!
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The latest edition of Spice: The MXTX food zine is out now! Go check it out for lots of tasty recipes, as well as beautiful fanart and fantastic fanfic inspired by them.
Some of the lovely art by @daynight139 for our two entries.
Cheeky Chibis for my In A Pickle fic and recipe:
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Wen Popo's Pickled Radish - the legendary recipe that finally forced WWX to admit that the root vegetable isn't so bad after all!
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As well as some sweet artwork for my Bun In The Oven fic and baked bao recipe...
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Golden Baked Bao - their somewhat unusual, yet now very much Wangxian tradition for Lunar New Year's Eve.
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Beware... bun puns ahead!
You can find these tasty recipe and many more by downloading the full zine here.
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lanzhansexual · 1 year
I mean I disagree about the fact it might have been the culture. Because there are a lot of things that are not of that time period, MXTX has created her own world and shows us what's "the norm" and what's not. If she's drawing attention to something, it's because she wants us to think about it. She's showing us that in MDZS, this is not the norm.
But your last comment, wow that really kind of made me think even more! I never thought of that. That's actually a valid point! She didn't do something about the bullying as far as we can tell. Interesting!
One thing that always makes me pause for a moment is that it's insinuated that no one has ever cuddled JL (poor kid 😭)
Like receiving a hug from WWX is alien to him, it's something he finds so strange (but probably obviously love's it) and it always makes me stop and frown for a moment. Because if no one gave this poor kid a hug, it's not only JC or JGY didn't (and JGY does like to put on a good show so that did surprise me a little) but it's the fact the apparent "sweet and innocent" Qin Su did not even cuddle the child either. It makes me feel a little off about her.
I'm sure there are numerous reasons people will blame her lack of physical affection towards the boy as something to do with her son being murdered by his father/uncle dying, but personally, I think that's a bit of a crap excuse to have never hugged a lonely orphan child.
And before anyone says a word, I and a fair few others I know have lost children in different circumstances and we all cuddle our nieces/nephews and friends kids still.
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