laufeysdottir · 11 years
You know how these things go, my dear Lady. Should I have sent a postcard?
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So that’s where you ran off too. I wondered…for a brief fleeting moment.
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laufeysdottir · 11 years
           Where, oh where, does time fly?
                                 I look one moment and the hourglass is full; I look the next, and it's dwindled to a single speck of sand.
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     A secret, should your ears be open to hear it: time-travel is hardly all that it's cracked up to be.
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
Actually, you have the distinct honor of speaking to the first being to perfect it.
[/Besides the subtle clench of her jaw, she gives no other indication that she heard the remark about Asgard. It's not something she'll speak about with a bothersome mortal.]
Do they not have sarcasm in Asgard? Wait…you haven’t been back there in a while, have you?
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
Whatever works.
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Is trying to bore me to death one of your weapons? Because it’s probably been your most successful one so far.
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
How fortunate it would be for you if that was the only weapon I had in my arsenal.
Your My Little Princess glow stick doesn’t work on me, so, excuse me if I don’t take your ramblings under advisement.
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
That you survived was a combination of pure luck and my own rash decision-making. Were you as intelligent as you claim, you would not dismiss my threats so quickly.
Are you sure about the whole defenestration thing? I mean it didn’t work out so well for you last time, you seem to forget I can fly.
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
The constant promise of delight at your expense, of course. And, might I say-- your hair looks positively lovely. The color suits you.
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[/She doesn't bother to restrain her glee... Though she does wonder how long it will take the oh-so-cunning Sif to figure out just who she's talking to.]
laufeysdottir started following you
askthegbpp started following you
Greetings to you both.
[Her chin tips upwards, an inspecting eye on them both.]
What might bring ye here?
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
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Mention Thor one more time and I will gladly escort you out of the building in the same manner I did before.
I really only need the alcohol if you’re gunna bitch about how everyone loves your sister more than you. I was just bored, truth be told.
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
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herarcreactor started following you
Stark. To what do I owe the pleasure? Come to ply me with weak alcohol again to delay any attempts at subjugation?
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
Me? Never.
You’re kidding, right?
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
[/A collar, purple and lined with rhinestones, appears in her hands, dangles on her fingertips as she holds it out to him.]
What's a pet without one of these?
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Okay, this has just entered creepy-awkward territory.
What kind of ‘gifts’?
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
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I come bearing gifts.
Funny that you were the one who gave me that reason.
Then what do you want, Loki?
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
More astute than most, but you've got reason to be, don't you.
Rest assured, my intentions are not malevolent this time, Barton.
You’re kidding me right? Goddess of Mischief? You think there might be a hint in there somewhere.
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
Clint: remember when you slaughtered a chicken over Clint's nekkid body
Loki: ah, yes
Loki: the good old days
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
I'd best be careful, then. Wouldn't want it to become a habit.
A favor or two, you’re being far too kind.
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laufeysdottir · 12 years
When is it ever?
… Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t think of this as a trick.
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